Why do progressive liberals hate Glenn Beck?

Glenn digs deep, deep into their shit and do you know what he found out,
their shit stinks, full of corruption, tax evaders, criminals, terrorist and a
bunch of community organizers. Don't forget the programs and bills that will
lead to a socialized America called hope & change...:eusa_whistle:

“My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world.
I hope you’ll join with me as we try to change it.” BO = SSOB

Elections see Socialists, Nazis gain power in Europe


Did you pay attention to the international news from Europe this weekend? Just in case you missed it – Socialists have taken the presidency in France, Nazi’s just got 20% of parliament in Greece, and all signs point to the impeding collapse of the Euro, if not the entire European Union. But it’s just Europe! No need to worry. You’d have to be crazy to predict something like that having an impact on America….

“This is amazing to me. 20% of the vote in Greece went Nazi communist,” Glenn said. “Remember Hitler got in on 30%.”

Meanwhile, France elected it’s first Socialist President in decades as they ousted center right incumbent Sarkozy.

The elections are largely seen as a response to austerity measures in the European countries facing increasing economic turmoil.

“They’re talking today all about austerity, that the austerity measures are over. Well, what is austerity? Austerity isn’t just budget cuts. Austerity is budget cuts coupled with crippling taxes. If you did budget cuts, serious budget cuts and tax cuts at the same time, that’s the Tea Party method. It is reduce the size of government and reduce the burden on people. They don’t want that option to be heard. They don’t want that option to be known. And you see it over in Greece, you see it in France. You’re about to see it over in England. You’re seeing it everywhere. You’re seeing it in Spain. The only option: High taxes, low spending. Well, that’s not working.”

Glenn noted that the scariest element out of the weekend was the election and legitimizing of the Nazi party in Greece. Glenn played audio of the Nazi victors meeting with the press and demanding that they rise and recognize them with the same respect they would other elected officials. The press complied.

“I can’t believe that we’re actually talking about ‑‑ remember that was a crazy conspiracy,” Glenn said.

Elections see Socialists, Nazis gain power in Europe – Glenn Beck

They hate his religion, and the right is supposed to be the bigots (which it's always the left. Except in federal dollars, which is the only measuring stick they use)
Why Peter Beinart is Wrong on Democrats and Anti-Mormonism | Religion Dispatches
1. It's hilarious every time some idiot on the internet thinks they are witty by posting a kool aid reference when, as a matter of fact, the origin of the joke was actually flavor-aid.

2. Beck has too much of a messiah complex for my taste. If I want to listen to a right wing megalomaniac I'd rather listen to Micheal Savage. I mean, his "we will be the key" bumper music? hehe.. come on, dude. At least savage plays early Metallica and sounds like someone you might enjoy an off-air conversation with.
1. It's hilarious every time some idiot on the internet thinks they are witty by posting a kool aid reference when, as a matter of fact, the origin of the joke was actually flavor-aid.

2. Beck has too much of a messiah complex for my taste. If I want to listen to a right wing megalomaniac I'd rather listen to Micheal Savage. I mean, his "we will be the key" bumper music? hehe.. come on, dude. At least savage plays early Metallica and sounds like someone you might enjoy an off-air conversation with.

Religion definitely makes people do goofy stuff.

Seriously, what is Joe Biden even talking about?


Not one to ever make much sense, Vice President Joe Biden has delivered yet another head-scratching speech.

“Can somebody do me a favor,” Glenn asked on radio this morning. “Can somebody figure out what the heck Joe Biden is even talking about? I want you to listen to him yell at the American people and tell me what he’s talking about.”

In a speech to the AFSCME – the federal and state workers union – Biden rambled in a diatribe that sounded more Karl Marx than George Washington.

BIDEN: And guess what I just described? I just described you! You’re the ones who make that possible. We owe you. He shouldn’t be vilified. You provide the safe neighborhoods. You provide the good schools. You provide the school lunch program. You provide the day care centers. You provide the hospital. You provide the roads. Being able to own your home and not just rent it. It’s being able to live in a safe neighborhood where your kids can walk the streets, where there’s a playground that’s not polluted. Where you can send your kid to a decent school knowing if they do well, they got a chance to go to college. And if they have that chance, knowing you have a chance to get them there, that’s what meaning a middle class person is. That’s not asking too much! That’s who we are! We owe you! God bless you and may God protect our troops!

“Joe! Why are you yelling!? Why are you yelling all the time,” Glenn asked. “What is it that’s making you so angry?! It’s okay, man. We all have a chance. We all have a chance, Joe.”

Seriously, what is Joe Biden even talking about? – Glenn Beck

Has anything that idiot Beck ever predicted ever come true? I heard him say some incredibly dumb shit but his fans just eat it up as though it is gospel. Its amazes me how dumb the right are. (Well, the right who are actually fans of his.)

The right can have him. I am glad that clown is on the right.
Seriously, what is Joe Biden even talking about?


Not one to ever make much sense, Vice President Joe Biden has delivered yet another head-scratching speech.

“Can somebody do me a favor,” Glenn asked on radio this morning. “Can somebody figure out what the heck Joe Biden is even talking about? I want you to listen to him yell at the American people and tell me what he’s talking about.”

In a speech to the AFSCME – the federal and state workers union – Biden rambled in a diatribe that sounded more Karl Marx than George Washington.

BIDEN: And guess what I just described? I just described you! You’re the ones who make that possible. We owe you. He shouldn’t be vilified. You provide the safe neighborhoods. You provide the good schools. You provide the school lunch program. You provide the day care centers. You provide the hospital. You provide the roads. Being able to own your home and not just rent it. It’s being able to live in a safe neighborhood where your kids can walk the streets, where there’s a playground that’s not polluted. Where you can send your kid to a decent school knowing if they do well, they got a chance to go to college. And if they have that chance, knowing you have a chance to get them there, that’s what meaning a middle class person is. That’s not asking too much! That’s who we are! We owe you! God bless you and may God protect our troops!

“Joe! Why are you yelling!? Why are you yelling all the time,” Glenn asked. “What is it that’s making you so angry?! It’s okay, man. We all have a chance. We all have a chance, Joe.”

Seriously, what is Joe Biden even talking about? – Glenn Beck

Has anything that idiot Beck ever predicted ever come true? I heard him say some incredibly dumb shit but his fans just eat it up as though it is gospel. Its amazes me how dumb the right are. (Well, the right who are actually fans of his.)

The right can have him. I am glad that clown is on the right.



Looks like you're ahead by three...:D

"Has anything that idiot Beck ever predicted ever come true?"
Last edited:
Has anything that idiot Beck ever predicted ever come true? I heard him say some incredibly dumb shit but his fans just eat it up as though it is gospel. Its amazes me how dumb the right are. (Well, the right who are actually fans of his.)

The right can have him. I am glad that clown is on the right.

I dont know. Is Greece having financial problems? Did the Muslim Brotherhood take over Egypt?

Did you bother reading the thread?
The Dem’s Final Tactic: The stupid people



So, after taking that class, who do these protesters think that Karl Rove is? Well, some of the protesters were honest about their limited Rove knowledgebase, while others were a little more creative. A few of the top responses described Karl Rove as “a creative thinker” and “a snake.”

“Here’s the point of all of this – they’re just going for the stupid people,” Glenn told his radio audience. “They’re going for – it’s amazing they’re all trying to hide that they don’t know who Karl Rove is.”

Glenn went on to explain that all the president is doing is using stupid people who will do anything, like march in the street for someone they don’t know or throw a bunch of people in a bus to go to the polls. Glenn went on to emphasize that this is why it’s so important that we educate ourselves and register to vote, and make sure that your friends are registered.

“We’ve already won. He’s down to the stupid people, because they can’t make a case to any thinking American. They have to get the stupid people, and the angry people,” Glenn said. “Well I’m not stupid. Most of the America is not stupid. America is not angry. We’re tired of the politics. We’re tired of both sides, sick and tired of politics – we don’t want to hear about it anymore. But we’re not stupid, and we’re not angry. We’re going to vote, and let the chips fall where they may.”

The Dem’s Final Tactic: The stupid people – Glenn Beck
Progressives hate Beck because progressives only like people that don't think and just agree with them.
No taxes on the middle class? Lies! Obamacare now Obamatax


The Supreme Court ruled that the individual mandate portion of Obamacare is constitutional because it is a tax. That’s right, mandates are now taxes, which means, technically speaking, President Obama lied to the American people.

“First of all, is there any doubt in your mind there is no way Obamacare would have passed if they called it a tax at the beginning,” Stu asked. “If when they were proposing this, they said it was a tax, there would be no way it would have passed.”

Obama, who promised time and time again that he would NOT raise taxes on the middle class, has now effectively raised taxes on the middle class because the individual mandate was ruled a tax by the Supreme Court.

“Barack Obama’s main promise in his campaign that he would not raise taxes on the middle class officially dies with that decision because now it is 100 percent enshrined in history that he has raised taxes on the middle class,” Stu continued.

Remember when the Obama administration was out in full force swearing that this mandate-with-a-penalty couldn’t be considered a tax? To refresh your memory, below are a few flashbacks…

When Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius was questioned about whether or not the individual mandate could be considered a tax, she claimed, rather unconvincingly, that it is not a tax:

SEBELIUS: I think it operates, this thing, the way a tax would operate but it is not, per se, a tax.

When President Obama was asked by George Stephanopoulos whether or not he understood that the dictionary definition of a tax seems to apply to the provisions of the Obamacare mandate, the President cried foul:

STEPHANOPOULOS: Merriam Webster’s dictionary a tax: a charge usually of money imposed by authority on persons or property for public purposes.

OBAMA: George, the fact that you’ve looked up Merriam’s Dictionary, that the definition of tax increase, indicates to me that you’re stretching a little bit right now.


No taxes on the middle class? Lies! Obamacare now Obamatax – Glenn Beck
Seriously, what is Joe Biden even talking about?


Not one to ever make much sense, Vice President Joe Biden has delivered yet another head-scratching speech.

“Can somebody do me a favor,” Glenn asked on radio this morning. “Can somebody figure out what the heck Joe Biden is even talking about? I want you to listen to him yell at the American people and tell me what he’s talking about.”

In a speech to the AFSCME – the federal and state workers union – Biden rambled in a diatribe that sounded more Karl Marx than George Washington.

BIDEN: And guess what I just described? I just described you! You’re the ones who make that possible. We owe you. He shouldn’t be vilified. You provide the safe neighborhoods. You provide the good schools. You provide the school lunch program. You provide the day care centers. You provide the hospital. You provide the roads. Being able to own your home and not just rent it. It’s being able to live in a safe neighborhood where your kids can walk the streets, where there’s a playground that’s not polluted. Where you can send your kid to a decent school knowing if they do well, they got a chance to go to college. And if they have that chance, knowing you have a chance to get them there, that’s what meaning a middle class person is. That’s not asking too much! That’s who we are! We owe you! God bless you and may God protect our troops!

“Joe! Why are you yelling!? Why are you yelling all the time,” Glenn asked. “What is it that’s making you so angry?! It’s okay, man. We all have a chance. We all have a chance, Joe.”

Seriously, what is Joe Biden even talking about? – Glenn Beck

Has anything that idiot Beck ever predicted ever come true? I heard him say some incredibly dumb shit but his fans just eat it up as though it is gospel. Its amazes me how dumb the right are. (Well, the right who are actually fans of his.)

The right can have him. I am glad that clown is on the right.

Here is some incredibly dumb shit, that fans have ate up:

"we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth. This was the moment - this was the time - when we came together to remake this great nation so that it may always reflect our very best selves, and our highest ideals."

Who the hell is dumb enough to believe that load of crap?

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