Why do progressive liberals hate Glenn Beck?

Supply and demand. I haven't seen anyone eating a Twinkie in years or any other hostess cupcakes either.

Good lord.

30% of the Hostess workforce forced this.

But of course your useless anecdotal evidence is gospel.
Best example of why the Fairness Doctrine, at least a 2 minute rebuttal/hour, should return. Beck is totally FOS. German socialists of the 30's are spinning in their graves. Etc etc etc

Congratulations, unions! After deciding to strike instead of taking an 8% pay cut, 100% of Hostess’ employees will be taking a 100% pay cut. That’s right, the unthinkable is happening — Hostess, the maker of the American classic treats like Ho Ho’s and Twinkies, is going out of business.

Glenn jokingly called it the “saddest news of the day.”

“Twinkies are gone,” he said sorrowfully this morning. “The golden sponge cake with creamy filling, snack classic. The reason why I bring this up, right after the oil spill, is because I believe a lot of this is petrochemical-based.”

It’s understandable why the employees at Hostess would be upset. There was an 8% pay cut headed their way. But what’s better an 8% pay cut or a 100% pay cut?

Maybe the fact that the CEO just gave himself a 300% raise made the rank and file feel a little less receptive to taking yet another cut.

7 different CEOs in 10 years.

It wasn't "unions" that killed Hostess ... it was mismanagement.

But you never heard about the pay hike for the CEO or the turnover at the top from Fox, now did ya?

You're only getting half the story.
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Congratulations, unions! After deciding to strike instead of taking an 8% pay cut, 100% of Hostess’ employees will be taking a 100% pay cut. That’s right, the unthinkable is happening — Hostess, the maker of the American classic treats like Ho Ho’s and Twinkies, is going out of business.

Glenn jokingly called it the “saddest news of the day.”

“Twinkies are gone,” he said sorrowfully this morning. “The golden sponge cake with creamy filling, snack classic. The reason why I bring this up, right after the oil spill, is because I believe a lot of this is petrochemical-based.”

It’s understandable why the employees at Hostess would be upset. There was an 8% pay cut headed their way. But what’s better an 8% pay cut or a 100% pay cut?

Maybe the fact that the CEO just gave himself a 300% raise made the rank and file feel a little less receptive to taking yet another cut.

7 different CEOs in 10 years.

It wasn't "unions" that killed Hostess ... it was mismanagement.

But you never heard about the pay hike for the CEO or the turnover at the top from Fox, now did ya?

You're only getting half the story.

I hear that the workers took a pay cut some time back as well.
Georgia resident fights back against U.N. Agenda 21

The PeachtreeCornersPatch piece is a letter to the editor from local Cobb County Georgia resident Field Searcy.

When I read on Page 185 of the March 2011 Cobb County Comprehensive Plan that the county supports the advancement of sustainable development policies as defined by the United Nations Division of Sustainable Development, I could no longer ignore that the U.N. Agenda 21 (A21) policies were real and thriving in America.

The U.N. policies are detailed in a 300-page document along with the Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide. Sold as protecting the environment, sustainable development policies are more far-reaching than our fields and streams.

A21 outlines plans for the control of land use, housing, transportation, food production, consumption patterns, water, energy, education, the role of industry and health care. Sounding familiar? We have been bombarded with these global plans of change.

Warm and fuzzy words like “comprehensive planning,” “smart growth,” “public-private partnerships” and “outcome-based education” were chosen by central planners to camouflage a desired alternate outcome.

Georgia resident fights back against U.N. Agenda 21 – Glenn Beck
Jobless Rate Falls to 7.7 Percent

Posted on December 7, 2012
Becket Adams

U.S. employers added 146,000 jobs in November, decreasing the unemployment rate from 7.9 percent to 7.7 percent.

However, this number is due mainly to a decrease in the labor force participation rate, which “declined by 0.2% to 63.6% once again, as the number of people out of the labor increased by over 540K to 88,883,000,” Zero Hedge notes.


But the government said employers added 49,000 fewer jobs in October and September than initially estimated. And the unemployment rate fell from 7.9 percent in October mostly because more people stopped looking for work and weren’t counted as unemployed.

Jobless Rate Falls to 7.7 Percent | TheBlaze.com
Crowder challenges union thug to MMA match


“This is who you stand with?” Glenn said when he saw the video. “Look at this rhetoric. Look at this action. Look at the action. Look at what is happening.”

“Really violent people. These are really, really violent people.”

Crowder issued a challenge to his assailant last night on “Hannity”. “You can come forward, I’ll press charges, you’ll go to jail,” he said. “Or, since you wanted to cheap-shot me, we can host a bout in a sanctioned, legalized MMA competition.” Crowder added the money raised from a fund to find the assailant could go to the union of his choice if he won. If Crowder wins it would go to charity.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPrbbgy3bJY&feature=player_embedded]Steven Crowder On Union Fight - YouTube[/ame]

Crowder challenges union thug to MMA match – Glenn Beck
Glenn digs deep, deep into their shit and do you know what he found out,
their shit stinks, full of corruption, tax evaders, criminals, terrorist and a
bunch of community organizers. Don't forget the programs and bills that will
lead to a socialized America called hope & change...:eusa_whistle:

“My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world.
I hope you’ll join with me as we try to change it.” BO = SSOB

Elections see Socialists, Nazis gain power in Europe


Did you pay attention to the international news from Europe this weekend? Just in case you missed it – Socialists have taken the presidency in France, Nazi’s just got 20% of parliament in Greece, and all signs point to the impeding collapse of the Euro, if not the entire European Union. But it’s just Europe! No need to worry. You’d have to be crazy to predict something like that having an impact on America….

“This is amazing to me. 20% of the vote in Greece went Nazi communist,” Glenn said. “Remember Hitler got in on 30%.”

Meanwhile, France elected it’s first Socialist President in decades as they ousted center right incumbent Sarkozy.

The elections are largely seen as a response to austerity measures in the European countries facing increasing economic turmoil.

“They’re talking today all about austerity, that the austerity measures are over. Well, what is austerity? Austerity isn’t just budget cuts. Austerity is budget cuts coupled with crippling taxes. If you did budget cuts, serious budget cuts and tax cuts at the same time, that’s the Tea Party method. It is reduce the size of government and reduce the burden on people. They don’t want that option to be heard. They don’t want that option to be known. And you see it over in Greece, you see it in France. You’re about to see it over in England. You’re seeing it everywhere. You’re seeing it in Spain. The only option: High taxes, low spending. Well, that’s not working.”

Glenn noted that the scariest element out of the weekend was the election and legitimizing of the Nazi party in Greece. Glenn played audio of the Nazi victors meeting with the press and demanding that they rise and recognize them with the same respect they would other elected officials. The press complied.

“I can’t believe that we’re actually talking about ‑‑ remember that was a crazy conspiracy,” Glenn said.

Elections see Socialists, Nazis gain power in Europe – Glenn Beck

He exposes them for what they are, and exposes there agenda, he opens peoples minds as to what the left are trying to do to this country, so they hate him.
Glenn digs deep, deep into their shit and do you know what he found out,
their shit stinks, full of corruption, tax evaders, criminals, terrorist and a
bunch of community organizers. Don't forget the programs and bills that will
lead to a socialized America called hope & change...:eusa_whistle:

“My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world.
I hope you’ll join with me as we try to change it.” BO = SSOB

Elections see Socialists, Nazis gain power in Europe


Did you pay attention to the international news from Europe this weekend? Just in case you missed it – Socialists have taken the presidency in France, Nazi’s just got 20% of parliament in Greece, and all signs point to the impeding collapse of the Euro, if not the entire European Union. But it’s just Europe! No need to worry. You’d have to be crazy to predict something like that having an impact on America….

“This is amazing to me. 20% of the vote in Greece went Nazi communist,” Glenn said. “Remember Hitler got in on 30%.”

Meanwhile, France elected it’s first Socialist President in decades as they ousted center right incumbent Sarkozy.

The elections are largely seen as a response to austerity measures in the European countries facing increasing economic turmoil.

“They’re talking today all about austerity, that the austerity measures are over. Well, what is austerity? Austerity isn’t just budget cuts. Austerity is budget cuts coupled with crippling taxes. If you did budget cuts, serious budget cuts and tax cuts at the same time, that’s the Tea Party method. It is reduce the size of government and reduce the burden on people. They don’t want that option to be heard. They don’t want that option to be known. And you see it over in Greece, you see it in France. You’re about to see it over in England. You’re seeing it everywhere. You’re seeing it in Spain. The only option: High taxes, low spending. Well, that’s not working.”

Glenn noted that the scariest element out of the weekend was the election and legitimizing of the Nazi party in Greece. Glenn played audio of the Nazi victors meeting with the press and demanding that they rise and recognize them with the same respect they would other elected officials. The press complied.

“I can’t believe that we’re actually talking about ‑‑ remember that was a crazy conspiracy,” Glenn said.

Elections see Socialists, Nazis gain power in Europe – Glenn Beck

He exposes them for what they are, and exposes there agenda, he opens peoples minds as to what the left are trying to do to this country, so they hate him.

Have any of his conspiracy theories come true?
Glenn digs deep, deep into their shit and do you know what he found out,
their shit stinks, full of corruption, tax evaders, criminals, terrorist and a
bunch of community organizers. Don't forget the programs and bills that will
lead to a socialized America called hope & change...:eusa_whistle:

“My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world.
I hope you’ll join with me as we try to change it.” BO = SSOB

Elections see Socialists, Nazis gain power in Europe


Did you pay attention to the international news from Europe this weekend? Just in case you missed it – Socialists have taken the presidency in France, Nazi’s just got 20% of parliament in Greece, and all signs point to the impeding collapse of the Euro, if not the entire European Union. But it’s just Europe! No need to worry. You’d have to be crazy to predict something like that having an impact on America….

“This is amazing to me. 20% of the vote in Greece went Nazi communist,” Glenn said. “Remember Hitler got in on 30%.”

Meanwhile, France elected it’s first Socialist President in decades as they ousted center right incumbent Sarkozy.

The elections are largely seen as a response to austerity measures in the European countries facing increasing economic turmoil.

“They’re talking today all about austerity, that the austerity measures are over. Well, what is austerity? Austerity isn’t just budget cuts. Austerity is budget cuts coupled with crippling taxes. If you did budget cuts, serious budget cuts and tax cuts at the same time, that’s the Tea Party method. It is reduce the size of government and reduce the burden on people. They don’t want that option to be heard. They don’t want that option to be known. And you see it over in Greece, you see it in France. You’re about to see it over in England. You’re seeing it everywhere. You’re seeing it in Spain. The only option: High taxes, low spending. Well, that’s not working.”

Glenn noted that the scariest element out of the weekend was the election and legitimizing of the Nazi party in Greece. Glenn played audio of the Nazi victors meeting with the press and demanding that they rise and recognize them with the same respect they would other elected officials. The press complied.

“I can’t believe that we’re actually talking about ‑‑ remember that was a crazy conspiracy,” Glenn said.

Elections see Socialists, Nazis gain power in Europe – Glenn Beck

He exposes them for what they are, and exposes there agenda, he opens peoples minds as to what the left are trying to do to this country, so they hate him.

Have any of his conspiracy theories come true?

Google it, to many to post...:D
This not rocket science people - dumbocrats hate Glenn Beck for the same reason that China hates the internet or the former Soviet Union hated radio waves - any information they can't CONTROL and DISTORT, they hate.

Yes, it really is that simple....
Aw, I think he's hilarious. One of the best comedians out there, you know? I put him up there with Bill Maher on his hilarity level.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m692Tqbnbxo]SHOCKING VIDEO Glenn Beck Uses Vicks To Cry On Cue - YouTube[/ame]

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