Why do republicans say “Americans first” yet they reject any socialist proposal?

And even more meaningless word salad. WTF is "a living wage" and do you have any thoughts of your own or just the silly socialist slogans you spew so regularly?

Fucking mindless socialist dupe.

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    • (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.
REGULATED BY THE COMMUNITY. THAT IS SOCIALISM IN THE MODERN SENSE...COMMUNISM IS OUT THE WINDOW SINCE ABOUT 1945. Excepting dupe world of course. Marxism was proven to be garbage before that. This is called political science. You know nothing about it LOL
You forgot to explain what you mean by "a living wage" (and who is to provide it) and no, it is what you PRETEND modern socialism is because despite your silly word salads even you know what it really is (as do many Americans):

With Venezuela in collapse, towns slip into primitive isolation - Reuters
COFFEE FOR FUEL. Venezuela is suffering one of the worst economic collapses in modern history. Inflation has topped 1 million percent, according to figures released by the opposition-run congress. The United Nations says 4 million citizens have fledVenezuela, 3.3 million of them since 2015.

“The production models we’ve tried so far have failed, and the responsibility is ours—mine and yours,” Maduro told the PSUV party congress." - El Presidente Nicolas Maduro
Thanks to Trump sanctions, they can't sell their oil anymore. Has nothing to do with socialism. Except the GOP hates socialism. Iran 1953 all over again chile El Salvador Honduras you name it get the hell out of there. Elected governments. You are a disgrace, brainwash functional moron. End of story about Venezuela LOL
The economy failed long before trump and it failed because of socialism

That is the end of the story.
It is been going to hell ever since Reagan. When Reagan started the average saving of a family was 8% now it's minus percentage. People borrowing to try to keep the American dream going. With really expensive college crap jobs no investment in infrastructure- that has been cut by 1/2 actually since Reagan. Great idea. The greedy idiot Rich do great though. Talk about redistribution of wealth -biggest one ever from the Nan Rich to the rich. Great job scumbag GOP and brained wash dupes like you.
I was referring to Venezuela you moron

Your spin about Reagan is revisionist fiction
Homosexuality has no impact on a society. Not negative or positive unless the society makes it that way. The negative impact comes from people like you trying to eradicate or demonize it. You create conflict where there is no conflict needed.


Since the epidemic began, an estimated 21.8 million people have died of AIDS (17.5 million adults and 4.3 million children under 15).

How many people have HIV and AIDS? - AIDS Information, Education, Action, Awareness

No impact at all, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Thanks to Reagan, it took awhile to get a cure but that we've had one for over 20 years, so remain calm.
We do not have a cure for it and never have
You have to keep taking the drugs like many diseases.
That is not a cure dumbass

That is merely holding it at Bay and allowing for longevity

Reagan made it possible
Reagan delayed action on AIDS for years, did not mention it until 1987 for crying out loud. Your party has been a disgrace for a long time.

Since the epidemic began, an estimated 21.8 million people have died of AIDS (17.5 million adults and 4.3 million children under 15).

How many people have HIV and AIDS? - AIDS Information, Education, Action, Awareness

No impact at all, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Thanks to Reagan, it took awhile to get a cure but that we've had one for over 20 years, so remain calm.
We do not have a cure for it and never have
You have to keep taking the drugs like many diseases.
That is not a cure dumbass

That is merely holding it at Bay and allowing for longevity

Reagan made it possible
Reagan delayed action on AIDS for years, did not mention it until 1987 for crying out loud. Your party has been a disgrace for a long time.

No he did not delay any action
Many private and government labs in many nations including the us did what they could and that is fact

The disease was unknown when first discovered and had to be researched which took time

The cdc tried to control the spread under Reagan but was stopped by liberal fucks who wished to encourage gay sex and allowed it to spread unchecked

Mentioning the disease is absolutely IRRELEVANT
They do get that right? The most direct way to benefit the lives of Americans is through a socialist policy.

Hey, repubs, what non-socialist policy would help the well being of Americans in general besides tax cuts? Or do you think tax cuts will solve any problem?
Because Socialism will destroy America.

Totalitarianism never works.

America is the greatest country on God's Earth because of the LACK of Socialism.

America is not the greatest country.
Switzerland is.
America is number 8.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I've been to Switzerland a few times. They have some if the tightest immigration policies on Earth.

I love Switzerland, but America is by far better..... But I hope you like living there.

I’m not going anywhere.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Socialism, always fails, and results in 10's of millions dead. Yes, let us try socialism again. Because history never repeats itself.
REGULATED BY THE COMMUNITY. THAT IS SOCIALISM IN THE MODERN SENSE...COMMUNISM IS OUT THE WINDOW SINCE ABOUT 1945. Excepting dupe world of course. Marxism was proven to be garbage before that. This is called political science. You know nothing about it LOL
You forgot to explain what you mean by "a living wage" (and who is to provide it) and no, it is what you PRETEND modern socialism is because despite your silly word salads even you know what it really is (as do many Americans):

With Venezuela in collapse, towns slip into primitive isolation - Reuters
COFFEE FOR FUEL. Venezuela is suffering one of the worst economic collapses in modern history. Inflation has topped 1 million percent, according to figures released by the opposition-run congress. The United Nations says 4 million citizens have fledVenezuela, 3.3 million of them since 2015.

“The production models we’ve tried so far have failed, and the responsibility is ours—mine and yours,” Maduro told the PSUV party congress." - El Presidente Nicolas Maduro
Thanks to Trump sanctions, they can't sell their oil anymore. Has nothing to do with socialism. Except the GOP hates socialism. Iran 1953 all over again chile El Salvador Honduras you name it get the hell out of there. Elected governments. You are a disgrace, brainwash functional moron. End of story about Venezuela LOL
The economy failed long before trump and it failed because of socialism

That is the end of the story.
It is been going to hell ever since Reagan. When Reagan started the average saving of a family was 8% now it's minus percentage. People borrowing to try to keep the American dream going. With really expensive college crap jobs no investment in infrastructure- that has been cut by 1/2 actually since Reagan. Great idea. The greedy idiot Rich do great though. Talk about redistribution of wealth -biggest one ever from the Nan Rich to the rich. Great job scumbag GOP and brained wash dupes like you.
I was referring to Venezuela you moron

Your spin about Reagan is revisionist fiction
So Reagan did not cut the top tax rate from 70% to 28%? I don't care about Venezuela George W bush screwed with them. We have been screwing with them ever since Hugo Chavez was elected. George W bush had many sanctions so did Obama for that matter but the GOP also does covert sabotage of countries.
You forgot to explain what you mean by "a living wage" (and who is to provide it) and no, it is what you PRETEND modern socialism is because despite your silly word salads even you know what it really is (as do many Americans):

With Venezuela in collapse, towns slip into primitive isolation - Reuters
COFFEE FOR FUEL. Venezuela is suffering one of the worst economic collapses in modern history. Inflation has topped 1 million percent, according to figures released by the opposition-run congress. The United Nations says 4 million citizens have fledVenezuela, 3.3 million of them since 2015.

“The production models we’ve tried so far have failed, and the responsibility is ours—mine and yours,” Maduro told the PSUV party congress." - El Presidente Nicolas Maduro
Thanks to Trump sanctions, they can't sell their oil anymore. Has nothing to do with socialism. Except the GOP hates socialism. Iran 1953 all over again chile El Salvador Honduras you name it get the hell out of there. Elected governments. You are a disgrace, brainwash functional moron. End of story about Venezuela LOL
The economy failed long before trump and it failed because of socialism

That is the end of the story.
It is been going to hell ever since Reagan. When Reagan started the average saving of a family was 8% now it's minus percentage. People borrowing to try to keep the American dream going. With really expensive college crap jobs no investment in infrastructure- that has been cut by 1/2 actually since Reagan. Great idea. The greedy idiot Rich do great though. Talk about redistribution of wealth -biggest one ever from the Nan Rich to the rich. Great job scumbag GOP and brained wash dupes like you.
I was referring to Venezuela you moron

Your spin about Reagan is revisionist fiction
So Reagan did not cut the top tax rate from 70% to 28%? I don't care about Venezuela George W bush screwed with them. We have been screwing with them ever since Hugo Chavez was elected. George W bush had many sanctions so did Obama for that matter but the GOP also does covert sabotage of countries.
Venezuela has no lessons for any rich countries. And Trump has totally destroyed their economy.
Socialism, always fails, and results in 10's of millions dead. Yes, let us try socialism again. Because history never repeats itself.
We are all socialists now! Said the president of Finland when ObamaCare passed. All rich countries are now socialist in the modern sense. Meanwhile you dupes of the GOP believe socialism is communism. Obviously none of the democratic socialists agree. We should not have to say Democratic anymore. And none of those countries Scandinavia France Germany Canada Australia New Zealand Japan that are socialist Have failed. You are talkin about communist countries that nobody is defending. Except on planet GOP dupe.
You forgot to explain what you mean by "a living wage" (and who is to provide it) and no, it is what you PRETEND modern socialism is because despite your silly word salads even you know what it really is (as do many Americans):

With Venezuela in collapse, towns slip into primitive isolation - Reuters
COFFEE FOR FUEL. Venezuela is suffering one of the worst economic collapses in modern history. Inflation has topped 1 million percent, according to figures released by the opposition-run congress. The United Nations says 4 million citizens have fledVenezuela, 3.3 million of them since 2015.

“The production models we’ve tried so far have failed, and the responsibility is ours—mine and yours,” Maduro told the PSUV party congress." - El Presidente Nicolas Maduro
Thanks to Trump sanctions, they can't sell their oil anymore. Has nothing to do with socialism. Except the GOP hates socialism. Iran 1953 all over again chile El Salvador Honduras you name it get the hell out of there. Elected governments. You are a disgrace, brainwash functional moron. End of story about Venezuela LOL
The economy failed long before trump and it failed because of socialism

That is the end of the story.
It is been going to hell ever since Reagan. When Reagan started the average saving of a family was 8% now it's minus percentage. People borrowing to try to keep the American dream going. With really expensive college crap jobs no investment in infrastructure- that has been cut by 1/2 actually since Reagan. Great idea. The greedy idiot Rich do great though. Talk about redistribution of wealth -biggest one ever from the Nan Rich to the rich. Great job scumbag GOP and brained wash dupes like you.
I was referring to Venezuela you moron

Your spin about Reagan is revisionist fiction
So Reagan did not cut the top tax rate from 70% to 28%? I don't care about Venezuela George W bush screwed with them. We have been screwing with them ever since Hugo Chavez was elected. George W bush had many sanctions so did Obama for that matter but the GOP also does covert sabotage of countries.
Cutting tax rates is a good thing and you outright lie about Venezuela

They were forced into desperate poverty because of Chavez and socialism
Thanks to Trump sanctions, they can't sell their oil anymore. Has nothing to do with socialism. Except the GOP hates socialism. Iran 1953 all over again chile El Salvador Honduras you name it get the hell out of there. Elected governments. You are a disgrace, brainwash functional moron. End of story about Venezuela LOL
The economy failed long before trump and it failed because of socialism

That is the end of the story.
It is been going to hell ever since Reagan. When Reagan started the average saving of a family was 8% now it's minus percentage. People borrowing to try to keep the American dream going. With really expensive college crap jobs no investment in infrastructure- that has been cut by 1/2 actually since Reagan. Great idea. The greedy idiot Rich do great though. Talk about redistribution of wealth -biggest one ever from the Nan Rich to the rich. Great job scumbag GOP and brained wash dupes like you.
I was referring to Venezuela you moron

Your spin about Reagan is revisionist fiction
So Reagan did not cut the top tax rate from 70% to 28%? I don't care about Venezuela George W bush screwed with them. We have been screwing with them ever since Hugo Chavez was elected. George W bush had many sanctions so did Obama for that matter but the GOP also does covert sabotage of countries.
Venezuela has no lessons for any rich countries. And Trump has totally destroyed their economy.
No he has not.

It was destroyed by socialism long before trump
. You are talkin about communist countries that nobody is defending. Except on planet GOP dupe.
I am only talking about Russia? You believe The USSR is the only socialist country that failed? I don't even no where to begin, to begin laughing at you.
. You are talkin about communist countries that nobody is defending. Except on planet GOP dupe.
I am only talking about Russia? You believe The USSR is the only socialist country that failed? I don't even no where to begin, to begin laughing at you.
Russia was not socialist, they were communist, a dictatorship that owns everything. It doesn't work. When people found out in the thirties that the USSR was actually in no way Democratic,in other words the Soviets or committees were not Democratic -nothing was Democratic, Russia became known as a horror and not socialist. So you are talking about countriesthat are communist not socialist. Nobody is a communist unless they have a gun to their head anymore. Every rich country is socialist -Fair capitalism with a good safety net. Except us thank you GOP. And silly dupes like you. Do you really believe that Bernie Sanders and AOC and I want a dictatorship that owns all industry and business like the USSR? You people are absolutely nuts as far as the rest of the world goes.

"We are all socialists now!"-president of Finland when ObamaCare passed...

Since the epidemic began, an estimated 21.8 million people have died of AIDS (17.5 million adults and 4.3 million children under 15).

How many people have HIV and AIDS? - AIDS Information, Education, Action, Awareness

No impact at all, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Thanks to Reagan, it took awhile to get a cure but that we've had one for over 20 years, so remain calm.
We do not have a cure for it and never have
You have to keep taking the drugs like many diseases.
That is not a cure dumbass

That is merely holding it at Bay and allowing for longevity

Reagan made it possible
Reagan delayed action on AIDS for years, did not mention it until 1987 for crying out loud. Your party has been a disgrace for a long time.
When you talk about AIDS, who the ph uk are you to chastize Reagan because gays were ph ukn everything that moved or did not move? What the ph uk are you owed? As soon as the 1st generation of medicine became available the same behavior that was reduced in a huge manner came right back as the Caligula parties continued like there was nothing wrong. Now you run commercials on the medicine while promoting gay sex. Did you ever think what would happen if the medicine and treatments were reduced or even removed during emergency times? There are many sexual diseases. But that one is the final solution for those who come down with it. And it is painful one to end a life on.
Thanks to Trump sanctions, they can't sell their oil anymore. Has nothing to do with socialism. Except the GOP hates socialism. Iran 1953 all over again chile El Salvador Honduras you name it get the hell out of there. Elected governments. You are a disgrace, brainwash functional moron. End of story about Venezuela LOL
The economy failed long before trump and it failed because of socialism

That is the end of the story.
It is been going to hell ever since Reagan. When Reagan started the average saving of a family was 8% now it's minus percentage. People borrowing to try to keep the American dream going. With really expensive college crap jobs no investment in infrastructure- that has been cut by 1/2 actually since Reagan. Great idea. The greedy idiot Rich do great though. Talk about redistribution of wealth -biggest one ever from the Nan Rich to the rich. Great job scumbag GOP and brained wash dupes like you.
I was referring to Venezuela you moron

Your spin about Reagan is revisionist fiction
So Reagan did not cut the top tax rate from 70% to 28%? I don't care about Venezuela George W bush screwed with them. We have been screwing with them ever since Hugo Chavez was elected. George W bush had many sanctions so did Obama for that matter but the GOP also does covert sabotage of countries.
Cutting tax rates is a good thing and you outright lie about Venezuela

They were forced into desperate poverty because of Chavez and socialism
Actually mainly by the 2008 GOP World depression and sanctions and covert action by the GOP. No they cannot sell their oil anymore.
Nobody's going anywhere jackass. now if the GOP would only allow an ID card to end illegal immigration we would be a lot better off. But they have you idiots off on wild goose chases with a stupid wall that won't do a damn thing LOL. Guess what the GOP keeps the scam going not the Democrats... Along with the GOP Healthcare scam and all their other scams.
Chill out, Hate-boy.

IDs are Racist... Remember?

Democrats are the ones against IDs...

Where have you been?
The economy failed long before trump and it failed because of socialism

That is the end of the story.
It is been going to hell ever since Reagan. When Reagan started the average saving of a family was 8% now it's minus percentage. People borrowing to try to keep the American dream going. With really expensive college crap jobs no investment in infrastructure- that has been cut by 1/2 actually since Reagan. Great idea. The greedy idiot Rich do great though. Talk about redistribution of wealth -biggest one ever from the Nan Rich to the rich. Great job scumbag GOP and brained wash dupes like you.
I was referring to Venezuela you moron

Your spin about Reagan is revisionist fiction
So Reagan did not cut the top tax rate from 70% to 28%? I don't care about Venezuela George W bush screwed with them. We have been screwing with them ever since Hugo Chavez was elected. George W bush had many sanctions so did Obama for that matter but the GOP also does covert sabotage of countries.
Cutting tax rates is a good thing and you outright lie about Venezuela

They were forced into desperate poverty because of Chavez and socialism
Actually mainly by the 2008 GOP World depression and sanctions and covert action by the GOP. No they cannot sell their oil anymore.
There was no depression in 2008

Venezuela was a thriving nation. Until Chavez and socialism wrecked it
Thanks to Reagan, it took awhile to get a cure but that we've had one for over 20 years, so remain calm.
We do not have a cure for it and never have
You have to keep taking the drugs like many diseases.
That is not a cure dumbass

That is merely holding it at Bay and allowing for longevity

Reagan made it possible
Reagan delayed action on AIDS for years, did not mention it until 1987 for crying out loud. Your party has been a disgrace for a long time.
When you talk about AIDS, who the ph uk are you to chastize Reagan because gays were ph ukn everything that moved or did not move? What the ph uk are you owed? As soon as the 1st generation of medicine became available the same behavior that was reduced in a huge manner came right back as the Caligula parties continued like there was nothing wrong. Now you run commercials on the medicine while promoting gay sex. Did you ever think what would happen if the medicine and treatments were reduced or even removed during emergency times? There are many sexual diseases. But that one is the final solution for those who come down with it. And it is painful one to end a life on.
Always good to get the bigot Outlook....
They do get that right? The most direct way to benefit the lives of Americans is through a socialist policy.

Hey, repubs, what non-socialist policy would help the well being of Americans in general besides tax cuts? Or do you think tax cuts will solve any problem?

The most direct way to benefit the lives of Americans is through a socialist policy.

See, that is a matter of opinion Billy000. People might agree that there are pros and cons to a mostly capitalist system or a mostly Socialist system and honestly there are many various versions of both. Really though, you need to change the title of this thread to.............

Why do republicans say “Americans first” yet they reject my ideas and opinions on how to run a country?
Russia was not socialist, they were communist,

"We are all socialists now!"-president of Finland when ObamaCare passed...
You do not know history, nor communism, nor socialism. Communism is the USSR's form of Socialism, or Marxism.

Any and all countries that called themselves Communist did so because they were tied to the USSR's Socialist brand of Marxism which was called Communism.

That is the fact, yes you can search the socialist search engine we call google and get another answer, but, history is history and this is a fact. Communism is the USSR's Socialist brand of Marxism.

If you do not know that, what do you know about Marxism? Or should I say Socialism?
Nobody's going anywhere jackass. now if the GOP would only allow an ID card to end illegal immigration we would be a lot better off. But they have you idiots off on wild goose chases with a stupid wall that won't do a damn thing LOL. Guess what the GOP keeps the scam going not the Democrats... Along with the GOP Healthcare scam and all their other scams.
Chill out, Hate-boy.

IDs are Racist... Remember?

Democrats are the ones against IDs...

Where have you been?
For voting not immigration citizenship. I say go ahead with it for both. If you're a citizen you can vote. LOL The 2010 Democrat immigration bill had the ID card originally but that would be communism LOL.

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