Why do progressive liberals hate Glenn Beck?

The Day After: Glenn rallies the troops; recaps 3.5 years of Obama’s lies



“We’re constantly accused of lying, of hating, of using unlimited monetary resources to reshape our every discussion. Well, let’s make a quick recounting here of what has transpired over the last three and a half years, see who has credibility and, again, not our arguments but with audio.”

Glenn then played some of the lies coming out of this administration over the past several years:

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Guantanamo will be closed by no later than one year from now.

GLENN: Okay. Is it one year yet? Who told the truth? Who lied? They said there would be no lobbyists in the White House. We said that would be great but it won’t happen.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Tell the lobbyists in Washington that their day of setting the agenda are over. They have not funded my campaign. They will not work in my White House.

GLENN: Obama appointed 17 be lobbyists to high positions in his administration in the first 14 days. That’s more than one lobbyist per day. Who told the truth and who lied? They said the stimulus spending would produce jobs. We said it would not.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: I think we can get a lot of work done fast. When I met with the governors, all of them have projects that are shovel ready.

GLENN: He met with the governors and all of them have projects that were shovel ready. We said that was impossible. What happened?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Shovel ready was not as shovel ready as we expected.

GLENN: Sure sounds funny. What a surprise.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: So, let me be absolutely clear. If you are a family making less than $250,000 a year, you will not see your taxes go up.

GLENN: Got it? Pretty clear. We said, among so many other problems with the healthcare bill, that this was a massive tax increase, possibly the largest in U.S. history. They were absolutely adamant that this was not a tax increase. They said it was ridiculous to even suggest that this was a tax increase of any kind.

“It’s not about Barack Obama and bashing him. This is about presenting facts to the American people. They continually question our credibility and they can do it because the media does not do what we’re doing right now. So, all we have to do is remind them of their own words, so people can compare their deeds to their words and then decide who told the truth and who lied,” Glenn said.

The Day After: Glenn rallies the troops; recaps 3.5 years of Obama
A lying divisve hater bought off moron charlatan demagogue. A disgrace. See sig pp3.

The penalty is a tax. Romneycare is huge success, ACA is better. The rest is Pubcrappe fear mongering.
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I wonder if and when Glenn Beck will make fun of the victims of the Colorado fire like he did to the victims of the California fires years back....victims that included Camp Pendleton families.
A lying divisve hater bought off moron charlatan demagogue. A disgrace. See sig pp3.

The penalty is a tax. Romneycare is huge success, ACA is better. The rest is Pubcrappe fear mongering.
Another stupid lying post from an idiot. Lbtard puke.
A lying divisve hater bought off moron charlatan demagogue. A disgrace. See sig pp3.

The penalty is a tax. Romneycare is huge success, ACA is better. The rest is Pubcrappe fear mongering.

"A lying divisve hater bought off moron charlatan demagogue."​

I thought you were moving to Greece... :clap2:
He should. The Nazi's have about 10% of the power...
The most counter-culture, punk rock country on the planet

Misfit Politics is a group of young conservatives that uses humor and ridicule to knock down the left’s ridiculous talking points and isolation tactics. You may remember the video Attaaack Watch (see below), which single handedly disarmed the Obama Administration of their website AttackWatch.com – a site built to organize the left against any and everyone who said something negative about the president.

The most counter-culture, punk rock country on the planet – Glenn Beck
Glenn digs deep, deep into their shit and do you know what he found out,
their shit stinks, full of corruption, tax evaders, criminals, terrorist and a
bunch of community organizers. Don't forget the programs and bills that will
lead to a socialized America called hope & change...:eusa_whistle:

“My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world.
I hope you’ll join with me as we try to change it.” BO = SSOB

Elections see Socialists, Nazis gain power in Europe


Did you pay attention to the international news from Europe this weekend? Just in case you missed it – Socialists have taken the presidency in France, Nazi’s just got 20% of parliament in Greece, and all signs point to the impeding collapse of the Euro, if not the entire European Union. But it’s just Europe! No need to worry. You’d have to be crazy to predict something like that having an impact on America….

“This is amazing to me. 20% of the vote in Greece went Nazi communist,” Glenn said. “Remember Hitler got in on 30%.”

Meanwhile, France elected it’s first Socialist President in decades as they ousted center right incumbent Sarkozy.

The elections are largely seen as a response to austerity measures in the European countries facing increasing economic turmoil.

“They’re talking today all about austerity, that the austerity measures are over. Well, what is austerity? Austerity isn’t just budget cuts. Austerity is budget cuts coupled with crippling taxes. If you did budget cuts, serious budget cuts and tax cuts at the same time, that’s the Tea Party method. It is reduce the size of government and reduce the burden on people. They don’t want that option to be heard. They don’t want that option to be known. And you see it over in Greece, you see it in France. You’re about to see it over in England. You’re seeing it everywhere. You’re seeing it in Spain. The only option: High taxes, low spending. Well, that’s not working.”

Glenn noted that the scariest element out of the weekend was the election and legitimizing of the Nazi party in Greece. Glenn played audio of the Nazi victors meeting with the press and demanding that they rise and recognize them with the same respect they would other elected officials. The press complied.

“I can’t believe that we’re actually talking about ‑‑ remember that was a crazy conspiracy,” Glenn said.

Elections see Socialists, Nazis gain power in Europe – Glenn Beck

Beck is still alive?
My take on Beck is this.

He is an insomniac. Take a look at his twitter feed. He posts day and night at all hours. The man almost never sleeps.

This sleep deprivation has caused him to go completely insane.
MSNBC host fails to spin White House lies


The Obama administration has been happy to attack Romney based on lies and half-truths, but its concerning when so-called news anchors jump on the bandwagon. And yet, that’s exactly what is happening. On Tuesday, MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell follows the talking points of the White House in her interview with New Hampshire Governor John Sununu, during which she tried to defend the debunked “outsourcer-in-chief” attacks on Mitt Romney.


MSNBC host fails to spin White House lies – Glenn Beck

Just how much do Obama and his mentor have in common?


1) Frank Marshall Davis advocated for wealth distribution in many of his newspaper articles. What has the President said on this matter:

PRESIDENT OBAMA: I think when you spread the wealth around it’s good for everybody.

2) Frank Marshall Davis favored tax payer funded universal healthcare. Obama has said:

PRESIDENT OBAMA: I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care plan. That’s what Jim is talking about when he says everybody in, nobody out – a single payer health care plan, a universal health care plan.

3) Frank Marshall Davis supported government stimulus and trumpeted the public sector over the private sector. Sounds awfully familiar:

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Only government can provide the short term boost necessary to lift us from a recession this deep and severe.

4) Frank Marshall Davis talked about the rich not paying their fair share – that corporations and the wealthy get breaks others do not. Have you heard that before:

PRESIDENT OBAMA: The truth is you can’t solve our deficit without cutting spending, but you also can’t solve it without asking the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share, or without taking on loopholes that give special interests and big corporations tax breaks that middle class Americans don’t get.

This list just scratches the surface, but the similarities speak for themselves.

Just how much do Obama and his mentor have in common? – Glenn Beck
Obama’s latest whopper, the worst Glenn has ever seen


As ads like these are running claiming Obama saved the auto industry while Romney is the king of outsourcing, the CEO of GM is admitting most vehicles are made outside of the United States.

In 2011, Dan Akerson gave a speech admitting, : ”Almost seven out of every ten automobiles, seven out of ten of our vehicles were made outside the United States. We have eleven joint ventures in China with SAIC and SAW. We operate eleven assembly plants in China, four power train plants in eight cities across the country. We regard our eleven joint ventures as eleven keys to success, not just in China but globally. Our commitment to working in China, with China, for China. ”

“Now, why are they making them in China? Well, because you can get cheap labor. You can get cheap labor. But we’ve got the labor unions here, and workers of the world unite,” Glenn said.

Glenn digs deep, deep into their shit and do you know what he found out,
their shit stinks, full of corruption, tax evaders, criminals, terrorist and a
bunch of community organizers. Don't forget the programs and bills that will
lead to a socialized America called hope & change...:eusa_whistle:

“My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world.
I hope you’ll join with me as we try to change it.” BO = SSOB

Elections see Socialists, Nazis gain power in Europe


Did you pay attention to the international news from Europe this weekend? Just in case you missed it – Socialists have taken the presidency in France, Nazi’s just got 20% of parliament in Greece, and all signs point to the impeding collapse of the Euro, if not the entire European Union. But it’s just Europe! No need to worry. You’d have to be crazy to predict something like that having an impact on America….

“This is amazing to me. 20% of the vote in Greece went Nazi communist,” Glenn said. “Remember Hitler got in on 30%.”

Meanwhile, France elected it’s first Socialist President in decades as they ousted center right incumbent Sarkozy.

The elections are largely seen as a response to austerity measures in the European countries facing increasing economic turmoil.

“They’re talking today all about austerity, that the austerity measures are over. Well, what is austerity? Austerity isn’t just budget cuts. Austerity is budget cuts coupled with crippling taxes. If you did budget cuts, serious budget cuts and tax cuts at the same time, that’s the Tea Party method. It is reduce the size of government and reduce the burden on people. They don’t want that option to be heard. They don’t want that option to be known. And you see it over in Greece, you see it in France. You’re about to see it over in England. You’re seeing it everywhere. You’re seeing it in Spain. The only option: High taxes, low spending. Well, that’s not working.”

Glenn noted that the scariest element out of the weekend was the election and legitimizing of the Nazi party in Greece. Glenn played audio of the Nazi victors meeting with the press and demanding that they rise and recognize them with the same respect they would other elected officials. The press complied.

“I can’t believe that we’re actually talking about ‑‑ remember that was a crazy conspiracy,” Glenn said.

Elections see Socialists, Nazis gain power in Europe – Glenn Beck

You can't see the illogic in Beck's statements here? He's made a ton of money selling polarization and divisiveness, and now he's complaining about the outcome of it?

I hate him because he can't spell oligarchy.

Glenn Beck and Fox news cant spell Oligarchy !!! - YouTube
Nanny Bloomberg to ban baby formula?


While the leftists and progressives usually applaud the Mayor’s overbearing initiatives, going after moms takes the idea of a nanny state to a whole new level. Even token liberal, Whoppi Goldberg, has spoken out about Bloomberg’s latest plan:

GOLDBERG: It’s very nice, but back off, you know? It’s hard enough, you know? I’m sorry. You got some bonehead coming and saying, “Oh, why can’t you do it? Why aren’t you doing it? What’s wrong with you? Why can’t you do it?” You know what, Mr. Mike, I love you. You know this. I love you as our mayor. This is not your place. Back off this.

“I love it,” Glenn said sarcastically in response to Goldberg’s remarks.

It’s more than a little hypocritical for someone like Goldberg to suddenly speak out against over-regulation, when she has been in favor of actions like this up until now.


Nanny Bloomberg to ban baby formula? – Glenn Beck

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