Why do Republicans think you can only care either about babies or lions?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
Holy shit people. I've been seeing this from you since the stories broke. Yes, they came out at approximately the same time. Yes, both the black market organ trafficking and the poaching are bad. No, giving a damn about one doesn't mean you can't care about the other too. Honestly it comes off as kind of sociopathic that you think it would - especially when you call yourself "pro-life" and then immediately about face and defend torturing a lion to death (by shooting one that doesn't know to fear humans with a crossbow and then letting him bleed internally for two days so he'll be too weak to defend himself when you walk up and put your gun against his head). You don't get to do that. You don't get to claim that label and then defend murdering an innocent animal in one of the least humane ways possible. You don't get to claim that label and then not give a damn that the actions of this rich conservative white guy have condemned Cecil's cubs to being killed by rival males and his lionesses to being raped by those same males immediately afterwards. If you do any of this then you can kindly get the fuck out of our movement and stop using our name.
We should care about both! In and outside of the womb!!!

Babies should get extra help if needed with welfare and food stamps!
We should care about both! In and outside of the womb!!!

Babies should get extra help if needed with welfare and food stamps!
Republicans don't care about babies, they care more about 10 week old fetuses. Fuck the baby, it's evil if we try to give the mother food stamps or maternity leave.
Since it's the LEFTS modus operandi to COVER any story that they don't like, such as the PP Baby parts warehouse, and wholesale meat dispensers, with another that is either OUTRAGEOUS or they can make into a cuddly narrative that the complicit MEDIA can force feed the public, and have them go into a frenzy! ...Of course ONE LION out of how many THOUSANDS means so much in the larger scale of things... It really seems NO ONE GIVES A SHIT about these cuddly animals that lions decimate, whenever possible!


Put it down to another dozen or so ZEBRAS got to live, perhaps to their old age, because a LION WAS SHOT! ...Think about it folks, the left doesn't give a fuck about your lion, it's just a convenient story to take PP OFF the front cover.... Clinton did it with Monica when he bombed an aspirin factory...look it up if you are too young to remember!
We should care about both! In and outside of the womb!!!

Babies should get extra help if needed with welfare and food stamps!
Republicans don't care about babies, they care more about 10 week old fetuses. Fuck the baby, it's evil if we try to give the mother food stamps or maternity leave.
Have you tried Tranxene?

4 kids, 10 grandkids, and 3 great-grandkids

You don't get to say who hates babies

We should care about both! In and outside of the womb!!!

Babies should get extra help if needed with welfare and food stamps!
Republicans don't care about babies, they care more about 10 week old fetuses. Fuck the baby, it's evil if we try to give the mother food stamps or maternity leave.
Have you tried Tranxene?

4 kids, 10 grandkids, and 3 great-grandkids

You don't get to say who hates babies

You show me one republican in office that doesn't want to gut social welfare.
We should care about both! In and outside of the womb!!!

Babies should get extra help if needed with welfare and food stamps!
Republicans don't care about babies, they care more about 10 week old fetuses. Fuck the baby, it's evil if we try to give the mother food stamps or maternity leave.
Have you tried Tranxene?

4 kids, 10 grandkids, and 3 great-grandkids

You don't get to say who hates babies

You show me one republican in office that doesn't want to gut social welfare.
Link me to their proposed legislation that is aimed to do that.

There is a difference between eliminating waste and redundancy and "gutting" a program
We should care about both! In and outside of the womb!!!

Babies should get extra help if needed with welfare and food stamps!
Republicans don't care about babies, they care more about 10 week old fetuses. Fuck the baby, it's evil if we try to give the mother food stamps or maternity leave.
I honestly don't see a difference between an unborn fetus and a born baby except environment and possibly age (taking preemies into account), so... I agree on food stamps and maternity leave at least.
Op forgot a few things

Race baiting
Scolding cops
Black thugs
Gay nonsense
Undermining the few honest ideas put forth
Pretending their presidential field isn't a total joke
We should care about both! In and outside of the womb!!!

Babies should get extra help if needed with welfare and food stamps!
Republicans don't care about babies, they care more about 10 week old fetuses. Fuck the baby, it's evil if we try to give the mother food stamps or maternity leave.

You don't want to give the mother food stamps. You want her to kill her baby for the sake of faux research.
We should care about both! In and outside of the womb!!!

Babies should get extra help if needed with welfare and food stamps!
Republicans don't care about babies, they care more about 10 week old fetuses. Fuck the baby, it's evil if we try to give the mother food stamps or maternity leave.

In short, they don't care about lives, they care about lives they can use for political fodder.

After the child is born it becomes their sworn political enemy.
Holy shit people. I've been seeing this from you since the stories broke. Yes, they came out at approximately the same time. Yes, both the black market organ trafficking and the poaching are bad. No, giving a damn about one doesn't mean you can't care about the other too. Honestly it comes off as kind of sociopathic that you think it would - especially when you call yourself "pro-life" and then immediately about face and defend torturing a lion to death (by shooting one that doesn't know to fear humans with a crossbow and then letting him bleed internally for two days so he'll be too weak to defend himself when you walk up and put your gun against his head). You don't get to do that. You don't get to claim that label and then defend murdering an innocent animal in one of the least humane ways possible. You don't get to claim that label and then not give a damn that the actions of this rich conservative white guy have condemned Cecil's cubs to being killed by rival males and his lionesses to being raped by those same males immediately afterwards. If you do any of this then you can kindly get the fuck out of our movement and stop using our name.
The lion story is a distraction from the PP video. It's so obvious

"Here's a leg oh look another boy". Body parts of an abortion. Horrifying.
We should care about both! In and outside of the womb!!!

Babies should get extra help if needed with welfare and food stamps!
Republicans don't care about babies, they care more about 10 week old fetuses. Fuck the baby, it's evil if we try to give the mother food stamps or maternity leave.

In short, they don't care about lives, they care about lives they can use for political fodder.

After the child is born it becomes their sworn political enemy.
Ah...if you have to lie to try and win points on a political forum....you might just be a loser...
Its how the con mind works. THEY can't chew gum and walk so they think no one else can manage it either.

It is a mystery to them how adults can do many things at once.

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