Why Do Republicans Feel Compelled To Say "We're The Party of Lincoln?"

Who brought it up today?
Someone brings it up every day in the media.

I typically see it brandished when some Republican is in hot soup over some obvious racist comment and another Republican is on the media playing apologetics for them.

That's the only time I see it used.

Racist comment is how YOU spin it, lol! YOU are a phony baloney, so we think we should just ignore what you think-)

By the way...……………...how are those elections in Florida and Georgia working out for your RACIST rearend?

Not so hot, are they!

Americans are smarter than that, and smarter than you! But that is ok, keep being dumb as a box of rocks-)
Who brought it up today?
Someone brings it up every day in the media.

I typically see it brandished when some Republican is in hot soup over some obvious racist comment and another Republican is on the media playing apologetics for them.

That's the only time I see it used.

And by some "obvious racist comment" you mean a comment that is not racist in the least and the lib lie about it.

Admit it. YOu tend to dismiss what cons say, and don't really recall it that well.
Marc, you don't want a discussion on the subject title of your thread. You just want a bully pulpit to call republicans and conservatives racists.
You're a sad person.
What is it, exactly, are they trying to say, or communicate when they spout that line?

I'd love to have the self-professed Republicans, Conservatives and other assorted Rightwingers of USMB weigh in on this.

fallacies of false Cause is something they are good at.
Compelled? what a weird thread....why do libs still worship drunk rich white men that kill their female passengers and boink their 19 year old interns?....

Who are you taking about ? Kennedy ? He’s been dead for like a decade !
Who brought it up today?
Someone brings it up every day in the media.

I typically see it brandished when some Republican is in hot soup over some obvious racist comment and another Republican is on the media playing apologetics for them.

That's the only time I see it used.

And by some "obvious racist comment" you mean a comment that is not racist in the least and the lib lie about it.

Admit it. YOu tend to dismiss what cons say, and don't really recall it that well.

We do not CARE about Mark trying to paint everything as RACIST! He is a PHONY-E-BALONEY, a TOOL, and a divider.

If he wants to see RACISM, he ought to look in Chicago where black kids are killed constantly. But he won't, because it is run by his HERO'S, and they are NEVER wrong, right Mark...…..you PHONY!
Nope. I am pushing back against the false narratives being spewed by the Left. The Identity Politics which the Left has promoted for decades is destroying our country, so I will call shenanigans whenever I see it.
What's "identity politics?"

Rightwingers are always using these made-up terms.

Can you define it please?
What’s mostly stupid about it is that they they like to point out that democrats used to be a racist KKK party without seemingly to realize that also means Lincoln no longer has anything to do with the Republican Party because of the ideological switch.

The ideological switch is a bogus myth you prog loons promote to deflect attention from your own racism and racist past.
Lol then why does the KKK embrace the Republican Party and the Democratic Party rejects them?

The KKK is an eensy beensy historical artifact. There are more members of the Jedi Religion in the U.S. than there are KKK members.

There are orders of magnitude more Racist Dems in the U.S. than there are fringe KKKers.
The KKK was at its peak around the 1920s, perhaps 20 percent of white male population was in KKK at the time.
But more relevant today: A 'New York Times' article reported exit poll data revealed one in five Trump supporters opposed the Emancipation Proclamation; February 2016 poll data indicated 38 percent "of Trump voters say they wish the South had won the Civil War" in specific Southern polling results; 2014 polling done before Trump's campaign took off demonstrated surprisingly similar responses.

But, as they pointed out, this sentiment existed before Trump.

I'd like to see how those questions are worded.
According public policy polling, it says 38% of Trump voters say they wish the South had won the Civil War. Which I would assume they just asked, "do you wish the south had won the civil war?"
Nope. I am pushing back against the false narratives being spewed by the Left. The Identity Politics which the Left has promoted for decades is destroying our country, so I will call shenanigans whenever I see it.
What's "identity politics?"

Rightwingers are always using these made-up terms.

Can you define it please?

LOL, listen to you, PHONY!

I seen another thread of yours how Trump can't get re-elected, lol. Guess what! Not only WILL he be re-elected, the House will flip back, lol.

We appreciate you being a foil, a fool, a tool, and a phony! Your side is screwed, and how is that election in Georgia working out for ya-)
Nope. I am pushing back against the false narratives being spewed by the Left. The Identity Politics which the Left has promoted for decades is destroying our country, so I will call shenanigans whenever I see it.
What's "identity politics?"

Rightwingers are always using these made-up terms.

Can you define it please?
divide and conquer
It's a tactic from the left
The ideological switch is a bogus myth you prog loons promote to deflect attention from your own racism and racist past.
Lol then why does the KKK embrace the Republican Party and the Democratic Party rejects them?

The KKK is an eensy beensy historical artifact. There are more members of the Jedi Religion in the U.S. than there are KKK members.

There are orders of magnitude more Racist Dems in the U.S. than there are fringe KKKers.
The KKK was at its peak around the 1920s, perhaps 20 percent of white male population was in KKK at the time.
But more relevant today: A 'New York Times' article reported exit poll data revealed one in five Trump supporters opposed the Emancipation Proclamation; February 2016 poll data indicated 38 percent "of Trump voters say they wish the South had won the Civil War" in specific Southern polling results; 2014 polling done before Trump's campaign took off demonstrated surprisingly similar responses.

But, as they pointed out, this sentiment existed before Trump.

I'd like to see how those questions are worded.
According public policy polling, it says 38% of Trump voters say they wish the South had won the Civil War. Which I would assume they just asked, "do you wish the south had won the civil war?"

I wish the civil war had not been fought, and I still want to see how that question was worded.
Why was this thread moved ? Oh yeah, cause it exposes conservatives. So it must be banished !
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What is it, exactly, are they trying to say, or communicate when they spout that line?

I'd love to have the self-professed Republicans, Conservatives and other assorted Rightwingers of USMB weigh in on this.

/---/ We freed your people from the democRAT slaveholders and preserved the nation.

And LBJ enslaved them again..


"Enslaved them again"? Really? LBJ is the one that passed the Equal Rights Act and the Equal Voter Act.

That is the reason that the Afro Americans vote overwhelmingly Democrat. Dems gave them equal rights and the right to vote.

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