Why do progressive liberals hate Glenn Beck?


Glenn Beck threw baby frogs in boiling water on live TV. Made me sick...
It's not about being liberal. His speaking tone is awkward. Then he picks up chalk and scribbles a few circles and acts is if he he figured out something lol
Glenn Beck Funds "Patriot Camp" for Kids

By RH Reality Check, Fri, October 12, 2012

Patriot Camp. It sounds so sweet and 1776, like little children wearing powdered wigs and chopping down cherry trees, right? But as GQ Magazine shows us, there is more to being a patriot than sewing flags and singing "America the Beautiful." No, it's also about preparing elementary school children to be opposed to "government handouts" and abortion rights.

It's not shocking that a camp financially supported by right-wing media personality Glenn Beck is basically creating new tiny foot-soldiers to fight the scourge of liberalism, despite claiming a non-partisan nature.
Glenn Beck Funds "Patriot Camp" for Kids


Rudy Giuliani calls out CNN host for defense of White House on Libya



Giuliani: “Can I finish?,” he asked. “Can I finish my statement before you get all upset? I mean, the reality is he said we didn’t know they were asking for more security. Where the heck was he? I mean, they were demanding more security. They were begging for more security. Susan Rice goes on television four days later — I was on CNN with her that morning — and says it was a spontaneous demonstration. I knew it wasn’t. I knew it wasn’t; I’m not part of the administration. I knew it wasn’t the day after. And she had to know it wasn’t. They were saying it wasn’t. The National Security adviser said it was a terrorist plot.”

Following Giuliani’s statement above, Soledad actually claimed that Obama never said that the attacks were due to the video, and she had the transcripts to prove it.

Really, Soledad? Don’t bother pulling the transcripts, Glenn had the president’s words on-hand.


Rudy Giuliani calls out CNN host for defense of White House on Libya – Glenn Beck


Glenn Beck Jeans Use Same 'Progressive' Denim Fabric As Levi's

Posted: 10/17/2012

Glenn Beck's new line of jeans is more "progressive" than the conservative pundit probably intended.

Beck's jeans, sold through his company 1791 Supply & Co., are said to adhere to an Americana standard that Beck believes Levi's has left behind.

However, Beck's jeans are more "progressive" than the right-winger may realize. Business Week's Susan Berfield traces it back to the denim:

Funny thing, though: 1791 uses the same denim mill that Levi’s uses for its own Made in the USA products, most of its vintage collection, and some of its 501 jeans. The company, Cone Denim, has a facility in Greensboro, N.C., called White Oak. Beck addressed the matter on his show, saying of his jeans: “We make them from the same company that Levi’s gave up on.” But Levi’s has been getting some of its denim from Cone since 1915. A spokesperson for Levi’s confirmed this, but declined to comment on 1791 jeans.

Glenn Beck Jeans Use Same 'Progressive' Denim Fabric As Levi's
Lying liars and the lies they tell in the White House


The Obama administration, perhaps emboldened by a media that rarely if ever questions them. That is evidenced by the lengthy list of lies told by this president, a list Glenn went through on radio today. If only the media cared…

Some of the highlights:

Lying liars and the lies they tell in the White House – Glenn Beck

Former CIA Officer: Obama Administration let Ambassador Stevens die


“It was to act as official U.S. government liaison to Al Queda linked jihadist militias. And they would include some of the same people now trying to overthrow Assad in Syria,” Lopez said.

She wrote of the events:

During the 2011 Libyan revolt against Muammar Qaddafi, reckless U.S. policy flung American forces and money into the conflict on the side of the rebels, who were known at the time to include Al Qaeda elements. Previously the number two official at the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli, Christopher Stevens was named as the official U.S. liaison to the Libyan opposition in March, 2011.

Stevens was tasked with helping to coordinate U.S. assistance to the rebels, whose top military commander, Abdelhakim Belhadj, was the leader of the Al Qaeda affiliate, the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG). That means that Stevens was authorized by the U.S. Department of State and the Obama administration to aid and abet individuals and groups that were, at a minimum, allied ideologically with Al Qaeda, the jihadist terrorist organization that attacked the homeland on the first 9/11, the one that’s not supposed to exist anymore after the killing of its leader, Osama bin Laden, on May 2, 2011.

Lopez, who was a CIA officer for twenty years, told Glenn that she had seen agents come under heavy fire in the past, but there were always people and assets who assembled to come to their aid. She found it unusual that with all the surveillance the White House and the administration had on the embassy that more was not done to provide aid.

“I have never seen a situation where a facility was under attack like that and nothing happens.”

Former CIA Officer: Obama Administration let Ambassador Stevens die – Glenn Beck
Cowardice: Father of murdered Navy SEAL reacts to news calls for help were denied three times


Charles Woods was on with Glenn last night on TV and again on radio this morning to talk about the incredibly shocking interactions he had with the President, the Vice President, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Woods goes over those stunning details and also reacts to the breaking news that the administration denied his sons calls for help 3 times. How did he react?

“We have a report in just now that there is a source that has confirmed that there were at least two requests for help sent to the CIA when the attack in Libya commenced. Both of the requests were denied. The two SEALs that went in to help the ambassador went in against orders. They died four hours after the attack began. They report now that two SEALs who were at the CIA annex one mile down the road had a position that they could have coordinated artillery or mortar support but they were told in no uncertain terms to stand down,” Glenn told Woods on radio.

Rather than react to the breaking news with outrage and anger, Woods simply called the order an act of “cowardice” that did not represent the strength and character of America.

“That is cowardice by the people that issued that order. And our country is not a country of cowards. Our country is the greatest nation on Earth. And what we need to do is we need to raise up a generation of American heroes just like Ty who is an American hero. But in order to do that, we need to raise up a generation that has not just physical strength but moral strength. We do not need another generation of liars who lack more strength.”

Cowardice: Father of murdered Navy SEAL reacts to news calls for help were denied three times – Glenn Beck
Shocking new report: Obama administration denied 3 calls for help in Benghazi


Two of the former SEALS who were killed in the Benghazi attacks were told to stand down, but the disobeyed the order to go help protect Amb. Stevens. During the ensuing firefight, according to a new report, urgent pleas for help were denied three times.

“Here’s what Fox adds today at, let’s see, Woods and Doherty, those are the CIA, they are the former Navy SEALs and at least two others ignored the orders to stand down. They were called ‑‑ they were told to stand down when they heard shots fired and they radioed and they were informed that by the higher‑ups that they were hearing gunshots and the higher‑ups said yes, but they were told to stand down. An hour later they called again and said, we’re still hearing it and they were ordered again to stand down. Twice they were ordered to stand down. Woods and Doherty and at least two others ignored these orders and made their way to the consulate which at that point was on fire. Shots were exchanged. Quick reaction force from the CIA annex evacuated those who remained at the consulate and Sean Smith who had been killed in the initial attack. They could not find the ambassador and returned to the CIA annex about midnight. At that point they called again for military support and help because they were taking fire at the CIA safe house or annex. The request was denied,” Glenn read.

The video of the FOX News report is below:


Shocking new report: Obama administration denied 3 calls for help in Benghazi – Glenn Beck
MSNBC politicizes Romney’s efforts to help people


It really takes an extra special effort to spin handing out emergency supplies and donating to the Red Cross into an attack, but MSNBC is of course up to the challenge. When Mitt Romney decided not to stump and instead turned it into a relief effort, MSNBC was so not down with the choice.

“I can’t take it. I can’t take it,” Glenn said. “If you don’t do what FEMA said, if you don’t do what the Red Cross said, forget about it. I have news for you. We’ve already loaded up trucks. Mercury One has trucks ready to go. As soon as the roads are clear ‑‑ and it may be going out today. As soon as the roads are clear, we have trucks that were already loaded. What are you talking to me about? And we’re doing it on our own. We don’t need the Red Cross and we don’t need FEMA. That is the way Americans have always done it. But look, if you don’t play a game exactly the way that you’re supposed to play in this big federal system, you’re crazy ‑‑ you’re crazy. You’re a dangerous ‑‑ you’re a dangerous individual.”

MSNBC politicizes Romney
Revenge vs. Love: This election choice is clear​


We also know that you’re nasty, you’re small‑minded and you’re divisive in much of your rhetoric. And I know you don’t like to hear that and nobody likes to say that to the president of the United States. But we have tons of evidence of you doing it, from 2010:

But they’re going to be paying attention to this election. And if Latinos sit out the election instead of saying we’re going to punish our enemies and we’re going to reward our friends who stand with us on it… – Barack Obama

We’re going to punish our enemies? He was specifically talking about anyone running for the GOP. Punish, if Latinos don’t punish our enemies. If that is not small, nasty and divisive, I don’t know what is. But that’s just ‑‑ that’s just one of the many examples. That one’s from 2010. I can give you one from this weekend.

And at the time the Republican congress, any Senate candidate by the name of Mitt Romney (Boos from crowd) No, no, no. Don’t boo. Vote. Vote. Voting’s the best revenge. – Barack Obama

Revenge vs. Love: This election choice is clear – Glenn Beck

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