Why do progressive liberals hate Glenn Beck?

Simple. He views everything through the prism of Truth, Integrity, Love, Freedom, Liberty.

The Progressives HATE him because he unmasks who they really are.

ALL his sources are verifiable.

ALL there is to it.

Someone has a bromance.

What?... No Projection about Drinking?... Maybe your new Responsibilities are Maturing you finally... :lol:



White House Adviser Defends Class Warfare by Citing Karl Marx

5/7/12 By Becket Adams

Between things like Anita Dunn’s professed love for Mao Tse-Tung and the not-controversy surrounding the president’s new campaign slogan Forward!”), we suspect White House staffers are getting awfully tired of responding to questions about whether the Obama administration employs at least a few communist-sympathizing officials.

Rick Bookstaber, who currently serves on President Obama’s Financial Stability Oversight Council, may have just kicked off another round of these questions.

Writing on his personal blog Monday, Boosktaber posted a refutation of conservative author Tucker Carlson’s claim that, by repeatedly singling out the “wealthy,” Democrats are waging “class warfare.”

“There is little that matches the artfulness of the rich in waving off criticism of the widening income gap as ‘class warfare,’” Bookstaber writes. “And there is little that matches the gullibility of the rest in following along.”

“I am not picking sides in this war,” he added, “but I believe such a war is justifiable, and indeed ultimately inevitable.”

Karl Marx, of course, is most famously known as the father of communism. His political philosophy was adopted and implemented by infamous dictators — including Vladimir Lenin, Mao Tse-Tung, Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Min, Fidel Castro, and Che Gueverra — whose search for the perfect collectivist society led to the deaths of approximately 100 million people, according to the historian Stéphane Courtois.

White House Adviser Defends Class Warfare by Citing Karl Marx | TheBlaze.com
Simple. He views everything through the prism of Truth, Integrity, Love, Freedom, Liberty.

The Progressives HATE him because he unmasks who they really are.

ALL his sources are verifiable.

ALL there is to it.

Yeah, his sources saying stupid shit are absolutely verifiable. They really exist and they are really saying stupid, incorrect things.

You can source The Onion as news, but it doesn't make it any more trustworthy.
Yup, source the blogs because they are verifiable and objective.

The TerrificRedT marches to the nazi beat.
It isn't just liberals who hate Glenn.

You're right.

There are sane rw's who recognize his toxic crap for what it is.

Then there are the real nut jobs who buy his gold and his mre's and even subscribe to his crazy programs.

I don't hate him so much as I feel kinda sad for him. I think its very likely that he'll just go off one day, show up with a gun and take out as many as he can. He really is a pretty sick little twitch.

But hey, he serves a purpose, right? He helps to sell a hell of a lot of tin foil.

This is your brain on progressivism: epic video

Wednesday, May 9, 2012 at 4:05 PM EDT

What does it look like when a useful idiot attends a couple of Occupy rallies and then tries to apply all they’ve heard in an interview? A young protester showed us the painful answer as she tried to explain why Paul Ryan isn’t really Catholic and how poor people ‘have no dignity’.

Watch the video below: Typical liberals funny

This is your brain on progressivism: epic video – Glenn Beck

On April 26th, Catholic Congressman Paul Ryan gave an impassioned speech to students of Georgetown University, defending his budget and championing the principles of fiscal conservatism. The Blaze went down to interview some of those taking part in the highly publicized protests of the budget chairman’s appearance on the campus. There, we found a gaggle of Georgetown students, holding a sign that read “Stop The War On The Poor: No Social Justice in The Ryan Budget.”

The students had held the sign for over 45 minutes inside the auditorium where Ryan’s lecture was taking place. Once they moved outside The Blaze asked the question begged by the sign: “What makes the Ryan budget so antithetical to Catholic doctrine?”

One student-protester had a very hard time finding the words to defend her position that Ryan wasn’t a real Catholic, but insisted it was because he believes in “individualism” and that you”can determine your own fate.”

This is your brain on progressivism: epic video – Glenn Beck
its really hard to believe they still defend the metally ill man as their great leader
its really hard to believe they still defend the metally ill man as their great leader
Accurate as it may be, you shouldn't talk about Obama that way. Liberalism IS a mental disorder after all. aybe his limo needs handicapped plates.

FAIL: lib bloggers try to explain Marxist ‘Forward’ slogan

>>FAIL: lib bloggers try to explain Marxist

It’s pretty clear that Obama’s new slogan, Forward, has deep roots in socialist/Marxist lore. Most people aren’t denying this and Obama may have even done it just to get people accusing him again – but one leftist rag blogger had quite the hilariuos explanation of where the slogan came from. Get their ridiculous rationale in the clip above.

Yup, source the blogs because they are verifiable and objective.

And regular news outlets are? I'll take the biased outlets. At least they they're in tune with some sort of moral code as opposed to the regular media who have no qualms about selling us out and burying pertinent stories. Look at Obama being from Kenya and nobody in the media reporting it. That's the state of the media.

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