Why do progressive liberals hate Glenn Beck?

Funny, every time I throw the beck hook out there I catch a couple of liberal blow fish...


A "Fairness Doctrine" is sorely needed.....................So liberals can finally be heard !

All you need to do is watch MSNBC to get liberal indoctrination 24/7. ABC, CBS, CNN and NBC do a decent job of putting a liberal slant on the news as well. In order to get 'fairness' 4 or 5 more FOX networks would need to be created to counter the liberal propaganda already on the MSM.
Indeed, Too Tall. It's too bad our dere libbies here don't know their MSM is so biased they have to withhold truth from the American public to get criminalistas elected who wish to heist the Bill of Rights away from us capitalistas, who worked hard all our lives to earn security in our old age. The criminalistas are out to get our retirement funds, though. They raised taxes on our property until we are literally paying more rent than we did 40 years ago, when we started out. Once they get all the money in their possession and we can no longer pay their outrageous fees, I wonder where they will put us? To death, because having taken all the money for themselves that we could've used for our retirement home years, there are no guarantees they will take care of us. They only take care of Democrats and Unionistas with our retirement income which we saved a lifetime for, saving money instead of throwing money away on beachfront properties and vacation homes. I had no idea they'd do this when I got retirement aged. None whatever. What a lousy, rotten stinkin' bad trick they played on me and my husband, who now suffers from Dementia. The criminalistas have us. Look out for them in your area, or they'll go for your savings, too, when you get older. We asked them to lower the property taxes, but they said no way. We didn't plan on $7,000 a year, and the other day, I read they're going to raise that by another 6 or 7% when they send out tax bills in January again. That's a terrible lump to have to take out of retirement.

I'm sick of people using goveernment to solve every little inconvenience of the Unionistas they hire to engorge themselves off all that free money they see laying around. 5 years later, that isn't enough for them, so they lay into your money, figuring you have it coming, while they roll in our dough that we saved for OUR not THEIR retirement.

Beware of big government spenders in your area. Their name is DEMOCRAT and lately, local Republicans aren't doing anything about it so they can get reelected by people who demand government service, which seems free, but it isn't free, and they take away from people they know have securities. That way, the assholes won't get criticized when they levy estate taxes that take and take and take.

You remove their candy from the candy store, and they find another storefront.

I hate government spenders. They're whackos, and you get punished for a lifetime of hard work and saving back for a rainy day.

The damn government is your worst rainy day and nightmare, all rolled into one huge, big, giv-a-mint ball. They're the personification of evil. :evil:
they hate everyone but Fox news.

gee when your only source of news is Fox who tells you EVERYONE else is lying then you really know your a dupe
Fox got rid of Glen beck as they are getting rid of Sarah i can see Russia from my house palin because neither does anything but hurts the republicans.

I'm not sure of the whys a news business makes changes, but all of them do that, Pasco08. It's their business.

If you want a business to have to ask a government agency first, think of Pravda from the time Russia built the Wall in East Berlin to keep Germans in and prevent the West from entering to witness their "changes" which includes, unfortunately reeducation camps in Siberia and didn't they recently poison one of their former citizens who fled the country? Cant remember his name, it was a few years back. Oh, yes, Pravda. It only provided a Communist government's opinion of events, which is Russian for gestapo tactics. If you like government controlling all aspects of human life, you might consider asking them for an application to enter their country and enter the delights of Mother Russia, which, depending on leadership whim can get pretty tricky, even with their quasi attempt at reconciling with the west long enough to reopen trade to replenish their treasury with world resources.

Obama is eager to give Russia some of Alaska's territorial waters for nothing and for which we paid a price when we bought "Seward's Icebox" from them which included these islands and now-known oil reserve in the Arctic. Obama tried to promise them something, but Congressional republicans reminded him he really needed to take that up with the sovereign state of Alaska, charged with keeping the territory of Alaska withing their confines. Obama doesn't have a Panama Canal to give away like Carter did, but he wants a legacy that somebody else pays for, and in this case, he wants Alaska to take a hit for his legacy.

What a creepsickle Obama can be when you're not watching him and his Dowager Secretary of State Hillary "I forget" Clinton tooth and nail. The Secretary of State's latest fiasco is her role in the murder of our Ambassador at Behghazi, Christopher Stevens. Al Qaeda, whose most recent hit list had his name on it, was placated with his murder, and since Obama is all jizzed up about schmoozing with the Muslim Brotherhood (Al Qaeda's sequel in the rest of the Middle East than Afghanistan) the Democrats made certain the Marines were dismissed from duty of protecting the American embassy there by replacement with questionable contractors, who under fire fled the Embassy, headed directly to the homicidal maniacs assaulting our Embassy, and told them how to get into the embassy, where key persons were, including the Ambassador and those who might protect him (but who were not allowed to arm themselves with any bullets in their guns).

September 20, 2012
(CNN) -- In the months leading up to his death, Chris Stevens, the U.S. ambassador to Libya, worried about constant security threats in Benghazi and mentioned that his name was on an al Qaeda hit list, a source familiar with his thinking told CNN.
Stevens spoke about a rise in Islamic extremism and al Qaeda's growing presence in Libya, the source said.

The Obama administration and the Hillary Clinton State Department are a huge nightmare.

Can you see why America needs to replace them now?

They're not providing even a modicum of common defense for our embassies, which have been an Al Qaeda target since the very early days of the 1990s, when bin Laden made a decision to declare war on America and sought to murder people in our embassies throughout Africa and Asia.

It really is time to replace Obama. America's future depends on getting him out.

Needless to mention, he's still spending scared. He's afraid if he doesn't indenture us enough to China and others, we're somehow not going to fit in with his socializing America out of its Bill of Rights, making us ripe for chaos and ripe for the taking by our enemies. Obama just hates our guts, and everything he does gets Americans killed by his good and lifelong Muslim Brotherhood friends like Louie Farrakkkahn and his America-hating Black Panther associates, who are now pledged to the Muslim Brotherhood.

And Obama's national debt? The tab's over 16 TRIllion dollars, which is $50,000 in debt for every man, woman, and child in America. He is doing absolutely, positively nothing, except to cut back just enough on security to let his Muslim brotherhood exult in spilling American blood.
Fox got rid of Glen beck as they are getting rid of Sarah i can see Russia from my house palin because neither does anything but hurts the republicans.

Fox did not get rid of Glenn. He did not renew his contract.
Fox canceled Sarah's appearance because of the convention being canceled to 3 days and not 4 days.
Stop quoting a SNL skit.
Sarah Plain never said that. She did say that you can see Russian from land here in Alaska.

Too bad the Dem's don't have people like Glenn and Sarah speaking out about the lies and corruption in their party.
Funny, every time I throw the beck hook out there I catch a couple of liberal blow fish...

You asked a question, and I answered it.

Don't like the truth? Tough shit.

The truth, you can't handle the truth. Hey Crapaholic you look cute in the pic all puffed up with hot air. Oh Ya that music you like really sucks, what is it anyway liberal swill or do you have to be on LSD...:D

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTNX9P3N4z4]Synthaholic - Brock Berrigan - YouTube[/ame]
People who don't pay FEDERAL INCOME TAXES pay as much %wise in ALL taxes and fees as the richest. And many are GOP, of course. STUPID a-hole Pubs and silly dupes.
I miss Glenn Beck.

I think he is one of America's finest comedians.

Too crazy for FoxNews.
Glenn Beck is more of an entertainer with hilarious conspiracy theories, like Michael Savage. These guys are not meant to be taken seriously. They have been deployed by capital to convince people without much education that the world is run by a source other than corporations. I actually like listening to him because he can be very funny sometimes.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hf33g9ep4YU]Glenn Beck: "I hate 9/11 victims families for asking questions" - YouTube[/ame]

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