Why do Republicans view themselves as fiscally responsible?

Yanno.............when Bill Clinton left office, we had a SURPLUS for the national budget.

Jr. got in office and saw all the extra money, so the first thing he did was give tax cuts to the wealthy. Then, 9/11 happened, we went to war, and Jr. cut taxes YET AGAIN AT THE BEGINNING OF A WAR WHICH WOULD BE EXPENSIVE.

Cutting your income (taxes), while spending money that is no longer coming in (the Iraq war) isn't fiscally responsible.

Yeah...............the debt is pretty bad under Obama, but that's because he inherited it from Jr.'s failed war.

Clinton can thank Newt and the Republicans for dragging him, kicking and screaming, all the way to a balanced budget. Bush proposed and got tax cuts for EVERYONE that pays taxes.
Seriously, why do Republicans view themselves as fiscally responsible when history and facts tell a different story?! Example, the national deficit rose during the Nixon, Regan & Bush administrations due to taxation and spending policies.
Are republicans quite capable of paying in their account?
Lets begin with some civics 101.

Which branch of government is responsible for taxation and budgeting?

Take your time..

dear, as long as electorate wants lower taxes and more spending Republicans can make very little headway toward their objectives.

Do you understand?
Did you quote the wrong person? What does what I have posted have to do with what the voters want?

obviously politicians want what voters want in a democracy. Do you understand?
Obviously, there is a simple and easy answer to the question I asked the ( OP ).......Which branch of government is responsible for taxation and budgeting.

It is not a difficult question to answer, and it was not aimed at anyone but the OP since this person seems confused about the role of the executive in government.

I'll come back when the OP replies.

Don't hold your breath waiting.
Seriously, why do Republicans view themselves as fiscally responsible when history and facts tell a different story?! Example, the national deficit rose during the Nixon, Regan & Bush administrations due to taxation and spending policies.
Are republicans quite capable of paying in their account?

They are wrong, they aren't fiscally responsible at all in any way. But to answer your question, they view themselves as fiscally responsible because they are more fiscally responsible than you are. Sadly they are correct. Barely
"Why do Republicans view themselves as fiscally responsible?"

They may view themselves however they wish, provided they acknowledge the fact that there's no evidence in support of their view.

It's funny how you can be so correct and ironic at the same time, but you pulled it off. Well done
Cutting taxes increases tax revenue because people make more money which generates more tax revenue....we don't have a tax problem...we have a spending problem....and until the middle of bill clinton's term (the serial sexual predator) the democrats controlled the House of Representatives....for 40 years....all money bills had to go through their greedy hands.....and they also broke their deal with Reagan to cut spending...the democrats lied.....

This is why we say the conservatives are fiscally challenged.

Cutting taxes DOES NOT increase tax revenues. People do not "make more money" when taxes are cut. What increased revenues when Reagan cut taxes is that Reagan went on a spending spree the likes of which the country had never seen. Taxes on the wages of the defense industry employees and corporations increased the revenues. Americans also went on a credit card spending spree, encouraged by Reagan's notion that debt is good. Those factors increased the revenues, but the country was worse off for it.

The same thing happened when Bush cut taxes, and then went to war. Increases in military spending made it appear that revenues were increasing, but those increases in revenue were the result in the increased military spending.

Democrats may spend, but they have the good sense to tax and spend - collecting revenues to offset their spending. Republicans cut and spend, increasing the deficit at both ends.
I am upset that the Republican base may consist of individuals that believe in a certain amount of personal financial responsibility, but why on earth do they continue to vote for candidates that clearly don't practice the same type of fiscal responsibility in government? Debts are ever growing and GOPs won't help.

Because as bad as the Republicans can be...the democrats are far, far worse........the democrats just don't care how much money they spend or if we can ever pay it back........at least with the Republicans they try to curb the spending...the democrats don't even try....

yep, but their base of voters KEEP voting in: not only people who don't care. BUT the same ones over and over and over and over. Look the ages of their Democrat Masters (who are nothing more but Career Politicians) and they STILL spend us into dept or instead of CUTTING Government want to raise OUR TAXES
That isn't the FAULT of Republicans. so, you Democrat supporters.... own up to your party and your responsibility in it.
Seriously, why do Republicans view themselves as fiscally responsible when history and facts tell a different story?! Example, the national deficit rose during the Nixon, Regan & Bush administrations due to taxation and spending policies.
Are republicans quite capable of paying in their account?
Yup.....Washington is awash with liberals.....so a Republican gets temporary control of things and that's supposed to change everything overnight. Doesn't mean that the entire time they're trying, Democrats aren't attacking them through the media and in Congress, trying to bring them down.
If you notice....every single policy that Republicans stand for is under attack by liberals. Taxcuts and spending cuts have been demonized, Christianity, being a Caucasian, just being a man is under attack.

In the meantime just being black, Hispanic, illegal immigrant, Homosexual, an Islamic terrorist, pregnant out of wedlock, or even taking down a CVS store is defended or celebrated by the left.
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Ah Republican lies. Democrats may tax and spend, but at least they tax to pay for their spending. Republicans cut and spend, and spend, and spend.

And they go to war, with no means to pay for that either. One only need to look at the numbers as to who spends more and you see it time and time again - Republicans spend like drunken sailors, and then blame Democrats for it.
Ah Republican lies. Democrats may tax and spend, but at least they tax to pay for their spending. Republicans cut and spend, and spend, and spend.

And they go to war, with no means to pay for that either. One only need to look at the numbers as to who spends more and you see it time and time again - Republicans spend like drunken sailors, and then blame Democrats for it.
Seriously, why do Republicans view themselves as fiscally responsible when history and facts tell a different story?! Example, the national deficit rose during the Nixon, Regan & Bush administrations due to taxation and spending policies.
Are republicans quite capable of paying in their account?
The better question is why YOU are up in the business of others? You have absolutely NO IDEA how responsible ANYONE on this board is with their finances, much less just the republicans.
Crawl back in your troll hole & ask your brethren in the ghetto why they can't budget their finances and WE ALL have to pay their way. THEN and only then will your first question have any merit.
Seriously, why do Republicans view themselves as fiscally responsible when history and facts tell a different story?! Example, the national deficit rose during the Nixon, Regan & Bush administrations due to taxation and spending policies.
Are republicans quite capable of paying in their account?
The better question is why YOU are up in the business of others? You have absolutely NO IDEA how responsible ANYONE on this board is with their finances, much less just the republicans.
Crawl back in your troll hole & ask your brethren in the ghetto why they can't budget their finances and WE ALL have to pay their way. THEN and only then will your first question have any merit.

Don't see either party as more fiscally responsible than the other, as the debt rose steadily under both parties, with only a few drops in-between.
Ah Republican lies. Democrats may tax and spend, but at least they tax to pay for their spending. Republicans cut and spend, and spend, and spend.

And they go to war, with no means to pay for that either. One only need to look at the numbers as to who spends more and you see it time and time again - Republicans spend like drunken sailors, and then blame Democrats for it.

Are you dumb or just ignorant......if the democrats just taxed to pay for their spending we wouldn't be 18 trillion dollars in debt....they tax and then spend far more than they take in.....then use the deficit as a reason to increase taxes...and then they spend twice as much as they take in.....wash, rinse, repeat........democrats don't care about being responsible...to them that is for future generations when they aren't around...they party now, the country collapses later....sadly for us...that day is getting closer......
Ah Republican lies. Democrats may tax and spend, but at least they tax to pay for their spending. Republicans cut and spend, and spend, and spend.

And they go to war, with no means to pay for that either. One only need to look at the numbers as to who spends more and you see it time and time again - Republicans spend like drunken sailors, and then blame Democrats for it.

Are you dumb or just ignorant......if the democrats just taxed to pay for their spending we wouldn't be 18 trillion dollars in debt....they tax and then spend far more than they take in.....then use the deficit as a reason to increase taxes...and then they spend twice as much as they take in.....wash, rinse, repeat........democrats don't care about being responsible...to them that is for future generations when they aren't around...they party now, the country collapses later....sadly for us...that day is getting closer......

Bullshit. Look at the growth of spending under Republican Presidents, and then look at the growth under Democrats. Obama has trying to keep spending down after Bush exploded US spending. Between his wars and Medicaid, Part D, Bush spent as if there was no tomorrow.

It's difficult to get spending under control when Congress refuses to end the Bush Tax Cuts, and the wars continue.

It's not just Republican spending that's driving the deficit, it's also Republican tax cuts. Had Obama been in a position to end both wars the moment he took office, and ended the Bush tax cuts, the deficit would still have risen because of Medicaid Part D, and the recession he was left to deal with.

Other countries have been able to get back to post-recession balanced budgets but not the US, because of the military expenditures and the tax cuts.

And what are your current crop of Republicans offering: why more tax cuts of course.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
Cutting taxes DOES NOT increase tax revenues.
of course it does, if people have more they spend more and sales taxes go up, for example. If businesses have more they can expand more and business taxes will go up.

A child would know this, just not a liberal.
Ah Republican lies. Democrats may tax and spend, but at least they tax to pay for their spending. Republicans cut and spend, and spend, and spend.

And they go to war, with no means to pay for that either. One only need to look at the numbers as to who spends more and you see it time and time again - Republicans spend like drunken sailors, and then blame Democrats for it.

Are you dumb or just ignorant......if the democrats just taxed to pay for their spending we wouldn't be 18 trillion dollars in debt....they tax and then spend far more than they take in.....then use the deficit as a reason to increase taxes...and then they spend twice as much as they take in.....wash, rinse, repeat........democrats don't care about being responsible...to them that is for future generations when they aren't around...they party now, the country collapses later....sadly for us...that day is getting closer......

Bullshit. Look at the growth of spending under Republican Presidents, and then look at the growth under Democrats. Obama has trying to keep spending down after Bush exploded US spending. Between his wars and Medicaid, Part D, Bush spent as if there was no tomorrow.

It's difficult to get spending under control when Congress refuses to end the Bush Tax Cuts, and the wars continue.

It's not just Republican spending that's driving the deficit, it's also Republican tax cuts. Had Obama been in a position to end both wars the moment he took office, and ended the Bush tax cuts, the deficit would still have risen because of Medicaid Part D, and the recession he was left to deal with.

Other countries have been able to get back to post-recession balanced budgets but not the US, because of the military expenditures and the tax cuts.

And what are your current crop of Republicans offering: why more tax cuts of course.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

and, after TARP ended, Obama still had deficits of over a trillion dollars, until Republicans took back the House.

and the deficits have continued to lower every year.

It was SO amusing to hear Obama state WE had lowered the deficit.
The freaking "national deficit" has risen under every administration even since Grover Cleveland. The U.S. was almost broke when FDR finally got us into WW2 after his first three terms made the "great depression" worse. Yeah the deficit rises in republican administrations. The fact that the progs are on the defensive indicates that they are worried that most Americans understand that idiotic programs like LBJ's "war on poverty" make poverty worse and never end but they get votes from the plantation democrat base and that's all that counts.
Why do Republicans view themselves as fiscally responsible?

That would be the recognition of, respect for and adherents to, the principles of sound economics.
Republican party is being funded by those who make base of the economy. Republican party is being supported mostly by prosperous people. Republicans play their roles appropriately.

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