Why do so many atheists oppose the death penalty...

It makes your question redundant, because you could easily as why so many religious people oppose the death penalty.

I know why believers oppose it, I'm curious why atheists do. You're an atheist, right? Do you support the death penalty?
Oh you’re operating under the assumption that there’s no morality without religion. So like, would you be running around murdering and raping people if your religion didn’t tell you that was bad?

You apparently have an aversion to answering simple questions.
No, he has an aversion to answering stupid questions.
I hear atheists claim that abortion is fine because the unborn human is a "parasite". Why do some atheists, who claim this belief, not apply the same philosophy toward the unrepentant, mass-murderer?
Hasty generalization fallacy.

False comparison fallacy.

One person free from religion is not ‘representative’ of all persons free from religion – what you’ve ‘heard’ is devoid of merit.

You’re also confusing civil law (the right to privacy) with criminal law (murder), one having nothing to do with another.
Plenty of atheists believe in the death penalty. Just as many religious folks reject it. /thread

Which doesn't address the point of my question.
Your ‘question’ is moronic sophistry and doesn’t merit an answer.

Another troll for my ignore list. Bye.
Exposing your faulty reasoning, lack of logic, and comprehensive ignorance is not ‘trolling.’
...for people who have committed murder and who can never be released back into public? Since the murderer is usurping resources from the community, why not just execute the murderer so that resources are expended on those that contribute to society?

I'm agnostic, and I'm for a death penalty. I'm also for a death penalty for other crimes, like pedophilia; the recidivism rates for pedoes exceeds most other crimes, even for those who have been castrated, so I see little reason to keep them around. Some murders should not get the death penalty, as some crimes of passion have the least recidivism rates, but it's a judgement call and thus subjective on the part of the juries.

I can understand why many Xians would be opposed, though, as they're positive thinkers by nature and hoe for people to be 'saved' before they die, and think if they are saved then they are safe and it won't be necessary to execute them. I can see tht view also; it's not about revenge for me, that doesn't bring back the dead, but it is about protecting others, and I see little point in letting them loose again, in the case of gang bangers and the like, nor the point in paying to keep them alive until they die of old age.

The answer as to why some atheists oppose it id because they're pathetic fashion victims and knee jerk reactionaries who merely oppose it because some other group is for it that the PC puppets don't like, so they just oppose for that reason. They want to be trendy n stuff, is all; same reason most PC Nazis support the homosexual 'rights' hoax and every other nutjob PC fashion fad that comes along.
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...for people who have committed murder and who can never be released back into public? Since the murderer is usurping resources from the community, why not just execute the murderer so that resources are expended on those that contribute to society?

I'm agnostic, and I'm for a death penalty. I'm also for a death penalty for other crimes, like pedophilia; the recidivism rates for pedoes exceeds most other crimes, even for those who have been castrated, so I see little reason to keep them around. Some murders should not get the death penalty, as some crimes of passion have the least recidivism rates, but it's a judgement call and thus subjective on the part of the juries.

I can understand why many Xians would be opposed, though, as they're positive thinkers by nature and hoe for people to be 'saved' before they die, and think if they are saved then they are safe and it won't be necessary to execute them. I can see tht view also; it's not about revenge for me, that doesn't bring back the dead, but it is about protecting others, and I see little point in letting them loose again, in the case of gang bangers and the like, nor the point in paying to keep them alive until they die of old age.

The answer as to why some atheists oppose it id because they're pathetic fashion victims and knee jerk reactionaries who merely oppose it because some other group is for it that the PC puppets don't like, so they just oppose for that reason. They want to be trendy n stuff, is all; same reason most PC Nazis support the homosexual 'rights' hoax and every other nutjob PC fashion fad that comes along.

Replying to the bold text.

It is amusing that you think you know why atheists oppose capital punishment. And that they do so for reasons involving peer or social pressure.

That might be the case for the youngsters who claim to be atheists because they think it is "cool". But older atheists actually bucked the system just to say they didn't believe in God. Why would they disagree with killing someone just to be part of the crowd?

No. Atheists who oppose capital punishment more likely do so because they oppose state sponsored murder.
...for people who have committed murder and who can never be released back into public? Since the murderer is usurping resources from the community, why not just execute the murderer so that resources are expended on those that contribute to society?
As a staunch atheist I can tell you why THIS atheist is opposed to capital punishment...it's inefficient in it's current form. It costs far more to kill a person than it does to incarcerate them for natural life.
I hear atheists claim that abortion is fine because the unborn human is a "parasite". Why do some atheists, who claim this belief, not apply the same philosophy toward the unrepentant, mass-murderer?

They value the life of the murderer more than they value the life of an innocent child.

LIbEralism is a moral disease, as well as a mental disease. This is just one datum, out of many, that proves this.
...for people who have committed murder and who can never be released back into public? Since the murderer is usurping resources from the community, why not just execute the murderer so that resources are expended on those that contribute to society?

I'm agnostic, and I'm for a death penalty. I'm also for a death penalty for other crimes, like pedophilia; the recidivism rates for pedoes exceeds most other crimes, even for those who have been castrated, so I see little reason to keep them around. Some murders should not get the death penalty, as some crimes of passion have the least recidivism rates, but it's a judgement call and thus subjective on the part of the juries.

I can understand why many Xians would be opposed, though, as they're positive thinkers by nature and hoe for people to be 'saved' before they die, and think if they are saved then they are safe and it won't be necessary to execute them. I can see tht view also; it's not about revenge for me, that doesn't bring back the dead, but it is about protecting others, and I see little point in letting them loose again, in the case of gang bangers and the like, nor the point in paying to keep them alive until they die of old age.

The answer as to why some atheists oppose it id because they're pathetic fashion victims and knee jerk reactionaries who merely oppose it because some other group is for it that the PC puppets don't like, so they just oppose for that reason. They want to be trendy n stuff, is all; same reason most PC Nazis support the homosexual 'rights' hoax and every other nutjob PC fashion fad that comes along.

Replying to the bold text.

It is amusing that you think you know why atheists oppose capital punishment. And that they do so for reasons involving peer or social pressure.

That might be the case for the youngsters who claim to be atheists because they think it is "cool". But older atheists actually bucked the system just to say they didn't believe in God. Why would they disagree with killing someone just to be part of the crowd?

No. Atheists who oppose capital punishment more likely do so because they oppose state sponsored murder.

lol Rubbish. 'State sponsored murder' also includes abortions. They're nearly all fine with that, since it's also fashionable. You're just upset at it being pointed out how shallow PC Nazis are, while they're trying to pretend they're 'rationalists'. They're not.
...for people who have committed murder and who can never be released back into public? Since the murderer is usurping resources from the community, why not just execute the murderer so that resources are expended on those that contribute to society?
As a staunch atheist I can tell you why THIS atheist is opposed to capital punishment...it's inefficient in it's current form. It costs far more to kill a person than it does to incarcerate them for natural life.

That's easily corrected: Execute their lawyers alongside them. Or, severely restrict how much the vultures can charge. the first option will be the most popular, though.
...for people who have committed murder and who can never be released back into public? Since the murderer is usurping resources from the community, why not just execute the murderer so that resources are expended on those that contribute to society?

I'm agnostic, and I'm for a death penalty. I'm also for a death penalty for other crimes, like pedophilia; the recidivism rates for pedoes exceeds most other crimes, even for those who have been castrated, so I see little reason to keep them around. Some murders should not get the death penalty, as some crimes of passion have the least recidivism rates, but it's a judgement call and thus subjective on the part of the juries.

I can understand why many Xians would be opposed, though, as they're positive thinkers by nature and hoe for people to be 'saved' before they die, and think if they are saved then they are safe and it won't be necessary to execute them. I can see tht view also; it's not about revenge for me, that doesn't bring back the dead, but it is about protecting others, and I see little point in letting them loose again, in the case of gang bangers and the like, nor the point in paying to keep them alive until they die of old age.

The answer as to why some atheists oppose it id because they're pathetic fashion victims and knee jerk reactionaries who merely oppose it because some other group is for it that the PC puppets don't like, so they just oppose for that reason. They want to be trendy n stuff, is all; same reason most PC Nazis support the homosexual 'rights' hoax and every other nutjob PC fashion fad that comes along.

Replying to the bold text.

It is amusing that you think you know why atheists oppose capital punishment. And that they do so for reasons involving peer or social pressure.

That might be the case for the youngsters who claim to be atheists because they think it is "cool". But older atheists actually bucked the system just to say they didn't believe in God. Why would they disagree with killing someone just to be part of the crowd?

No. Atheists who oppose capital punishment more likely do so because they oppose state sponsored murder.

lol Rubbish. 'State sponsored murder' also includes abortions. They're nearly all fine with that, since it's also fashionable. You're just upset at it being pointed out how shallow PC Nazis are, while they're trying to pretend they're 'rationalists'. They're not.

The state is aborting babies? I haven't seen that story. Got a link?

And I am not upset. I find your generalizations amusing, but they don't upset me at all.
Wow, I just clicked this thread to try to understand the op, and wow...

It's now about aborting babies....

...for people who have committed murder and who can never be released back into public? Since the murderer is usurping resources from the community, why not just execute the murderer so that resources are expended on those that contribute to society?

I'm agnostic, and I'm for a death penalty. I'm also for a death penalty for other crimes, like pedophilia; the recidivism rates for pedoes exceeds most other crimes, even for those who have been castrated, so I see little reason to keep them around. Some murders should not get the death penalty, as some crimes of passion have the least recidivism rates, but it's a judgement call and thus subjective on the part of the juries.

I can understand why many Xians would be opposed, though, as they're positive thinkers by nature and hoe for people to be 'saved' before they die, and think if they are saved then they are safe and it won't be necessary to execute them. I can see tht view also; it's not about revenge for me, that doesn't bring back the dead, but it is about protecting others, and I see little point in letting them loose again, in the case of gang bangers and the like, nor the point in paying to keep them alive until they die of old age.

The answer as to why some atheists oppose it id because they're pathetic fashion victims and knee jerk reactionaries who merely oppose it because some other group is for it that the PC puppets don't like, so they just oppose for that reason. They want to be trendy n stuff, is all; same reason most PC Nazis support the homosexual 'rights' hoax and every other nutjob PC fashion fad that comes along.

Replying to the bold text.

It is amusing that you think you know why atheists oppose capital punishment. And that they do so for reasons involving peer or social pressure.

That might be the case for the youngsters who claim to be atheists because they think it is "cool". But older atheists actually bucked the system just to say they didn't believe in God. Why would they disagree with killing someone just to be part of the crowd?

No. Atheists who oppose capital punishment more likely do so because they oppose state sponsored murder.

lol Rubbish. 'State sponsored murder' also includes abortions. They're nearly all fine with that, since it's also fashionable. You're just upset at it being pointed out how shallow PC Nazis are, while they're trying to pretend they're 'rationalists'. They're not.

The state is aborting babies? I haven't seen that story. Got a link?

And I am not upset. I find your generalizations amusing, but they don't upset me at all.

You claiming nobody needs state permission to murder babies now? I see you're out of arguments and immediately into " I Touched You Last!!!!" babbling now, so I just answered my own question, didn't I.
Wow, I just clicked this thread to try to understand the op, and wow...

It's now about aborting babies....


So don't read it; it was over several pages ago, not controversial, just the usual spamming homos and deviants weighing in on every thread with their emotionally and mentally retarded attention whoring and trolling.

And as usual they're losing badly.
...for people who have committed murder and who can never be released back into public? Since the murderer is usurping resources from the community, why not just execute the murderer so that resources are expended on those that contribute to society?
Atheists full approve of murderers being released out into the public. Thus ,they don't want them executed. If they are executed, their lives of killing are ended..and that is not something death cultists are interested in.

They object to the death penalty because they seek to reward, not punish, killers.
Wow, I just clicked this thread to try to understand the op, and wow...

It's now about aborting babies....


Yeah, I'm not sure how it went there either.

Yes, you are indeed lost. Your Mom is lying to you when she tells you how smart you are. Quit taking her seriously; she's just a being a Mom, with a retard on her hands.

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