Why do progressive liberals hate Glenn Beck?

If you don't know the difference between a Nazi and a Communist, then you are too stupid for words.

“This is amazing to me. 20% of the vote in Greece went Nazi communist,” Glenn said. “Remember Hitler got in on 30%.”

The man is brain damaged. Not kidding. He has a tumor or something.

Anyone who drinks his piss is a mindless drone.

It isn't just liberals who hate Glenn.

Exactly. Anyone who has more than two brain cells to rub together does not like him.

You take 300 million people, and then take the dumbest 2 percent, that works out to 6 million people.

Beck's following is, what, two million at best? So we are talking about the dumbest 6/10 of one percent, give or take.

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A "Fairness Doctrine" is sorely needed.....................So liberals can finally be heard !

All you need to do is watch MSNBC to get liberal indoctrination 24/7. ABC, CBS, CNN and NBC do a decent job of putting a liberal slant on the news as well. In order to get 'fairness' 4 or 5 more FOX networks would need to be created to counter the liberal propaganda already on the MSM.
Obviously it isn't only Libs that hate him.. He was fired from Fox and not for nuthin.

No ratings.
A "Fairness Doctrine" is sorely needed.....................So liberals can finally be heard !

Texas Judge's words are spun by Glenn Beck, Agenda 21 ignored!

by Mark Vogl


The problem here is Beck would NOT mention Agenda 21. He did not mention the Bush - Clinton - Bush - Obama - Romney plan towards a New World Order. Beck did warn Romney Civil War would occur. But Beck tried to do by painting a domestic scenerio on financial collapse within the US, and saying that that is what would cause civil unrest.

Why is Beck avoiding Agenda 21? Why doesn't he discuss it? More importantly, why isn't Agenda 21 being addressed by the media with the Presidential candidates? Back in June I wrote about the need to address Agenda 21. One way to do that was to select Sarah Palin for Vice President! Is that why Paul Ryan was selected? Has he agreed to proceeding towards One - World - Government? Just today Romney talked about NAFTA and partnerships with Canada and Mexico...read that to mean we need to move towards the creation of a North American Union...one similar to the EU, yes the Union in Europe which is failing!


Texas Judge's words are spun by Glenn Beck, Agenda 21 ignored!

Agenda 21
agenda 21 - Google Search
'Organic' doesn't mean better

August 27, 2012|Bill Croushore

Since much of my day is spent behind the wheel of my truck traveling from farm to farm, I listen to a lot of radio. I don't listen to much music but mainly talk radio. Occasionally, when I want to be made to feel like the world is going to end, I listen to Glenn Beck. For those not familiar with Glenn Beck, he is politically conservative but tends to be somewhat apocalyptic.

I was listening to his show on Wednesday of last week and something really caught my attention. Glenn and his co-hosts were discussing the total scam that is organic foods. ("Total scam" were their words, not mine; although I don't disagree.) The attitude that organic foods are a scam is really quite rare in any media venue. Naturally, I paid a little closer attention once I heard that. The context of the discussion centered on government regulation of foods labeled as "organic."


'Organic' doesn't mean better - Daily American
He Could ‘Do It’ With Martians: Is This the Most Incredible Chris Matthews Video You’ve Ever Seen?

Becket Adams

Presented with little commentary because, frankly, we have no idea what‘s going on with MSNBC’s Chris Matthews (and we’re too scared to ask).

All you need to know is this: Matthews really, really likes former President Bill Clinton. He really likes him. To the point where it’s unsettling:

I always figured that if Bill Clinton landed on Mars. He would know how to do it with them. He would know how to reproduce. He would know everything. He would just instinctively know how to talk to people. They would be laughing in about five minutes. The Martians.

See? Matthews has a — wait, what was that about reproducing with Martians?

Actually, never mind. Enjoy (the Martian stuff starts at about 2:00, but there’s plenty of other gold throughout):


Chris Matthews Really Likes Bill Clinton’s Convention Speech | Video | TheBlaze.com

Media Bias: Reporters caught on hot mic planning questions on “tone” for Romney presser


If anyone knows the danger of a hot mic you’d think it be a journalist – but, apparently not. Earlier this week, a group of reporters at a Romney presser provided another tasteless example of why less and less Americans are turning to the mainstream media to get their news.

Wednesday, Mitt Romney issued a statement on the recent attacks on U.S. embassies in the Middle East and how the White House is handling the situation. Shortly after, National Review Online, noted that all of the questions reporters asked the presidential candidate, except for one, had to do with his “tone” and his thoughts on criticizing the administration’s initial response to the attack on the Cairo embassy.

NRO’s Katrina Trinko reported:

Open mic: Press coordinating questions for Romney "no matter who he calls on we're covered" - YouTube

Media Bias: Reporters caught on hot mic planning questions on “tone” for Romney presser – Glenn Beck

Riots and violence break out across Middle East, White House blames 14 minute YouTube video


As you probably know by now, there have been multiple attacks on U.S. embassies, along with an increase in anti-American protests and anti-American violence throughout the Middle East. Despite the overwhelming evidence that points otherwise, such as these attacks beginning on the 11th anniversary of 9/11, the White House is pushing the narrative that this is all about one movie. Here is what they had to say:

“We need to understand this is a fairly volatile situation and it’s not in response to United States policy, not to obviously the administration, not to the American people. It is in response to a video. A film. We have judged to be reprehensible that in no way that has any violent reaction to it. But this is not a case of protests directed at the United States at large or U.S. policy. This is in response to a video that is offensive.”

This morning on radio, Glenn, who predicted riots spreading across the Middle East over a year ago, made note of the ridiculousness of this concept coming from this administration. The idea that a “film” would spark riots and violence, which included the killing of a U.S. Ambassador, as opposed to our policies or the announcement of budget cuts coming that include embassy protection.

Pat pointed out that the “film” is actually a 14 minutes YouTube video.


This administration is using a video as an excuse, a scapegoat, and a shield against their own bad policies.

“Tens of people saw the video. Tens of people saw the video,” Glenn noted. “Thank goodness the government has gone in after the maker of this horrible YouTube video.”

Riots and violence break out across Middle East, White House blames 14 minute YouTube video – Glenn Beck
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m692Tqbnbxo]SHOCKING VIDEO Glenn Beck Uses Vicks To Cry On Cue - YouTube[/ame]
Is Barack Obama destroying America in an attempt to create fairness?


Can you believe that Mitt Romney had a secret tape where he said 47% of Americans weren’t paying taxes? It’s pretty shocking. Unbelievable. How could he just lay out truth like that to an audience of people who want to have smaller government and more personal responsibility. Thankfully the media has been there to expose him. Although it’s a little weird that they aren’t trumpeting Barack Obama talking about how much he believes in redistribution, especially considering that President Obama seems willing to destroy the country to create “fairness”.

Back in 1998, Barack Obama was recorded saying, “I think the trick is figuring out how do we structure government systems that pool resources and hence facilitate some redistribution because I actually believe in redistribution.”

Is Barack Obama destroying America in an attempt to create fairness? – Glenn Beck

Fox got rid of Glen beck as they are getting rid of Sarah i can see Russia from my house palin because neither does anything but hurts the republicans.

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