Why Do So Many People Who Worked for Trump Think He's Unfit to be President?

I think that it's fascinating that dozens of people who have worked for Trump have said publicly he's not fit to be President, but that's OK by you. It says a whole lot about you more than the people who worked for him.

And BTW, "the people" voted twice against Trump. He won because of the Electoral College, not because "the people" voted for him.

I'm also very wary of anyone claiming to speak for "the people." Hitler, Mussolini, Lenin, Stalin and Mao all said the same thing.
considering the caliber of the people complaining, nothing say say means much otyher than to see what they are scared of,,,

trump won once and if all normal events happened during the 2nd he would have won then,,

which is to bad considering the damage biden has done,,

what interests me is libs/dems used to be against the big government machine and now all I see is they want a bigger machine,,
There are dozens. So many who worked in the first Trump administration say he has no business being anywhere near the Oval Office. Here's one.

But when you lead a cult, the cult will defend their dear leader to the death because precious snowflake feelingz!

The majority of Dimwingers think Tater is unfit to run next year.
And I think you and everyone else who thinks this are insane.
Strange how you folks have been saying that about every hoax the left has tried.
They said it about Russian Collusion.
They said it about the fake insurrection which is being blown all to hell.
The insurrection was just an excuse to get Trump disqualified and kicked off of the ballot.
Remember how vaccines were supposed to keep you from getting COVID?
Turns out the only thing they did was make people get blood clots and permanent heart conditions, along with lower everyone's immune systems.
There are dozens. So many who worked in the first Trump administration say he has no business being anywhere near the Oval Office. Here's one.

But when you lead a cult, the cult will defend their dear leader to the death because precious snowflake feelingz!

There is some credence to their concerns as his emotional control is lacking. There is also some venom towards him, especially if he canned them. Another question might be "why is he still viewed as needed by the population?". Secondly to those who worked for him, "does his poor judgement include hiring you for a job in the W.H"?

Screenshot 11-22-2023 16.20.09.png

The funny thing about the Trump cult is that Trump would throw them all under the bus in a heartbeat if he thought it would benefit him.
Yep. And he sucked them right into that "stop the steal" grift to the tune of over $200 million bucks, with no accounting of what he did with it.

Trump is the biggest fraud & conman in history, bar none.
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I think it's because there was a criminal conspiracy to remove him from office by some of the Deep State insiders that were recommended to him by his first couple of Chief's of Staff.
Lord knows trump hired enough criminals, many convicted, or confessed.
The left are unraveling. It's great to see.


Why "so many" of his former subordinates say that isn't too difficult to figure out.

If you worked for Trump and now say he is unfit, you get at minimum your ten minutes of fame, and if you were a senior enough person, you get a book deal, and other benefits. Say, that you are proud of what Trump did while you worked for him and you will be vilified by the TDA media, which could put your life in danger from the TDS mobs.

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