I was talking in terms of all things being equal except gender. Kids need a mom and dad, not one or two of either. This is current data and unique beyond the 1960's.

I know same-sex couples who have done a great job raising children. I know opposite sex couples who have the parenting skills of Feral Wolves.

And frankly, given most straight couple are people who COULD have had kids when they were in their 20's and are just trying to scoop up a kid in their 40's after their biological clocks have run down, I'm not working up lots of sympathy.
I was talking in terms of all things being equal except gender. Kids need a mom and dad, not one or two of either. This is current data and unique beyond the 1960's.

I know same-sex couples who have done a great job raising children. I know oppossite sex couples who have the parenting skills of Feral Wolves.

And frankly, given most straight couple are people who COULD have had kids when they were in their 20's and are just trying to scoop up a kid in their 40's after their biological clocks have run down, I'm not working up lots of sympathy.
I agree I also know both
I was talking in terms of all things being equal except gender. Kids need a mom and dad, not one or two of either. This is current data and unique beyond the 1960's.

I know same-sex couples who have done a great job raising children. I know oppossite sex couples who have the parenting skills of Feral Wolves.

And frankly, given most straight couple are people who COULD have had kids when they were in their 20's and are just trying to scoop up a kid in their 40's after their biological clocks have run down, I'm not working up lots of sympathy.
And George Burns smoked cigars daily and lived to 100. Does that prove that smoking is good for you?
Post-1960's empirical data shows that communities crumble where family structure wanes. Homo marriage potentially contributes to that problem by denying children of a parent. Not to mention that it is just flat out rude and inherently wrong to intentionally deny a human the natural right to the opportunity to be raised by his actual parents.
And George Burns smoked cigars daily and lived to 100. Does that prove that smoking is good for you?
Post-1960's empirical data shows that communities crumble where family structure wanes. Homo marriage potentially contributes to that problem by denying children of a parent. Not to mention that it is just flat out rude and inherently wrong to intentionally deny a human the natural right to the opportunity to be raised by his actual parents.

I think wealth inequality and a declining middle class have a lot more to do with "communities crubmling" than some gay folks getting married.
Considering that only 10 percent or less of the population is gay, I still don't see how it's going to affect those who are straight and married.

And..................as far as adoption, I don't think that the adoption agency is going to have couples competing for the same child. I was in a foster program (where you can be moved from family to family) for around 5 years, and there was NEVER more than one couple interested in having me in their family.

And..................as far as people getting together just for the benefits? Saw it happen on a regular basis while in the Navy, because some of the lower ranks (E-1 to E-4) would get married simply because they didn't want to live in the barracks and wanted a house in town. E-4 and below (at most commands) have to get special permission to live off base, but if they marry, they don't, and they draw BAQ and VHA.

Matter of fact, there was a lesbian that got married to a gay man (happened during my second tour), and although we couldn't prove they were getting married just for the benefits, many had their doubts since they each had their own room at their house. And.............it also provided a pretty good cover so they didn't get kicked out for being gay.

But like I said..................gay marriage isn't going to affect straight marriage in the slightest. It's just more Christian bigotry against those who are different from them and don't hold their archaic beliefs.

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