Why do republicans say “Americans first” yet they reject any socialist proposal?

Because Socialism will destroy America.

Totalitarianism never works.

America is the greatest country on God's Earth because of the LACK of Socialism.

Next question.
that's communism not socialism as everyone in the world understands it now a days, brainwashed functional moron. Nobody in the United States is for Communist dictatorship you idiot. LOL

You think those idiots will be satisfied with anything less than complete control?

This is the 2nd Election Democrats tried to steal, and you don't think they want to be Totalitarians?

Grow up.

Grow up.
The only people getting more and more control are the greedy idiot Rich GOP, your brain washers, super duper.and they and the Russians were the ones who stole the election dumbass.I know, another giant tax cut for the rich and giant corporations! And more screwjob for people like you. Unbelievable.

What is unbelievable is after all the BS and rhetoric the Democratic Party did in 2008 and 2009 and going after big business and the thieving banks, they did not prosecute the higher ups in any of the financial institutions. The Obama administration and Congress didn't even attempt to change the laws or protect us in the future. Then in 2017 we find former President Obama making speeches to Wall St. banks and other financial institutions and getting $400,000 a pop. No wonder he did nothing, he can make big bucks off Wall St. now.

After Failing to Prosecute Bankers, Obama Cashes In With Wall Street Speeches

Democrats are no different about who they work for, the Democrats just lie about it.
The GOP blocked Obama from doing anything he wanted to do duh. Except for 35 days in session when he had 60 votes in the Senate, which he used to pass Obamacare by the skin of his teeth... The middle of another GOP corrupt meltdown is not the time 2 go after financiers...

BULLSHIT! The banks not being prosecuted was the DOJ who doesn't need to wait on Congress. Also, the rule changes that could have changed policies were during the TARP and it could have been added early. The truth is Obama and the Democrats were no different than Republicans in turning a blind eye. What an outrageous lie you told. Talk about dishonest.
No, you imbecilic hater dupe, it took millenia.

Then once civilization was discovered it took more thousands of years to develop a world that wasn't based on elites ruling serfs.

Now, you regressive fools want to take us back to that ruling elite serf class bullshit again.
actually we're for the little people against the GOP give away to the rich that has given us the worst upward mobility and inequality in our history and in the modern world, super duper....

Bullshit. Socialism always results in a two tier system, a small ruling elite, and the rest of the peons.

Until the government runs out of other people's money. Then it kills off the peasants with enough gumption to complain.
for the billionth time that is communism, a dictatorship that owns all business and industry, the old definition of socialism. Socialism today is simply fair capitalism with a good safety net and always democratic. Like every rich country in the world but us, super dupe.

Do I believe you or a dictionary?

so·cial·ism | \ ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm \
Definition of socialism

1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2a: a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done
Let's have a link to that so we can see how you are lying. Why is there a 2a and NO 2 for example? Collective administration of the means of production is exactly what we have already... Usually they say ownership or regulation....
Definition of SOCIALISM
No, you imbecilic hater dupe, it took millenia.

Then once civilization was discovered it took more thousands of years to develop a world that wasn't based on elites ruling serfs.

Now, you regressive fools want to take us back to that ruling elite serf class bullshit again.
actually we're for the little people against the GOP give away to the rich that has given us the worst upward mobility and inequality in our history and in the modern world, super duper....

Bullshit. Socialism always results in a two tier system, a small ruling elite, and the rest of the peons.

Until the government runs out of other people's money. Then it kills off the peasants with enough gumption to complain.
for the billionth time that is communism, a dictatorship that owns all business and industry, the old definition of socialism. Socialism today is simply fair capitalism with a good safety net and always democratic. Like every rich country in the world but us, super dupe.

Do I believe you or a dictionary?

so·cial·ism | \ ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm \
Definition of socialism

1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2a: a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done
Learn to pronounce
  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Let's see your link!
It is been going to hell ever since Reagan. When Reagan started the average saving of a family was 8% now it's minus percentage. People borrowing to try to keep the American dream going. With really expensive college crap jobs no investment in infrastructure- that has been cut by 1/2 actually since Reagan. Great idea. The greedy idiot Rich do great though. Talk about redistribution of wealth -biggest one ever from the Nan Rich to the rich. Great job scumbag GOP and brained wash dupes like you.
I was referring to Venezuela you moron

Your spin about Reagan is revisionist fiction
So Reagan did not cut the top tax rate from 70% to 28%? I don't care about Venezuela George W bush screwed with them. We have been screwing with them ever since Hugo Chavez was elected. George W bush had many sanctions so did Obama for that matter but the GOP also does covert sabotage of countries.
Cutting tax rates is a good thing and you outright lie about Venezuela

They were forced into desperate poverty because of Chavez and socialism
Actually mainly by the 2008 GOP World depression and sanctions and covert action by the GOP. No they cannot sell their oil anymore.
There was no depression in 2008

Venezuela was a thriving nation. Until Chavez and socialism wrecked it
No not at all, brainwashed functional moron. Only cost the Obama Administration seven or eight trillion dollars to avert a full-blown Great Depression. And tarp under George W Bush was another trillion. Oil prices went down 60% or so. Killing Venezuela. You people are so brainwashed it's impossible. No meltdown I suppose?
No, you imbecilic hater dupe, it took millenia.

Then once civilization was discovered it took more thousands of years to develop a world that wasn't based on elites ruling serfs.

Now, you regressive fools want to take us back to that ruling elite serf class bullshit again.
actually we're for the little people against the GOP give away to the rich that has given us the worst upward mobility and inequality in our history and in the modern world, super duper....

Bullshit. Socialism always results in a two tier system, a small ruling elite, and the rest of the peons.

Until the government runs out of other people's money. Then it kills off the peasants with enough gumption to complain.
for the billionth time that is communism, a dictatorship that owns all business and industry, the old definition of socialism. Socialism today is simply fair capitalism with a good safety net and always democratic. Like every rich country in the world but us, super dupe.

Do I believe you or a dictionary?

so·cial·ism | \ ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm \
Definition of socialism

1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2a: a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done
Britannica.com › topic › socialism
Web Result with Site Links
socialism | Definition, History, Examples ...

Socialism. Socialism, social and economic doctrine that calls for public rather than private ownership or control of property and natural resources. According to the socialist view, individuals do not live or work in isolation but live in cooperation with one another.

From your link: This conviction puts socialism in opposition to capitalism, which is based on private ownership of the means of production and allows individual choices in a free market to determine how goods and services are distributed.
that's communism not socialism as everyone in the world understands it now a days, brainwashed functional moron. Nobody in the United States is for Communist dictatorship you idiot. LOL

You think those idiots will be satisfied with anything less than complete control?

This is the 2nd Election Democrats tried to steal, and you don't think they want to be Totalitarians?

Grow up.

Grow up.
The only people getting more and more control are the greedy idiot Rich GOP, your brain washers, super duper.and they and the Russians were the ones who stole the election dumbass.I know, another giant tax cut for the rich and giant corporations! And more screwjob for people like you. Unbelievable.

What is unbelievable is after all the BS and rhetoric the Democratic Party did in 2008 and 2009 and going after big business and the thieving banks, they did not prosecute the higher ups in any of the financial institutions. The Obama administration and Congress didn't even attempt to change the laws or protect us in the future. Then in 2017 we find former President Obama making speeches to Wall St. banks and other financial institutions and getting $400,000 a pop. No wonder he did nothing, he can make big bucks off Wall St. now.

After Failing to Prosecute Bankers, Obama Cashes In With Wall Street Speeches

Democrats are no different about who they work for, the Democrats just lie about it.
The GOP blocked Obama from doing anything he wanted to do duh. Except for 35 days in session when he had 60 votes in the Senate, which he used to pass Obamacare by the skin of his teeth... The middle of another GOP corrupt meltdown is not the time 2 go after financiers...

BULLSHIT! The banks not being prosecuted was the DOJ who doesn't need to wait on Congress. Also, the rule changes that could have changed policies were during the TARP and it could have been added early. The truth is Obama and the Democrats were no different than Republicans in turning a blind eye. What an outrageous lie you told. Talk about dishonest.
Actually the problem was deregulation under the Republicans, idiot. They changed the rules so the financiers and countrywide etc we're not doing anything against the law. Great job GOP scumbags and silly dupes like you. They do it every time they get in. see the s&l crisis or 1929
Bullshit. Socialism always results in a two tier system, a small ruling elite, and the rest of the peons.

Until the government runs out of other people's money. Then it kills off the peasants with enough gumption to complain.

And, (are you sitting down?) Because socialism has failed, miserably, every single time it has ever been tried. Often at the expense of MILLIONS of lives. Over a hundred million dead in the name of socialism in the last century alone

The social and economic systems dimocraps like to point to as working socialist States are anything BUT socialist. Most of those Countries, especially the dirty scandi countries, are FAR more business-friendly than is the USA. And most, if not all, of them actually have a Monarchy in place. I mean..... How can you have a conversation with people that have absolutely no idea what they're talking about??

All they hear is 'Free Shit!' and they start voting with their hands palms-up, waiting for the hand-outs to begin.

We've only told them this 5,000+ times in here. After a while, you might start to get the idea that dimocraps are kinda stupid.
I can't believe you believe that Americans are for communism a dictatorship that owns all business and industry. Absolutely brainwashed with garbage. Socialism and Democrats only want Fair capitalism with a good safety net. Well regulated capitalism. All reasonable definitions of socialism include the possibility of a society that is well regulated capitalism and always democratic like all the socialists in the modern world are for. And I don't want to hear about how the Nazis are socialists or socialists are communist. Pure garbage propaganda. Started out as Nazi propaganda. And communist propaganda. so when you find that there is no democracy at all that is no longer socialism.

If you get in deep to political science, there have been three stages of the definition of socialism. First Marxism proven wrong. Second communism like USSR proven wrong. Now it is fair capitalism with a good safety net and always democratic.

Socialism is the transition from capitalism and communism. We don't need your socialism, it will stymie production, it will kill innovation.

You think those idiots will be satisfied with anything less than complete control?

This is the 2nd Election Democrats tried to steal, and you don't think they want to be Totalitarians?

Grow up.

Grow up.
The only people getting more and more control are the greedy idiot Rich GOP, your brain washers, super duper.and they and the Russians were the ones who stole the election dumbass.I know, another giant tax cut for the rich and giant corporations! And more screwjob for people like you. Unbelievable.

What is unbelievable is after all the BS and rhetoric the Democratic Party did in 2008 and 2009 and going after big business and the thieving banks, they did not prosecute the higher ups in any of the financial institutions. The Obama administration and Congress didn't even attempt to change the laws or protect us in the future. Then in 2017 we find former President Obama making speeches to Wall St. banks and other financial institutions and getting $400,000 a pop. No wonder he did nothing, he can make big bucks off Wall St. now.

After Failing to Prosecute Bankers, Obama Cashes In With Wall Street Speeches

Democrats are no different about who they work for, the Democrats just lie about it.
The GOP blocked Obama from doing anything he wanted to do duh. Except for 35 days in session when he had 60 votes in the Senate, which he used to pass Obamacare by the skin of his teeth... The middle of another GOP corrupt meltdown is not the time 2 go after financiers...

BULLSHIT! The banks not being prosecuted was the DOJ who doesn't need to wait on Congress. Also, the rule changes that could have changed policies were during the TARP and it could have been added early. The truth is Obama and the Democrats were no different than Republicans in turning a blind eye. What an outrageous lie you told. Talk about dishonest.
Actually the problem was deregulation under the Republicans, idiot. They changed the rules so the financiers and countrywide etc we're not doing anything against the law. Great job GOP scumbags and silly dupes like you. They do it every time they get in. see the s&l crisis or 1929

Again, asshole, the Obama Administration told us they would prosecute, show me who they prosecuted.
I was referring to Venezuela you moron

Your spin about Reagan is revisionist fiction
So Reagan did not cut the top tax rate from 70% to 28%? I don't care about Venezuela George W bush screwed with them. We have been screwing with them ever since Hugo Chavez was elected. George W bush had many sanctions so did Obama for that matter but the GOP also does covert sabotage of countries.
Cutting tax rates is a good thing and you outright lie about Venezuela

They were forced into desperate poverty because of Chavez and socialism
Actually mainly by the 2008 GOP World depression and sanctions and covert action by the GOP. No they cannot sell their oil anymore.
There was no depression in 2008

Venezuela was a thriving nation. Until Chavez and socialism wrecked it
No not at all, brainwashed functional moron. Only cost the Obama Administration seven or eight trillion dollars to avert a full-blown Great Depression. And tarp under George W Bush was another trillion. Oil prices went down 60% or so. Killing Venezuela. You people are so brainwashed it's impossible. No meltdown I suppose?
Venezuela died before any of that when Chavez got elected

He destroyed that country and the world saw it

Your spin is absolutely ignorant and willfully so
Russia was not socialist, they were communist,

"We are all socialists now!"-president of Finland when ObamaCare passed...
You do not know history, nor communism, nor socialism. Communism is the USSR's form of Socialism, or Marxism.

Any and all countries that called themselves Communist did so because they were tied to the USSR's Socialist brand of Marxism which was called Communism.

That is the fact, yes you can search the socialist search engine we call google and get another answer, but, history is history and this is a fact. Communism is the USSR's Socialist brand of Marxism.

If you do not know that, what do you know about Marxism? Or should I say Socialism?
They are not all the same thing. Political science would say Marxism was a form of socialism proven to be in error, Marxist ideology as put forth Ben his books. The second form of modern socialism was USSR communism. Also proven wrong and not Democratic in anyway. Now everywhere but GOP dupe America, it means fair capitalism. Unless it is communist propaganda.
They do get that right? The most direct way to benefit the lives of Americans is through a socialist policy.

Hey, repubs, what non-socialist policy would help the well being of Americans in general besides tax cuts? Or do you think tax cuts will solve any problem?
Most high crime areas in America use the most socialism
So Reagan did not cut the top tax rate from 70% to 28%? I don't care about Venezuela George W bush screwed with them. We have been screwing with them ever since Hugo Chavez was elected. George W bush had many sanctions so did Obama for that matter but the GOP also does covert sabotage of countries.
Cutting tax rates is a good thing and you outright lie about Venezuela

They were forced into desperate poverty because of Chavez and socialism
Actually mainly by the 2008 GOP World depression and sanctions and covert action by the GOP. No they cannot sell their oil anymore.
There was no depression in 2008

Venezuela was a thriving nation. Until Chavez and socialism wrecked it
No not at all, brainwashed functional moron. Only cost the Obama Administration seven or eight trillion dollars to avert a full-blown Great Depression. And tarp under George W Bush was another trillion. Oil prices went down 60% or so. Killing Venezuela. You people are so brainwashed it's impossible. No meltdown I suppose?
Venezuela died before any of that when Chavez got elected

He destroyed that country and the world saw it

Your spin is absolutely ignorant and willfully so
Yours is pure GOP propaganda, super duper. Welcome to the rest of the world and reality
Cutting tax rates is a good thing and you outright lie about Venezuela

They were forced into desperate poverty because of Chavez and socialism
Actually mainly by the 2008 GOP World depression and sanctions and covert action by the GOP. No they cannot sell their oil anymore.
There was no depression in 2008

Venezuela was a thriving nation. Until Chavez and socialism wrecked it
No not at all, brainwashed functional moron. Only cost the Obama Administration seven or eight trillion dollars to avert a full-blown Great Depression. And tarp under George W Bush was another trillion. Oil prices went down 60% or so. Killing Venezuela. You people are so brainwashed it's impossible. No meltdown I suppose?
Venezuela died before any of that when Chavez got elected

He destroyed that country and the world saw it

Your spin is absolutely ignorant and willfully so
Yours is pure GOP propaganda, super duper. Welcome to the rest of the world and reality
I am not gop and what I am stating is fact

You are very dumb but you cannot dispute the facts you can only lie about them
They do get that right? The most direct way to benefit the lives of Americans is through a socialist policy.

Hey, repubs, what non-socialist policy would help the well being of Americans in general besides tax cuts? Or do you think tax cuts will solve any problem?
Most high crime areas in America use the most socialism
Also the poorest areas. So yes they get the most government help. The GOP voters stop reform that could help them they vote against their own interests and for a giveaway to the rich. Only the brainwash makes it possible.
Nobody's going anywhere jackass. now if the GOP would only allow an ID card to end illegal immigration we would be a lot better off. But they have you idiots off on wild goose chases with a stupid wall that won't do a damn thing LOL. Guess what the GOP keeps the scam going not the Democrats... Along with the GOP Healthcare scam and all their other scams.
Chill out, Hate-boy.

IDs are Racist... Remember?

Democrats are the ones against IDs...

Where have you been?
For voting yes. The way the Republicans would do it LOL.
They do get that right? The most direct way to benefit the lives of Americans is through a socialist policy.

Hey, repubs, what non-socialist policy would help the well being of Americans in general besides tax cuts? Or do you think tax cuts will solve any problem?
Most high crime areas in America use the most socialism
Also the poorest areas. So yes they get the most government help. The GOP voters stop reform that could help them they vote against their own interests and for a giveaway to the rich. Only the brainwash makes it possible.
But if socialism works why are getting poorer? Lol
Actually mainly by the 2008 GOP World depression and sanctions and covert action by the GOP. No they cannot sell their oil anymore.
There was no depression in 2008

Venezuela was a thriving nation. Until Chavez and socialism wrecked it
No not at all, brainwashed functional moron. Only cost the Obama Administration seven or eight trillion dollars to avert a full-blown Great Depression. And tarp under George W Bush was another trillion. Oil prices went down 60% or so. Killing Venezuela. You people are so brainwashed it's impossible. No meltdown I suppose?
Venezuela died before any of that when Chavez got elected

He destroyed that country and the world saw it

Your spin is absolutely ignorant and willfully so
Yours is pure GOP propaganda, super duper. Welcome to the rest of the world and reality
I am not gop and what I am stating is fact

You are very dumb but you cannot dispute the facts you can only lie about them
Hugo cut homelessness and illiteracy to almost nothing. The GOP always messes with Latin America and just screws things up. The Cold War is over.
They do get that right? The most direct way to benefit the lives of Americans is through a socialist policy.

Hey, repubs, what non-socialist policy would help the well being of Americans in general besides tax cuts? Or do you think tax cuts will solve any problem?
Most high crime areas in America use the most socialism
Also the poorest areas. So yes they get the most government help. The GOP voters stop reform that could help them they vote against their own interests and for a giveaway to the rich. Only the brainwash makes it possible.
But if socialism works why are getting poorer? Lol
Socialist countries like France Germany Scandinavia Canada Australia Japan New Zealand do just fine until the GOP screws the world again. LOL and the rich get richer and the poor have babies just like the 20s. Trump's economic and foreign policy are a disaster. Also his right-wing assholes views at this point. the only actual spike in violence is against blacks Jews gays and Muslims. Trump is getting down to his brainwashed base.
There was no depression in 2008

Venezuela was a thriving nation. Until Chavez and socialism wrecked it
No not at all, brainwashed functional moron. Only cost the Obama Administration seven or eight trillion dollars to avert a full-blown Great Depression. And tarp under George W Bush was another trillion. Oil prices went down 60% or so. Killing Venezuela. You people are so brainwashed it's impossible. No meltdown I suppose?
Venezuela died before any of that when Chavez got elected

He destroyed that country and the world saw it

Your spin is absolutely ignorant and willfully so
Yours is pure GOP propaganda, super duper. Welcome to the rest of the world and reality
I am not gop and what I am stating is fact

You are very dumb but you cannot dispute the facts you can only lie about them
Hugo cut homelessness and illiteracy to almost nothing. The GOP always messes with Latin America and just screws things up. The Cold War is over.
He increase both and destroyed that nation

No one cause it be it him
They do get that right? The most direct way to benefit the lives of Americans is through a socialist policy.

Hey, repubs, what non-socialist policy would help the well being of Americans in general besides tax cuts? Or do you think tax cuts will solve any problem?
Most high crime areas in America use the most socialism
Also the poorest areas. So yes they get the most government help. The GOP voters stop reform that could help them they vote against their own interests and for a giveaway to the rich. Only the brainwash makes it possible.
But if socialism works why are getting poorer? Lol
Socialist countries like France Germany Scandinavia Canada Australia Japan New Zealand do just fine until the GOP screws the world again. LOL and the rich get richer and the poor have babies just like the 20s. Trump's economic and foreign policy are a disaster. Also his right-wing assholes views at this point. the only actual spike in violence is against blacks Jews gays and Muslims. Trump is getting down to his brainwashed base.
You ignored my question,, but again if socialism works for these places why do they take some much welfare from America? We pay for most of there military.. but come on give me more propaganda lol
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