Why do republicans say “Americans first” yet they reject any socialist proposal?

Haha, you complain about going backwards and then Reference a story from the Old Testament? Are you joking?

Serious question... Do you have your arc built for when the next great flood comes?

Joking, nooooooooooooo. Just pointing out where the regressive commies are wanting to take us. You can't get more regressive than Sodom and Gomorrah.

It’s an old testimony story!! what are talking about!!!! You gonna bring up Babel next?!

Maybe, if I find a comparison to what the commies want to do to the country.

Great because I could really use another useless reference to a fairytale. That’s gonna really help strengthen your point.

Oh, so you're one of those. LMAO Carry on commie.

I study the Bible and attend church on many Sundays. A lot of good can come from it but it’s a little naive to think those story’s are accurate accounts of true events. They are lessons with many good principles to learn from and also many flaws. Especially the Old Testament. You should know better
Joking, nooooooooooooo. Just pointing out where the regressive commies are wanting to take us. You can't get more regressive than Sodom and Gomorrah.

It’s an old testimony story!! what are talking about!!!! You gonna bring up Babel next?!

Maybe, if I find a comparison to what the commies want to do to the country.

Great because I could really use another useless reference to a fairytale. That’s gonna really help strengthen your point.

Oh, so you're one of those. LMAO Carry on commie.

nobody here is in favor of a dictatorship, let alone a dictatorship that owns all business and industry, you incredible chump. Actually some of you right wingers would be happy to have a right-wing dictatorship. Absolute chumps...

Funny, you're the only one to bring up a dictatorship, projecting much? LMAO

Joking, nooooooooooooo. Just pointing out where the regressive commies are wanting to take us. You can't get more regressive than Sodom and Gomorrah.

It’s an old testimony story!! what are talking about!!!! You gonna bring up Babel next?!

Maybe, if I find a comparison to what the commies want to do to the country.

Great because I could really use another useless reference to a fairytale. That’s gonna really help strengthen your point.

Oh, so you're one of those. LMAO Carry on commie.

I study the Bible and attend church on many Sundays. A lot of good can come from it but it’s a little naive to think those story’s are accurate accounts of true events. They are lessons with many good principles to learn from and also many flaws. Especially the Old Testament. You should know better

I do know better, an immoral society won't last long. That's the
commies goal, complete transformation of the country.

Once again you revert to birth defects and mental disorders, not norms.

They are only defects and disorders because we chose to call them that. But to those individuals they are natural and the norm. Right?
No, WE don't choose to call them that. Science has made that determination.
All those terms are used by comparing our perceived notion of what is normal and natural. If somebody isn’t like how we define normal then they are defective or they have a disorder. That’s fine but it doesn’t make it unnatural or wrong. That’s all prescribed by society
Actually, dumbass, no one said it wasn't normal or natural. Death is normal and natural. Extinction is normal and natural. Those aren't the characteristics by which we judge the fitness of an organism. Whether it can survive and propagate the species is the standard of biological fitness. By that standard, homosexuals are defective. That is science and logic, not a matter of opinion.
You chose to see it as defective but what if it’s a natural element of our species. A form of population control or a deeper level of connection that our society is still reluctant to understand or accept. You don’t feel what they feel and that scares you so you want to demonize and cast it out. Either way, we are the ones deciding what is right and wrong. And if the past shows us anything with how we’ve treated women, minorities, and now LGBT, we are a very flawed species but thankfully we are evolving. Some of us like yourself are just a little behind the curve.
You're just regurgitating the same dumb kneejerk arguments I already shot down. Whether it's "normal" isn't the issue. As I already pointed out, "normal" includes many things that are detrimental to the species. Death is normal. Disease is normal. Mental illness is normal. Extinction is normal. But none of those things are desirable, healthy or beneficial to the species. And neither is homosexuality. That's not just my opinion or something that "scares" me. Homosexuality is a threat to the survival of the species. That's simply a scientific fact.

You try to paint me as being driven by emotion, of being driven by fear, but it's actually you who bases your opinions on emotion. You base your claims on your desire to believe you are a good person, that you're morally superior to others. They are not based on facts or logic.
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It’s an old testimony story!! what are talking about!!!! You gonna bring up Babel next?!

Maybe, if I find a comparison to what the commies want to do to the country.

Great because I could really use another useless reference to a fairytale. That’s gonna really help strengthen your point.

Oh, so you're one of those. LMAO Carry on commie.

I study the Bible and attend church on many Sundays. A lot of good can come from it but it’s a little naive to think those story’s are accurate accounts of true events. They are lessons with many good principles to learn from and also many flaws. Especially the Old Testament. You should know better

I do know better, an immoral society won't last long. That's the
commies goal, complete transformation of the country.

And you qualify immoral by saying people of the same sex can’t love who they want to love? and people who feel confused by their gender can’t express themselves in the way they want to express themselves?! That’s a pretty messed up way to define immoral. You might want to reflect on that for a bit
I know at least one socialist policy the far right radical extremists want.

That stupid wall trump wants to build.

The far right radical extremists love socialism. As long as it's their socialism.

That's a rather extreme stretch, to call that “socialism”.

National defense is one of the few legitimate, Constitutionally-assigned duties of the federal government. And building a wall along our border, to defend the nation against foreign invasion across that border, falls very solidly within this duty.

Socialism is all about redistributing wealth, taking it from those who earned or produced it; to be given to those who did nothing to earn or produce it. It's difficult to see how a border wall to defend our nation falls under that meaning.

Tell me, who will own that wall? What private company owns it? What private company is building it? What private company is going to monitor and maintain that wall? What private company is paying for that wall?

The answer is NONE.

The government owns it. The government controls it. The government maintains and monitors it, the government pays for it 100%.

There isn't one private company involved.

That is the pure definition of socialism.

If you knew anything about economics you wouldn't have said that wall isn't socialism. Take an Econ 101 class or read an Econ 101 test book. You might learn something. Socialism isn't about redistribution of wealth.

Me, Econ courses were required all 4 years of my education for my degree in accounting and finance. I actually know what I'm talking about.

You, not so much. Your post proves it.

Here's a clue. Socialism is the government controlling the means of production. Usually through ownership or regulations/laws. That's it. It has absolutely nothing to do with redistributing wealth.

I can't believe how brainwashed you far right radical extremists have become.
They are only defects and disorders because we chose to call them that. But to those individuals they are natural and the norm. Right?
No, WE don't choose to call them that. Science has made that determination.
All those terms are used by comparing our perceived notion of what is normal and natural. If somebody isn’t like how we define normal then they are defective or they have a disorder. That’s fine but it doesn’t make it unnatural or wrong. That’s all prescribed by society
Actually, dumbass, no one said it wasn't normal or natural. Death is normal and natural. Extinction is normal and natural. Those aren't the characteristics by which we judge the fitness of an organism. Whether it can survive and propagate the species is the standard of biological fitness. By that standard, homosexuals are defective. That is science and logic, not a matter of opinion.
You chose to see it as defective but what if it’s a natural element of our species. A form of population control or a deeper level of connection that our society is still reluctant to understand or accept. You don’t feel what they feel and that scares you so you want to demonize and cast it out. Either way, we are the ones deciding what is right and wrong. And if the past shows us anything with how we’ve treated women, minorities, and now LGBT, we are a very flawed species but thankfully we are evolving. Some of us like yourself are just a little behind the curve.
You're just regurgitating the same dumb kneejerk arguments I already shot down. Whether it's "normal" isn't the issue. As I already pointed out, "normal" includes many things that are detrimental to the species. Death is normal. Disease is normal. Mental illness is normal. Extinction is normal. But none of those things are desirable, healthy or beneficial to the species. And neither is homosexuality. That's not just my opinion or something that "scares" me. Homosexuality is a threat to the survival of the species. It's simply a scientific fact.

You try to paint me as being driven by emotion, of being driven by fear, but it's actually you who bases your opinions on emotion. You base your claims on your desire to believe you are a good person, that you're morally superior to others. They are not based on facts or logic.
Homosexuality has no impact on a society. Not negative or positive unless the society makes it that way. The negative impact comes from people like you trying to eradicate or demonize it. You create conflict where there is no conflict needed.
Government policy is not by definition socialist policy. Socialism is a specific form of government not any and all government
Yep, now defined everywhere but dupe world as Fair capitalism always Democratic with a good safety net. Stop being so damn stupid and change the channel.
Woo ... another meaningless and mindless Franco word salad. "Fair capitalism" according to whose POV, Comrade? "Democratic" like the nomination of Shrillary Clinton through less-than-honest means? Are we supposed to ignore all we've seen and all we know about the individuals' capacity to abuse authority? Are we to be so STUPID as to bend over and trust our gov't and courts to be gentle?

And WTF is "a good safety net," anyway?
Yep, now defined everywhere but dupe world as Fair capitalism always Democratic with a good safety net. Stop being so damn stupid and change the channel.

Perhaps you should stop being a seditious asshole and remember the oath you took once upon a time.

That's a curious post.

How is anyone here being seditious?

Our country is a republic, not a democracy. The little commie franco want's us to throw away our Constitution and move to a different form a government. He consistently posts shit that would undermine our system of government. Undermining the government is the definition of sedition. Funny thing is he claims to have once taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution, go figure.

And a republic is defined as a representational democracy, brain-washed functional moron. And I love the Constitution more than any of you brainwashed traitors. Making our capitalism Fair instead of giving away the store to the rich is only intelligent and well-informed, you incredible dupe of the greedy idiot GOP rich....

That is not how it is defined

The rest of your claim is just partisan psycho babble
Google the only tax graph you need to know and find out we have a flat tax system right now and for the last 30 years if you count all taxes,a give away to the rich. Thanks GOP and silly dupes like you. Change the channel read a newspaper not published by Rupert Murdoch and get the truth.... Actually that is how it is defined basically in all modern countries. so why are we the only modern rich country without a living wage Healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training good vacations good infrastructure, and ID card to end illegal immigration, and mainly the only one running a giveaway for the rich, dumbass dupe?
Maybe, if I find a comparison to what the commies want to do to the country.

Great because I could really use another useless reference to a fairytale. That’s gonna really help strengthen your point.

Oh, so you're one of those. LMAO Carry on commie.

I study the Bible and attend church on many Sundays. A lot of good can come from it but it’s a little naive to think those story’s are accurate accounts of true events. They are lessons with many good principles to learn from and also many flaws. Especially the Old Testament. You should know better

I do know better, an immoral society won't last long. That's the
commies goal, complete transformation of the country.

And you qualify immoral by saying people of the same sex can’t love who they want to love? and people who feel confused by their gender can’t express themselves in the way they want to express themselves?! That’s a pretty messed up way to define immoral. You might want to reflect on that for a bit

No need, they can live how ever the fuck they want, just don't expect me to respect, subsidize or say it's ok. They need to seek out professional mental health treatment.

Government policy is not by definition socialist policy. Socialism is a specific form of government not any and all government
Yep, now defined everywhere but dupe world as Fair capitalism always Democratic with a good safety net. Stop being so damn stupid and change the channel.
Woo ... another meaningless and mindless Franco word salad. "Fair capitalism" according to whose POV, Comrade? "Democratic" like the nomination of Shrillary Clinton through less-than-honest means? Are we supposed to ignore all we've seen and all we know about the individuals' capacity to abuse authority? Are we to be so STUPID as to bend over and trust our gov't and courts to be gentle?

And WTF is "a good safety net," anyway?
Hillary's nomination was perfectly honest. You don't even know what you're referring to do you. The Democrats can have super-delegates or whatever if they want to.

A good safety net starts with Healthcare. "Now we are allSocialists!" --Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed.
Great because I could really use another useless reference to a fairytale. That’s gonna really help strengthen your point.

Oh, so you're one of those. LMAO Carry on commie.

I study the Bible and attend church on many Sundays. A lot of good can come from it but it’s a little naive to think those story’s are accurate accounts of true events. They are lessons with many good principles to learn from and also many flaws. Especially the Old Testament. You should know better

I do know better, an immoral society won't last long. That's the
commies goal, complete transformation of the country.

And you qualify immoral by saying people of the same sex can’t love who they want to love? and people who feel confused by their gender can’t express themselves in the way they want to express themselves?! That’s a pretty messed up way to define immoral. You might want to reflect on that for a bit

No need, they can live how ever the fuck they want, just don't expect me to respect, subsidize or say it's ok. They need to seek out professional mental health treatment.

Not according to scientists and psychiatrists, brainwashed functional moron ignoramus bigot.
Government policy is not by definition socialist policy. Socialism is a specific form of government not any and all government
Yep, now defined everywhere but dupe world as Fair capitalism always Democratic with a good safety net. Stop being so damn stupid and change the channel.
Woo ... another meaningless and mindless Franco word salad. "Fair capitalism" according to whose POV, Comrade? "Democratic" like the nomination of Shrillary Clinton through less-than-honest means? Are we supposed to ignore all we've seen and all we know about the individuals' capacity to abuse authority? Are we to be so STUPID as to bend over and trust our gov't and courts to be gentle?

And WTF is "a good safety net," anyway?
According to 70% of the people, only brainwashed fools like you don't.
National defense is one of the few legitimate, Constitutionally-assigned duties of the federal government. And building a wall along our border, to defend the nation against foreign invasion across that border, falls very solidly within this duty. Socialism is all about redistributing wealth, taking it from those who earned or produced it; to be given to those who did nothing to earn or produce it. It's difficult to see how a border wall to defend our nation falls under that meaning.
It is clear that to achieve their "Worker's Paradise" in the US our commies will eagerly change, disregard, or suspend our constitutional protections for "the good" of their socialist state.
Says the dupe of the GOP who have given the store away to the rich the last 35 years and screwed everybody else. Only garbage propaganda and the brainwash makes this mess possible....
No Comrade, we haven't "given the store away to the rich the last 35 years and screwed everybody else" but we certainly have - as has long been our American tradition - not allowed life's whiny, bitter LOSERS to use our gov't to confiscate the fruit of other's labor and give it to you, and we never will.

America will NEVER be a socialist country
I know at least one socialist policy the far right radical extremists want.

That stupid wall trump wants to build.

The far right radical extremists love socialism. As long as it's their socialism.

That's a rather extreme stretch, to call that “socialism”.

National defense is one of the few legitimate, Constitutionally-assigned duties of the federal government. And building a wall along our border, to defend the nation against foreign invasion across that border, falls very solidly within this duty.

Socialism is all about redistributing wealth, taking it from those who earned or produced it; to be given to those who did nothing to earn or produce it. It's difficult to see how a border wall to defend our nation falls under that meaning.

Tell me, who will own that wall? What private company owns it? What private company is building it? What private company is going to monitor and maintain that wall? What private company is paying for that wall?

The answer is NONE.

The government owns it. The government controls it. The government maintains and monitors it, the government pays for it 100%.

There isn't one private company involved.

That is the pure definition of socialism.

If you knew anything about economics you wouldn't have said that wall isn't socialism. Take an Econ 101 class or read an Econ 101 test book. You might learn something. Socialism isn't about redistribution of wealth.

Me, Econ courses were required all 4 years of my education for my degree in accounting and finance. I actually know what I'm talking about.

You, not so much. Your post proves it.

Here's a clue. Socialism is the government controlling the means of production. Usually through ownership or regulations/laws. That's it. It has absolutely nothing to do with redistributing wealth.

I can't believe how brainwashed you far right radical extremists have become.

You're a liar, the government contracts private companies to fabricate the panels, to transport the panels and to install the panels. And private companies are contracted for maintenance. You're just not very smart, are ya?

Great because I could really use another useless reference to a fairytale. That’s gonna really help strengthen your point.

Oh, so you're one of those. LMAO Carry on commie.

I study the Bible and attend church on many Sundays. A lot of good can come from it but it’s a little naive to think those story’s are accurate accounts of true events. They are lessons with many good principles to learn from and also many flaws. Especially the Old Testament. You should know better

I do know better, an immoral society won't last long. That's the
commies goal, complete transformation of the country.

And you qualify immoral by saying people of the same sex can’t love who they want to love? and people who feel confused by their gender can’t express themselves in the way they want to express themselves?! That’s a pretty messed up way to define immoral. You might want to reflect on that for a bit

No need, they can live how ever the fuck they want, just don't expect me to respect, subsidize or say it's ok. They need to seek out professional mental health treatment.

Well there you go contradicting yourself again... they can live however they want but it’s not ok and they need to seek a doctor for help.

And what is that doctor supposed to do for them? Electroshock the gay out of them?
Government policy is not by definition socialist policy. Socialism is a specific form of government not any and all government
Yep, now defined everywhere but dupe world as Fair capitalism always Democratic with a good safety net. Stop being so damn stupid and change the channel.
Woo ... another meaningless and mindless Franco word salad. "Fair capitalism" according to whose POV, Comrade? "Democratic" like the nomination of Shrillary Clinton through less-than-honest means? Are we supposed to ignore all we've seen and all we know about the individuals' capacity to abuse authority? Are we to be so STUPID as to bend over and trust our gov't and courts to be gentle?

And WTF is "a good safety net," anyway?
Hillary's nomination was perfectly honest. You don't even know what you're referring to do you. The Democrats can have super-delegates or whatever if they want to.

A good safety net starts with Healthcare. "Now we are allSocialists!" --Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed.
Whoa ... I neither said nor inferred that the Democrat Socialist Party can't be corrupted - and Shrillary did just that - but rather that only a desperate socialist fool would trust gov't to bend us over gently, whisper sweetly in our ears, and provide us with "Fair capitalism" and "a good safety net" ... whatever the fuck they are.

I'm saying your life - such as it has been - has left you a little short on success and a lot short on integrity.
Government policy is not by definition socialist policy. Socialism is a specific form of government not any and all government
Yep, now defined everywhere but dupe world as Fair capitalism always Democratic with a good safety net. Stop being so damn stupid and change the channel.
Woo ... another meaningless and mindless Franco word salad. "Fair capitalism" according to whose POV, Comrade? "Democratic" like the nomination of Shrillary Clinton through less-than-honest means? Are we supposed to ignore all we've seen and all we know about the individuals' capacity to abuse authority? Are we to be so STUPID as to bend over and trust our gov't and courts to be gentle?

And WTF is "a good safety net," anyway?
According to 70% of the people, only brainwashed fools like you don't.
Well that makes your previous word salad perfectly clear!!! :laughing0301:
It’s an old testimony story!! what are talking about!!!! You gonna bring up Babel next?!

Maybe, if I find a comparison to what the commies want to do to the country.

Great because I could really use another useless reference to a fairytale. That’s gonna really help strengthen your point.

Oh, so you're one of those. LMAO Carry on commie.

nobody here is in favor of a dictatorship, let alone a dictatorship that owns all business and industry, you incredible chump. Actually some of you right wingers would be happy to have a right-wing dictatorship. Absolute chumps...

Funny, you're the only one to bring up a dictatorship, projecting much? LMAO

That's the definition of communism duh..... That you keep bringing up like an idiot.
Government policy is not by definition socialist policy. Socialism is a specific form of government not any and all government
Yep, now defined everywhere but dupe world as Fair capitalism always Democratic with a good safety net. Stop being so damn stupid and change the channel.
Woo ... another meaningless and mindless Franco word salad. "Fair capitalism" according to whose POV, Comrade? "Democratic" like the nomination of Shrillary Clinton through less-than-honest means? Are we supposed to ignore all we've seen and all we know about the individuals' capacity to abuse authority? Are we to be so STUPID as to bend over and trust our gov't and courts to be gentle?

And WTF is "a good safety net," anyway?
According to 70% of the people, only brainwashed fools like you don't.
Well that makes your previous word salad perfectly clear!!! :laughing0301:
You asked according to whom, idiot.

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