Why do Republicans view themselves as fiscally responsible?

Republican party is being funded by those who make base of the economy. Republican party is being supported mostly by prosperous people. Republicans play their roles appropriately.
So we should be governed by those who have failed in the economy and seek to subvert govt to steal at the point of gun from those who have succeeded in economy?

Liberalism is based in pure ignorance.

"When the people find they can vote themselves money that will hear herald the end of the republic." -- Benjamin Franklin
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Republicans are not fiscally responsible because they deny the past performance of their dogmatic approach to economic policy and just keep on doing the same things. Tax cuts for the wealthy, pay for it with cuts to social services. Never has really resulted in better social and economic conditions for the whole of the country but they keep on trying in the vain hope it might work one day.
Cutting taxes increases tax revenue because people make more money which generates more tax revenue

Assumes facts NOT in evidence.

Employment ROSE after the two largest tax INCREASES in the history of the nation. There was a SURPLUS after those tax increases which would have paid down Redink Reagan's reckless spending while the economy would have continued to boom.

Then along came Bush jr and the tax cuts. Jobs disappeared and the national debt skyrocketed.
Tax cuts for the wealthy, pay for it with cuts to social services. Never has really resulted in better social and economic conditions for the whole of the country but they keep on trying in the vain hope it might work one day.

Never?? Shows how utterly stupid a liberal really is. America had the fastest economic growth in human history when there was no federal tax and no social programs. Now, China has just eliminated 40% of the worlds poverty by switching to Republican capitalism. How is that for better social and economic conditions.

See why we have to be positive that liberallism is based in pure stupid ignorance?? Is any other conclusion possible. A liberal is a blind dumb true believer with no more brains than a Nazi worshipping the sun.
Employment ROSE after the two largest tax INCREASES in the history of the nation.

100% stupid and liberal of course. When you tax people and business they then can afford to buy and make less so employment goes down, not up.

See why we are positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance? What other conclusion is possible?
What other conclusion is possible? That you continue to rely on conservative talking points that have been debunked so many times that only someone wearing a hockey helmet 24/7 is dumb enough to believe them.

That conservatives continue to believe shit that hasn't worked for the past 35 years, things like cutting taxes creates jobs. It doesn't, it hasn't and in fact it's a proven job killer. Reagan and Bush, the guys who cut taxes big time have the worst job creation rates since WWII. Check the figures.

That Trickle Down economics doesn't work. In fact the trickle started going up from the moment Reagan cut taxes. More and more of the wealth of the country has moved to the top 5% since Reagan reorganized the U.S. Economy. Lower income workers and the middle class have exhausted their savings and absent a real raise in income these past 30 years, many are now dependent on government handouts, and still Republicans won't consider an increase in the minimum wage.
The more important question is why do Democrats accept fiscally irresponsibility as a normal way of doing business?

Republicans promise good government but usually delivers bad government.

Democrats promise bad government and delivers bad government.
What other conclusion is possible? That you continue to rely on conservative talking points that have been debunked so many times that only someone wearing a hockey helmet 24/7 is dumb enough to believe them.

That conservatives continue to believe shit that hasn't worked for the past 35 years, things like cutting taxes creates jobs. It doesn't, it hasn't and in fact it's a proven job killer. Reagan and Bush, the guys who cut taxes big time have the worst job creation rates since WWII. Check the figures.

That Trickle Down economics doesn't work. In fact the trickle started going up from the moment Reagan cut taxes. More and more of the wealth of the country has moved to the top 5% since Reagan reorganized the U.S. Economy. Lower income workers and the middle class have exhausted their savings and absent a real raise in income these past 30 years, many are now dependent on government handouts, and still Republicans won't consider an increase in the minimum wage.

Yup! The math doesn't lie. Tax cuts harm We the People. Raising the minimum wage improves the economy and everyone benefits.
That conservatives continue to believe shit that hasn't worked for the past 35 years, things like cutting taxes creates jobs..

dear, if you cut taxes people have more money to buy things. Did you know that the more things people buy the more jobs required to make the things they buy??

See why we are positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance?? What other conclusion is possible.
More and more of the wealth of the country has moved to the top 5% since Reagan reorganized the U.S. Economy..

dear, of course thats 100% stupid and liberal. Reagan was very very conservative and wanted tiny govt yet the govt is 4 times bigger today than under Reagan so the idea that he reorganized govt is 100% incorrect liberal and very very stupid.
Lower income workers and the middle class have exhausted their savings.

yes, liberal taxes have shipped 30 million jobs to China and liberal illegals have take another 20 million jobs and bid down wages.

Is a liberal stupid enough to deny that these things have happened?
No matter that historically republicans have been for smaller government, less taxes and a balanced budget, and dems for bigger government, more taxes and more spending, if you're going to be truthful about it, the dems didn't spend all that money by themselves. There's plenty of blame to go around in the republican party as well. I think all politicians are on the take, lining their pockets with lobbyist money, benefiting from inside knowledge for investments and just an overall LOVE to spend OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY. They're all a bunch of scummy, crocked, lying, scheming parasites. I wish I could find ONE politician that could be proven CLEAN that I could support, in ANY PARTY. But as it is, you just have to wade through all the TRASH to find one that's the least of all evils.
. There's plenty of blame to go around in the republican party as well.

??? no blame at all really. Being in Congress pays $200k plus expenses, and makes you famous. If people would vote 100% for strict libertarians the Republican party would be 100% strict libertarians like Rand Paul.
. There's plenty of blame to go around in the republican party as well.

??? no blame at all really. Being in Congress pays $200k plus expenses, and makes you famous. If people would vote 100% for strict libertarians the Republican party would be 100% strict libertarians like Rand Paul.
I'd have no problem voting for Rand.

yes but you must blame the people not the Republicans who are merely an instant creation of the people. The Republican Party is the holy vessel that will save us if the people vote accordingly.
Actually.................the Republican party is a creation of the people after they saw how the party (and some of their base) were going, so they adjusted.

Check out the Southern Strategy sometime.

And no...................sorry.................but the Republicans are no more holy than any other party on earth, and that includes liberals, communists, libertarians, etc.

And sorry.....................but if the party of Nixon (Watergate), Reagan (Iran-Contra, as well as trying to break the Navy with his 500 ship proposal), Bush Sr. (who failed in his war), as well as Bush Jr. (who attacked the wrong nation and tried to tell us we did the right thing), then the Republicans (all of whom I named) are anything but holy.

But then again...................I guess the Duggars are innocent as well....................
True, it took a Democratic president to pay off the debt the only time it has ever been done, and it takes the Democrats to bring the nation out of a recession/depression after Republicans have served, but who signs the pledges, who talks the most about the debt and fiscal responsibility, the Republicans. Fiscal responsibility never leaves the minds of Republicans and they are working day and night, thinking, signing pledges and talking.
True, it took a Democratic president to pay off the debt the only time it has ever been done, and it takes the Democrats to bring the nation out of a recession/depression after Republicans have served, but who signs the pledges, who talks the most about the debt and fiscal responsibility, the Republicans. Fiscal responsibility never leaves the minds of Republicans and they are working day and night, thinking, signing pledges and talking.

People are known by their actions, not their words.
True, it took a Democratic president to pay off the debt .

You mean it took Newt to pay off the debt and it took Republicans to introduce 30 Balanced Budget Amendments to make debt illegal and it took Democrats to kill every effort to make debt illegal.

Obviously if Dems cared about fiscal responsibility more than their crippling welfare entitlement programs they would be competing to have the best BBA, not to kill every BBA.

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