Why do progressive liberals hate Glenn Beck?


After a day drinking a lot of water, Glenn had a mason jar filled with…his own special brew of yellow liquid on set. Glenn took a Obama figurine, and then placed it in the jar. The result? “Obama in Pee Pee” – which will soon be up for sale for $25,000.

Glenn Beck: ArtReview Magazine “Power 100″

GLENN: From high above, high above Times Square, third most listened to show in all of America. Hello, you sick twisted freak. This is the third most listened to show in all of America and the number 100 most influential person in art. Uh huh, uh huh. (Laughing). What is where did you find this, Stu?

STU: Glenn, this is ArtReview magazine.

GLENN: ArtReview magazine. And what are the criteria? What is this?

STU: Well, the magazine announced this morning the list of art world’s power 100 and several prominent L.A. names were among the illustrious including as you know, and you are very familiar, Pat, Eli Broad who came into the set of

GLENN: Oh, I love Eli. He’s so broad. Oh, Govan is on this?

STU: Govan is on it.

PAT: You couldn’t have a list without Govan.

STU: Obviously I could have just said this but obviously Tim Blum and Jeff Poe sharing Number 31.

GLENN: They share it this year, huh?

STU: Yeah. Obviously 16, just say it with me, Agnes Gund and, of course, at number 28 obviously, Ann Philbin and, of course, number 58, Richard Serra. And at 86 obviously Victorina.

GLENN: Oh, Victorina, finally, finally she’s does it give an explanation of how I made this list?

STU: You are number 100 on the list.

GLENN: So I’m in the hot 100.

STU: Yes.

GLENN: Of the most influential people in art.

STU: Now, shockingly

GLENN: I love this.

Glenn Beck: ArtReview Magazine “Power 100″ – Glenn Beck

Why is a new opera portraying Walt Disney as a racist and misogynist?


On radio this morning, Glenn talked about a story that appeared in The Guardian over the weekend, which dissects Philip Glass’ soon to debut opera, “The Perfect American” (based on the book of the same name). The article, “Philip Glass opera shows Walt Disney’s fantasy in a new light,” explains that the opera will be adapted by the English National Opera and portray a darker side of Walt Disney (or, as the story refers to him, “the cartoon king”).

The book and, in turn, the opera paint Disney as a McCarthyite, misogynist, pedophile, and anti-Semite to name a few. And while it is clear in much of what is written about Disney that he is no saint, the accusations leveled against him in this work are simply unfounded.

Instead of debating the ridiculousness of these claims, Glenn referenced the widely respected Disney biography by Neal Gabler, “Walt Disney: The Triumph of the American Imagination.” “I’ve read bad books on Walt Disney and good books on Walt Disney, and the fairest book – and everybody says this, including the family – the fairest book on him is by Neal Gabler,” Glenn said. “And believe me, the family does not look good in the Neal Gabler book. [Disney] doesn’t look good.”


Why is a new opera portraying Walt Disney as a racist and misogynist? – Glenn Beck
New executive order on gun control could require your doctor to turn you in


During the healthcare debates in 2009, one of the main criticisms of the bill on booths sides of the aisle was over privacy concerns. With a national database of health records, what would keep the government from digging around in your personal life? Despite the government’s reassurance that “the government is not going to do that,” the more power the federal government obtains, the less true that seems to be.

Glenn has spoken out against electronic medical records since this debate started, but unless your wealthy enough to pay cash there’s no avoiding them. That’s how health insurance claims are filed. And now, one of the new executive orders on gun control, may make his case.

“There’s a fix in the new healthcare law now coming through one of the executive orders,” Glenn said. “One of the new executive orders on gun control is, ‘the government needs to know if you have a gun. And the government wants you to know that if you have a gun, and there is anyone with any kind of psychiatric issue going on, you must get rid of the gun. You must turn it in.”

“Now let’s think about this,” he continued. “First of all, how do we describe that? That means anybody with any kind of post-traumatic stress syndrome has to get rid of the gun. Anybody who was in the military who has any kid of paperwork like that, you have to get rid of your gun. Let’s say there was a woman who was being stalked or she was raped. Are you telling me she didn’t go to a psychiatrist and wasn’t treated for that? Of course she was. If she has a gun, she has to turn it in now. If you move in an aunt who has Alzheimer’s, you have to get rid of the gun. If you have a teenager that is depressed, and you treat them with a psychiatrist, you have to get ride of your guns. And if you don’t, it is going to be a felony.”


New executive order on gun control could require your doctor to turn you in ? Glenn Beck
Glenn responds to the Newtown ‘truthers’


With the one month anniversary of the school shooting in Newtown just coming to pass, it appears as though the conspiracy theorists are out in full force. According to TheBlaze, a growing group of people are claiming that the entire tragedy was a government manufactured hoax or that it never happened at all.

Unfortunately, we have come to expect ‘truther’ claims in the wake of inexplicable events (most notably after September 11). And on radio this morning, Glenn reacted to the conspiratorial stories, blaming people’s growing distrust of the government for the trend.

First and foremost, there has been a movement away from the principles of self-regulation and self-governance. The Founders were able to stipulate the rights of the Second Amendment because people understood the power of the gun. There was an understanding that it was something to help defend. Fast forward to today, and our culture has changed dramatically. Our society is no longer guided by those same values.


Glenn responds to the Newtown ?truthers? ? Glenn Beck

Glenn breaks down the 23 executive orders


Seemingly benign, a closer look at the new gun orders unveiled by the President yesterday reveals typical progressive agenda at play. These 23 orders don’t ban guns outright but they set a disturbing precedent going forward and lay the groundwork for future action.

“Now I didn’t get a chance to watch the coverage last night on – what is it – the 23 executive orders,” Glenn said this morning. “By the time I went on the air yesterday the reports from the media were it’s not so bad.”

“Have you read these things? This is a progressive time bomb,” Glenn said.

What were some of the ones Glenn was most concerned with?


Glenn breaks down the 23 executive orders ? Glenn Beck
Libs trying to destroy yet another cheap energy source


The Obama administration has clearly acted in a way that has caused gas prices to remain unusually high. Everything that comes along, environmentalists try to take it out. Fracking is a perfect example of that – there are no examples in existence where fracking actually has disturbed the water supply, yet somehow it’s being labeled as dangerous. Glenn interviews the ‘Fracknation’ documentary makers on radio today for more on how the left is destroying yet another domestic energy source. The documentary airs Tuesday on AXS TV at 9 p.m. EST.

Libs trying to destroy yet another cheap energy source ? Glenn Beck
What could possibly go wrong? U.S. sends F-16′s to Muslim Brotherhood



Some people send a message to the Muslim Brotherhood, usually saying “We’re not on the same side”. But not this administration. No, the White House decided it would be a good idea to send four F-16 fighter jets and 200 tanks. The jets and tanks were part of a 2012 foreign aid package with deposed President Hosni Mubarak, one the Obama Administration has decided to honor despite the anti-American and anti-Israel Muslim Brotherhood coming to power after the Arab Spring. The President of Egypt, Muslim Brotherhood member Mohammed Morsi, has a record of anti-West rhetoric.

What could possibly go wrong? U.S. sends F-16?s to Muslim Brotherhood ? Glenn Beck

<..........................................................."Is that sob mocking me."

Matt Lauer grills Al Gore over selling Current TV

NBC’s Matt Lauer interviewed Al Gore and, in a rare ‘scattered shower of journalism’ moment, actually got around to asking him some tough questions.

“I don’t know what they’ve done to Matt Lauer. I don’t know if they’ve water-boarded him or if he has just been replicated in a 3 D printer,” Glenn said on radio this morning. “This is one of the only times that I’ve heard Matt Lauer and I went, ‘that’s a question I would have asked.’”

In regards to Gore selling Current TV to Al-Jazeera, Lauer asked:

LAUER: According to reports I’ve seen, your take on that about $100 million pretax. Was that always just an investment to you? Maybe I was naive.

GORE: Oh, no. No, no. Absolutely.

LAUER: I thought it was something you has an ideological interest in, so why did it become an investment for you in the end?

GORE: Well, it didn’t but I’m proud of what my…

“What Matt was trying to say: maybe I was naive but I thought it was an ideological thing. You just sold your network that was all about climate change and everything else and progressivism, you’ve just sold it to an oil family,” Glenn said. “And [Lauer] says, I thought I was maybe I’m naive, but I thought this was about progressive values. I thought this was about climate with you. But you just sold it to an Islamic regime that makes all of their money destroying the Earth with carbon. Help me out.”


Matt Lauer grills Al Gore over selling Current TV ? Glenn Beck

Can't wait any longer. Glenn Beck has figured out how to make money off of IDIOTS like you.
He is an idiot like you but he makes millions. You are just stupid.
Your idiot posts and comments about Liberals/Progressives show how stupid you are about all of the political agenda.

He's not one of them.

It really is that simple. Libs are simpletons when it comes to motives.
Can't wait any longer. Glenn Beck has figured out how to make money off of IDIOTS like you.
He is an idiot like you but he makes millions. You are just stupid.
Your idiot posts and comments about Liberals/Progressives show how stupid you are about all of the political agenda.

He's not one of them.

It really is that simple. Libs are simpletons when it comes to motives.

Hey ssob, it's progressive/liberal...:eusa_hand:

"Good job, keep blowing smoke"

Panetta shock testimony: Obama absent the night of Benghazi


More news the media will ignore – apparently Barack Obama had little to no interest in getting updates throughout the night of Sept 11, 2012 during the attack on Benghazi. Leon Panetta gave some pretty startling testimony today, admitting the President was basically ‘not there’ and not involved while a U.S. ambassador was under attack by terrorists.

“Yesterday Panetta testified that the president of the United States was completely unengaged with Benghazi. Now, this, there is something seriously, seriously wrong here because if you remember right, first they said they were getting realtime reports and then Hillary Clinton says, nope, there was no realtime anything,” Glenn said. “ Then they released all of the pictures, if you remember, of the president standing in the Oval Office and they tried to make him look engaged. And it was, this is where he was, this is what he was doing on that night. And then yesterday Panetta testifies that the president had a briefing at 5:00, they went to the Oval on a regular meeting. It wasn’t even &#8209;&#8209; they didn’t even call him. They were just like, we’ll wait, we’ll talk to the president here in a little while. And the president got the briefing.”

“Now think of this: The embassy is under attack, an ambassador is &#8209;&#8209; his life is being threatened, the ambassador has called for help for days. It’s in the most dangerous hot spot in the world at the time. He’s under attack. They tell everybody to stand down. The president gets a briefing where they tell him that the embassy is surrounded and they’ve got rocket fire. They’ve got, you know, gunfire, rocket fire, everything is &#8209;&#8209; it’s all on fire, and what does the president say? ‘Well, you guys &#8209;&#8209; you guys, you know, do what you &#8209;&#8209; do what you have to do and I’ll get back to you.’”


Panetta shock testimony: Obama absent the night of Benghazi ? Glenn Beck
I am betting neither you, or the rest of the illiterate left on the website even know what a "progressive"is.

Can't wait any longer. Glenn Beck has figured out how to make money off of IDIOTS like you.
He is an idiot like you but he makes millions. You are just stupid.
Your idiot posts and comments about Liberals/Progressives show how stupid you are about all of the political agenda.

He's not one of them.

It really is that simple. Libs are simpletons when it comes to motives.
Colorado Dems: No to guns, Yes to rape whistles and ballpoint pens



“It’s why we have call boxes, it’s why we have safe zones, it’s why we have the whistles. Because you just don’t know who you’re gonna be shooting at. And you don’t know if you feel like you’re gonna be raped, or if you feel like someone’s been following you around or if you feel like you’re in trouble when you may actually not be, that you pop out that gun and you pop … pop around at somebody.”

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCvng-jSp60&feature=player_embedded]Colorado Legislator on guns: "Feel like you're going to be raped ... you may not be." - YouTube[/ame]

Colorado Dems: No to guns, Yes to rape whistles and ballpoint pens ? Glenn Beck

Extermination Chamber

Krugman: Yeah, middle class taxes and death panels are on the way


Before Obamacare passed, Paul Krugman and many of his peers mocked anyone who suggested death panels and middle class tax hikes were coming if Obamacare passed. Death panels were even called lie of the year by fact checeking site Politisham. Now that it’s passed, the tune seems to have changed by about 180 degrees.

Watch the shocking admission by Krugman below:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyeMnaAOQL8&feature=player_embedded]Paul Krugman admits Death Panels and value added tax is how we pay for health care - YouTube[/ame]


Krugman: Yeah, middle class taxes and death panels are on the way ? Glenn Beck

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=6m05VSyHoQ4]Glenn Beck is NOT Martin Luther King Jr. - YouTube[/ame]

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