Why do progressive liberals hate Glenn Beck?

Former USSR caller: “I’m scared, ok?”


Glenn talked with a woman on radio today who grew up in the Soviet Union and later came to America. She openly talked about why she is so afraid at an Obama second term – she’s quite familiar with the warning signs of a dangerous administration. Why is she scared now?

“Glenn, well, I grew up in the Soviet Union and I came to this country 18 years ago and I felt that I’d never again have to live in fear,” she said. “And I’ve been worried for the past four years but after what happened last night, I’m just scared, okay?”

“This president, his entire administration, I know a Communist when I see one, and he’s passed his policies, the direction we’ve been going in the past four years, it can’t be any clearer to me what his beliefs and goals are. And I think being an American is not about where you were born. It’s about what you believe, what’s in your soul. And what’s in his soul is dark. The ideology he believes, it’s pure evil. It kills people. It destroys souls. It’s synonymous with hopelessness, misery, apathy.”

“I mean, that’s the only equality you get in socialism: Everyone but the government and the criminals are equal and miserable and poor and apathetic. And maybe it’s because I’ve lived through that that I can truly appreciate what America is and what it stands for. And I’m trying to find something positive about what happened last night, about this situation, some kind of hope, take it with good humor, but all I can feel is this dread.”

“I had so much faith in the American people and our determination to do what’s right especially after what we saw at Restoring Honor which, by the way, me and my husband went to and it was amazing. I was in shock at what happened. I’m still in shock.”

“I was mistaken. So many Americans have become diluted and pampered and all they care about is, you know, free stuff and the latest episode of American Idol. It’s insane. I don’t understand what’s happening here.”


Former USSR caller:
Look at this precious dickhead trying to keep the memory of Glenn Beck alive even if he's no longer relevant and too insane even for his own party.

Hey Nuts, you guys keep comming back, Ya just can't stay away. LOL Becks name sucks you guys in like a hoover or moth to flame. By the way cocksucker I don't have a party...:D

And that goes for you too LakiHo...:lol:
Glenn digs deep, deep into their shit and do you know what he found out,
their shit stinks, full of corruption, tax evaders, criminals, terrorist and a
bunch of community organizers. Don't forget the programs and bills that will
lead to a socialized America called hope & change...:eusa_whistle:

“My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world.
I hope you’ll join with me as we try to change it.” BO = SSOB

Elections see Socialists, Nazis gain power in Europe


Did you pay attention to the international news from Europe this weekend? Just in case you missed it – Socialists have taken the presidency in France, Nazi’s just got 20% of parliament in Greece, and all signs point to the impeding collapse of the Euro, if not the entire European Union. But it’s just Europe! No need to worry. You’d have to be crazy to predict something like that having an impact on America….

“This is amazing to me. 20% of the vote in Greece went Nazi communist,” Glenn said. “Remember Hitler got in on 30%.”

Meanwhile, France elected it’s first Socialist President in decades as they ousted center right incumbent Sarkozy.

The elections are largely seen as a response to austerity measures in the European countries facing increasing economic turmoil.

“They’re talking today all about austerity, that the austerity measures are over. Well, what is austerity? Austerity isn’t just budget cuts. Austerity is budget cuts coupled with crippling taxes. If you did budget cuts, serious budget cuts and tax cuts at the same time, that’s the Tea Party method. It is reduce the size of government and reduce the burden on people. They don’t want that option to be heard. They don’t want that option to be known. And you see it over in Greece, you see it in France. You’re about to see it over in England. You’re seeing it everywhere. You’re seeing it in Spain. The only option: High taxes, low spending. Well, that’s not working.”

Glenn noted that the scariest element out of the weekend was the election and legitimizing of the Nazi party in Greece. Glenn played audio of the Nazi victors meeting with the press and demanding that they rise and recognize them with the same respect they would other elected officials. The press complied.

“I can’t believe that we’re actually talking about ‑‑ remember that was a crazy conspiracy,” Glenn said.

Elections see Socialists, Nazis gain power in Europe – Glenn Beck

Use this question as a starting point for your love of Beck.

What was his predictions for the election?

That alone should tell you all you need to know about that idiot.
Look at this precious dickhead trying to keep the memory of Glenn Beck alive even if he's no longer relevant and too insane even for his own party.

Hey Nuts, you guys keep comming back, Ya just can't stay away. LOL Becks name sucks you guys in like a hoover or moth to flame. By the way cocksucker I don't have a party...:D

And that goes for you too LakiHo...:lol:

I don't really care, I just find it amusing that you're still wasting your time on that piece of trash.
Look at this precious dickhead trying to keep the memory of Glenn Beck alive even if he's no longer relevant and too insane even for his own party.

Hey Nuts, you guys keep comming back, Ya just can't stay away. LOL Becks name sucks you guys in like a hoover or moth to flame. By the way cocksucker I don't have a party...:D

And that goes for you too LakiHo...:lol:

I don't really care, I just find it amusing that you're still wasting your time on that piece of trash.

Oh lucky you, you get a taste of Coulter at the same time, 2 4 1...:D

Ann Coulter “heartbroken” that loss deprives America of President Romney


Ann Coulter has been one of the most vocal personalities in the media in the months and weeks leading up to the election. A staunch Mitt Romney supporter, she told Glenn on radio this morning that she was heartbroken that America was denied a Romney presidency, believing the candidate would have found solutions to a lot of problems facing the country. However, in the interview she addressed two key reasons for his defeat: the power of incumbency and the immigrant vote. You can read a rough transcript of the interview below and watch it in the clip above.

Below is a rough transcript of the interview:

Ann Coulter “heartbroken” that loss deprives America of President Romney – Glenn Beck
The op is to fucking retarded to understand nazis were not socialists. Fucking hack.
The op is to fucking retarded to understand nazis were not socialists. Fucking hack.

Are you cum drunk or is it progressive/liberal spin? Show me where he said that...

Maybe you need to spend a night at


or get one of Yo liberal friends to help Ya...:D
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Such Hate coming from the Socialist Left. And to think they claim that Conservatives are hateful. They're hate is dripping from their fangs here. If Glenn Beck is crazy, it must be crazy like a Fox. (Pun intended). Here's a guy that they tried to force from the air and yet now he's got his own cable station and is on the radio air daily with plenty of sponsors..
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Such Hate coming from the Socialist Left. And to think they claim that Conservatives are hateful. They're hate is dripping from their fangs here. If Glenn Beck is crazy, it must be crazy like a Fox. (Pun intended). Here's a guy that they tried to force from the air and yet now he's got his own cable station and is on the radio air daily with plenty of sponsors..

I'm just curious, have any of Glenn's conspiracy theories ever been proven right?

Ho Ho NOOOO! Union forces Twinkies out of business


Congratulations, unions! After deciding to strike instead of taking an 8% pay cut, 100% of Hostess’ employees will be taking a 100% pay cut. That’s right, the unthinkable is happening — Hostess, the maker of the American classic treats like Ho Ho’s and Twinkies, is going out of business.

Glenn jokingly called it the “saddest news of the day.”

“Twinkies are gone,” he said sorrowfully this morning. “The golden sponge cake with creamy filling, snack classic. The reason why I bring this up, right after the oil spill, is because I believe a lot of this is petrochemical-based.”

It’s understandable why the employees at Hostess would be upset. There was an 8% pay cut headed their way. But what’s better an 8% pay cut or a 100% pay cut?

Ho Ho NOOOO! Union forces Twinkies out of business – Glenn Beck

Ho Ho NOOOO! Union forces Twinkies out of business


Congratulations, unions! After deciding to strike instead of taking an 8% pay cut, 100% of Hostess’ employees will be taking a 100% pay cut. That’s right, the unthinkable is happening — Hostess, the maker of the American classic treats like Ho Ho’s and Twinkies, is going out of business.

Glenn jokingly called it the “saddest news of the day.”

“Twinkies are gone,” he said sorrowfully this morning. “The golden sponge cake with creamy filling, snack classic. The reason why I bring this up, right after the oil spill, is because I believe a lot of this is petrochemical-based.”

It’s understandable why the employees at Hostess would be upset. There was an 8% pay cut headed their way. But what’s better an 8% pay cut or a 100% pay cut?

Ho Ho NOOOO! Union forces Twinkies out of business – Glenn Beck

Did Glenn predict this?
Did he have it up on his blackboard?
Surely he didn't miss a conspiracy of such far-reaching consequences!

....just wondering.....
Supply and demand. I haven't seen anyone eating a Twinkie in years or any other hostess cupcakes either.
Want to know why the LEFT has the lock on political humor?

Because humor works best when it is making fun of REALITY.

Forward: Boston Tea Party being taught as an act of terrorism


Progressives are apparently feeling quite emboldened after the 3 million vote win by Barack Obama because they’re really trying to distort history now. Case in point – the new school curriculum that turns the Boston Tea Party on it’s head and labels the revolutionaries as terrorists. Mike Opelka from TheBlaze joined Glenn on radio to discuss the story, promising more updates as he continued to research it this week.

Forward: Boston Tea Party being taught as an act of terrorism – Glenn Beck

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I don't think it's just progressive liberals. I personally don't hate him... I just don't see him as a person that should be taken seriously, yet so many people seem to take his words as gospel.

Pravda: The communists have won in America with Obama


Pravda made a bold statement over the weekend: the communists have won in America with Barack Obama. Why? Because, much like Russia’s past communist leaders, Americans re-elected him for a second term without so much as a stated economic strategy for success. Not even Glenn could disagree with the Russian “news” outlet.


He also wrote of Obama, “He is a Communist without question promoting the Communist Manifesto without calling it so. How shrewd he is in America. His cult of personality mesmerizes those who cannot go beyond their ignorance. They will continue to follow him like those fools who still praise Lenin and Stalin in Russia. Obama’s fools and Stalin’s fools share the same drink of illusion.”

Pravda: The communists have won in America with Obama – Glenn Beck


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