Why do progressive liberals hate Glenn Beck?

Glenn: We are in a country that no longer recognizes the truth


In the days following the Boston Marathon we all watched the utter failure of the media to report factual, accurate, and pertinent information. We witnessed the cover up of important evidence by both the government and press – from the alleged deportation of the Saudi national to the radical underpinnings of the Tzarnaev brothers. And now we are inundated with countless conspiracy theories and falsities about the bombings that disrespect those affected by the horrific event.

Sadly, such behavior is nothing new. We have seen these practices in the aftermath of September 11, Fort Hood, Benghazi, Newtown – the list goes on and on. We no longer place the necessary emphasis on truth, and as a nation, we have collectively lowered our standards to the point where disinformation can easily flood airways, newspapers, and websites.

“Well, here we are, in a country now filled with people that can’t recognize the truth at all,” Glenn said on radio this morning. “We’re filled with a country that would rather eat each other than actually listen to reason. There is no such thing as common sense anything, anymore. There’s no such thing as reason anymore. We are being separated by conspiracy theories, by disinformation, out‑and‑out lies, money, power.”

In the aftermath of an event like Boston, we expect to see a period of unity and national pride. But there has been very little harmony over the course of the last week.


Glenn: We are in a country that no longer recognizes the truth ? Glenn Beck
Part of the reason that the people no longer recognize truth, is because they prefer to let news agencies like FAUX Nooze and CNN shovel bullshit into their television without questioning it.

Remember when both those agencies got it wrong on not only the SC ruling about Obamacare, but they also screwed it up when they said there was an arrest before there actually was one? Matter of fact, they tried to say it was a brown skinned male, when in actuality, it hadn't happened yet.

And.................when it did.................both were found to be WHITE skinned males.

BTW.....................didn't Beck at one time work for both CNN and FAUX Nooze?
These formulaic:

"Why do liberals hate ____________________?"

threads sort of crack me up.

I often wonder if they're posted by ______________'s public relations firms?

They seem to serve no real purpose except perhaps seeking to enhance ____________'s credibility by suggesting that ____________ is infamous with the "liberal" crowd.

Rather transparently pathetic , isn't it?
Part of the reason that the people no longer recognize truth, is because they prefer to let news agencies like FAUX Nooze and CNN shovel bullshit into their television without questioning it.

Remember when both those agencies got it wrong on not only the SC ruling about Obamacare, but they also screwed it up when they said there was an arrest before there actually was one? Matter of fact, they tried to say it was a brown skinned male, when in actuality, it hadn't happened yet.

And.................when it did.................both were found to be WHITE skinned males.

BTW.....................didn't Beck at one time work for both CNN and FAUX Nooze?

Same thing with the Lefty's reporting nbc, msdnc noooze etc...

R U A self-loathing old white man???

LGBT Activist: It’s a “no‑brainer that the institution of marriage should not exist”

Monday, Apr 29, 2013


“In a speech just given by Masha Gessen, she is an author and outspoken activist for the LGBT community. She says that many supporters of traditional marriage, what they have speculated for years, she says that it’s true: The push for gay marriage has less to do with the right to marry. She says it’s about diminishing and eventually destroying the institution of marriage and redefining the traditional family,” Glenn said.

In her speech, Gessen told the crowd:

I agree, it’s a no‑brainer that we should have the right to marry, but I also think equally that it’s a no‑brainer that the institution of marriage should not exist.


That causes my brain some trouble, and part of it why it causes me trouble is because fighting for gay marriage generally involves lying about what we’re going to do with marriage when we get there, you know, because we lie that the institution of marriage is not going to change, and that is a lie. The institution of marriage is going to change and it should change. And again I don’t think it should exist. And I don’t like taking part in creating fictions about my life. That’s sort of not what I had in mind when I came out 30 years ago.

Glenn said that her argument shows the progressive agenda with gay marriage is really about transforming the institution of marriage through the government. He said that once personal conscious and faith are replaced by a collective conscious through the government, it will no longer be acceptable for churches to only define marriage as between a man and a woman.


LGBT Activist: It?s a ?no?brainer that the institution of marriage should not exist? ? Glenn Beck

"I be wants a colt 45 can in my can Glenn."

Irony? Van Jones arrested while protesting for coal miners’ benefits


President Obama’s former adviser and green jobs czar Van Jones was arrested yesterday outside of a federal courthouse in St. Louis, Missouri during a protest against “Big Coal.”

“I mean, did you see Van Jones was arrested yesterday,” Glenn asked on radio this morning. “He was protesting with a bunch of miners. There’s so many jokes here, but he was protesting with a bunch of miners, coal miners, because these evil coal companies are wrecking the earth and they are not paying out the benefits.”

Van Jones took to Twitter to explain the arrest, which he apparently “volunteered” for. He described the event as a “peaceful demonstration, supporting miners being ripped off by Big Coal.”


Irony? Van Jones arrested while protesting for coal miners? benefits ? Glenn Beck
Because Glenn Beck is an intellectually dishonest charlatan who either reasons poorly or is simply unable to validly reach conclusions. What he does conclude from given information is absolutely asinine, and this trend is seen throughout the Conservative party and those who self-identify with it. It is pretty sad, really.
Because Glenn Beck is an intellectually dishonest charlatan who either reasons poorly or is simply unable to validly reach conclusions. What he does conclude from given information is absolutely asinine, and this trend is seen throughout the Conservative party and those who self-identify with it. It is pretty sad, really.

What newpolitics said........................

Dude, you pretty much hit the nail on the head with that observation.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=bkf-OD1sZRQ]CONTROL: Exposing the Truth About Guns [Trailer] - YouTube[/ame]


Martin Luther King, Jr.
who preached nonviolence but knew that passive resistance could not be relied on for his own family’s protection. King owned several guns but was subjected to the worst kind of gun control—and deprived of his basic right to defend himself and his family—when police in Alabama denied him a concealed carry permit in 1956.

When will we learn? The right to bear arms shall not be infringed.

Control ? Glenn Beck

Glenn digs deep, deep into their shit and do you know what he found out,
their shit stinks, full of corruption, tax evaders, criminals, terrorist and a
bunch of community organizers. Don't forget the programs and bills that will
lead to a socialized America called hope & change...:eusa_whistle:

“My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world.
I hope you’ll join with me as we try to change it.” BO = SSOB

Elections see Socialists, Nazis gain power in Europe


Did you pay attention to the international news from Europe this weekend? Just in case you missed it – Socialists have taken the presidency in France, Nazi’s just got 20% of parliament in Greece, and all signs point to the impeding collapse of the Euro, if not the entire European Union. But it’s just Europe! No need to worry. You’d have to be crazy to predict something like that having an impact on America….

“This is amazing to me. 20% of the vote in Greece went Nazi communist,” Glenn said. “Remember Hitler got in on 30%.”

Meanwhile, France elected it’s first Socialist President in decades as they ousted center right incumbent Sarkozy.

The elections are largely seen as a response to austerity measures in the European countries facing increasing economic turmoil.

“They’re talking today all about austerity, that the austerity measures are over. Well, what is austerity? Austerity isn’t just budget cuts. Austerity is budget cuts coupled with crippling taxes. If you did budget cuts, serious budget cuts and tax cuts at the same time, that’s the Tea Party method. It is reduce the size of government and reduce the burden on people. They don’t want that option to be heard. They don’t want that option to be known. And you see it over in Greece, you see it in France. You’re about to see it over in England. You’re seeing it everywhere. You’re seeing it in Spain. The only option: High taxes, low spending. Well, that’s not working.”

Glenn noted that the scariest element out of the weekend was the election and legitimizing of the Nazi party in Greece. Glenn played audio of the Nazi victors meeting with the press and demanding that they rise and recognize them with the same respect they would other elected officials. The press complied.

“I can’t believe that we’re actually talking about ‑‑ remember that was a crazy conspiracy,” Glenn said.

Elections see Socialists, Nazis gain power in Europe – Glenn Beck

I don't hate him, he's just another know nothing junkie with a big mouth.. Why do "conservatives" adore junkies. know nothings, and draft dodgers as talk show hosts and presidents?
Glenn digs deep, deep into their shit and do you know what he found out,
their shit stinks, full of corruption, tax evaders, criminals, terrorist and a
bunch of community organizers. Don't forget the programs and bills that will
lead to a socialized America called hope & change...:eusa_whistle:

“My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world.
I hope you’ll join with me as we try to change it.” BO = SSOB

Elections see Socialists, Nazis gain power in Europe


Did you pay attention to the international news from Europe this weekend? Just in case you missed it – Socialists have taken the presidency in France, Nazi’s just got 20% of parliament in Greece, and all signs point to the impeding collapse of the Euro, if not the entire European Union. But it’s just Europe! No need to worry. You’d have to be crazy to predict something like that having an impact on America….

“This is amazing to me. 20% of the vote in Greece went Nazi communist,” Glenn said. “Remember Hitler got in on 30%.”

Meanwhile, France elected it’s first Socialist President in decades as they ousted center right incumbent Sarkozy.

The elections are largely seen as a response to austerity measures in the European countries facing increasing economic turmoil.

“They’re talking today all about austerity, that the austerity measures are over. Well, what is austerity? Austerity isn’t just budget cuts. Austerity is budget cuts coupled with crippling taxes. If you did budget cuts, serious budget cuts and tax cuts at the same time, that’s the Tea Party method. It is reduce the size of government and reduce the burden on people. They don’t want that option to be heard. They don’t want that option to be known. And you see it over in Greece, you see it in France. You’re about to see it over in England. You’re seeing it everywhere. You’re seeing it in Spain. The only option: High taxes, low spending. Well, that’s not working.”

Glenn noted that the scariest element out of the weekend was the election and legitimizing of the Nazi party in Greece. Glenn played audio of the Nazi victors meeting with the press and demanding that they rise and recognize them with the same respect they would other elected officials. The press complied.

“I can’t believe that we’re actually talking about ‑‑ remember that was a crazy conspiracy,” Glenn said.

Elections see Socialists, Nazis gain power in Europe – Glenn Beck

I don't hate him, he's just another know nothing junkie with a big mouth.. Why do "conservatives" adore junkies. know nothings, and draft dodgers as talk show hosts and presidents?


"I know nothing"


Have you noticed that progressive/liberals start their post with "I don't hate him,"...rolmao
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I don't hate Beck, never met the man, never had a chance to share a meal or a beer with him.

However.......................from what he puts out, he sounds like some kind of lunatic who is looking for fame, no matter how far to the fringe he has to go. After all...............he is a television personality looking for a way to keep themselves relevant.

I do, however, hate the way he muddies the waters with his incessant bullshit.
I don't hate Beck, never met the man, never had a chance to share a meal or a beer with him.

However.......................from what he puts out, he sounds like some kind of lunatic who is looking for fame, no matter how far to the fringe he has to go. After all...............he is a television personality looking for a way to keep themselves relevant.

I do, however, hate the way he muddies the waters with his incessant bullshit.


"I know nothing"


Have you noticed that progressive/liberals start their post with "I don't hate him,"...rolmao

That was EZ...:razz:
Unlike you American Yeehaw I'm A Jackass...................I don't base my hatred on the person themselves, I just base it on what they put out to the world.

Remember..........................Jesus said to hate the sin (the bullshit Beck spews) and not the sinner (Beck himself).
Unlike you American Yeehaw I'm A Jackass...................I don't base my hatred on the person themselves, I just base it on what they put out to the world.

Remember..........................Jesus said to hate the sin (the bullshit Beck spews) and not the sinner (Beck himself).

I agree with you on this one, you are a Jackass...:clap2:

Ta Ta...:bye1:
Obama tells students: Government tyranny? As if!

Monday, May 6, 2013 at 4:11 PM EDT


President Obama spoke to graduating students in Ohio and one line in particular jumped off the page – he told those in attendance to ‘reject’ anyone warning against government tyranny. Obama was clearly trying to marginalize the NRA convention that was being held at about the same time and it only served to further divide America. Glenn reacted on radio today.

Obama tells students: Government tyranny? As if! ? Glenn Beck

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