Why do progressive liberals hate Glenn Beck?

I'm not sure I can speak for "progressive liberals" but I can tell you why I don't care for Beck.

His is dishonest
in a McCarthy kind of way

OK, then post the things that he has said that are untrue. provide proof, not talking points.

then you can post the things that obama and the state controlled media have said that are not true.

Not enough memory space on this site for either.
UPDATED: Heed the warning of Cyprus: “Deepen your preparation and keep it to yourself”


On tonight’s TV show, Glenn went into further detail on the letter to his kids, what you can do to prepare for tough economic times, and why you needed to be careful and discreet on your plans:

News broke over the weekend that as part of the bailout of the banks in the small, European country of Cyprus, ordinary bank depositors would have to pay a “haircut” tax of at least 6.75%.

In other words, if you managed to save $10,000 in the bank, already having paid all the various taxes that hit your paycheck before you get to deposit it, you’re going to lose $675 of that to help pay for the bailout.

The unprecedented penalty meant that everyday Cypriots would have to give up a percentage of whatever they had saved in the back. Unsurprisingly, there was soon a run on the banks and ATMs as people tried to get their money out. But as Glenn warned on radio this morning, the real danger is that this unheard of penalty could be placed on other, larger European countries who are facing a growing and ongoing debt crisis.

“The announcement was intentionally made late Friday or early Saturday and buried in an avalanche of details,” Glenn said. “The only coverage of this issue when it came out, the only coverage was on Twitter. “

When the news started to spread that the bailout deal could happen, Cypriots started to go to the ATMs to get the money out before the tax hit them, but quickly found they couldn’t get their cash out of the banks.

“Even though the tax is not yet supposed law because the government of Cyprus hasn’t voted on it yet, the people who tried to pull their money out of ATMs or banks over the weekend found they couldn’t do it,” Glenn said.

“Now think of that. There is no law, but the people could not access their accounts and take their money out of the banks. Taking money from people is really bad, but elections have consequences. And if you elected these guys to represent you and they are going to vote for it and you don’t stop them, elections have consequences.”

The taxes are being imposed by the EU, the IMF, and the government of Cyprus.


Glenn said that while people need to start living their lives as men determined to be free, they must also use discretion in what they say to others.

“Please, do not tell anyone. Do not panic. There’s time, but this is a warning that you should see. Deepen your preparation and keep it to yourself,” Glenn said.

UPDATED: Heed the warning of Cyprus: ?Deepen your preparation and keep it to yourself? ? Glenn Beck
White House threatens Woodward: You will regret this



“I can’t believe they would go after Woodward,” Glenn said on radio this morning. “Remember when I was on Fox, and I said, ‘Who is going to be the next Woodward and Bernstein?’ Turns out, it’s Woodward – except he still refuses to really take a bow.”

During an appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Wednesday, Woodward explained that the President is displaying a “kind of madness I haven’t seen in a long time” for citing looming budget cuts as his reason for not deploying an aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf.

Woodward went on to do an interview with Wolf Blitzer on CNN later that afternoon, in which he explained the White House is not happy with his characterization of President Obama. Below is an excerpt from the interview:

BLITZER: Take this behind-the-scenes a little bit, the allegations being hurled against you right now.

WOODWARD: Well, I mean.

BLITZER: You’re used to this kind of stuff.


BLITZER: Share with our viewers what is going on between you and the White House.

WOODWARD: They’re not happy at all and some people kind of said, ‘Look we don’t see eye to eye on this.’ They never really said though – afterwards, they said, ‘This is factually wrong,’ and it was said to me in an e-mail by a top White House…

BLITZER: What was said?

WOODWARD: It was said very clearly, ‘you will regret doing this.’

BLITZER: Who said that?

WOODWARD: Well, I’m not going to say.

BLITZER: Was it a senior person?

WOODWARD: It was a very senior. It makes me feel very uncomfortable to have the White House telling reporters, ‘you’re going to regret doing something that you believe in, even though we don’t look at it that way, you look at it that way.’ I think if Barack Obama knew that was part of the communication strategy - let’s hope it’s not a strategy…


White House threatens Woodward: You will regret this ? Glenn Beck

Yeah..................but when the full story came out, it wasn't really a threat, it was a friend of his telling him (in a very cordial e-mail) that if he persisted in saying stupid shit, he was going to be sorry for what he'd said.

If I was being stupid, and a friend told me that I'm gonna regret something (like getting into a fight or sleeping with a crazy woman), I'd hope they'd warn me first, especially if they knew I was stepping over the line.

Shit dude..................even Woodward admitted he'd overblown the whole thing, and in doing so, blew almost all of his credibility.

But.........................good to see that you're trying to keep the crazy alive by yourself, American Yee-Haa...................you're quite the good little redneck conservative.
White House threatens Woodward: You will regret this



“I can’t believe they would go after Woodward,” Glenn said on radio this morning. “Remember when I was on Fox, and I said, ‘Who is going to be the next Woodward and Bernstein?’ Turns out, it’s Woodward – except he still refuses to really take a bow.”

During an appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Wednesday, Woodward explained that the President is displaying a “kind of madness I haven’t seen in a long time” for citing looming budget cuts as his reason for not deploying an aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf.

Woodward went on to do an interview with Wolf Blitzer on CNN later that afternoon, in which he explained the White House is not happy with his characterization of President Obama. Below is an excerpt from the interview:

BLITZER: Take this behind-the-scenes a little bit, the allegations being hurled against you right now.

WOODWARD: Well, I mean.

BLITZER: You’re used to this kind of stuff.


BLITZER: Share with our viewers what is going on between you and the White House.

WOODWARD: They’re not happy at all and some people kind of said, ‘Look we don’t see eye to eye on this.’ They never really said though – afterwards, they said, ‘This is factually wrong,’ and it was said to me in an e-mail by a top White House…

BLITZER: What was said?

WOODWARD: It was said very clearly, ‘you will regret doing this.’

BLITZER: Who said that?

WOODWARD: Well, I’m not going to say.

BLITZER: Was it a senior person?

WOODWARD: It was a very senior. It makes me feel very uncomfortable to have the White House telling reporters, ‘you’re going to regret doing something that you believe in, even though we don’t look at it that way, you look at it that way.’ I think if Barack Obama knew that was part of the communication strategy - let’s hope it’s not a strategy…


White House threatens Woodward: You will regret this ? Glenn Beck

Yeah..................but when the full story came out, it wasn't really a threat, it was a friend of his telling him (in a very cordial e-mail) that if he persisted in saying stupid shit, he was going to be sorry for what he'd said.

If I was being stupid, and a friend told me that I'm gonna regret something (like getting into a fight or sleeping with a crazy woman), I'd hope they'd warn me first, especially if they knew I was stepping over the line.

Shit dude..................even Woodward admitted he'd overblown the whole thing, and in doing so, blew almost all of his credibility.

But.........................good to see that you're trying to keep the crazy alive by yourself, American Yee-Haa...................you're quite the good little redneck conservative.

"What difference does it make"


ABikerSailor and his gang Yee-Haa...:razz:
Former Executive: “Big Food” forces unhealthy products down your throat and you have no personal responsibility


Michael Mudd, a former executive at Kraft foods, penned a scathing op-ed in The New York Times over the weekend blaming “Big Food” for the obesity epidemic in America. His solution? More progressive regulation like the kind Bloomberg tried to implement in New York State with his recently soda ban. Even though it’s been shot down by the courts, Mudd claims that government should continue to push more regulation in order to protect the American people, who apparently have handed over personal responsibility to the Nanny State.


“You’re powerless,” Glenn said, summarizing Mudd’s argument. “It is a lack of personal responsibility. It is the idea that there is absolutely no personal responsibility, that you, you are helpless because they come and they just hypnotize you or whatever it is.”


Oddly enough, while Glenn was in the middle of explaining to Mudd what it meant to be responsible for ones own choices, agents of “Big Food” ran up behind him and shoved a Twinkie down his throat…because that happens in real life…


Former Executive: ?Big Food? forces unhealthy products down your throat and you have no personal responsibility ? Glenn Beck
SOS: Stand against ‘most important’ piece of fundamental transformation


Four years ago Glenn talked about the machine progressives were building. The new framework that once ready, they would be able to turn on and fundamentally transform America. What does Glenn feel is THE most important piece of that machinery? Common Core. Using education to indoctrinate the youth has been embedded into the progressive agenda, with both the GOP and Democrats championing the terrifying legislation.

“I don’t know of a time that I have really truly called and put a plea out and sent an SOS out,” Glenn explained at the beginning of radio’s second hour today.

“This has already been done. This is way down the road. You’ll be lucky if it’s not in your school next fall, and it is an end run around your, not only around your state and its sovereignty, but it is an end run around your education department in your state, it is an end run around your board of education in your control community and most importantly it is an end run around you as a parent. It changes fundamentally our entire system. This is I believe the most important piece of fundamental transformation and you are going to hear a few things that you will find hard to believe, but I ask you today to please do your own homework. Do not take this at all from me. Do your own homework, and may I recommend you do it today and then you link arms with people and you get back into your 9/12 group.”

For weeks, Glenn has been exposing indoctrination in schools. It started with an expose on CSCOPE, which expanded to Common Core. It was during last week’s episode on Common Core that a guest discussed the scary amounts of data be collected on kids, and last night Glenn uncovered some of the scariest information on this topic yet.

“I’ve asked the experts, what other country is doing anything like this? The only one that’s even close, and it’s not in this ballpark, is China. There’s no one else in this ballpark. Our children are the guinea pigs for the world. We will lead the way. And do you remember when I said we wouldn’t be destroyed; we would be perverted? Profound darkness on this,” Glenn said.


SOS: Stand against ?most important? piece of fundamental transformation ? Glenn Beck
Quick question.....................why is American Jackass talking about some has been idiot used car salesman who ended up on FAUX Nooze (and then was booted down to radio), talking about them?

Are you stuck in the past dude? Glenn Beck is as irrelevant as Sarah Palin is gonna be soon.

"You did alright for a honky pastor"

Pastor at Obama’s Easter Church Service: ‘Captains of the Religious Right’ Want Blacks ‘in the Back of the Bus,’ Women ‘Back in the Kitchen’

Mar. 31, 2013
Madeleine Morgenstern

The pastor at the Washington, D.C. church where the Obama family celebrated Easter on Sunday said members of the religious right want blacks “in the back of the bus,” women “back in the kitchen” and immigrants “back on their side of the border.”

“It drives me crazy when the captains of the religious right are always calling us back…for blacks to be back in the back of the bus…for women to be back in the kitchen…for immigrants to be back on their side of the border,” Rev. Dr. Luis Leon said in his sermon, according to the White House press pool report.

Reuters reporter Jeff Mason tweeted that Leon also said the religious right wants gays in the closet.


Pastor at Obama?s Easter Church Service: ?Captains of the Religious Right? Want Blacks ?in the Back of the Bus,? Women ?Back in the Kitchen? | TheBlaze.com
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Pastor at Obama’s Easter Church Service: ‘Captains of the Religious Right’ Want Blacks ‘in the Back of the Bus,’ Women ‘Back in the Kitchen’

Mar. 31, 2013
Madeleine Morgenstern

The pastor at the Washington, D.C. church where the Obama family celebrated Easter on Sunday said members of the religious right want blacks “in the back of the bus,” women “back in the kitchen” and immigrants “back on their side of the border.”

“It drives me crazy when the captains of the religious right are always calling us back…for blacks to be back in the back of the bus…for women to be back in the kitchen…for immigrants to be back on their side of the border,” Rev. Dr. Luis Leon said in his sermon, according to the White House press pool report.

Reuters reporter Jeff Mason tweeted that Leon also said the religious right wants gays in the closet.


Pastor at Obama?s Easter Church Service: ?Captains of the Religious Right? Want Blacks ?in the Back of the Bus,? Women ?Back in the Kitchen? | TheBlaze.com

the religious right want blacks “in the back of the bus,” women “back in the kitchen” and immigrants “back on their side of the border.”.......gays in the closet....
Jeez, that'll open up a lot empty space for the rest of us!

"You did alright for a honky pastor"

Pastor at Obama’s Easter Church Service: ‘Captains of the Religious Right’ Want Blacks ‘in the Back of the Bus,’ Women ‘Back in the Kitchen’

Mar. 31, 2013
Madeleine Morgenstern

The pastor at the Washington, D.C. church where the Obama family celebrated Easter on Sunday said members of the religious right want blacks “in the back of the bus,” women “back in the kitchen” and immigrants “back on their side of the border.”

“It drives me crazy when the captains of the religious right are always calling us back…for blacks to be back in the back of the bus…for women to be back in the kitchen…for immigrants to be back on their side of the border,” Rev. Dr. Luis Leon said in his sermon, according to the White House press pool report.

Reuters reporter Jeff Mason tweeted that Leon also said the religious right wants gays in the closet.


Pastor at Obama?s Easter Church Service: ?Captains of the Religious Right? Want Blacks ?in the Back of the Bus,? Women ?Back in the Kitchen? | TheBlaze.com

Actually, he's pretty much right. Michelle Bachmann has stated publicly that she thinks women shouldn't be in politics.

Wanna talk about the resistance to immigration reform that the GOP has?

How about the fact that Rand Paul thinks it's okay for a business to discriminate on the basis of race?

And yeah..............the GOP would really appreciate it if gays would go back in the closet, because then they wouldn't have to deal with the whole DOMA thing.

Yep........................he pretty much named what the GOP is scared of and what their half assed solutions are.
Actually, he's pretty much right. Michelle Bachmann has stated publicly that she thinks women shouldn't be in politics.

Actually, you're pretty much a lying fuck'n idiot. Michelle Bachman is a woman in politics you buffoon... :lmao:

Wanna talk about the resistance to immigration reform that the GOP has?

What is there to "reform"? Immigration in this country has been legal for 235 years. What you want to "reform" is ILLEGAL immigration. You want to reward criminals in hopes of ingratiating yourself to those criminals and earning their vote (because God knows your radical ideology can't win any elections without voter fraud and criminals from other nations).

How about the fact that Rand Paul thinks it's okay for a business to discriminate on the basis of race?

How about the fact that this is an outrageous lie based on your internal conflict over your sexuality? How about the fact that you're really pissed off Rand Paul is owning you're little liberal representatives and adhering to the law (ie the Constitution) - something you loath as proven by your support of illegal aliens who commit the crime of breaking into this country.

And yeah..............the GOP would really appreciate it if gays would go back in the closet, because then they wouldn't have to deal with the whole DOMA thing.

We don't want you in the closet gay biker gay sailor. We want you in Cuba where your communist ideology belongs. :)

Yep........................he pretty much named what the GOP is scared of and what their half assed solutions are.

And the liberal homosexual sailor boy strikes again! Angry with his own sexuality, he posts lie after lie after lie - turning his own internal conflict towards the GOP because they refuse to make him feel warm & fuzzy about his love for dressing up in his gay Navy "outfit" and fellating men in the back alley of bars...
Actually, he's pretty much right. Michelle Bachmann has stated publicly that she thinks women shouldn't be in politics.

Wanna talk about the resistance to immigration reform that the GOP has?

How about the fact that Rand Paul thinks it's okay for a business to discriminate on the basis of race?

And yeah..............the GOP would really appreciate it if gays would go back in the closet, because then they wouldn't have to deal with the whole DOMA thing.

Yep........................he pretty much named what the GOP is scared of and what their half assed solutions are.

It's funny - the FACTS are that it was Republican Abraham Lincoln who ended slavery while the fiercely racist dumbocrats vehemently opposed it - to the point they attempted to succeed from the union and started a Civil War over it.

It was the Republicans who lead the Civil Rights movement, while the fiercely racist dumbocrats vehemently opposed it.

It was the fiercely racist dumbocrats who actually had representatives (such as West Virginia Senator Robert Byrd) who were proud, official members of the KKK.

It's a sad fact that gay sailors like Biker-boy here exploits gays, blacks, and minorities for their political agenda. The dumbocrats HATE mexicans - but they need their vote. So they pander to them for power. Once they have power, they will ensure the illegal aliens are beholden to government and they will throw them government table scraps to ensure they remain in poverty and beholden to them - where they "belong"
Where Is the Former Weather Underground Radical Who Spent 22 Years in Prison for Robbery That Left 2 Cops Dead? The Answer May or May Not Surprise You


Apr. 2, 2013
Jason Howerton

Following in the footsteps of Weather Underground founder Bill Ayers, a domestic terrorist-turned respected academic thinker, former Weather Underground radical Kathy Boudin — who spent 22 years in prison for her involvement in an armored car robbery that left two cops and a Brinks guard dead — currently holds a prestigious adjunct professorship at Columbia University, the New York Post reports.

In addition to her new professorship at Columbia’s School of Social Work, Boudin, 69, also earned another academic achievement this year, being named the Sheinberg Scholar-in-Residence at NYU Law School. She reportedly gave a lecture on “the politics of parole and re-entry” at the university last month.

As the New York Post reports in a story headlined “Outrage 101: Radical jailed in slay now Columbia prof,” Boudin was paroled in 2003 after acting as the getaway driver in the deadly $1.6 million heist. Less than 10 years later she found herself mingling among the nation’s academic elite at Columbia University.


Where Is the Former Weather Underground Radical Who Spent 22 Years in Prison for Robbery That Left 2 Cops Dead? The Answer May or May Not Surprise You | TheBlaze.com
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Doesn’t matter what day this attack fell on, the MSM was going to find a way to blame this on the right. Whether it was Brian Ross engaging in some creative googling or Chris Matthews engaging in non-creative non-legible non-fact based rambling, conservatives would be blamed. Pat and Stu discuss the worst of the worst.

Without evidence, media blames right for bombing ? Glenn Beck
Doesn’t matter what day this attack fell on, the MSM was going to find a way to blame this on the right. Whether it was Brian Ross engaging in some creative googling or Chris Matthews engaging in non-creative non-legible non-fact based rambling, conservatives would be blamed. Pat and Stu discuss the worst of the worst.

Without evidence, media blames right for bombing ? Glenn Beck

Yes, the oppression of the Conservatives is a crime against humanity.
And I swear, if those nasty Libtards make Glenn Beck cry...why I'm gonna...I'm gonna...well...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know, I don't hate Glenn Beck personally, because I've never met the man in person, I just really despise the bullshit he spews on the airwaves.
Glenn: “After what I have learned this week I’m a changed person."



We’ve had a press all week that has been celebrating the idea that this might have been a Tea Party person that wanted to perpetrate this crime. Now never before in my history have in my history of broadcast, in my history as an American, have I ever heard the press gleefully wish that they want an American to be responsible for an American tragedy.

But our media wants to believe the worst of about 50% of this country. When I talk about progressives, I’m not talking about the average person. I’m talking about maybe 8% of our population that they truly understand what progressivism is. I believe the average Democrat, even the average progressive doesn’t really know what they’re doing. I mean they think they do. They’re not. They have not done the years of homework and study that I have on that movement.


This is the same person that we were initially told was a person of interest. This was the Saudi national in the hospital. His apartment was in Revere, Massachusetts. It was raided. The items were removed. And then we were told he was just a possible witness. And then we were finally told by the authorities he had nothing to do with the attack in fact he wasn’t a witness to the crime. Why was he in the hospital? How did he get to the ground zero? What was he doing there? He wasn’t even a witness? Really?

This guy who wasn’t a witness is suddenly being deported next Tuesday, whisked off our continent to go back to Saudi Arabia, and he wasn’t even a witness – yet the documents he’s being deported voluntarily on terror charges linked to the Boston bombing.

I want you to hear me clearly. If you think everybody in the government is bad you’re wrong. The only reason TheBlaze knows this because we have several — I can’t count them on both hands – several sources who’re brave, valiant Patriotic Americans that work in all departments at all levels of this governmnent. Who have contacted TheBlaze one way or another, and said “help, help, help.”

There are several dedicated Americans in the law enforcement community that decided they could not stand idly by, and let the truth be swept under the rug. That a deportation order was being issued. It was issued Tuesday 4:00 p.m. by an organization or a government entity that most people have never heard of called the National Targeting Center. It’s a little known federal antiterrorism division.

After reporting this on TheBlaze.com yesterday, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement categorically denied, calling it grossly in error. ICE claimed there was a Saudi national in custody waiting deportation but it was completely unrelated to the Boston bombing.


Why was the President meeting with somebody unscheduled earlier this week? A Saudi official. Who is this Saudi man who was in the hospital, given a new international cell phone and apologized to according to him in Saudi press? Who is he, I wonder? Why would anyone linked to the bombings be deported? If he’s involved wouldn’t he be prosecuted? If he’s a witness why wouldn’t you want him to testify? Why would you allow someone who was standing by the bomb be deported? Why would he leave? And why hasn’t anyone in the media taken an interest in finding out why? Why are they silent?

“The Blaze” is interested. And TheBlaze will not comply. We will not sit down. We will not shut up. We will not be intimidated. We look hard into looking who he is. Who he’s connected to, and why he seems to be offered a ticket to freedom even though he’s been linked to bombing. Don’t believe me? Don’t believe me. Six Congressmen have verified.


It makes sense to somebody in Washington.

I don’t bluff. I make promises. The truth matters. I’ve had enough of what you’ve done to our country.

I thought I had heard and seen it all. I thought I didn’t trust my government. Oh no, no, no, no.

There is no depth that these people will not stoop to. They have until Monday and then TheBlaze will expose it.

Glenn: ?After what I have learned this week I?m a changed person.? ? Glenn Beck

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