Why do republicans say “Americans first” yet they reject any socialist proposal?

Indoctrination is the opposite of protection. We've already lost a couple of generations to stalinist indoctrination, a couple of more, game over. You can kiss this noble experiment goodbye.

What kind of indoctrination are you referring to?

Fuck off, I'm done playing your 20 questions. If you haven't been paying attention to what's happening in the schools and colleges you're not worth talking to.

What’s wrong with asking questions? It gives you an opportunity to explain your positions better... isn’t that why we are here?

I’m just trying to make sense on how you think the “indoctrination” is any different or worse than it has been over the course of existence. My girl works in the school system and just got a box of old children’s books from the 70s. You should see the crap that was in those books. Training how to eat so you don’t become a “fatty” how women should act to be a proper Housewife... don’t even get started about the racial and immigrant propaganda that went on before the 60s... you just don’t agree with how the propaganda has changed. It is now pushing horrible things like perspective, empathy and acceptance. Wow, how truly terrible!!!

Yeah, teaching a healthy lifestyle and family values vs. billy has two daddies, which is a scientific impossibility and a commiecrat fantasy. Yeah, so much better now. LMAO

See again your hypocrisy shows... as long as you agree with the values being pushed, the indoctrination is fine, and government regulation is all good. Screw personal liberty. Come on man, it’s all the same stuff going on, the world is just moving past your point of view.

Yep, backwards. Remember Sodom and Gomorrah?

I know at least one socialist policy the far right radical extremists want.

That stupid wall trump wants to build.

The far right radical extremists love socialism. As long as it's their socialism.

How does a country protecting its borders, equate in your mind to Socialism? Please say you are being facetious.

It's not a social system.

Socialism is an ecomonic system where the public or government controls some of the means of production. That is society as a whole owns something , controls it and benefits from it.

Socialism isn't taking freedoms and individuality from anyone.

To the far right radical extremists socialism is a "boogie man" type of catch all word for anything they disagree with.

More completely and specifically:

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    leftism · Fabianism · syndicalism · consumer socialism · utopian socialism · welfarism · communism · Bolshevism · radicalism · militancy · progressivism · social democracy · laborism · Marxism · Leninism · Marxism–Leninism · neo-Marxism · Trotskyism · Maoism
All those terms are used by comparing our perceived notion of what is normal and natural. If somebody isn’t like how we define normal then they are defective or they have a disorder. That’s fine but it doesn’t make it unnatural or wrong. That’s all prescribed by society.

There is no NOTION of what is normal and natural. Something is normal or natural or it is abnormal or unnatural. It is not a gray area. Abraham Lincoln is said to have walked into a bar with his dog. He asked the barkeep if we call my dogs tail, a leg, how many legs does my dog have? Why five said the barkeep. Wrong said Mr. Lincoln, calling the tail a leg does not make it one.

  1. conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.
    "it's quite normal for puppies to bolt their food" · "normal working hours"
    usual · standard · typical · stock · common · ordinary · customary · conventional · habitual · accustomed · expected · wonted · everyday · regular · routine · day-to-day · daily · established · settled · set · fixed · traditional · quotidian · prevailing · ordinary · average · run-of-the-mill · standard · typical · middle-of-the-road · common · conventional · mainstream · unremarkable · unexceptional · plain · simple · homely · homespun · workaday · garden-variety · bog-standard · vanilla · plain vanilla · a dime a dozen · common or garden · ornery
    unusual · abnormal
  2. technical
    (of a line, ray, or other linear feature) intersecting a given line or surface at right angles.
    "a single plane of symmetry with a diad axis normal to it"
  3. medicine
    (of a salt solution) containing the same salt concentration as the blood.
    "dilute the stock solution with sterile water or normal saline"
    • chemistry
      (of a solution) containing one gram-equivalent of solute per liter.
  4. geology
    denoting a fault or faulting in which a relative downward movement occurred in the strata situated on the upper side of the fault plane.
normals (plural noun)
  1. the usual, average, or typical state or condition.
    "her temperature was above normal" · "the service will be back to normal next week"
    standard · usual · normal · typical · average · the rule · predictable · unexceptional · par for the course · what one would expect · expected · (only) to be expected
    the exception
    • informal
      a person who is conventional or healthy.
  2. technical
    a line at right angles to a given line or surface.
    "the view is along the normal to the surface"
What kind of indoctrination are you referring to?

Fuck off, I'm done playing your 20 questions. If you haven't been paying attention to what's happening in the schools and colleges you're not worth talking to.

What’s wrong with asking questions? It gives you an opportunity to explain your positions better... isn’t that why we are here?

I’m just trying to make sense on how you think the “indoctrination” is any different or worse than it has been over the course of existence. My girl works in the school system and just got a box of old children’s books from the 70s. You should see the crap that was in those books. Training how to eat so you don’t become a “fatty” how women should act to be a proper Housewife... don’t even get started about the racial and immigrant propaganda that went on before the 60s... you just don’t agree with how the propaganda has changed. It is now pushing horrible things like perspective, empathy and acceptance. Wow, how truly terrible!!!

Yeah, teaching a healthy lifestyle and family values vs. billy has two daddies, which is a scientific impossibility and a commiecrat fantasy. Yeah, so much better now. LMAO

See again your hypocrisy shows... as long as you agree with the values being pushed, the indoctrination is fine, and government regulation is all good. Screw personal liberty. Come on man, it’s all the same stuff going on, the world is just moving past your point of view.
That's the problem with government schools: they will always be pushing someone else's values. That's why they should be abolished.
That’s bullshit... I’ve already explained the obvious focus of schools which focus education on many other subjects besides history and politics. History and politics in fact are one of the least focused on subjects. Your indoctrination rants are misguided and transparent
They do get that right? The most direct way to benefit the lives of Americans is through a socialist policy.

Hey, repubs, what non-socialist policy would help the well being of Americans in general besides tax cuts? Or do you think tax cuts will solve any problem?

How is it to my benefit to have you take the money at gunpoint that I worked for and then give it to someone who hasn't earned it? Duh? Why would any rational person agree to that?

Here's a novel concept...you want to REALLY benefit Americans? Help them to get a job...earn their own freakin' money and solve their own problems! They'll feel better about themselves...I'll be able to spend MY money...and you progressives can hold hands and sing Kumbaya!
Well the market created the discriminatory bullshit that we saw until the civil rights act in the 60s so your theory failed.

As you know, that is not true.

It was the government who separated the races. It was the government who decided, supported by the US Supreme Court who decided that separate but equal was the law of the land. That would be the Plessey v Fergusson case.

It was the government who determined that it was illegal for a black person to marry a white.

In many locals, it was illegal for a black to be buried in a white cemetery and vice versa.

Why do you lie?
Your right it was government but it was also businesses and the “people” of what is called by some as the “free market”. You better believe that there were many business owners that wouldn’t serve blacks. And who do you think elected the law makers that made those laws? It’s all part of the “will of the people” back then it was dominated by wealthy white guys. And slowly over time women and minority’s have picked up representation and they are still going. That mountain has not yet been eclipsed. It’s a very sad and embarrassing element of our nations history.

Bottom line, after all your whining. It was GOVERNMENT. More specifically, it was DEMOCRATS.
Sure, government, Democrats, Republicans, business owners and citizens. All own fault. All need to do better
What kind of indoctrination are you referring to?

Fuck off, I'm done playing your 20 questions. If you haven't been paying attention to what's happening in the schools and colleges you're not worth talking to.

What’s wrong with asking questions? It gives you an opportunity to explain your positions better... isn’t that why we are here?

I’m just trying to make sense on how you think the “indoctrination” is any different or worse than it has been over the course of existence. My girl works in the school system and just got a box of old children’s books from the 70s. You should see the crap that was in those books. Training how to eat so you don’t become a “fatty” how women should act to be a proper Housewife... don’t even get started about the racial and immigrant propaganda that went on before the 60s... you just don’t agree with how the propaganda has changed. It is now pushing horrible things like perspective, empathy and acceptance. Wow, how truly terrible!!!

Yeah, teaching a healthy lifestyle and family values vs. billy has two daddies, which is a scientific impossibility and a commiecrat fantasy. Yeah, so much better now. LMAO

See again your hypocrisy shows... as long as you agree with the values being pushed, the indoctrination is fine, and government regulation is all good. Screw personal liberty. Come on man, it’s all the same stuff going on, the world is just moving past your point of view.

Yep, backwards. Remember Sodom and Gomorrah?

Haha, you complain about going backwards and then Reference a story from the Old Testament? Are you joking?

Serious question... Do you have your arc built for when the next great flood comes?
All those terms are used by comparing our perceived notion of what is normal and natural. If somebody isn’t like how we define normal then they are defective or they have a disorder. That’s fine but it doesn’t make it unnatural or wrong. That’s all prescribed by society.

There is no NOTION of what is normal and natural. Something is normal or natural or it is abnormal or unnatural. It is not a gray area. Abraham Lincoln is said to have walked into a bar with his dog. He asked the barkeep if we call my dogs tail, a leg, how many legs does my dog have? Why five said the barkeep. Wrong said Mr. Lincoln, calling the tail a leg does not make it one.

  1. conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.
    "it's quite normal for puppies to bolt their food" · "normal working hours"
    usual · standard · typical · stock · common · ordinary · customary · conventional · habitual · accustomed · expected · wonted · everyday · regular · routine · day-to-day · daily · established · settled · set · fixed · traditional · quotidian · prevailing · ordinary · average · run-of-the-mill · standard · typical · middle-of-the-road · common · conventional · mainstream · unremarkable · unexceptional · plain · simple · homely · homespun · workaday · garden-variety · bog-standard · vanilla · plain vanilla · a dime a dozen · common or garden · ornery
    unusual · abnormal
  2. technical
    (of a line, ray, or other linear feature) intersecting a given line or surface at right angles.
    "a single plane of symmetry with a diad axis normal to it"
  3. medicine
    (of a salt solution) containing the same salt concentration as the blood.
    "dilute the stock solution with sterile water or normal saline"
    • chemistry
      (of a solution) containing one gram-equivalent of solute per liter.
  4. geology
    denoting a fault or faulting in which a relative downward movement occurred in the strata situated on the upper side of the fault plane.
normals (plural noun)
  1. the usual, average, or typical state or condition.
    "her temperature was above normal" · "the service will be back to normal next week"
    standard · usual · normal · typical · average · the rule · predictable · unexceptional · par for the course · what one would expect · expected · (only) to be expected
    the exception
    • informal
      a person who is conventional or healthy.
  2. technical
    a line at right angles to a given line or surface.
    "the view is along the normal to the surface"
Exactly. Thank you. That reinforces my point
Dude all of these are socialist. Literally all of them.
lol...so is everything everyone does...man even mocking you is embarrassing.
Lol I hate to break it to you, but just because you agree with a government policy, it doesn’t change the fact that it is socialist.

Government policy is not by definition socialist policy.

Socialism is a specific form of government not any and all government
Fuck off, I'm done playing your 20 questions. If you haven't been paying attention to what's happening in the schools and colleges you're not worth talking to.

What’s wrong with asking questions? It gives you an opportunity to explain your positions better... isn’t that why we are here?

I’m just trying to make sense on how you think the “indoctrination” is any different or worse than it has been over the course of existence. My girl works in the school system and just got a box of old children’s books from the 70s. You should see the crap that was in those books. Training how to eat so you don’t become a “fatty” how women should act to be a proper Housewife... don’t even get started about the racial and immigrant propaganda that went on before the 60s... you just don’t agree with how the propaganda has changed. It is now pushing horrible things like perspective, empathy and acceptance. Wow, how truly terrible!!!

Yeah, teaching a healthy lifestyle and family values vs. billy has two daddies, which is a scientific impossibility and a commiecrat fantasy. Yeah, so much better now. LMAO

See again your hypocrisy shows... as long as you agree with the values being pushed, the indoctrination is fine, and government regulation is all good. Screw personal liberty. Come on man, it’s all the same stuff going on, the world is just moving past your point of view.

Yep, backwards. Remember Sodom and Gomorrah?

Haha, you complain about going backwards and then Reference a story from the Old Testament? Are you joking?

Serious question... Do you have your arc built for when the next great flood comes?

Joking, nooooooooooooo. Just pointing out where the regressive commies are wanting to take us. You can't get more regressive than Sodom and Gomorrah.

What kind of indoctrination are you referring to?

Fuck off, I'm done playing your 20 questions. If you haven't been paying attention to what's happening in the schools and colleges you're not worth talking to.

sorry about the educated and well-informed knowing that socialism in the modern sense means always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net like every modern country but us, thanks to brainwashed functional morons like you....

"We are all socialists now!" -Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed...

So what will he say when the courts trash maobamacare?

probably that GOP garbage propaganda America is the most unfair give away to the rich modern country going, as it has been for 30 years... Thanks for the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world, as well as 911 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest Wars ever, another corrupt GOP World depression only averted by spending a couple of years of GDP under Obama and in other modern countries,all to save the rich from paying their fair share here and policy based on pure fantasy propaganda....

Well perhaps you should just leave for somewhere you find more to your liking. And don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya.

I am American I'm not going anywhere, brainwashed functional moron a******. Why don't you try figuring out what the actual facts are and stop voting against yourself and your family and friends. You people are serious bad citizens.
I know at least one socialist policy the far right radical extremists want.

That stupid wall trump wants to build.

The far right radical extremists love socialism. As long as it's their socialism.

That's a rather extreme stretch, to call that “socialism”.

National defense is one of the few legitimate, Constitutionally-assigned duties of the federal government. And building a wall along our border, to defend the nation against foreign invasion across that border, falls very solidly within this duty.

Socialism is all about redistributing wealth, taking it from those who earned or produced it; to be given to those who did nothing to earn or produce it. It's difficult to see how a border wall to defend our nation falls under that meaning.
Dude all of these are socialist. Literally all of them.
lol...so is everything everyone does...man even mocking you is embarrassing.
Lol I hate to break it to you, but just because you agree with a government policy, it doesn’t change the fact that it is socialist.

Government policy is not by definition socialist policy.

Socialism is a specific form of government not any and all government
Yep, now defined everywhere but dupe world as Fair capitalism always Democratic with a good safety net. Stop being so damn stupid and change the channel.
What’s wrong with asking questions? It gives you an opportunity to explain your positions better... isn’t that why we are here?

I’m just trying to make sense on how you think the “indoctrination” is any different or worse than it has been over the course of existence. My girl works in the school system and just got a box of old children’s books from the 70s. You should see the crap that was in those books. Training how to eat so you don’t become a “fatty” how women should act to be a proper Housewife... don’t even get started about the racial and immigrant propaganda that went on before the 60s... you just don’t agree with how the propaganda has changed. It is now pushing horrible things like perspective, empathy and acceptance. Wow, how truly terrible!!!

Yeah, teaching a healthy lifestyle and family values vs. billy has two daddies, which is a scientific impossibility and a commiecrat fantasy. Yeah, so much better now. LMAO

See again your hypocrisy shows... as long as you agree with the values being pushed, the indoctrination is fine, and government regulation is all good. Screw personal liberty. Come on man, it’s all the same stuff going on, the world is just moving past your point of view.

Yep, backwards. Remember Sodom and Gomorrah?

Haha, you complain about going backwards and then Reference a story from the Old Testament? Are you joking?

Serious question... Do you have your arc built for when the next great flood comes?

Joking, nooooooooooooo. Just pointing out where the regressive commies are wanting to take us. You can't get more regressive than Sodom and Gomorrah.

It’s an old testimony story!! what are talking about!!!! You gonna bring up Babel next?!
I know at least one socialist policy the far right radical extremists want.

That stupid wall trump wants to build.

The far right radical extremists love socialism. As long as it's their socialism.

That's a rather extreme stretch, to call that “socialism”.

National defense is one of the few legitimate, Constitutionally-assigned duties of the federal government. And building a wall along our border, to defend the nation against foreign invasion across that border, falls very solidly within this duty.

Socialism is all about redistributing wealth, taking it from those who earned or produced it; to be given to those who did nothing to earn or produce it. It's difficult to see how a border wall to defend our nation falls under that meaning.
The wall is stupid and will not work Dupe. The GOP will keep the scam going forever thanks to brain-washed functional morons like you. Pass the
2010 democratic immigration bill with an ID card that would end this just like every other modern country with this problem.
I know at least one socialist policy the far right radical extremists want.

That stupid wall trump wants to build.

The far right radical extremists love socialism. As long as it's their socialism.

That's a rather extreme stretch, to call that “socialism”.

National defense is one of the few legitimate, Constitutionally-assigned duties of the federal government. And building a wall along our border, to defend the nation against foreign invasion across that border, falls very solidly within this duty.

Socialism is all about redistributing wealth, taking it from those who earned or produced it; to be given to those who did nothing to earn or produce it. It's difficult to see how a border wall to defend our nation falls under that meaning.
The greatest mission of the military is to defend the sovereignty and security of this nation, not to help Al Qaeda take over their on country or illegally invade nations lime Syria.


The Constitution certainly does not authorize US politicians to campaign in Mexico (or use US tax dollars to do so, does not authorize Democrats / politicians to aid and abet criminal.finals by helping them defy US law enforcement agencies, does not allow US politicians to GIVE US tax dollar-funded health care to invading non-citizen criminals or use tax dollars / other citizen-funded programs / services to foreign criminals...

But that isn't stopping these Socialist Democrat Traitors from doing so.
I know at least one socialist policy the far right radical extremists want.

That stupid wall trump wants to build.

The far right radical extremists love socialism. As long as it's their socialism.

That's a rather extreme stretch, to call that “socialism”.

National defense is one of the few legitimate, Constitutionally-assigned duties of the federal government. And building a wall along our border, to defend the nation against foreign invasion across that border, falls very solidly within this duty.

Socialism is all about redistributing wealth, taking it from those who earned or produced it; to be given to those who did nothing to earn or produce it. It's difficult to see how a border wall to defend our nation falls under that meaning.
Says the dupe of the GOP who have given the store away to the rich the last 35 years and screwed everybody else. Only garbage propaganda and the brainwash makes this mess possible....
No, nature and the perpetuation of the species, the natural need to procreate.

Yeah so? Some people are born sterile, others gay others tans... where does it say that everybody needs to procreate?

Once again you revert to birth defects and mental disorders, not norms.

They are only defects and disorders because we chose to call them that. But to those individuals they are natural and the norm. Right?
No, WE don't choose to call them that. Science has made that determination.
All those terms are used by comparing our perceived notion of what is normal and natural. If somebody isn’t like how we define normal then they are defective or they have a disorder. That’s fine but it doesn’t make it unnatural or wrong. That’s all prescribed by society
Actually, dumbass, no one said it wasn't normal or natural. Death is normal and natural. Extinction is normal and natural. Those aren't the characteristics by which we judge the fitness of an organism. Whether it can survive and propagate the species is the standard of biological fitness. By that standard, homosexuals are defective. That is science and logic, not a matter of opinion.
Fuck off, I'm done playing your 20 questions. If you haven't been paying attention to what's happening in the schools and colleges you're not worth talking to.

sorry about the educated and well-informed knowing that socialism in the modern sense means always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net like every modern country but us, thanks to brainwashed functional morons like you....

"We are all socialists now!" -Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed...

So what will he say when the courts trash maobamacare?

probably that GOP garbage propaganda America is the most unfair give away to the rich modern country going, as it has been for 30 years... Thanks for the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world, as well as 911 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest Wars ever, another corrupt GOP World depression only averted by spending a couple of years of GDP under Obama and in other modern countries,all to save the rich from paying their fair share here and policy based on pure fantasy propaganda....

Well perhaps you should just leave for somewhere you find more to your liking. And don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya.

I am American I'm not going anywhere, brainwashed functional moron a******. Why don't you try figuring out what the actual facts are and stop voting against yourself and your family and friends. You people are serious bad citizens.

My interests are doing just fine. You seem to be an envious asshole. I still think you should move your ass to one of your favorite nanny states so they can take care of you.


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