Why do Republicans cripple their children with homeschooling?

Because many public schools suck.

that isn't why people homeschool.

It is absolutely one of the reasons. If I'd of left my kids in the hands of only the teachers of California, they wouldn't be able to read a stop sign.

yah... spoken like a true winger.

my son graduated from NYC public schools.... now at one of the top schools in the world.

only deluded wingers who think like you homeschool unless their kid is being bullied and there is no choice.

but feel free to say what part of my comment is untrue. the tying their shoes part is on the parents.

but thanks for proving what you are. :thup:

Yea and he is drunk as hell right now

I'm not a he nor am I drunk
I gave you a fact.Home schooled kids perform better on standardized tests than their public school counterparts.That contradicts your OPINION that home schooled kids need remedial help in order to handle college courses


No. You don't know the difference between a fact and opinion. Thanks for clearing that up.
It seems the confusion is yours since test scores are not opinion
This is a complicated and competitive world. Many parents are old fashioned. They want to teach a 1950's education in a world that needs a 2017 education.

Not a problem. The testing is so entirely dumbed down now, that a 50's education would be OVERKILL for passing general exams. In fact, it's far superior.

I have a copy of HS grad exam from the 1890s.. Only 0.5% of kids today would pass it. NEWER is NOT better in education. The math scores are down because the academics have fussed with basics for so long it's TORMENTING kids and making them insecure in learning math. For instance, if you're gonna teach a kid 3 ways to multiply -- FIRST teach them the ONE method that ALWAYS works.. Teachers intimidate students by asking for "estimates" of math problems instead of the correct answer. But they mark them down for being too "off" or too precise. Dont START teaching a math subject with "you can do it 8 different ways" if those 8 different ways don't end up in a predictable accurate answer all the time.

I know this. Wife and I have been BEGGED to tutor kids in Algebra and Calculus and they are not prepared. Looking at their books I can tell you why... Because now EQUATIONS are "number sentences" and other foolishness to make math user friendly. 50s math worked. Got us to a world lead in technology. We've lost that lead. LARGELY because kids are intimidated and confused by all the academic pandering and packaging they've invented for teaching.
I had a real life experience in math recently. The wifi was down at a business and that was needed to computer generate an invoice for me. So, handwritten invoice it was going to be. Out came the calculator to figure 10 pieces of paver edging at $11.50 a piece, 40 spikes at 0.40 a piece. I figured it in my head, gave the answers and completed a subtotal, tax and total before the calculator. I was looking at all of this upsidedown.
At least 90% of the parents who attempt to home school their children are in no way qualified to do so.

Hell, a buttload of 'em didn't even finish high school.

I've long suspected that we have an abundant supply of home schooled children here on USMB.


At least 90% of the parents who attempt to home school their children are in no way qualified to do so.

Hell, a buttload of 'em didn't even finish high school.

I've long suspected that we have an abundant supply of home schooled children here on USMB.



Way to abandon the argument and hide in a debate fail.
All the data shows that Homeschooling is growing in popularity and the kids do better on standardized testing. Do Homeschool Kids Really Rate Better on Standardized Tests?

Why are LWNJ's afraid of this?


Because public schools are great avenues of indoctrination and conformity.

Phyllis Schlafly - Conservapedia

Homeschooling always makes me think of Phyllis Schlafly. Phyllis is considered by many to be the mother of the conservative movement. I once saw a hilarious interview by her where she said she did all the right things.
She homeschooled her kids to insulate them from the nastiness of modern society. She married a strong man and great father figure and she bowed down to him as the master of the the house. They disciplined their children. And in spite of doing everything absolutely the right way, one of her sons turned out gay. She said she just couldn't understand how this could happen.

This is a complicated and competitive world. Many parents are old fashioned. They want to teach a 1950's education in a world that needs a 2017 education.

Home-schooled children do terrible in math.

The Homeschool Math Gap: The Data

In many cases, homeschooled teens are expected to teach themselves algebra or calculus out of a textbook without the aid of any kind of teacher or adult help—something most children likely cannot do successfully.

Just The Facts: The Pros & Cons Of Homeschooling

Can homeschooling make or break a child’s future?

Adults who were homeschooled often reference extreme social awkwardness as an obstacle they experienced upon entering college or the workforce. Others, whose teaching was steeped in religious ideology, note astonishment and even anger towards their parents because they were shielded from scientific learning and had no knowledge of subjects like evolution, the big bang theory or even the existence of dinosaurs.


Wow, imagine not even knowing that dinosaurs were real or going to a college science class and knowing nothing of evolution.

I've seen a lot of fake statistics. But common sense will tell you that coming from an ultra conservative background, you obviously won't do well in math and science.

I'm not even sure what kind of jobs conservatives who have home-schooled their children think those kids are qualified for. Remember 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated.

I can see conservatives setting their kids up for a failed life. They don't know math or science and they haven't been socialized.
Why do you lie every post? Home schooling keeps the liberals pos from influencing the kids.
The parents who refuse to send their children to school are setting their kids up for failure. They want to rush their kids in "marriage" so their kids will all have four kids before they are even 25, with no way to support them. I can't imagine what it is like to grow up in a cult family and then end up in the real world with no means of coping. It's the girls who suffer the most, and it is the parents of these girls who are responsible.
care to prove that bullshit?
How many girls will be consistently pregnant before they are 25, without ever having the chance to decide what they want to be in life? They will just be little sex playthings who are "educated" to allow their "husbands" to hump them and make them pregnant like barnyard animals. Girls 'educated" only to be sex slaves and baby mommas. This is sick. Look at poor Anna Duggar and Josh Duggar who humps her.
How many girls will be consistently pregnant before they are 25, without ever having the chance to decide what they want to be in life?

Are you talking about homeschooling, or public education?
Homeschooling. Parents of homeschooled girls have no desire for their future at all, just screwing and pregnancy with their "husbands." No care there. No thought. Anna Duggar's cult father hooked her up with the likes of Josh Duggar, now she is weighed down with what, five kids, and all by the whore she's married to. Where is she supposed to go? She probably doesn't even know how to prevent him from knocking her up.
You're retarded.
Phyllis Schlafly - Conservapedia

Homeschooling always makes me think of Phyllis Schlafly. Phyllis is considered by many to be the mother of the conservative movement. I once saw a hilarious interview by her where she said she did all the right things.
She homeschooled her kids to insulate them from the nastiness of modern society. She married a strong man and great father figure and she bowed down to him as the master of the the house. They disciplined their children. And in spite of doing everything absolutely the right way, one of her sons turned out gay. She said she just couldn't understand how this could happen.

This is a complicated and competitive world. Many parents are old fashioned. They want to teach a 1950's education in a world that needs a 2017 education.

Home-schooled children do terrible in math.

The Homeschool Math Gap: The Data

In many cases, homeschooled teens are expected to teach themselves algebra or calculus out of a textbook without the aid of any kind of teacher or adult help—something most children likely cannot do successfully.

Just The Facts: The Pros & Cons Of Homeschooling

Can homeschooling make or break a child’s future?

Adults who were homeschooled often reference extreme social awkwardness as an obstacle they experienced upon entering college or the workforce. Others, whose teaching was steeped in religious ideology, note astonishment and even anger towards their parents because they were shielded from scientific learning and had no knowledge of subjects like evolution, the big bang theory or even the existence of dinosaurs.


Wow, imagine not even knowing that dinosaurs were real or going to a college science class and knowing nothing of evolution.

I've seen a lot of fake statistics. But common sense will tell you that coming from an ultra conservative background, you obviously won't do well in math and science.

I'm not even sure what kind of jobs conservatives who have home-schooled their children think those kids are qualified for. Remember 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated.

I can see conservatives setting their kids up for a failed life. They don't know math or science and they haven't been socialized.
Why do you lie every post? Home schooling keeps the liberals pos from influencing the kids.
And liberals absolutely revile not having access to your children.
Not only nice. It leads to stable families where both parents of all the children live under the same roof: and don't suffer the consequences of single motherhood ; and the exposure to multiple, temporary influential individuals whose presence is only a litmus test for the single mother to find the next sucker who can put up with her bad decision making.
Phyllis Schlafly - Conservapedia

Homeschooling always makes me think of Phyllis Schlafly. Phyllis is considered by many to be the mother of the conservative movement. I once saw a hilarious interview by her where she said she did all the right things.
She homeschooled her kids to insulate them from the nastiness of modern society. She married a strong man and great father figure and she bowed down to him as the master of the the house. They disciplined their children. And in spite of doing everything absolutely the right way, one of her sons turned out gay. She said she just couldn't understand how this could happen.

This is a complicated and competitive world. Many parents are old fashioned. They want to teach a 1950's education in a world that needs a 2017 education.

Home-schooled children do terrible in math.

The Homeschool Math Gap: The Data

In many cases, homeschooled teens are expected to teach themselves algebra or calculus out of a textbook without the aid of any kind of teacher or adult help—something most children likely cannot do successfully.

Just The Facts: The Pros & Cons Of Homeschooling

Can homeschooling make or break a child’s future?

Adults who were homeschooled often reference extreme social awkwardness as an obstacle they experienced upon entering college or the workforce. Others, whose teaching was steeped in religious ideology, note astonishment and even anger towards their parents because they were shielded from scientific learning and had no knowledge of subjects like evolution, the big bang theory or even the existence of dinosaurs.


Wow, imagine not even knowing that dinosaurs were real or going to a college science class and knowing nothing of evolution.

I've seen a lot of fake statistics. But common sense will tell you that coming from an ultra conservative background, you obviously won't do well in math and science.

I'm not even sure what kind of jobs conservatives who have home-schooled their children think those kids are qualified for. Remember 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated.

I can see conservatives setting their kids up for a failed life. They don't know math or science and they haven't been socialized.
Why do you lie every post? Home schooling keeps the liberals pos from influencing the kids.
And liberals absolutely revile not having access to your children.
Either for turning them into faggots or liberals.
Phyllis Schlafly - Conservapedia

Homeschooling always makes me think of Phyllis Schlafly. Phyllis is considered by many to be the mother of the conservative movement. I once saw a hilarious interview by her where she said she did all the right things.
She homeschooled her kids to insulate them from the nastiness of modern society. She married a strong man and great father figure and she bowed down to him as the master of the the house. They disciplined their children. And in spite of doing everything absolutely the right way, one of her sons turned out gay. She said she just couldn't understand how this could happen.

This is a complicated and competitive world. Many parents are old fashioned. They want to teach a 1950's education in a world that needs a 2017 education.

Home-schooled children do terrible in math.

The Homeschool Math Gap: The Data

In many cases, homeschooled teens are expected to teach themselves algebra or calculus out of a textbook without the aid of any kind of teacher or adult help—something most children likely cannot do successfully.

Just The Facts: The Pros & Cons Of Homeschooling

Can homeschooling make or break a child’s future?

Adults who were homeschooled often reference extreme social awkwardness as an obstacle they experienced upon entering college or the workforce. Others, whose teaching was steeped in religious ideology, note astonishment and even anger towards their parents because they were shielded from scientific learning and had no knowledge of subjects like evolution, the big bang theory or even the existence of dinosaurs.


Wow, imagine not even knowing that dinosaurs were real or going to a college science class and knowing nothing of evolution.

I've seen a lot of fake statistics. But common sense will tell you that coming from an ultra conservative background, you obviously won't do well in math and science.

I'm not even sure what kind of jobs conservatives who have home-schooled their children think those kids are qualified for. Remember 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated.

I can see conservatives setting their kids up for a failed life. They don't know math or science and they haven't been socialized.
Why do you lie every post? Home schooling keeps the liberals pos from influencing the kids.
And liberals absolutely revile not having access to your children.
Either for turning them into faggots or liberals.
Not to mention down breeders, and anti diversity race mixers.
The parents who refuse to send their children to school are setting their kids up for failure. They want to rush their kids in "marriage" so their kids will all have four kids before they are even 25, with no way to support them. I can't imagine what it is like to grow up in a cult family and then end up in the real world with no means of coping. It's the girls who suffer the most, and it is the parents of these girls who are responsible.
care to prove that bullshit?
How many girls will be consistently pregnant before they are 25, without ever having the chance to decide what they want to be in life? They will just be little sex playthings who are "educated" to allow their "husbands" to hump them and make them pregnant like barnyard animals. Girls 'educated" only to be sex slaves and baby mommas. This is sick. Look at poor Anna Duggar and Josh Duggar who humps her.
How many girls will be consistently pregnant before they are 25, without ever having the chance to decide what they want to be in life?

Are you talking about homeschooling, or public education?
Homeschooling. Parents of homeschooled girls have no desire for their future at all, just screwing and pregnancy with their "husbands." No care there. No thought. Anna Duggar's cult father hooked her up with the likes of Josh Duggar, now she is weighed down with what, five kids, and all by the whore she's married to. Where is she supposed to go? She probably doesn't even know how to prevent him from knocking her up.
You're retarded.

yeah? well, publik skool kidz say: your retarded! so their!
care to prove that bullshit?
How many girls will be consistently pregnant before they are 25, without ever having the chance to decide what they want to be in life? They will just be little sex playthings who are "educated" to allow their "husbands" to hump them and make them pregnant like barnyard animals. Girls 'educated" only to be sex slaves and baby mommas. This is sick. Look at poor Anna Duggar and Josh Duggar who humps her.
How many girls will be consistently pregnant before they are 25, without ever having the chance to decide what they want to be in life?

Are you talking about homeschooling, or public education?
Homeschooling. Parents of homeschooled girls have no desire for their future at all, just screwing and pregnancy with their "husbands." No care there. No thought. Anna Duggar's cult father hooked her up with the likes of Josh Duggar, now she is weighed down with what, five kids, and all by the whore she's married to. Where is she supposed to go? She probably doesn't even know how to prevent him from knocking her up.
You're retarded.

yeah? well, publik skool kidz say: your retarded! so their!
Well... If publik skool says so... Who kood argyou with that?

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