Why do progressive liberals hate Glenn Beck?

Republicans are starting to crack up.

It is going to be fun to watch.

I'M a independent conservative, BOTH parties are fucked up. What are you Chrissy?
What happens if there is an October surprise and obama gets Carterized.
Will the left be jumping in the hole...:D


Why do progressive liberals hate Glenn Beck?

To the extent that any of them pay any attention at all (and that won't be a lot) it's because everything he says, thinks and believes is wrong.

Other than that I am sure he's a swell guy.
Obama can’t answer why America’s embassies weren’t more secure


One of those great yet obvious questions brought up by Univision was about United States Embassy security. Why wasn’t it better? Glenn plays the answer given by Obama which painfully shows why Obama has been going on Letterman, The Pimp with a Limp radio show, and People Magazine. Because he has no answers.

Watch On-Demand Video Highlights and Episodes | TheBlaze TV

Glenn explains in the clip above.

Obama can
Obama can’t answer why America’s embassies weren’t more secure


One of those great yet obvious questions brought up by Univision was about United States Embassy security. Why wasn’t it better? Glenn plays the answer given by Obama which painfully shows why Obama has been going on Letterman, The Pimp with a Limp radio show, and People Magazine. Because he has no answers.

Watch On-Demand Video Highlights and Episodes | TheBlaze TV

Glenn explains in the clip above.

Obama can
Thanks for showing the President in his truest light ever:

Obama can’t answer why America’s embassies weren’t more secure


One of those great yet obvious questions brought up by Univision was about United States Embassy security. Why wasn’t it better? Glenn plays the answer given by Obama which painfully shows why Obama has been going on Letterman, The Pimp with a Limp radio show, and People Magazine. Because he has no answers.

Watch On-Demand Video Highlights and Episodes | TheBlaze TV

Glenn explains in the clip above.

Obama can

I beg to disagree. Obama has the answer... "It was my predecessor's fault."

Beck's survival food insurance and gold cons were classic.

Since when is preparing for the future stupid?

Avatar, you're a religious man. The Bible teaches us to look out for charlatans, wolves in sheep's clothing, and false prophets. Are you so blinded by your politics that you can't see that Beck is a perfect example of what Christ warned us of?

Real Christians talk about God's love, not his wrath. They don't speak hate upon their brothers. Beck wraps himself in the Bible and the flag to promote a political agenda that, judging by the hate and vitriol coming from that side, has nothing to do with the God that I was taught about in my church.

Jesus loves us all....not just Republicans.....not even just Christians. We are all his children. Even the people who don't believe he exists. Beck's God hates everything that doesn't jive with the Tea Party meme.

BTW....there's nothing wrong with preparing for the future. Scaring the fuck out of gullible people with hateful, apocolyptic rhetoric.....then CONVENIENTLY offering "food insurance" for that fateful day? That's the equivalent of the old Snake Oil salesmen.

If you have any intelligence within you, you'd at least QUESTION that kind of thing....The funny thing is? I know you've got the intelligence.....I know many of your fellow conservatives do.
Beck's survival food insurance and gold cons were classic.

Since when is preparing for the future stupid?

Avatar, you're a religious man. The Bible teaches us to look out for charlatans, wolves in sheep's clothing, and false prophets. Are you so blinded by your politics that you can't see that Beck is a perfect example of what Christ warned us of?

Real Christians talk about God's love, not his wrath. They don't speak hate upon their brothers. Beck wraps himself in the Bible and the flag to promote a political agenda that, judging by the hate and vitriol coming from that side, has nothing to do with the God that I was taught about in my church.

Jesus loves us all....not just Republicans.....not even just Christians. We are all his children. Even the people who don't believe he exists. Beck's God hates everything that doesn't jive with the Tea Party meme.

BTW....there's nothing wrong with preparing for the future. Scaring the fuck out of gullible people with hateful, apocolyptic rhetoric.....then CONVENIENTLY offering "food insurance" for that fateful day? That's the equivalent of the old Snake Oil salesmen.

If you have any intelligence within you, you'd at least QUESTION that kind of thing....The funny thing is? I know you've got the intelligence.....I know many of your fellow conservatives do.

Excellent post.

I can't say I agree with your views on Beck because I do not listen to him, but I do fully agree that Our Lord loves all of us, every last one of us and desires that none should perish.

Republicans are starting to crack up.

It is going to be fun to watch.

I'M a independent conservative, BOTH parties are fucked up. What are you Chrissy?
What happens if there is an October surprise and obama gets Carterized.
Will the left be jumping in the hole...:D



WATCH: The full “The Real Mitt Romney” special from “Glenn Beck”

WATCH: The full “The Real Mitt Romney” special from “Glenn Beck” – Glenn Beck


"You stupid liberals"​

Howard Stern finds some stupid, stupid Obama supporters



“Can we just go for some stupid people here for a second?” Glenn said. “Howard Stern has done one of the most amazing interviews and, you know, he admits this is not, you know, we didn’t go for a sampling of people. We just went and we were just playing the dummies on the streets. But here are some of the dummies on the streets in New York on, are you going to vote for Barack Obama.”

Some of the highlights from the dummies on the street?

INTERVIEWER: Do you hope that he will eventually find and kill Bin Laden.

VOICE: He will eventually do it.

OICE: You think he will eventually find and kill him if he wins this election?

And how about this one:

INTERVIEWER: What is it about Mitt Romney that you don’t like? Is it that he’s pro choice or ‑‑

VOICE: Yes, and it’s just because general ‑‑ it’s him in general. I just don’t like him.

INTERVIEWER: Because he’s a Muslim?

VOICE: It has nothing to do with religion nor what his views are. I just don’t like him.

And how about this Obama supporter who thinks the President has selected Paul Ryan to be his VP. This same supporter also thinks Ryan is African America, and that John McCain is also running:

VOICE: Do you think Obama made the right choice by choosing Paul Ryan as his vice president?


VOICE: Do you think he picked Paul Ryan because he’s African‑American or because he’s qualified?

VOICE: It could be a little bit of both.

VOICE: Do you think McCain has a shot this time out to beat Obama for this election?


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpv0lPz-pd4]Howard Stern Exposes Dumb Obama Supporters 2012 - YouTube[/ame]

Howard Stern finds some stupid, stupid Obama supporters – Glenn Beck

Howard Stern finds some stupid, stupid Obama supporters



“Can we just go for some stupid people here for a second?” Glenn said. “Howard Stern has done one of the most amazing interviews and, you know, he admits this is not, you know, we didn’t go for a sampling of people. We just went and we were just playing the dummies on the streets. But here are some of the dummies on the streets in New York on, are you going to vote for Barack Obama.”

Some of the highlights from the dummies on the street?

INTERVIEWER: Do you hope that he will eventually find and kill Bin Laden.

VOICE: He will eventually do it.

OICE: You think he will eventually find and kill him if he wins this election?

And how about this one:

INTERVIEWER: What is it about Mitt Romney that you don’t like? Is it that he’s pro choice or ‑‑

VOICE: Yes, and it’s just because general ‑‑ it’s him in general. I just don’t like him.

INTERVIEWER: Because he’s a Muslim?

VOICE: It has nothing to do with religion nor what his views are. I just don’t like him.

And how about this Obama supporter who thinks the President has selected Paul Ryan to be his VP. This same supporter also thinks Ryan is African America, and that John McCain is also running:

VOICE: Do you think Obama made the right choice by choosing Paul Ryan as his vice president?


VOICE: Do you think he picked Paul Ryan because he’s African‑American or because he’s qualified?

VOICE: It could be a little bit of both.

VOICE: Do you think McCain has a shot this time out to beat Obama for this election?


Howard Stern Exposes Dumb Obama Supporters 2012 - YouTube

Howard Stern finds some stupid, stupid Obama supporters – Glenn Beck

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkjcZhSyFwc]Obama's clueless supporters - YouTube[/ame]


Glenn: President Obama’s U.N. speech “disturbing on many levels”

I want to make this very clear to you that I have felt that the President was a danger to our country for a while because he was taking us off of our principles and he was subverting the constitution of the United States and everything else,” Glenn told listeners this morning.

President Obama addressed the U.N. yesterday in a speech that Glenn described as “disturbing on many levels.”

“He is not telling the world what he has told you,” he added.

Watch a clip of the President’s speech here:


Glenn: President Obama’s U.N. speech “disturbing on many levels” – Glenn Beck
Another epic Obama supporter: he gave me a phone!


Many people remember the enthusiastic Obama supporters from 2008 who were most excited they were going to get free stuff if Obama won the election — the poster child being the ‘he’ll put gas in my car, he’ll pay my mortgage’ lady. Move over, there’s a new #1 fan of free stuff in town!


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpAOwJvTOio]Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube[/ame]

Another epic Obama supporter: he gave me a phone! – Glenn Beck
Well I am not liberal and I am not conservative, I find his show amusing and interesting; but I don't watch TV or listen to the radio very often. I don't see what the bitching is about, if they don't like him they don't have to watch/listen to him. :tongue:

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