Why do republicans say “Americans first” yet they reject any socialist proposal?

The fact is that's just nature. Birth defects and mental disorder not withstanding.

Why not? Aren’t we the ones calling them “defects” and “disorders” if it’s how they were born then why isn’t it just natural? Did you ever think of that?

Millions of years of norms say otherwise, once again it's an argument against science and nature.

“Norms” what are those exactly? Societal constructs created by man? Stuff like slavery, public beheadings, prostitution, and discrimination against women?? Stuff like that?

No, nature and the perpetuation of the species, the natural need to procreate.

Yeah so? Some people are born sterile, others gay others tans... where does it say that everybody needs to procreate?
Natural Selection says that.
The fact is that's just nature. Birth defects and mental disorder not withstanding.

Why not? Aren’t we the ones calling them “defects” and “disorders” if it’s how they were born then why isn’t it just natural? Did you ever think of that?

Millions of years of norms say otherwise, once again it's an argument against science and nature.

“Norms” what are those exactly? Societal constructs created by man? Stuff like slavery, public beheadings, prostitution, and discrimination against women?? Stuff like that?

No, nature and the perpetuation of the species, the natural need to procreate.

Yeah so? Some people are born sterile, others gay others tans... where does it say that everybody needs to procreate?

Once again you revert to birth defects and mental disorders, not norms.

They do get that right? The most direct way to benefit the lives of Americans is through a socialist policy.

Hey, repubs, what non-socialist policy would help the well being of Americans in general besides tax cuts? Or do you think tax cuts will solve any problem?

Americans don’t reject any socialist policy. Americans reject socialism. Big difference. We have limited socialist policies in place; one could argue: unemployment, welfare, social security. Americans will consider welfare and entitlement policies. That said, capitalism pays for socialism.
Finally a sane and honest argument... well said
Why not? Aren’t we the ones calling them “defects” and “disorders” if it’s how they were born then why isn’t it just natural? Did you ever think of that?

Millions of years of norms say otherwise, once again it's an argument against science and nature.

“Norms” what are those exactly? Societal constructs created by man? Stuff like slavery, public beheadings, prostitution, and discrimination against women?? Stuff like that?

No, nature and the perpetuation of the species, the natural need to procreate.

Yeah so? Some people are born sterile, others gay others tans... where does it say that everybody needs to procreate?

Once again you revert to birth defects and mental disorders, not norms.

They are only defects and disorders because we chose to call them that. But to those individuals they are natural and the norm. Right?
Millions of years of norms say otherwise, once again it's an argument against science and nature.

“Norms” what are those exactly? Societal constructs created by man? Stuff like slavery, public beheadings, prostitution, and discrimination against women?? Stuff like that?

No, nature and the perpetuation of the species, the natural need to procreate.

Yeah so? Some people are born sterile, others gay others tans... where does it say that everybody needs to procreate?

Once again you revert to birth defects and mental disorders, not norms.

They are only defects and disorders because we chose to call them that. But to those individuals they are natural and the norm. Right?

Only the ones that aren't self aware, the rest know there's something wrong with them just by observing those around them.

They do get that right? The most direct way to benefit the lives of Americans is through a socialist policy.

Hey, repubs, what non-socialist policy would help the well being of Americans in general besides tax cuts? Or do you think tax cuts will solve any problem?

Well if we believed in socialism then we’d say, “The State first”.
They do get that right? The most direct way to benefit the lives of Americans is through a socialist policy.

Hey, repubs, what non-socialist policy would help the well being of Americans in general besides tax cuts? Or do you think tax cuts will solve any problem?
/——/ Yeah, make everyone equally miserable. How did we survive as a society since 1776 without your insipid socialism?
I am not a Republican, but allow me to obliterate your idiotic attempt at logic anyway.

Conservatives, some of which are Republicans, understand that socialism only works in very limited situations. One of those situations among others is in countries with stringent immigration policies. Let me see you try to immigrate to Denmark. If you can you’ll get free Healthcare. Bet you can’t get your sorry ass in as a citizen.
/——/ I think one reason the Hollywood elites stayed here and didn’t move to Europe is because their accountants told them their income and wealth would be heavily taxed. Plus the process for citizenship is tough.
“Norms” what are those exactly? Societal constructs created by man? Stuff like slavery, public beheadings, prostitution, and discrimination against women?? Stuff like that?

No, nature and the perpetuation of the species, the natural need to procreate.

Yeah so? Some people are born sterile, others gay others tans... where does it say that everybody needs to procreate?

Once again you revert to birth defects and mental disorders, not norms.

They are only defects and disorders because we chose to call them that. But to those individuals they are natural and the norm. Right?

Only the ones that aren't self aware, the rest know there's something wrong with them just by observing those around them.

That’s bullshit and based on comparing with others... again, it’s a social construct created by the masses. If you were a true proponent for individual liberty then you would respect the natural way they were born and not try and regulate and conform them into the black and white definitions created by man. Like I pointed out earlier, there was a time that slavery, public executions of witches, and women discrimination were all part of the social norms. We now see that they were all wrong and an abuse of power allowed by our governments
They do get that right? The most direct way to benefit the lives of Americans is through a socialist policy.

Hey, repubs, what non-socialist policy would help the well being of Americans in general besides tax cuts? Or do you think tax cuts will solve any problem?

So why don’t you just tell me what non-socialist policies would benefit the well being of Americans?

I think Thomas Jefferson said it best…

A wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government,
Ok Mr Freedom... Do you support a women’s right to have an abortion? How about a transsexuals right to use the bathroom of the sex they are free to assume. Have you always supported gay marriage?

I never said anything about demanding people accept lies. That’s you trying to spin your way out of it

Transsexualism is a lie. A man is not, and cannot become, a woman; and a woman is not, and cannot become a man. That's not hate, to say this. It's not bigotry, nor tyranny, nor any attack on anyone's freedom. It's a hard, immutable, undeniable scientific fact, and there is something seriously wrong with anyone who doesn't understand this.

Gay marriage is a lie. Marriage has always been, and will always be, between aman and a woman. Declaring there to be any such thing s a marriage between two men or between two women is insane, immoral nonsense, that makes a mockery of genuine marriage.

And abortion is murder, plain and simple. To deny this, to deny the humanity of the innocent victim of this horrendous act, is one of the worst lies of all.

Your position appears to be to demand that we accept all three of these lies, no matter the harm that it causes to our society.
They do get that right? The most direct way to benefit the lives of Americans is through a socialist policy.

Hey, repubs, what non-socialist policy would help the well being of Americans in general besides tax cuts? Or do you think tax cuts will solve any problem?
Socialist policies always fail which is why any intelligent person opposes them.

Your op is a massive failure based on an absolute false premise.
Is it possible that people can be so hypocritical while they enjoy the fruits of capitalism?
Ok Mr Freedom... Do you support a women’s right to have an abortion? How about a transsexuals right to use the bathroom of the sex they are free to assume. Have you always supported gay marriage?

I never said anything about demanding people accept lies. That’s you trying to spin your way out of it

Transsexualism is a lie. A man is not, and cannot become, a woman; and a woman is not, and cannot become a man. That's not hate, to say this. It's not bigotry, nor tyranny, nor any attack on anyone's freedom. It's a hard, immutable, undeniable scientific fact, and there is something seriously wrong with anyone who doesn't understand this.

Gay marriage is a lie. Marriage has always been, and will always be, between aman and a woman. Declaring there to be any such thing s a marriage between two men or between two women is insane, immoral nonsense, that makes a mockery of genuine marriage.

And abortion is murder, plain and simple. To deny this, to deny the humanity of the innocent victim of this horrendous act, is one of the worst lies of all.

Your position appears to be to demand that we accept all three of these lies, no matter the harm that it causes to our society.
I never demanded anybody accept anything
They do get that right? The most direct way to benefit the lives of Americans is through a socialist policy.

Hey, repubs, what non-socialist policy would help the well being of Americans in general besides tax cuts? Or do you think tax cuts will solve any problem?

The answer is in your question. Socialism in and of itself is antithetical to America. The policy of adhering to our Constitution helps the well-being of Americans far more than any State Serfdom would.

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