Why do republicans say “Americans first” yet they reject any socialist proposal?

I say "America First" but Socialism is "EVERYBODY LAST"!!!!
everywhere in the world but your bubble of dumb, socialism is simply fair capitalism with a good safety net and always democratic, brainwashed functional moron Cold War dinosaur Dupe. NOT COMMUNISM OBVIOUSLY.
So you continue to spew your silly socialist slogans yet adamantly refuse (or can't) explain what you mean by "fair capitalism" or "a good safety net" or "a living wage" because it's much easier to copy & paste that silliness than it is to understand what it means and clearly you haven't a clue.
it is what every rich country in the world has but us, thanks to you brainwashed functional moron giveaway to the rich idiots. The world is aghast your idiocy, brainwash functional moron.
And you still can't (or won't) explain what you mean by "fair capitalism" or "a good safety net" or "a living wage" because it's much easier to copy & paste that silliness than it is to understand what it means, and clearly you haven't a clue
Fascism is right wing totalitarian capitalism. Like Nazism. No matter what they say in their name, which is just more right-wing propaganda get with the program. Poor America.

There is no such thing as right wing totalitarianism you moronic twit. Totalitarianism is LEFT WING!

Right wing is no government. Sheesh you're stupid!
Right wing totalitarianism is capitalist like the Nazis and fascists. Left wing totalitarianism is communist where the government owns all business and industry. No matter what ridiculous screeds like the book liberal fascism started saying about 2004. That's why the political Spectrum always used to be portrayed like a horseshoe because they start approaching each other. You're a horrible joke everywhere in the world but the GOP garbage propaganda bubble...

You trolls have nothing new to say and recycle the same old leftist BS.
I guess leftist means educated well informed and intelligent now LOL. You all will make good little ranting racist bigot Nazis. Great job!

It means you have had nothing new to add to any discussion since you joined here, you just keep parroting the same old crap. Nothing new under the sun from you.
It took centuries for intelligent people to come up with civilization, idiot. Quite an imaginary planet you right-wing fascist bloviating idiots have produced in the last 20 years 30 years, an idiot racist bigot GOP America at this point. Poor America. Nazis are left-wing the rich pay too much in taxes the problem is the poor minorities. Absolute idiocy. Enjoy hell.
All socialism deserves to be destroyed... Because it’s nothing other than fascism
Fascism is right wing totalitarian capitalism. Like Nazism. No matter what they say in their name, which is just more right-wing propaganda get with the program. Poor America.

There is no such thing as right wing totalitarianism you moronic twit. Totalitarianism is LEFT WING!

Right wing is no government. Sheesh you're stupid!
Right wing totalitarianism is capitalist like the Nazis and fascists. Left wing totalitarianism is communist where the government owns all business and industry. No matter what ridiculous screeds like the book liberal fascism started saying about 2004. That's why the political Spectrum always used to be portrayed like a horseshoe because they start approaching each other. You're a horrible joke everywhere in the world but the GOP garbage propaganda bubble...

You trolls have nothing new to say and recycle the same old leftist BS.
Reality and Truth are like that, extremely repetitive, brainwashed functional moron.

Why in the hell do you make two replies to my one post? Are you forgetting that you already replied? Are you that forgetful? Are you a total train wreck? You don't even seem to be a fuctional moron, as such your opinion is disregarded.
There is no such thing as right wing totalitarianism you moronic twit. Totalitarianism is LEFT WING!

Right wing is no government. Sheesh you're stupid!
Right wing totalitarianism is capitalist like the Nazis and fascists. Left wing totalitarianism is communist where the government owns all business and industry. No matter what ridiculous screeds like the book liberal fascism started saying about 2004. That's why the political Spectrum always used to be portrayed like a horseshoe because they start approaching each other. You're a horrible joke everywhere in the world but the GOP garbage propaganda bubble...

You trolls have nothing new to say and recycle the same old leftist BS.
I guess leftist means educated well informed and intelligent now LOL. You all will make good little ranting racist bigot Nazis. Great job!

It means you have had nothing new to add to any discussion since you joined here, you just keep parroting the same old crap. Nothing new under the sun from you.
It took centuries for intelligent people to come up with civilization, idiot. Quite an imaginary planet you right-wing fascist bloviating idiots have produced in the last 20 years 30 years, an idiot racist bigot GOP America at this point. Poor America. Nazis are left-wing the rich pay too much in taxes the problem is the poor minorities. Absolute idiocy. Enjoy hell.

Again, you spew the same unsubstantiated BS that you normally spew, nothing new, nothing different, it is all the same. I don't believe in hell, so I won't be joining you.
They do get that right? The most direct way to benefit the lives of Americans is through a socialist policy.

Hey, repubs, what non-socialist policy would help the well being of Americans in general besides tax cuts? Or do you think tax cuts will solve any problem?
Because Socialism will destroy America.

Totalitarianism never works.

America is the greatest country on God's Earth because of the LACK of Socialism.

Next question.
They do get that right? The most direct way to benefit the lives of Americans is through a socialist policy.

Hey, repubs, what non-socialist policy would help the well being of Americans in general besides tax cuts? Or do you think tax cuts will solve any problem?
Because Socialism will destroy America.

Totalitarianism never works.

America is the greatest country on God's Earth because of the LACK of Socialism.

America is not the greatest country.
Switzerland is.
America is number 8.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
They do get that right? The most direct way to benefit the lives of Americans is through a socialist policy.

Hey, repubs, what non-socialist policy would help the well being of Americans in general besides tax cuts? Or do you think tax cuts will solve any problem?
Because Socialism will destroy America.

Totalitarianism never works.

America is the greatest country on God's Earth because of the LACK of Socialism.

Next question.
that's communism not socialism as everyone in the world understands it now a days, brainwashed functional moron. Nobody in the United States is for Communist dictatorship you idiot. LOL
They do get that right? The most direct way to benefit the lives of Americans is through a socialist policy.

Hey, repubs, what non-socialist policy would help the well being of Americans in general besides tax cuts? Or do you think tax cuts will solve any problem?
Because Socialism will destroy America.

Totalitarianism never works.

America is the greatest country on God's Earth because of the LACK of Socialism.

America is not the greatest country.
Switzerland is.
America is number 8.

Feel free to move to one of your better countries, I have been to several of them and I still prefer the United States over your top seven.
There is no such thing as right wing totalitarianism you moronic twit. Totalitarianism is LEFT WING!

Right wing is no government. Sheesh you're stupid!
Right wing totalitarianism is capitalist like the Nazis and fascists. Left wing totalitarianism is communist where the government owns all business and industry. No matter what ridiculous screeds like the book liberal fascism started saying about 2004. That's why the political Spectrum always used to be portrayed like a horseshoe because they start approaching each other. You're a horrible joke everywhere in the world but the GOP garbage propaganda bubble...

You trolls have nothing new to say and recycle the same old leftist BS.
I guess leftist means educated well informed and intelligent now LOL. You all will make good little ranting racist bigot Nazis. Great job!

It means you have had nothing new to add to any discussion since you joined here, you just keep parroting the same old crap. Nothing new under the sun from you.
It took centuries for intelligent people to come up with civilization, idiot. Quite an imaginary planet you right-wing fascist bloviating idiots have produced in the last 20 years 30 years, an idiot racist bigot GOP America at this point. Poor America. Nazis are left-wing the rich pay too much in taxes the problem is the poor minorities. Absolute idiocy. Enjoy hell.

No, you imbecilic hater dupe, it took millenia.

Then once civilization was discovered it took more thousands of years to develop a world that wasn't based on elites ruling serfs.

Now, you regressive fools want to take us back to that ruling elite serf class bullshit again.
Right wing totalitarianism is capitalist like the Nazis and fascists. Left wing totalitarianism is communist where the government owns all business and industry. No matter what ridiculous screeds like the book liberal fascism started saying about 2004. That's why the political Spectrum always used to be portrayed like a horseshoe because they start approaching each other. You're a horrible joke everywhere in the world but the GOP garbage propaganda bubble...

You trolls have nothing new to say and recycle the same old leftist BS.
I guess leftist means educated well informed and intelligent now LOL. You all will make good little ranting racist bigot Nazis. Great job!

It means you have had nothing new to add to any discussion since you joined here, you just keep parroting the same old crap. Nothing new under the sun from you.
It took centuries for intelligent people to come up with civilization, idiot. Quite an imaginary planet you right-wing fascist bloviating idiots have produced in the last 20 years 30 years, an idiot racist bigot GOP America at this point. Poor America. Nazis are left-wing the rich pay too much in taxes the problem is the poor minorities. Absolute idiocy. Enjoy hell.

No, you imbecilic hater dupe, it took millenia.

Then once civilization was discovered it took more thousands of years to develop a world that wasn't based on elites ruling serfs.

Now, you regressive fools want to take us back to that ruling elite serf class bullshit again.
actually we're for the little people against the GOP give away to the rich that has given us the worst upward mobility and inequality in our history and in the modern world, super duper....
They do get that right? The most direct way to benefit the lives of Americans is through a socialist policy.

Hey, repubs, what non-socialist policy would help the well being of Americans in general besides tax cuts? Or do you think tax cuts will solve any problem?
Because Socialism will destroy America.

Totalitarianism never works.

America is the greatest country on God's Earth because of the LACK of Socialism.

America is not the greatest country.
Switzerland is.
America is number 8.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
actually I give us about number 25 since we are living in garbage propaganda GOP America give it all away to the rich and screw the rest dupe world. We are about the 25th happiest country. A better way to look at it than through a business school's Outlook.
You trolls have nothing new to say and recycle the same old leftist BS.
I guess leftist means educated well informed and intelligent now LOL. You all will make good little ranting racist bigot Nazis. Great job!

It means you have had nothing new to add to any discussion since you joined here, you just keep parroting the same old crap. Nothing new under the sun from you.
It took centuries for intelligent people to come up with civilization, idiot. Quite an imaginary planet you right-wing fascist bloviating idiots have produced in the last 20 years 30 years, an idiot racist bigot GOP America at this point. Poor America. Nazis are left-wing the rich pay too much in taxes the problem is the poor minorities. Absolute idiocy. Enjoy hell.

No, you imbecilic hater dupe, it took millenia.

Then once civilization was discovered it took more thousands of years to develop a world that wasn't based on elites ruling serfs.

Now, you regressive fools want to take us back to that ruling elite serf class bullshit again.
actually we're for the little people against the GOP give away to the rich that has given us the worst upward mobility and inequality in our history and in the modern world, super duper....

Bullshit. Socialism always results in a two tier system, a small ruling elite, and the rest of the peons.

Until the government runs out of other people's money. Then it kills off the peasants with enough gumption to complain.
You chose to see it as defective but what if it’s a natural element of our species. A form of population control or a deeper level of connection that our society is still reluctant to understand or accept. You don’t feel what they feel and that scares you so you want to demonize and cast it out. Either way, we are the ones deciding what is right and wrong. And if the past shows us anything with how we’ve treated women, minorities, and now LGBT, we are a very flawed species but thankfully we are evolving. Some of us like yourself are just a little behind the curve.
You're just regurgitating the same dumb kneejerk arguments I already shot down. Whether it's "normal" isn't the issue. As I already pointed out, "normal" includes many things that are detrimental to the species. Death is normal. Disease is normal. Mental illness is normal. Extinction is normal. But none of those things are desirable, healthy or beneficial to the species. And neither is homosexuality. That's not just my opinion or something that "scares" me. Homosexuality is a threat to the survival of the species. It's simply a scientific fact.

You try to paint me as being driven by emotion, of being driven by fear, but it's actually you who bases your opinions on emotion. You base your claims on your desire to believe you are a good person, that you're morally superior to others. They are not based on facts or logic.
Homosexuality has no impact on a society. Not negative or positive unless the society makes it that way. The negative impact comes from people like you trying to eradicate or demonize it. You create conflict where there is no conflict needed.
It has "no impact on society?" The birth rate in Japan is 1.4 children per woman. For whites in America it's 1.8 children. In Europe it's also below the replacement level. That's why idiots like Merkel are trying to import large number of Muslims into Germany. We've already seen huge impacts on society. It takes a special kind of stupid to believe that having a large percentage of people declining to reproduce having no impact on society.
You've got to be fucking joking! So you solution is what? Force gays to have babies?! Do you really think our world is underpopulated?

What irony given the fact that over 70 million babies have been aborted since Roe vs Wade and given the women's lib movement (funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and helped along by the CIA) the replacement level is below that which is required to maintain our population. The U.N is only too happy to require that countries bring in migrants that didn't get the memo on birth control and the "over-population" problem liberals soil themselves over. In the meantime, we have been invaded by our friends south of the border but their weapon of choice is the uteruses of their women that are more than willing to drop anchor baby after anchor baby (of which we pay for).

As far as your comment about how we should all be accepting of homosexuality as "normal" and your view that those that see it as a perversity just haven't "evolved"? I have a question for you....will you say the same thing about the acceptance of pedophilia as "normal" should society (as we know it today) continue to "evolve"? Because the move to normalize pedophilia is going on right under our noses. The sexualization of children has been going on for some time and the selling of children for sex is third just behind the selling of drugs and military arms. The more perverse a society becomes, the more risque it becomes as well. Bripat9643 is 100 percent correct, my friend.

Don't fret over the over-population issue, the powers that be are working on that even as we speak because if anyone believes that those that control the world's monetary system of fiat currency is going to subsidize those that are not employable due to the coming robotic age and A.I???? And allow them to sit on their asses while consuming resources? Perhaps I could interest them in a bridge I have to sell in Brooklyn. Wake up, Slade because we are not in Kansas anymore.
I’m not worried about population control either way. I definitely don’t think we are underpopulated as a result of homosexuality as Bri was eluding to. That’s one of the dumbest things I’ve heard in a while.

As for accepting homosexuality, I never said anybody has to accept anything, you can do whatever you want. My point was that the stigma around homosexuality is man made. People who are born gay and trans are born that way. We as a society can choose to try and control that by shaming and demonizing and making laws to exclude them and limit their freedoms or we can understand that they aren’t hurting anybody and move forward with a live and let live attitude. The “Right” used to like the whole Liberty concept, don’t know why they flip flop on this issue.

If I don’t like eating fish because I think it tastes disgusting then I don’t eat fish but it would be stupid for me to try and ban fish so that others can’t eat it... makes no difference to me, at least it shouldn’t. If you want to ban fish or shame people for eating fish then that’s your call but it is a ridiculous viewpoint in my eyes.

Finally I get a Dale debate!!!! It’s been a while, let’s do this :)
Bullshit. Socialism always results in a two tier system, a small ruling elite, and the rest of the peons.

Until the government runs out of other people's money. Then it kills off the peasants with enough gumption to complain.

And, (are you sitting down?) Because socialism has failed, miserably, every single time it has ever been tried. Often at the expense of MILLIONS of lives. Over a hundred million dead in the name of socialism in the last century alone

The social and economic systems dimocraps like to point to as working socialist States are anything BUT socialist. Most of those Countries, especially the dirty scandi countries, are FAR more business-friendly than is the USA. And most, if not all, of them actually have a Monarchy in place. I mean..... How can you have a conversation with people that have absolutely no idea what they're talking about??

All they hear is 'Free Shit!' and they start voting with their hands palms-up, waiting for the hand-outs to begin.

We've only told them this 5,000+ times in here. After a while, you might start to get the idea that dimocraps are kinda stupid.
You chose to see it as defective but what if it’s a natural element of our species. A form of population control or a deeper level of connection that our society is still reluctant to understand or accept. You don’t feel what they feel and that scares you so you want to demonize and cast it out. Either way, we are the ones deciding what is right and wrong. And if the past shows us anything with how we’ve treated women, minorities, and now LGBT, we are a very flawed species but thankfully we are evolving. Some of us like yourself are just a little behind the curve.
You're just regurgitating the same dumb kneejerk arguments I already shot down. Whether it's "normal" isn't the issue. As I already pointed out, "normal" includes many things that are detrimental to the species. Death is normal. Disease is normal. Mental illness is normal. Extinction is normal. But none of those things are desirable, healthy or beneficial to the species. And neither is homosexuality. That's not just my opinion or something that "scares" me. Homosexuality is a threat to the survival of the species. It's simply a scientific fact.

You try to paint me as being driven by emotion, of being driven by fear, but it's actually you who bases your opinions on emotion. You base your claims on your desire to believe you are a good person, that you're morally superior to others. They are not based on facts or logic.
Homosexuality has no impact on a society. Not negative or positive unless the society makes it that way. The negative impact comes from people like you trying to eradicate or demonize it. You create conflict where there is no conflict needed.


Since the epidemic began, an estimated 21.8 million people have died of AIDS (17.5 million adults and 4.3 million children under 15).

How many people have HIV and AIDS? - AIDS Information, Education, Action, Awareness

No impact at all, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

And you think homosexuality created AIDS?! Where are you going with this?
Deviants created aids. Deviants who fucked monkeys in Korea. Homosexuals are deviants.
To be clear are you saying that homos in Africa created aids by fucking monkeys? Just want to be crystal clear on this... haha
Homosexuality has no impact on a society. Not negative or positive unless the society makes it that way. The negative impact comes from people like you trying to eradicate or demonize it. You create conflict where there is no conflict needed.
It has "no impact on society?" The birth rate in Japan is 1.4 children per woman. For whites in America it's 1.8 children. In Europe it's also below the replacement level. That's why idiots like Merkel are trying to import large number of Muslims into Germany. We've already seen huge impacts on society. It takes a special kind of stupid to believe that having a large percentage of people declining to reproduce having no impact on society.
You've got to be fucking joking! So you solution is what? Force gays to have babies?! Do you really think our world is underpopulated?
The solution certain isn't to remove the stigma of homosexuality, which is what you and your ilk are trying to do. Teaching kids in school that homosexuality is perfectly acceptable and even desirable certainly isn't helping. Legalizing same sex marriage certainly doesn't help.

Our world is underpopulated with advanced Western cultures. Ignorant trash cultures from the third world are taking over. We need less of the later and more of the former.
You are so unbelievably stupid I honestly don’t even know where to begin to respond. You’re head is also so far up your ass I know I’d just be wasting my breath by trying. So why bother
In other words, no facts or logic to support your case. You only have bias and insults.
I’ve made my case and you made yours. I think I’m right you think your right. I don’t see anymore road left, do you?
You trolls have nothing new to say and recycle the same old leftist BS.
I guess leftist means educated well informed and intelligent now LOL. You all will make good little ranting racist bigot Nazis. Great job!

It means you have had nothing new to add to any discussion since you joined here, you just keep parroting the same old crap. Nothing new under the sun from you.
It took centuries for intelligent people to come up with civilization, idiot. Quite an imaginary planet you right-wing fascist bloviating idiots have produced in the last 20 years 30 years, an idiot racist bigot GOP America at this point. Poor America. Nazis are left-wing the rich pay too much in taxes the problem is the poor minorities. Absolute idiocy. Enjoy hell.

No, you imbecilic hater dupe, it took millenia.

Then once civilization was discovered it took more thousands of years to develop a world that wasn't based on elites ruling serfs.

Now, you regressive fools want to take us back to that ruling elite serf class bullshit again.
actually we're for the little people against the GOP give away to the rich that has given us the worst upward mobility and inequality in our history and in the modern world, super duper....

WOW!!!!! You really believe that bullshit? How fucking stupid you dupes are. The Democrats proved during the bailout that they were for the rich. How many of those evil bankers did Obama prosecute after claiming he would? None? LOL!

Bailout the rich, screw the poor, that is what 2008 and 2009 taught me. I am by no means a Republican as they are also for the rich, however I am not stupid enough, like you are to believe the DNC bull crap either. You can call me a functional moron however at least I am functional and not a complete moron such as yourself.

Democrats haven't been for the poor since Clinton, that you believe they care is hysterical!!!!! What a dummy!
It has "no impact on society?" The birth rate in Japan is 1.4 children per woman. For whites in America it's 1.8 children. In Europe it's also below the replacement level. That's why idiots like Merkel are trying to import large number of Muslims into Germany. We've already seen huge impacts on society. It takes a special kind of stupid to believe that having a large percentage of people declining to reproduce having no impact on society.
You've got to be fucking joking! So you solution is what? Force gays to have babies?! Do you really think our world is underpopulated?
The solution certain isn't to remove the stigma of homosexuality, which is what you and your ilk are trying to do. Teaching kids in school that homosexuality is perfectly acceptable and even desirable certainly isn't helping. Legalizing same sex marriage certainly doesn't help.

Our world is underpopulated with advanced Western cultures. Ignorant trash cultures from the third world are taking over. We need less of the later and more of the former.
You are so unbelievably stupid I honestly don’t even know where to begin to respond. You’re head is also so far up your ass I know I’d just be wasting my breath by trying. So why bother
In other words, no facts or logic to support your case. You only have bias and insults.
I’ve made my case and you made yours. I think I’m right you think your right. I don’t see anymore road left, do you?
Since you are immune to facts and logic, you are correct: there is no way to convince you of your erroneous ideas.
They do get that right? The most direct way to benefit the lives of Americans is through a socialist policy.

Hey, repubs, what non-socialist policy would help the well being of Americans in general besides tax cuts? Or do you think tax cuts will solve any problem?

So we need to embrace the ideology responsible for millions dead to benefit the country?

You want to solve American problems? Let them solve it.

As long as Americans expect someone else to solve their problems aka the government. The longer it will take them to get up odd their rear ends and fix the problems
They do get that right? The most direct way to benefit the lives of Americans is through a socialist policy.

Hey, repubs, what non-socialist policy would help the well being of Americans in general besides tax cuts? Or do you think tax cuts will solve any problem?
Because Socialism will destroy America.

Totalitarianism never works.

America is the greatest country on God's Earth because of the LACK of Socialism.

America is not the greatest country.
Switzerland is.
America is number 8.

Feel free to move to one of your better countries, I have been to several of them and I still prefer the United States over your top seven.

Feel free to say something original.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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