Why do progressive liberals hate Glenn Beck?

LOL! This thread is still going? I miss that whackjob! My wife used to hate when Id watch his show but I always enjoyed the nuttiness and even more, knowing there were people out there who actually bought into his bs.
Is he on cable or something nowadays?

he wishes. He's on webteevee, whatever that is :eusa_eh: :lol: :eusa_boohoo:

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Pretty much all hate springs from envy.

If Democrats had anyone with enough brains to counter-act Glenn Beck they would have already done so.

But all they have is FAILED Ed Schultz. Failed Randi Rhodes. Failed Chris Matthews. Failed Al Sharpton. Failed Chris Hayes. Failed Lawrence O'Donnell. Failed Al Gore. Failed Keith Olbermann. Failed Joe Scarboro. Failed Alex Wagner. Failed Brian Williams. Failed Katie Couric. Failed Dan Rather. Failed Mother Jones. Failed Washington Post. Failed New York Times.

Failed - as above - any number of print and broadcast media that sold their souls and integrity to the politically correct and mentally and morally dead Democratic Party.

Which means pretty well all news media.
Say what you will about Beck, but it's like GoneBerzerk pointed out...P-Libs hate Beck b/c he exposes their lies & scams. It is & always has been those on the left who hate & try to destroy anything or anyone who stands in opposition to their schemes.
A hypocrite despises those whom he deceives, but has no respect for himself. He would make a dupe of himself too, if he could.
William Hazlitt
Read more at Hypocrite Quotes - BrainyQuote

Glenn Beck after Fox: More powerful than ever?

For many people, the incendiary talk show host seems to have fallen off the planet. On the contrary: He's reaching his fans — and raking in a lot of money

posted on May 18, 2012, at 7:25 AM
Best Opinion: Politico, Forbes, Wall Street Journal

Proving he doesn't need Fox to stay on top, Glenn Beck, who has continued to expand his media company, says he rakes in $80 million a year. Photo: Michael Loccisano/Getty
"The conventional wisdom: Fiery cable news host goes off the rails, loses his highly influential platform, and is forever forgotten to history," says Dylan Byers at Politico. But that doesn't appear to be the case for Glenn Beck, who left Fox News in 2011 amid declining ratings and fleeing advertisers. Forbes has named Beck the 23rd-most powerful celebrity in America, and claims he makes $80 million a year, which means he's much richer than Tom Cruise, Donald Trump, and Rush Limbaugh, his rival for conservative hearts and minds. Here, a guide to Beck's media empire:

Glenn Beck after Fox: More powerful than ever? - The Week

“Kill Glenn Beck!”: NATO Protests in Chicago turn violent
5/21/12 beck

A lot happened in Chicago over the weekend, but the media continues to treat the tumultuous Facebook IPO as the main story of the day. But they are missing the story that Glenn has been warning about since September of last year – these protests are going to turn increasingly violent. Would they have covered this if it was a Tea Party rally? Of course. Especially if someone in the crowd was wearing a “Kill Rachel Maddow” shirt. But since it’s the “mostly peaceful” OWS and Glenn Beck’s name on the shirt…who cares?

“Chicago we’ve had ‑‑ we had one person arrested for terrorism. I’m sorry, we had two people? We had five people? How many people got arrested for terrorism before the media starts to pay attention to terrorists? This is an anarchist group. They were in Cleveland, Occupy Wall Street. They tried to blow up the bridges in Cleveland. The media said virtually nothing. And now we have people, two were arrested yesterday. I believe five were arrested on Saturday, and their intent was to blow up buildings and blow up the presidential reelection headquarters in Chicago. But apparently nobody, nobody really cares about that. Apparently that’s no big deal,” Glenn said.

“Kill Glenn Beck!”: NATO Protests in Chicago turn violent – Glenn Beck
Jim Cramer admits Europe ready to crumble


It’s the typical mainstream media pattern: Glenn makes a prediction. Glenn is mocked by the media. Then Glenn’s prediction starts to come true – of course usually it’s too late. Thankfully, a few people in the media have enough sense to recognize the problem. Over the weekend, former hedge fund manager and CNBC Mad Money host Jim Cramer said, ”I’m predicting bank runs, Spain and Italy within the next few weeks. Without a coordinated policy, there is going to be financial anarchy in Europe and it is going to cause a slowdown worldwide, China and here.”


Jim Cramer admits Europe ready to crumble – Glenn Beck

He’s back! NBPP official: we’re not hanging crackers ‘yet’

5/22/12 By Glenn Beck

Incredible audio has surfaced of the infamous NBPP member ‘King Samir’ who once called for the killing of ‘cracker babies’ out on a public square. Now he’s back, this time the topic is (shocker) killing crackers – specifically he wants to get nooses and hang them, because he hates every iota of a cracker. The most shocking part, however, is the clear indication on what he plans to do.

Watch the video below:

The National Field Marshal for the New Black Panther Party (NBPP), King Samir Shabazz, went on a series of racially charged radio rants this weekend.

“You should be thankful we’re not running around here hanging crackers by nooses and all that kind of stuff — yet, yet, yet,” Shabazz said.

He also said, “I love white-on white-crime, because that is the best crime.”

“Here’s the question I’d like to have America ask Attorney General Eric Holder, and President Barack Obama, and the media quite honestly,” Glenn said. More importantly just ask yourself, ‘Is silence in the face of evil, evil itself?’ I contend yes, it is. If you are silent when there is evil you are responsible.”

Glenn was especially harsh on Eric Holder, who as Attorney General said Americans were cowards and incapable of having an honest discussion about race.

WATCH: Shocking video from Black Bloc march in San Francisco



One of the GBTV staff members found this video on Youtube today, which appears to show that the so-called “peaceful” protesters are far from the harmless, loving, non-violent that the media likes to pretend they are. The video uploader claims that this was filmed on April 30th 2012 (the night before May Day) in the Mission District of San Francisco.

The video of violence and anarchy was followed by the message below:

WATCH: Shocking video from Black Bloc march in San Francisco – Glenn Beck

Glenn talks to bloggers about Brett Kimberlin Terrorism

This morning The Blaze broke one of the most important exposes that they have ever done. Brett Kimberlin is a domestic terrorist who went to prison after setting off a series of bombs and served 17 years of a 50 year sentence before his ultimate re-absorption into American society.

Where’s he today? Working for Soros and terrorizing conservative bloggers. “You need to know who this man is,” Glenn said to listeners this morning. “He is now being funded by George Soros, the Tides Foundation, Barbara Streisand, Teresa Heinz-Kerry. His rap sheet includes forgery, perjury, drug dealing, domestic terrorism, possible murder; possible child molestation – he’s a sociopath, many believe a pathological liar.”

“He’s raising a steady stream of money from the left. He lives in Bethesda, MD – he’s 58 years old now,” Glenn cited. “And he’s raising this money because he’s saying ‘I will put conservative bloggers out of business’.”

Today, Michelle Malkin and other prominent conservative bloggers organized a blogburst to raise awareness of Kimberlin’s terrorism used to silence bloggers. Glenn, GBTV, and The Blaze are participating in this ‘day of exposure’ on who Glenn describes as “one of the most hideous people you’re ever going to meet.”

Glenn introduced listeners to two people that have “crossed paths” with Kimberlin and tried to expose him, Patrick Frey and Aaron Walker.

Glenn spoke with Pat first:

Glenn talks to bloggers about Brett Kimberlin Terrorism – Glenn Beck

Glenn talks to bloggers about Brett Kimberlin Terrorism

This morning The Blaze broke one of the most important exposes that they have ever done. Brett Kimberlin is a domestic terrorist who went to prison after setting off a series of bombs and served 17 years of a 50 year sentence before his ultimate re-absorption into American society.

Where’s he today? Working for Soros and terrorizing conservative bloggers. “You need to know who this man is,” Glenn said to listeners this morning. “He is now being funded by George Soros, the Tides Foundation, Barbara Streisand, Teresa Heinz-Kerry. His rap sheet includes forgery, perjury, drug dealing, domestic terrorism, possible murder; possible child molestation – he’s a sociopath, many believe a pathological liar.”

“He’s raising a steady stream of money from the left. He lives in Bethesda, MD – he’s 58 years old now,” Glenn cited. “And he’s raising this money because he’s saying ‘I will put conservative bloggers out of business’.”

Today, Michelle Malkin and other prominent conservative bloggers organized a blogburst to raise awareness of Kimberlin’s terrorism used to silence bloggers. Glenn, GBTV, and The Blaze are participating in this ‘day of exposure’ on who Glenn describes as “one of the most hideous people you’re ever going to meet.”

Glenn introduced listeners to two people that have “crossed paths” with Kimberlin and tried to expose him, Patrick Frey and Aaron Walker.

Glenn spoke with Pat first:

Glenn talks to bloggers about Brett Kimberlin Terrorism – Glenn Beck

I saw this live on GBTV. Boggles the mind. The guy is DANGEROUS.
LOL! This thread is still going? I miss that whackjob! My wife used to hate when Id watch his show but I always enjoyed the nuttiness and even more, knowing there were people out there who actually bought into his bs.
Is he on cable or something nowadays?

he wishes. He's on webteevee, whatever that is :eusa_eh: :lol: :eusa_boohoo:

Oh look, a (half) witty cartoon! You like that one? How about this?

Classless Obama beats dead horse, unnecessarily insults George W. Bush


During a ceremony at the White House yesterday to hang a portrait of President George W. Bush, Obama was truly childish in his introduction. Meanwhile, George W. Bush was once again the epitome of class and what it means to be Presidential.

During the show, Pat told Glenn that he has been unable to locate the actual audio of Obama’s portion of the presentation. However Glenn, who had heard it, explained that Obama spent a lot of time commenting on the recession that began at the end of the Bush years (which Obama has yet to remedy) and how it was so much worse than anyone knew at the time.

That’s right folks, rather than praise a former President at one of the more public events that occur post-office, Obama took yet another opportunity to refuse to take ownership of the economy and blame it on a man who hasn’t been in office for almost four years.


Classless Obama beats dead horse, unnecessarily insults George W. Bush – Glenn Beck
Why do I hate Glen? I don't really hate Glen. he is a media whore that was picked up by fox news and changed most of his views to coincide with their market strategy of giving right wing nut jobs wack off material. Glen is not really known for his honesty, and when he needs to he will flat out make things up which makes him the perfect right wing pundit. Don't let the truth and reality stop you guys.

Glen was one of my more favorite guys on fox. There is nothing like getting some macho right winger and then ragging on them for watching a crybaby like glen. He is pretty much a huge wussy. I suppose Glen was the more sensitive play to conservative women until fox realized they don't have any opinions of their own to pander to anyway.

glen seems to know what he is, and that is a fringe media whore. It is like getting mad at Stephen Colbert for being a right wing nut. glen has his stuff down and he is great for his audience. He can swing a phrase and twist a situation. It just was not as important to fox to keep around their guy for the sensitive man as it was to keep their obnoxious assholes like Rush. In Fox's defense Glen was a sort of weak link in their truthiness for the macho dimwit programming. If they could get gretchen to do what glen did they would probably do better. Maybe Ducey could accomplish crying for the public as he is a pretty boy.

In the end I am glad glen is around, he is an easy target. It is like keith Olberman for the OP. Keith maybe able to pull on the heart strings, but he is a pompous ass who seems to be elitist and annoying to everyone around him. But keith keeps falling into the common attacks which makes him an easy target for the right. His bias becomes very clear in his broadcasts, when he shows up for them, so he really cannot claim to be a news person. Glen has some really fucked up and funny ideas too. He is one step away from interviewing people who have seen elvis in Kmart. I am actually surprised he has not accused one of the Obama kids of being the product of aliens or bigfoot. I swear the guy has sounded a lot like the religious "mark of the beast" documentaries. Those are funny as hell.
Classless Obama beats dead horse, unnecessarily insults George W. Bush


During a ceremony at the White House yesterday to hang a portrait of President George W. Bush, Obama was truly childish in his introduction. Meanwhile, George W. Bush was once again the epitome of class and what it means to be Presidential.

During the show, Pat told Glenn that he has been unable to locate the actual audio of Obama’s portion of the presentation. However Glenn, who had heard it, explained that Obama spent a lot of time commenting on the recession that began at the end of the Bush years (which Obama has yet to remedy) and how it was so much worse than anyone knew at the time.

That’s right folks, rather than praise a former President at one of the more public events that occur post-office, Obama took yet another opportunity to refuse to take ownership of the economy and blame it on a man who hasn’t been in office for almost four years.


Classless Obama beats dead horse, unnecessarily insults George W. Bush – Glenn Beck

I can't wait until Obama is out of office in 2017 and he's suddenly treated as a "dead horse" by conservatives.

Yeah. That'll happen. Immediately forget a presidency just because they left office.

Idiots. Repercussions of a presidential term can last a lot longer than a changing of the guard.
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