Why Do Right Wingers Still Watch Fox, When It's #2 Owner Is a Muslim?


Registered Democrat
Jun 20, 2012
It makes you wonder why the right wingers still bow to the alter of fox, when it's #2 owner is a Saudi Muslim.

The right wing propaganda machine tells the sheep to hate the Muslims with a passion, especially fox, but the funny thing is their #2 owner is a Muslim himself.

Is fox just trolling their viewers?

Knows their viewers are stupid and easy to make money off of?

To the right wingers, does this even bother you? :eusa_think:
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It makes you wonder why the right wingers still bow to the alter of fox, when it's #2 owner is a Saudi Muslim.

The right wing propaganda machine tells the sheep to hate the Muslims with a passion, especially fox, but the funny thing is their #2 owner is a Muslim himself.

Is fox just trolling their viewers?

Knows their viewers are stupid and easy to make money off of?

To the right wingers, does this even bother you? :eusa_think:

You poor thing....putting your own ignorance and bigotry on public display this way.....and to think, you actually did it intentionally!

Its the method that liberals use in its attempt to divide the country.

Duh. They have been doing this for years. And they are encouraged by dividers like Obama.

What has he done to bring us together as a Nation? I hoped he would have done that. But he is the great divider.
It makes you wonder why the right wingers still bow to the alter of fox, when it's #2 owner is a Saudi Muslim.

The right wing propaganda machine tells the sheep to hate the Muslims with a passion, especially fox, but the funny thing is their #2 owner is a Muslim himself.

Is fox just trolling their viewers?

Knows their viewers are stupid and easy to make money off of?

To the right wingers, does this even bother you? :eusa_think:

I am betting there are many Muslim owners..... It is a publicly traded company you fool...... I keep.forgetting that the op doesn't understand capitalism.....
FOX News is #1 in the ratings because so many libs can't stop themselves from watching.:lol:
I watch fox only 2nd to RT. I don't prefer Fox but I just like watching the news and its got the hottest women lol...I get my news news from dailypaul or infowars etc...
Looks like the OP's wife has a humongous dick in her picture. Congrats OP. Anyway... you are saying that certain Saudi Muslims are more trustworthy than many American news outlets? Ouch. That is very scary indeed for a majority of media. Says a lot.

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