Why do retired Bronze star winners run as Democrats?

And then there was Wesley Clark. He was a sure winner right up until he announced his candidacy.
The US doesn't have much of a tradition of soldiers going into politics. Washington, Grant, Jackson, Eisenhower are all pretty much the exceptions.
The Democrats have specifically recruited monkeys like Webb precisely because they are unusual in supporting Democrats.
Give me Curtis LeMay as a candidate any day.
LeMay ran with George Wallace for President. I agreed with LeMay on his bombing strategy for Nam and believe his analysis was proven correct after the war. However, his bumbling advice during the Cuban missle crisis was absurd. Great air strategic planner but be glad he never made it in politics.
James Webb is a combat vet in the Nam. I defer to his buddies in the field and they stand with him. Good enough for those that do not defer to their political ideology over their common sense which Webb has plenty of. Ike was a moderate Republican in an era of war happy Democrats.
You need to admit it Rabbi. Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeldwere the laughing stock of the Pentagon and career military up until the first soldier died in Iraq. They despised them after that. Do I need to explain to you why?

Here are troops laughing at Bush on his visit to Iraq:

Quit projecting your own prejudices on teh military. Bush and especially Rumsfeld were very much respected by the military, which had to bite its collective lip during Clinton's presidency, and no doubt have very little for the present Incompetent in Chief.
Webb is a shithead of the first order.
And then there was Wesley Clark. He was a sure winner right up until he announced his candidacy.
The US doesn't have much of a tradition of soldiers going into politics. Washington, Grant, Jackson, Eisenhower are all pretty much the exceptions.
The Democrats have specifically recruited monkeys like Webb precisely because they are unusual in supporting Democrats.
Give me Curtis LeMay as a candidate any day.
LeMay ran with George Wallace for President. I agreed with LeMay on his bombing strategy for Nam and believe his analysis was proven correct after the war. However, his bumbling advice during the Cuban missle crisis was absurd. Great air strategic planner but be glad he never made it in politics.
James Webb is a combat vet in the Nam. I defer to his buddies in the field and they stand with him. Good enough for those that do not defer to their political ideology over their common sense which Webb has plenty of. Ike was a moderate Republican in an era of war happy Democrats.
You need to admit it Rabbi. Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeldwere the laughing stock of the Pentagon and career military up until the first soldier died in Iraq. They despised them after that. Do I need to explain to you why?

Here are troops laughing at Bush on his visit to Iraq:

Quit projecting your own prejudices on teh military. Bush and especially Rumsfeld were very much respected by the military, which had to bite its collective lip during Clinton's presidency, and no doubt have very little for the present Incompetent in Chief.
Webb is a shithead of the first order.

A combat vet of the Nam a shithead?
Troops at a photo op would cheer Mickey Mouse if he was President. You know that Rabbi, give it up. Bush was not respected by career military Rabbi. My family and friends ARE/were career military officers. Rumsfeld was very good at saving us billions and did great service banding together all branches of the military with weapons systems, logistics, etc. However, as a war planner he was a dunce. If you do not know that you do now. An old fool past his time with the war in Iraq Rabbi. Everyone knows that in the military. Dam, that is common knowledge. He quit and quess why? He was run off. Bush caved on him because he finally took the advice of military to fire his ass.
You need to listen and learn.
Unless your ideology continues to blind you.
Bush and especially Rumsfeld were very much respected by the military

Where were you from 2001 to 2005?

Because I was in the Army, and I can tell you that Rumsfeld was very much not respected.

Rumsfeld was a fucking douchebag that couldn't lead ants to a picnic.

Now Robert Gates is another story. I often wonder how different things would be if Bush had his own nut sack and gumption to pick someone other than his daddy's friends for his cabinet.

One of Obama's best moves has been to retain Gates. He's outstanding.

BTW, you know what inspired me the most about Rummy? The way he autosigned the letters to the families of the fallen.

What a fucking douchbag. Only a hockey puck like you would think he was worth a good God-damn. He was a piece of shit that saw soldiers as pawns in his little political science experiments.

Good luck finding a poster on this board who served under Rumsfeld who has a different opinion than mine.
And then there was Wesley Clark. He was a sure winner right up until he announced his candidacy.
The US doesn't have much of a tradition of soldiers going into politics. Washington, Grant, Jackson, Eisenhower are all pretty much the exceptions.
The Democrats have specifically recruited monkeys like Webb precisely because they are unusual in supporting Democrats.
Give me Curtis LeMay as a candidate any day.



If I need a guy to lead a daytime bombing run over Germany I'll take General Crazypants all day long, but I think we are all better off that that guy never ended up running the country.
And then there was Wesley Clark. He was a sure winner right up until he announced his candidacy.
The US doesn't have much of a tradition of soldiers going into politics. Washington, Grant, Jackson, Eisenhower are all pretty much the exceptions.
The Democrats have specifically recruited monkeys like Webb precisely because they are unusual in supporting Democrats.
Give me Curtis LeMay as a candidate any day.



If I need a guy to lead a daytime bombing run over Germany I'll take General Crazypants all day long, but I think we are all better off that that guy never ended up running the country.

Flouridation, Mandrake.

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And then there was Wesley Clark. He was a sure winner right up until he announced his candidacy.
The US doesn't have much of a tradition of soldiers going into politics. Washington, Grant, Jackson, Eisenhower are all pretty much the exceptions.
The Democrats have specifically recruited monkeys like Webb precisely because they are unusual in supporting Democrats.
Give me Curtis LeMay as a candidate any day.
LeMay ran with George Wallace for President. I agreed with LeMay on his bombing strategy for Nam and believe his analysis was proven correct after the war. However, his bumbling advice during the Cuban missle crisis was absurd. Great air strategic planner but be glad he never made it in politics.
James Webb is a combat vet in the Nam. I defer to his buddies in the field and they stand with him. Good enough for those that do not defer to their political ideology over their common sense which Webb has plenty of. Ike was a moderate Republican in an era of war happy Democrats.
You need to admit it Rabbi. Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeldwere the laughing stock of the Pentagon and career military up until the first soldier died in Iraq. They despised them after that. Do I need to explain to you why?

Here are troops laughing at Bush on his visit to Iraq:

Quit projecting your own prejudices on teh military. Bush and especially Rumsfeld were very much respected by the military, which had to bite its collective lip during Clinton's presidency, and no doubt have very little for the present Incompetent in Chief.
Webb is a shithead of the first order.

Like hell they were. You weren't with me in Iraq when Rummy came to visit and I watched nearly everyone in the room ignore his ass or give him the cold shoulder while fawning all over a couple of other VIPs who came with him.

"especially Rumsfeld" what a hoot!
Like hell they were. You weren't with me in Iraq when Rummy came to visit and I watched nearly everyone in the room ignore his ass or give him the cold shoulder while fawning all over a couple of other VIPs who came with him.

"especially Rumsfeld" what a hoot!

Let's see, I have the opinions of Art and Geaux who were actually in the military and overseas when Rummy was around or I have the opinion of Rabbi who not only was not there but also is a Neocon racist.

Hmm, who to trust, who to believe. :eusa_think:

Mandrake said:
Ah, oh, no... well, I don't think they wanted me to talk really. I don't think they wanted me to say anything. It was just their way of having a bit of fun, the swines. Strange thing is they make such bloody good cameras.

So many good lines from that movie.
If LeMay got his way I wonder how many nukes we would have dropped on how many different countries by now.
It tells you that some retired soldiers are Democrats and some are Republicans, it's that simple.

I agree with that.
I am talking about career officers and in a district 70% Republican.
Name a retired decorated career combat West Point grad Colonel running as a Republican.
I M telling you folks. Ask Jim Webb and this guy and the Pentagon of the Iraq mess with Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al.
Those folks were not Democrats.

Allen West, decorated Colonel

Lieutenant Colonel Allen West (US Army, Retired) was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia and is third of four generations of military servicemen in his family. His parents instilled in him a very basic principle, love of God and Country. In 2004, when it was time to retire from more than twenty years of service in the US Army, he brought his wife and two young daughters to Broward County, Florida, where he taught high school for one year. He then returned to Afghanistan as an advisor to the Afghan army, an assignment he finished in November 2007.

Allen West received his Bachelors degree from University of Tennessee and Masters degree from Kansas State University, both in political science. He also holds a Master of Military Arts and Sciences from the US Army Command and General Staff Officer College in political theory and military operations.
“Education is the great equalizer,” he says. “With a good education, any child in America can live his dream.”

Allen West knows that for our children to live their dreams, they need to be safe. He has served in several combat zones: in Operation Desert Storm, in Operation Iraqi Freedom, where he was battalion commander for the Army’s 4th Infantry Division, and in Afghanistan, where he trained Afghan officers to take on the responsibility of securing their own country.

In his Army career, Col. West has been honored many times, including a Bronze Star, three Meritorious Service Medals, three Army Commendation Medals (one with Valor), and a Valorous Unit Award. He received his valor award as a Captain in Desert Shield/Storm, was the US Army ROTC Instructor of the Year in 1993, and was a Distinguished Honor Graduate III Corps Assault School. He proudly wears the Army Master parachutist badge, Air Assault badge, Navy/Marine Corps parachutist insignia, Italian parachutist wings, and German proficiency badge (Bronze award).

Allen is an avid distance runner, a PADI Master certified SCUBA diver, motorcyclist, and attends Community Christian Church in Tamarac Florida.

Excellence is a West family tradition. His wife, Angela, holds an MBA and PhD. and works as a financial planner. His oldest daughter, Aubrey, attends Archbishop McCarthy HS and his youngest daughter, Austen, attends Parkway Christian School.

About Allen West | Allen West for Congress
BTW, not to derail this thread, but a Bronze Star isn't a that big of a deal. It's basically a blanket award given out based on rank for a combat deployment.

A bronze star with V device is a totally different affair.
BTW, not to derail this thread, but a Bronze Star isn't a that big of a deal. It's basically a blanket award given out based on rank for a combat deployment.

A bronze star with V device is a totally different affair.

I believe Col. West has an award for Valor.
Republican Congressman John Linder of Georgia is calling it quits. 8 Republicans are in the primary running and one Democrat.
The Democrat is a 3 time bronze star recipient in Iraq and Afghainstan, 20 years career West Point grad with major combat experience and retired as Bird Colonel.
Same with Senator Jim Webb in Virginia with his Nam combat experience.
Get the picture of what the Pentagon and officers in the field think of Republicans?

These medals have far graver meaning and gravity than any political argument.

We can not argue at all unless the brave and free risk their lives for us.

You wear a bronze star or a purple heart and I will show you more respect than I ever will any Congressman or Senator.

The latter are my servants, the former are my saviors.
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I agree with that.
I am talking about career officers and in a district 70% Republican.
Name a retired decorated career combat West Point grad Colonel running as a Republican.
I M telling you folks. Ask Jim Webb and this guy and the Pentagon of the Iraq mess with Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al.
Those folks were not Democrats.

How does General Dwight D. Eisenhower a/k/a President Eisenhower grab you? He was a Republican. West Point grad, decorated and had combat experience.

How about General Norman Schwarzkopf? West Point grad, decorated and had combat experience.

Eisenhower? LOL
You need something to grab you and wake you up. This is 2010.
And hate to tell you, Ike was a moderate.

Oops. Silly me! I didn't see the part of your challenge that said these Republican career officers ... etc. had to be someone from, say, the last 10 years or so.
Republican Congressman John Linder of Georgia is calling it quits. 8 Republicans are in the primary running and one Democrat.
The Democrat is a 3 time bronze star recipient in Iraq and Afghainstan, 20 years career West Point grad with major combat experience and retired as Bird Colonel.
Same with Senator Jim Webb in Virginia with his Nam combat experience.
Get the picture of what the Pentagon and officers in the field think of Republicans?

I'd like to study this further if anyone has any links they'd like to share. I would assume that - in general - the longer you've been in the military, the more likely it is for you to be a Democrat.
I'd say that's a safe-assumption.....

How does General Dwight D. Eisenhower a/k/a President Eisenhower grab you? He was a Republican. West Point grad, decorated and had combat experience.

How about General Norman Schwarzkopf? West Point grad, decorated and had combat experience.

and colin powell endorsed president obama; and admiral sestak is a democrat.

i'm gonna go with military folk have the same variances as every other segment of the population for 1,000, alex. (though i'm not sure if they're bronze star winners).

You're not seriously suggesting that we should believe Powell endorsed Obama for any reason other than his skin color are you?
Yeah....it had nothin'-to-do with the fact he was BURNED by BUSHCO!!!!!!!!!!!

The Democrats have specifically recruited monkeys like Webb....
Yeah......Webb is a monkey. Riiiiiiiiiiiight...... :rolleyes:

Give me Curtis LeMay as a candidate any day.


"I think there are many times when it would be most efficient to use nuclear weapons. However, the public opinion in this country and throughout the world throw up their hands in horror when you mention nuclear weapons, just because of the propaganda that's been fed to them." - Curtis Lemay


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How does General Dwight D. Eisenhower a/k/a President Eisenhower grab you? He was a Republican. West Point grad, decorated and had combat experience.

How about General Norman Schwarzkopf? West Point grad, decorated and had combat experience.

and colin powell endorsed president obama; and admiral sestak is a democrat.

i'm gonna go with military folk have the same variances as every other segment of the population for 1,000, alex. (though i'm not sure if they're bronze star winners).
I would not go that far. Most of the military is republican, by a large margin.
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.....how convincing.....especially when you feel no need to provide any (actual) numbers. (...A typical "conservative"/'Bagger-tactic.)


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