Why do Republicans view themselves as fiscally responsible?

.......Which branch of government is responsible for taxation and budgeting.
well, modern budgets come from President, appropriations begin in House, and everything must pass Senate, and indirectly SCOTUS so I'd say all 3 are responsible.
... and it's only gotten far worse....

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... and it's only gotten far worse....

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I thought debt was $18trillion heading to $20 when he leaves office. What you hear is that the one man train wreck has rung up more debt than all others combined?
... and it's only gotten far worse....

View attachment 42132

I thought debt was $18trillion heading to $20 when he leaves office. What you hear is that the one man train wreck has rung up more debt than all others combined?

Psst.. Democrats have an excuse for that, it's all Bush's fault. The morons are still using that one...:laugh:
You're right Edward......................Congress DID approve the war.

Ever stop to consider what party it was that promoted it?
Seriously, why do Republicans view themselves as fiscally responsible when history and facts tell a different story?! Example, the national deficit rose during the Nixon, Regan & Bush administrations due to taxation and spending policies.
Are republicans quite capable of paying in their account?

For the same reason they often consider themselves Christians?
I am upset that the Republican base may consist of individuals that believe in a certain amount of personal financial responsibility, but why on earth do they continue to vote for candidates that clearly don't practice the same type of fiscal responsibility in government? Debts are ever growing and GOPs won't help.
Yanno.............when Bill Clinton left office, we had a SURPLUS for the national budget.

Jr. got in office and saw all the extra money, so the first thing he did was give tax cuts to the wealthy. Then, 9/11 happened, we went to war, and Jr. cut taxes YET AGAIN AT THE BEGINNING OF A WAR WHICH WOULD BE EXPENSIVE.

Cutting your income (taxes), while spending money that is no longer coming in (the Iraq war) isn't fiscally responsible.

Yeah...............the debt is pretty bad under Obama, but that's because he inherited it from Jr.'s failed war.

Cutting taxes increases tax revenue because people make more money which generates more tax revenue....we don't have a tax problem...we have a spending problem....and until the middle of bill clinton's term (the serial sexual predator) the democrats controlled the House of Representatives....for 40 years....all money bills had to go through their greedy hands.....and they also broke their deal with Reagan to cut spending...the democrats lied.....

Using the war as an excuse to raise taxes was easily seen through by those who know how democrats think...do you really believe any tax revenue generated on the excuse that we are fighting muslim terrorists would actually go to pay for that war......no...like all other money generated by taxes, it would have gone to the pet projects of politicians...who would then come back and say we weren't getting enough revenue so we need to raise taxes again...

Spare us the "We didn't raise taxes when we went to war...." crap....sell that to your brain dead lefty borg drone friends.....
I am upset that the Republican base may consist of individuals that believe in a certain amount of personal financial responsibility, but why on earth do they continue to vote for candidates that clearly don't practice the same type of fiscal responsibility in government? Debts are ever growing and GOPs won't help.

Because as bad as the Republicans can be...the democrats are far, far worse........the democrats just don't care how much money they spend or if we can ever pay it back........at least with the Republicans they try to curb the spending...the democrats don't even try....
Yanno.............when Bill Clinton left office, we had a SURPLUS for the national budget.

Jr. got in office and saw all the extra money, so the first thing he did was give tax cuts to the wealthy. Then, 9/11 happened, we went to war, and Jr. cut taxes YET AGAIN AT THE BEGINNING OF A WAR WHICH WOULD BE EXPENSIVE.

Cutting your income (taxes), while spending money that is no longer coming in (the Iraq war) isn't fiscally responsible.

Yeah...............the debt is pretty bad under Obama, but that's because he inherited it from Jr.'s failed war.

Bill clinton (the serial sexual predator) only had a surplus because the democrats lost control of the House...which they had controlled for over 40 years.....then the Republicans came in and fixed the mess...and he had a surplus........
I am upset that the Republican base may consist of individuals that believe in a certain amount of personal financial responsibility, but why on earth do they continue to vote for candidates that clearly don't practice the same type of fiscal responsibility in government? Debts are ever growing and GOPs won't help.
It has to do with failed conservative fiscal dogma, and little to do with republicans in elected office.

Indeed, they need to abandon that failed fiscal dogma to stay in office, the pathetic, ridiculous fantasies of the fiscal right have no place in the real world, where grownups need to govern in a responsible manner.
I am upset that the Republican base may consist of individuals that believe in a certain amount of personal financial responsibility, but why on earth do they continue to vote for candidates that clearly don't practice the same type of fiscal responsibility in government? Debts are ever growing and GOPs won't help.
It has to do with failed conservative fiscal dogma, and little to do with republicans in elected office.

Indeed, they need to abandon that failed fiscal dogma to stay in office, the pathetic, ridiculous fantasies of the fiscal right have no place in the real world, where grownups need to govern in a responsible manner.

Yes...for morons like you tax, borrow, spend and tax, tax, tax some more and spend and spend and spend....is responsible.......moron.....
I am upset that the Republican base may consist of individuals that believe in a certain amount of personal financial responsibility, but why on earth do they continue to vote for candidates that clearly don't practice the same type of fiscal responsibility in government? Debts are ever growing and GOPs won't help.

Because as bad as the Republicans can be...the democrats are far, far worse........the democrats just don't care how much money they spend or if we can ever pay it back........at least with the Republicans they try to curb the spending...the democrats don't even try....

Really? Wanna talk about a Republican Presidency, that happened to have a Republican Congress that voted us into an unnecessary war that lasted longer than Viet Nam (it's still going on), as well as cost us a whole bunch of money, while the Republican Congress (and Republican President) voted to reduce taxes even more for the rich while starting a whole new war?

Shit.................most Presidents in the past knew that wars were expensive and the taxes were raised accordingly.

Jr. is the only idiot who served as President (as far as I know) who actually reduced taxes while starting a war.

Jr. didn't curb the spending, he made it multiply. He just kept it off the books for a while.
I am upset that the Republican base may consist of individuals that believe in a certain amount of personal financial responsibility, but why on earth do they continue to vote for candidates that clearly don't practice the same type of fiscal responsibility in government? Debts are ever growing and GOPs won't help.

Because as bad as the Republicans can be...the democrats are far, far worse........the democrats just don't care how much money they spend or if we can ever pay it back........at least with the Republicans they try to curb the spending...the democrats don't even try....

Really? Wanna talk about a Republican Presidency, that happened to have a Republican Congress that voted us into an unnecessary war that lasted longer than Viet Nam (it's still going on), as well as cost us a whole bunch of money, while the Republican Congress (and Republican President) voted to reduce taxes even more for the rich while starting a whole new war?

Shit.................most Presidents in the past knew that wars were expensive and the taxes were raised accordingly.

Jr. is the only idiot who served as President (as far as I know) who actually reduced taxes while starting a war.

Jr. didn't curb the spending, he made it multiply. He just kept it off the books for a while.

Raising taxes generates less revenue for the government not more....if you want more tax money for politicians to waste, steal and lose, you need to lower the tax rates so people can start businesses and create jobs and create more tax payers...

and again....you morons are lying when you say you wanted to raise taxes to pay for the war........you wanted to use the war as an excuse to raise taxes to fund more stupidity that had nothing to do with the war....you guys act like we don't know who you are, how you think and what you will do to raise taxes....morons.....
I am upset that the Republican base may consist of individuals that believe in a certain amount of personal financial responsibility, but why on earth do they continue to vote for candidates that clearly don't practice the same type of fiscal responsibility in government? Debts are ever growing and GOPs won't help.

Because as bad as the Republicans can be...the democrats are far, far worse........the democrats just don't care how much money they spend or if we can ever pay it back........at least with the Republicans they try to curb the spending...the democrats don't even try....

Really? Wanna talk about a Republican Presidency, that happened to have a Republican Congress that voted us into an unnecessary war that lasted longer than Viet Nam (it's still going on), as well as cost us a whole bunch of money, while the Republican Congress (and Republican President) voted to reduce taxes even more for the rich while starting a whole new war?

Shit.................most Presidents in the past knew that wars were expensive and the taxes were raised accordingly.

Jr. is the only idiot who served as President (as far as I know) who actually reduced taxes while starting a war.

Jr. didn't curb the spending, he made it multiply. He just kept it off the books for a while.

That's one.

Any other suggestions?
Or are you just going to'bitterly cling' to that one?
Obama has shattered Bush's debt record, and he's done so in less than 6.5 years. It took Bush 8 years to pile up $4.9 trillion of debt ($5.7 trillion in January 2001 to $10.6 trillion in January 2009). Obama, in less than 6.5 years, has piled up $7.5 trillion of debt ($10.6 trillion in January 2009 to $18.1 trillion as of last month). So:

Bush in 8 years: $4.9 trillion
Obama in 6.5 years: $7.5 trillion

And, mind you, if Obama had gotten his way on spending, the debt would be even higher.

The Republicans have acknowledged that they overspent when they controlled Congress under Bush. But the Democrats want to spend even more than we're spending now.
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