Why do progressive liberals hate Glenn Beck?


TEXAS – Operation Blessing is proud to be teaming up with Glenn Beck...

Glenn tweets to help OK, left responds with hate

Tuesday, May 21, 2013 at 3:34 PM EDT

The overwhelming majority of human beings, left and right, are decent people. But there are always those who seem to have certain inhuman qualities. Like those who, after Glenn urged people to support tornado victims via a tweet, responded with hate tweets such as ‘Tell that racist Glenn Beck to go die’.

“But as I was trying to answer some of those tweets last night, it took everything in me to be good. Everything in me to be good,” Glenn explained.

Why was it so hard? Check out some of the hate from the left:


Glenn tweets to help OK, left responds with hate ? Glenn Beck
Really? Sourcing a link to a blog from some far right wing idiot who actually thinks Glenn Beck is right?

You've gotta do better than that American Jackass.....................
You’ll never believe who just joined Russia Today

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Good news everyone! After being the wildly (un)successful Piers Morgan on CNN’s primetime lineup, Larry King has finally found a new home: Russia Today. His show will debut next month. As the mainstream media collapses, it looks like Al Jazeera, Russia Today, and TheBlaze are the emerging networks in the news category. Out of those three – where do you think Americans should get their news?

“Remember when the criticism of CNN was Clinton News Network or even Communist News Network. Now he is literally on the Communist News Network now,” Stu said.

“ABC, NBC, CBA, CNN, all that stuff that’s all collapsing. It’s all collapsing. And who are the emerging networks now? Who are the new uh ones on the horizon? It’s Al-Jazeera, it’s Russia Today, and The Blaze. That’s it,” Glenn added.


You?ll never believe who just joined Russia Today ? Glenn Beck
Really? Sourcing a link to a blog from some far right wing idiot who actually thinks Glenn Beck is right?

You've gotta do better than that American Jackass.....................

Hey bike boy, every time I see your user name this pic comes to mind...:razz:


are you the leader of da pack...:confused:

Interestingly enough American Jackass...................those bikes can walk on water.

Are you comparing me to my big brother Jesus who was able to walk on water?
Really? Sourcing a link to a blog from some far right wing idiot who actually thinks Glenn Beck is right?

You've gotta do better than that American Jackass.....................

Hey bike boy, every time I see your user name this pic comes to mind...:razz:


are you the leader of da pack...:confused:

Interestingly enough American Jackass...................those bikes can walk on water.

Are you comparing me to my big brother Jesus who was able to walk on water?

"those bikes can walk on water" is that the progressive side of yo pea brain trying to work... If you were christ, I'd crucify you myself...:eusa_angel:

Is this the end of Eric Holder?

Thursday, May 30, 2013 at 3:03 PM EDT

The administration and the DOJ should be more than a little concerned with the latest round of bad news on the AP and IRS scandals. Today, the majority of the mainstream media outlets – including the liberal Huffington Post and New York Times – announced that they would not attend an off the record briefing on the phone tapping of AP reporters scandal being held by Eric Holder. As things seem to be getting worse and the media is actually pressing the White House, it’s starting to look like this could end up being the end of Eric Holder.

Attorney General Eric Holder planned to have an off the record meeting with reporters to discuss the guidelines that govern investigations into reporters, but the AP, Huffington Post, The New York Times, and other major outlets all said the would not be attending. Many cited attending such a meeting would be inappropriate.

“What you are seeing here, I believe, is the beginning of the end for Eric Holder. Eric Holder is done,” Glenn said.

Glenn said that he believes that Holder could end up having to resign over the scandal, but could end up taking his full benefits and will pretty soon end up working at a liberal think tank and receive all kinds of accolades, similar to what happened to Van Jones.


Is this the end of Eric Holder? ? Glenn Beck
Hey bike boy, every time I see your user name this pic comes to mind...:razz:


are you the leader of da pack...:confused:

Interestingly enough American Jackass...................those bikes can walk on water.

Are you comparing me to my big brother Jesus who was able to walk on water?

"those bikes can walk on water" is that the progressive side of yo pea brain trying to work... If you were christ, I'd crucify you myself...:eusa_angel:

Okay..............maybe I should have said "ride on water", but the sentiment is still the same.

Trust me..................I've ridden them, and they're fun. And yeah...........they DO ride on water.
Interestingly enough American Jackass...................those bikes can walk on water.

Are you comparing me to my big brother Jesus who was able to walk on water?

"those bikes can walk on water" is that the progressive side of yo pea brain trying to work... If you were christ, I'd crucify you myself...:eusa_angel:

Okay..............maybe I should have said "ride on water", but the sentiment is still the same.

Trust me..................I've ridden them, and they're fun. And yeah...........they DO ride on water.

It's cool biker boy, you lib-tarts never think ahead, as for you confirming yo ride, ditto...:cool:
What a relief!?! Holder tells press he’ll stop spying…

Friday, May 31, 2013

According to the Washington Post, in an ‘off the record’ meeting with the press (most of whom boycotted), Attorney General Eric Holder said, “We won’t spy on you anymore.”

Who feels better?

As much as we’d like to, Eric Holders pattern of lying is hardly reassuring. Not to mention, “sorry, I won’t do it again.” would hardly cut it if there was a roll reversal. That’s the problem when you give government too much power, they don’t have to play by the same rules.

This morning on radio, Glenn read a report on the meeting that described the discussions that took place.


What a relief!?! Holder tells press he?ll stop spying? ? Glenn Beck
What a relief!?! Holder tells press he’ll stop spying…

Friday, May 31, 2013

According to the Washington Post, in an ‘off the record’ meeting with the press (most of whom boycotted), Attorney General Eric Holder said, “We won’t spy on you anymore.”

Who feels better?

As much as we’d like to, Eric Holders pattern of lying is hardly reassuring. Not to mention, “sorry, I won’t do it again.” would hardly cut it if there was a roll reversal. That’s the problem when you give government too much power, they don’t have to play by the same rules.

This morning on radio, Glenn read a report on the meeting that described the discussions that took place.


What a relief!?! Holder tells press he?ll stop spying? ? Glenn Beck

Gosh, that's almost word-for-word!
In a meeting with Attorney General Eric Holder, executives from several news organizations said the attorney general pledged to change the way the Justice Department conducts investigations that involve reporters.

Government officials said they would work to change guidelines on issuing subpoenas in criminal investigations involving reporters and ensure searches that have raised concerns recently about freedom of the press are not repeated, the editors said.
The Documented Obama Lies: Broken campaign promises and a distorted past

Monday, Jun 3, 2013 at 3:45 PM EDT

“If you catch them in an early lie, they learn their lesson and so they don’t continue to do it. But if you don’t call them on early lies, they only get worse, bigger, and more dangerous. So let’s start with the early lie,” Glenn said.

Lie 1: PRESIDENT OBAMA: The Kennedys decided we’re going to do an airlift. We’re going to go out to Africa and we’re going to start bringing young Africans over to this country and give them scholarships to study so that they can learn what a wonderful country America is. And this young man named Barack Obama got one of those tickets and came over to this country.

Truth: His father came to America at least a year before this program started.

Lie 2: President Obama: There’s some good craziness going on because they looked at each other and they decided we know that in the world as it has been, it might not be possible for us to get together and have a child. But something’s stirring across the country because of what happened in Selma, Alabama because some folks are willing to march across a bridge. And so they got together and Barack Obama, Jr. was born.

Truth: He was born four years before the Selma march.

Lie 3: President Obama: It’s the founding ideals that the flag draped over my father’s coffin stand for.

Truth: His father was buried in Kenya, never served in the U.S. military. Which flag draped his father’s coffin? And what ideals does the flag that draped his father’s coffin in Kenya stand for?


The Documented Obama Lies: Broken campaign promises and a distorted past ? Glenn Beck

Don't his paw look like Bo Diddley...lmao


Is it Monday yet?
Beck is about to bring down the government unless they come clean...I, for one, can't wait.
Really? Beck is going to bring down the government?

I can wait.......................can the others who are wishing for the downfall of the government?
Really? Beck is going to bring down the government?

I can wait.......................can the others who are wishing for the downfall of the government?

Yeah, I read somewhere that he's going to give them until Monday to 'fess up otherwise he's going to release information that will destroy them.
I can't wait for Monday!

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