Why do progressive liberals hate Glenn Beck?

It isn't just liberals who hate Glenn.

Amen to that.

I can't stand that ass hole.

At least if you're going to be a pompous loudmouth, be funny or accurate, at least one of the two!

I'm almost convinced that he's a satire of a Republican, saying really stupid shit just to see how many retards run with it.

Remember his "Obama Indonesia trip is costing us $2 billion!!!" nonsense?

The morons lapped that one up, too.
It isn't just liberals who hate Glenn.

Amen to that.

I can't stand that ass hole.

At least if you're going to be a pompous loudmouth, be funny or accurate, at least one of the two!

I'm almost convinced that he's a satire of a Republican, saying really stupid shit just to see how many retards run with it.

Remember his "Obama Indonesia trip is costing us $2 billion!!!" nonsense?

The morons lapped that one up, too.

What's funnier than Sheila JAckson Lee.....leftwingers who pretend to be centrists, you afraid of the L word? Or the C word, and it is possible those questions could also be double entendres
It isn't just liberals who hate Glenn.

Amen to that.

I can't stand that ass hole.

At least if you're going to be a pompous loudmouth, be funny or accurate, at least one of the two!

I'm almost convinced that he's a satire of a Republican, saying really stupid shit just to see how many retards run with it.

Remember his "Obama Indonesia trip is costing us $2 billion!!!" nonsense?

The morons lapped that one up, too.

What's funnier than Sheila JAckson Lee.....leftwingers who pretend to be centrists, you afraid of the L word? Or the C word, and it is possible those questions could also be double entendres

Liberals look foolish when they accidentally let out their true agenda...​
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3I-PVVowFY]Maxine Waters (D) Slip of the Tongue Reveals True Intentions (Socialism for America) - YouTube[/ame]
Amen to that.

I can't stand that ass hole.

At least if you're going to be a pompous loudmouth, be funny or accurate, at least one of the two!

I'm almost convinced that he's a satire of a Republican, saying really stupid shit just to see how many retards run with it.

Remember his "Obama Indonesia trip is costing us $2 billion!!!" nonsense?

The morons lapped that one up, too.

What's funnier than Sheila JAckson Lee.....leftwingers who pretend to be centrists, you afraid of the L word? Or the C word, and it is possible those questions could also be double entendres

Liberals look foolish when they accidentally let out their true agenda...​
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3I-PVVowFY"]Maxine Waters (D) Slip of the Tongue Reveals True Intentions (Socialism for America) - YouTube[/ame]

OM I forgot about Maxine, she is the definition of HNIC........she's living the good life and dosent want you poor saps to forget that....Moving on up......to the East Side.........

And I love her small unintended bit of honesty!
I heard that Glenn Beck raped and murdered a girl in 1990. Is that true?

That would be no, but I heard you started a thread and got owned in it......well it happens so often I probably shouldnt be making a big deal out of it.....sue me it's late.

Here's one: Beck is putting together the biggest movement in American history!

Glenn Beck Hints That Next Big American Movement Will Be Unveiled on September 12 in Ohio | TheBlaze.com

From the piece:

While at Restoring Love, Glenn Beck announced that during an event slated to take place in Ohio the week of September 12th, he will kick-off “the biggest movement” in American history in the last three decades.

“We made an announcement on Saturday. Ohio, the week of 9/12, we are kicking off what I believe will be the biggest movement in American history in the last probably 30 years,” Glenn said.

“Make sure that you take that weekend of 9/12. I think 9/12 is on a Wednesday. That following weekend we’ll be in Ohio. Just circle it on your calendar. You know, if your kids are getting married, tell them, not that weekend.”

How exciting! I can't wait!

Narcissistic much?

Why do progressive liberals hate Glenn Beck?
I don't hate anyone, even though people would put me in the progressive liberal camp; in reality I am more aligned to anarcho-capitalist and anarchist-communism than authoritarian or state based systems.

What I dislike is his rants and his generalizations; he might sound better than the junk on Fox and CNN, but it isn't quality journalism. If he wants to be taken seriously then he could stop taking his talking points from some of the crackpots at mises that give lectures on 'national socialism and socialism being the same'.

Even in the national socialist movement, which Glen Beck keeps describing there were two separate camps i.e. those that supported Hitler and those that didn't agree with Hitler's authoritarian way of doing things.

But enough of that, this is describing America. Which is at worst corporatist leaning; the flawed national socialist economy does not exist in America, nor has the consty been suspended. So Glen Beck is not going to be taken seriously till he stops talking about Obama turning America to Communism or Nazism.

SHOCKING new audio from the New Black Panthers!


The New Black Panthers are at it again, with members threatening violence during the Republican National Convention in Tampa, as well as calling a new military run by the organization that would engage in racial violence.

“Now, remember when I said to you about a year ago that the conventions were going to be real trouble and Tampa is going to have trouble?” Glenn asked.

Well, he’s not the only one who thinks Tampa is in trouble – as New Black Panthers members are now saying they are going to be the one causing trouble when the GOP comes to town.


SHOCKING new audio from the New Black Panthers! – Glenn Beck
Why do progressive liberals hate Glenn Beck?
I don't hate anyone, even though people would put me in the progressive liberal camp; in reality I am more aligned to anarcho-capitalist and anarchist-communism than authoritarian or state based systems.

What I dislike is his rants and his generalizations; he might sound better than the junk on Fox and CNN, but it isn't quality journalism. If he wants to be taken seriously then he could stop taking his talking points from some of the crackpots at mises that give lectures on 'national socialism and socialism being the same'.

Even in the national socialist movement, which Glen Beck keeps describing there were two separate camps i.e. those that supported Hitler and those that didn't agree with Hitler's authoritarian way of doing things.

But enough of that, this is describing America. Which is at worst corporatist leaning; the flawed national socialist economy does not exist in America, nor has the consty been suspended. So Glen Beck is not going to be taken seriously till he stops talking about Obama turning America to Communism or Nazism.

Did you really just say "Glenn Beck is not going to be taken seriously until"? LMAO! This is a man with tens of MILLIONS of listeners, has sold tens of MILLIONS of books, sells tens of MILLIONS of tickets for live appearances, and earns many, many, many tens of MILLIONS of dollars.

You will not be taken seriously on this message board until you can discuss reality. Save fiction for the state-controlled media that you openly admit you prefer.
NO SOCIALISTS were for Hitler- a lot of disgruntled unemployed RWers...

See- there's another RW Propaganda BS turd, probably the topper- NOT HISTORY, just Pubcrappe.
Nothing intelligible again?

Not moving, just visiting...More UK, France and Spain.
Beck has poor fools thinking Hitler was a socialist, Obama a Marxist. Drivel for dupe/haters...
Freedom vs. Free Stuff: Why are some areas more charitable than others?


Those who listen to Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Barack Obama most likely believe think that Republicans hate the poor, that people who oppose raising taxes on the rich are greedy and don’t want to help those in need, and those opposed to Obamacare don’t care about sick people – right?

While those are all great surface-level talking points for a Democrat trying to win an election, they’re wildly inaccurate.

The latest in a long line of evidence disproving this comes from a recent study showing that red states give more to charity than blue states:

“It seems those in the U.S. who back Obama for president are among the least generous when it comes to supporting charities.

While a recent Democrat ad had a conservative government pushing granny over a cliff in her wheelchair, it turns out Red states, those with a Republican/Independent conservative base, are more generous to charities.


Freedom vs. Free Stuff: Why are some areas more charitable than others? – Glenn Beck
Nothing intelligible again?

Not moving, just visiting...More UK, France and Spain.
Beck has poor fools thinking Hitler was a socialist, Obama a Marxist. Drivel for dupe/haters...

Hitler lead the national socialist party, but nope. Not socialist.

Do you know how stupid that sounds? That's like claiming Romney isnt a Republican or Obama isnt a Democrat.

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