Why do republicans say “Americans first” yet they reject any socialist proposal?

There is nothing archaic or oppressive about recognizing hard, proven scientific facts,and giving them greater credence than the delusions of those who are insane.

It is those who are trying to force these delusions on sane people are are responsible for promoting oppressive government policies, and destroying freedom and liberty.
They are only insane because you’re calling them insane. How they feel, how they act and who they love has zero effect on you or anybody else. But you want to use government to restrict and limit their rights. Shame on you

Yeah, you tell that to the folks that have lost their businesses for not catering to their fantasies, I guess their rights don't count.

Well we have laws that govern our commerce so others aren’t discriminated against.

Oh right, government oppression and forced association. Sounds like a 1st Amendment violation to me.

Forced association? How so?

Figure it out.

They are only insane because you’re calling them insane. How they feel, how they act and who they love has zero effect on you or anybody else. But you want to use government to restrict and limit their rights. Shame on you

Yeah, you tell that to the folks that have lost their businesses for not catering to their fantasies, I guess their rights don't count.

Well we have laws that govern our commerce so others aren’t discriminated against.

Oh right, government oppression and forced association. Sounds like a 1st Amendment violation to me.

Forced association? How so?

Figure it out.

I know what you’re trying to say but I don’t think you can explain it
Yeah, you tell that to the folks that have lost their businesses for not catering to their fantasies, I guess their rights don't count.

Well we have laws that govern our commerce so others aren’t discriminated against.

Oh right, government oppression and forced association. Sounds like a 1st Amendment violation to me.

Forced association? How so?

Figure it out.

I know what you’re trying to say but I don’t think you can explain it

Some faghadist want a wedding cake designed and delivered, the baker says no because it would be a violation of his conscience. The State tell the baker they have no choice if they want to stay in business. So simple a three year old could figure it out, but not surprisingly out or your reach. LMAO

Well we have laws that govern our commerce so others aren’t discriminated against.

Oh right, government oppression and forced association. Sounds like a 1st Amendment violation to me.

Forced association? How so?

Figure it out.

I know what you’re trying to say but I don’t think you can explain it

Some faghadist want a wedding cake designed and delivered, the baker says no because it would be a violation of his conscience. The State tell the baker they have no choice if they want to stay in business. So simple a three year old could figure it out, but not surprisingly out or your reach. LMAO

Would the same thing go for a restaurant owner who has a problem of conscious serving food to black people?
Oh right, government oppression and forced association. Sounds like a 1st Amendment violation to me.

Forced association? How so?

Figure it out.

I know what you’re trying to say but I don’t think you can explain it

Some faghadist want a wedding cake designed and delivered, the baker says no because it would be a violation of his conscience. The State tell the baker they have no choice if they want to stay in business. So simple a three year old could figure it out, but not surprisingly out or your reach. LMAO

Would the same thing go for a restaurant owner who has a problem of conscious serving food to black people?

I'd have no problem with it, let the market decide if they remain in business, not the government.

Forced association? How so?

Figure it out.

I know what you’re trying to say but I don’t think you can explain it

Some faghadist want a wedding cake designed and delivered, the baker says no because it would be a violation of his conscience. The State tell the baker they have no choice if they want to stay in business. So simple a three year old could figure it out, but not surprisingly out or your reach. LMAO

Would the same thing go for a restaurant owner who has a problem of conscious serving food to black people?

I'd have no problem with it, let the market decide if they remain in business, not the government.

Well the market created the discriminatory bullshit that we saw until the civil rights act in the 60s so your theory failed.
They do get that right? The most direct way to benefit the lives of Americans is through a socialist policy.

Hey, repubs, what non-socialist policy would help the well being of Americans in general besides tax cuts? Or do you think tax cuts will solve any problem?

Health care Cooperatives and Worker owned cooperatives.
Microlending and business training, where anyone can apply
to receive training and mentorship to qualify for business grants and loans
under structured longterm plans so that they succeed.

All these programs can be set up to be 100% tax deductible.

So that's better than trying to legislate or manage through govt.
Let people choose to fund and follow their own plans,
and deduct that from taxes where the money is going
directly into building business and nonprofit services
while educating people and creating paid jobs for both
interns and mentors instead of trying to dictate through govt.

Sample nonprofit models that can be replicated to create
paid jobs through locally owned and managed cooperatives:
Figure it out.

I know what you’re trying to say but I don’t think you can explain it

Some faghadist want a wedding cake designed and delivered, the baker says no because it would be a violation of his conscience. The State tell the baker they have no choice if they want to stay in business. So simple a three year old could figure it out, but not surprisingly out or your reach. LMAO

Would the same thing go for a restaurant owner who has a problem of conscious serving food to black people?

I'd have no problem with it, let the market decide if they remain in business, not the government.

Well the market created the discriminatory bullshit that we saw until the civil rights act in the 60s so your theory failed.

Hint, it's not the mid 20th Century anymore, yet once the government takes control they never relinquish it, do they?

I know what you’re trying to say but I don’t think you can explain it

Some faghadist want a wedding cake designed and delivered, the baker says no because it would be a violation of his conscience. The State tell the baker they have no choice if they want to stay in business. So simple a three year old could figure it out, but not surprisingly out or your reach. LMAO

Would the same thing go for a restaurant owner who has a problem of conscious serving food to black people?

I'd have no problem with it, let the market decide if they remain in business, not the government.

Well the market created the discriminatory bullshit that we saw until the civil rights act in the 60s so your theory failed.

Hint, it's not the mid 20th Century anymore, yet once the government takes control they never relinquish it, do they?
Sure. Why don’t you run for office on repealing the civil rights act and see how far you get! Haha
They do get that right? The most direct way to benefit the lives of Americans is through a socialist policy.

Hey, repubs, what non-socialist policy would help the well being of Americans in general besides tax cuts? Or do you think tax cuts will solve any problem?

The funny thing is you think you pulled a successful 'gottcha' on Conservatives, and all you did was expose your ignorance!
Nah, I’m right as usual lol
Some faghadist want a wedding cake designed and delivered, the baker says no because it would be a violation of his conscience. The State tell the baker they have no choice if they want to stay in business. So simple a three year old could figure it out, but not surprisingly out or your reach. LMAO

Would the same thing go for a restaurant owner who has a problem of conscious serving food to black people?

I'd have no problem with it, let the market decide if they remain in business, not the government.

Well the market created the discriminatory bullshit that we saw until the civil rights act in the 60s so your theory failed.

Hint, it's not the mid 20th Century anymore, yet once the government takes control they never relinquish it, do they?
Sure. Why don’t you run for office on repealing the civil rights act and see how far you get! Haha

I see you have no faith in your fellow Americans and fully support coercive government. I knew there was a little stateist hiding in there. LMAO

Would the same thing go for a restaurant owner who has a problem of conscious serving food to black people?

I'd have no problem with it, let the market decide if they remain in business, not the government.

Well the market created the discriminatory bullshit that we saw until the civil rights act in the 60s so your theory failed.

Hint, it's not the mid 20th Century anymore, yet once the government takes control they never relinquish it, do they?
Sure. Why don’t you run for office on repealing the civil rights act and see how far you get! Haha

I see you have no faith in your fellow Americans and fully support coercive government. I knew there was a little stateist hiding in there. LMAO

You’re right, I have very little faith in my fellow Americans. Those in power have proven over and over again to be self interested idiots. Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of amazing people out there but power corrupts and many millions of people have been abused and taken advantage of over the years.

So when it comes to civil rights I think the act passed in the 60s was a great thing. There are many people still alive today that lived during those times, it wasn’t that long ago. If Americans have learned and don’t need the law then it will become obsolete and you have nothing to worry about. Right?
They do get that right? The most direct way to benefit the lives of Americans is through a socialist policy.

Oh, really? Ask the Cubans and the Venezeulans about that claim. Full-throated socialism has brought only misery and scarcity wherever it's been tried.

Hey, repubs, what non-socialist policy would help the well being of Americans in general besides tax cuts? Or do you think tax cuts will solve any problem?

Deregulation. Earned Income Tax Credit. Child tax credits. The freedom to buy health insurance across state lines, just like we do with life and car insurance. The freedom to choose how the education dollars allotted for our kids are used, i.e., school vouchers/school choice. Letting people choose to opt out of Social Security and to use that money in a retirement plan of their choosing. These are things that do or would greatly help the average person.
Well the market created the discriminatory bullshit that we saw until the civil rights act in the 60s so your theory failed.

As you know, that is not true.

It was the government who separated the races. It was the government who decided, supported by the US Supreme Court who decided that separate but equal was the law of the land. That would be the Plessey v Fergusson case.

It was the government who determined that it was illegal for a black person to marry a white.

In many locals, it was illegal for a black to be buried in a white cemetery and vice versa.

Why do you lie?
Would the same thing go for a restaurant owner who has a problem of conscious serving food to black people?

In my opinion, if an individual, private owner, wishes to serve only black people in his/her restaurant, that's their business. I don't care. Why do you?
I'd have no problem with it, let the market decide if they remain in business, not the government.

Well the market created the discriminatory bullshit that we saw until the civil rights act in the 60s so your theory failed.

Hint, it's not the mid 20th Century anymore, yet once the government takes control they never relinquish it, do they?
Sure. Why don’t you run for office on repealing the civil rights act and see how far you get! Haha

I see you have no faith in your fellow Americans and fully support coercive government. I knew there was a little stateist hiding in there. LMAO

You’re right, I have very little faith in my fellow Americans. Those in power have proven over and over again to be self interested idiots. Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of amazing people out there but power corrupts and many millions of people have been abused and taken advantage of over the years.

So when it comes to civil rights I think the act passed in the 60s was a great thing. There are many people still alive today that lived during those times, it wasn’t that long ago. If Americans have learned and don’t need the law then it will become obsolete and you have nothing to worry about. Right?

Yeah, nothing to worry about, except the commies are trying to expand the law to cover their sanctioned deviant behaviors, an expansion of federal power and the continued destruction of the moral fabric of the country.

Well the market created the discriminatory bullshit that we saw until the civil rights act in the 60s so your theory failed.

As you know, that is not true.

It was the government who separated the races. It was the government who decided, supported by the US Supreme Court who decided that separate but equal was the law of the land. That would be the Plessey v Fergusson case.

It was the government who determined that it was illegal for a black person to marry a white.

In many locals, it was illegal for a black to be buried in a white cemetery and vice versa.

Why do you lie?
Your right it was government but it was also businesses and the “people” of what is called by some as the “free market”. You better believe that there were many business owners that wouldn’t serve blacks. And who do you think elected the law makers that made those laws? It’s all part of the “will of the people” back then it was dominated by wealthy white guys. And slowly over time women and minority’s have picked up representation and they are still going. That mountain has not yet been eclipsed. It’s a very sad and embarrassing element of our nations history.
Would the same thing go for a restaurant owner who has a problem of conscious serving food to black people?

In my opinion, if an individual, private owner, wishes to serve only black people in his/her restaurant, that's their business. I don't care. Why do you?
I care because I don’t want to go back to the Jim Crow days. That was a disgrace and blacks, women and minority’s should never have to live that way in this country again.
Well the market created the discriminatory bullshit that we saw until the civil rights act in the 60s so your theory failed.

Hint, it's not the mid 20th Century anymore, yet once the government takes control they never relinquish it, do they?
Sure. Why don’t you run for office on repealing the civil rights act and see how far you get! Haha

I see you have no faith in your fellow Americans and fully support coercive government. I knew there was a little stateist hiding in there. LMAO

You’re right, I have very little faith in my fellow Americans. Those in power have proven over and over again to be self interested idiots. Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of amazing people out there but power corrupts and many millions of people have been abused and taken advantage of over the years.

So when it comes to civil rights I think the act passed in the 60s was a great thing. There are many people still alive today that lived during those times, it wasn’t that long ago. If Americans have learned and don’t need the law then it will become obsolete and you have nothing to worry about. Right?

Yeah, nothing to worry about, except the commies are trying to expand the law to cover their sanctioned deviant behaviors, an expansion of federal power and the continued destruction of the moral fabric of the country.

So you are all about small government and liberty except for when you need your morals protected from the big bad deviants... ok got it.
They do get that right? The most direct way to benefit the lives of Americans is through a socialist policy.

Hey, repubs, what non-socialist policy would help the well being of Americans in general besides tax cuts? Or do you think tax cuts will solve any problem?

I know at least one socialist policy the far right radical extremists want.

That stupid wall trump wants to build.

The far right radical extremists love socialism. As long as it's their socialism.

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