Why do some hate Trump so vociferously?

expect Trump will commit offenses over and over again......if we let him
As he has just proven once again...

Trump accused of another quid pro quo, this time with New York

"President Donald Trump appeared Thursday to link his administration's policies toward New York to a demand that the state drop investigations and lawsuits related to his administration as well as his personal business and finances.

"Hours before New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo was set to meet the president at the White House, Trump tweeted that Cuomo 'must understand' that National Security far exceeds politics,' a reference to his administration’s recent decision to halt New York’s access to the Global Entry and other 'trusted traveler' programs that allow New Yorkers faster border crossings and shorter airport lines."
Trump admits he is blackmailing NY to drop its investigation of his finances
Trump admits he is blackmailing NY to drop its investigation of his finances
Obviously, he learned his lesson perfectly?

President Trump What Lesson Did You Learn From Impeachment | LYBIO.NET Discover New Reading Content.

So Trump said something dead on right.... and you are asking if he learned his lesson? All Republicans learned the lesson. Democrats are evil, and they will even make up false charges.

We all learned this. You guys will fabricate, lie, deceive, and toss away all ethics and morality, to get to power. You are literally evil people.

We all learned this. Trump is right.
Trump did it.

You can lie, pout, & stomp your feet & have a tizzy fiy, Trump still did it.

You are liar, from a party of liars, from an ideology of lies.
Right on cue, as he spews out the propaganda that's been fed to him through the media.
Fraud: He had to pay millions in his university shown to be fraudulent
He short payed many contractors who did work for him (business cheat)
Over twenty women have accused Trump, he was accused of spousal rape & accused of child rape & admitted to groping women.
Shithole Countries & Muslin bans
Impeached for violating the Constitution,

And even a dumbass Trumpette like you has to admit he lies all the time.

He has allowed for dirtier air,. more polluted water, more dangerous work places. more dangerous food supply, sold off our National Monuments, pull us out of the Paris Accord allow Climate Change to go on stronger, he pulled put the TPP costing farmers & US producers export sales . he pulled lout of the Iran agreement setting Iran on a path to nuclear weapons, he has skyrocketed the deficit., He has made America the laughing stock on the world stage, his trade war has bankrupted farmers & in 2020, farmer income will drop 9%, Manufacturing is falling because Trump's trade war has hurt overseas economies & they buy fewer US products ( Brilliant thinking to try to bankrup;t your customers), ISIS is growing, Turkey & Syria at war, Trump did nothing to increase election security, All of Trump's bragging about his wall, there has been just one mile of fencing built where there were none previously, He fired the pandemic group of scientists last year, hello Corobnovirus, Trump acts like a 8 year old, His kids are grifting the US government for millions, Trumps golfing expenses are kept secret, He fucked Puerto Rico out of the money Congress allotted....,

he called NAFTA the worst agreement ever, tweaked it, renamed it & calls it the best ever..and you stupid fucking Trumpettes believe him.

Do you need more?
Oh, the University... Boo Hoo. Crying shame, but he's paid the dues and it's done.

There was no Muslim ban. If there were, you would be proving it.

If he cheated people, you would be proving it.

He never violated the constitution, If he had, you would be proving it.

Accusations aren't proof.

Your offense to hetrosexual touching is your problem, not anyone else's.

There are Shithole Countries. Trump is stopping you and other Democrats from making America a shithole country, which is why you're so angry.

All you have are a bunch of CNN talking points... That's it.

Nothing of substance, no proof, just a temper tantrum.

Meanwhile... America is much better than it was 4 years ago. You can resume kicking your feet and crying now.
You admit he was caught being a fraud.

I thought you were informed? You never read about how Trump fucked over his contractors. really? You are actually admitting how stupids you are?

Black countries were call;ed shitholes & the people there are all bad & unworthy to immigrate here. That is racist. Mayne you don't see it because your racism is so inbred in to your very being,.

Consensual touching. Not groping like Trump.

You ever run a construction company that hires sub contractors? Some of them don't deserve to be paid. And if Trump didn't pay on a fairly consistent basis, he wouldn't have had anyone working for him.

So thety all did bad & yet nothing was done to fix this so called horrible work.

Trump is a fucking crook. Everyone knows it.

DO you have any links to back up your claims? Look, Trump has most likely worked with hundreds of contractors, and some most likely did not produce to the agreed upon specifications. If my own experience is any indication, Trump not paying a sub contractor would be completely ordinary.

As to Trump being a crook, I will say that he has been the most investigated person in American history. If he was as dirty as you claim, he would be in jail. That he isn't tells me what the reality is.

Fraud: He had to pay millions in his university shown to be fraudulent
He short payed many contractors who did work for him (business cheat)
Over twenty women have accused Trump, he was accused of spousal rape & accused of child rape & admitted to groping women.
Shithole Countries & Muslin bans
Impeached for violating the Constitution,

And even a dumbass Trumpette like you has to admit he lies all the time.

He has allowed for dirtier air,. more polluted water, more dangerous work places. more dangerous food supply, sold off our National Monuments, pull us out of the Paris Accord allow Climate Change to go on stronger, he pulled put the TPP costing farmers & US producers export sales . he pulled lout of the Iran agreement setting Iran on a path to nuclear weapons, he has skyrocketed the deficit., He has made America the laughing stock on the world stage, his trade war has bankrupted farmers & in 2020, farmer income will drop 9%, Manufacturing is falling because Trump's trade war has hurt overseas economies & they buy fewer US products ( Brilliant thinking to try to bankrup;t your customers), ISIS is growing, Turkey & Syria at war, Trump did nothing to increase election security, All of Trump's bragging about his wall, there has been just one mile of fencing built where there were none previously, He fired the pandemic group of scientists last year, hello Corobnovirus, Trump acts like a 8 year old, His kids are grifting the US government for millions, Trumps golfing expenses are kept secret, He fucked Puerto Rico out of the money Congress allotted....,

he called NAFTA the worst agreement ever, tweaked it, renamed it & calls it the best ever..and you stupid fucking Trumpettes believe him.

Do you need more?
Oh, the University... Boo Hoo. Crying shame, but he's paid the dues and it's done.

There was no Muslim ban. If there were, you would be proving it.

If he cheated people, you would be proving it.

He never violated the constitution, If he had, you would be proving it.

Accusations aren't proof.

Your offense to hetrosexual touching is your problem, not anyone else's.

There are Shithole Countries. Trump is stopping you and other Democrats from making America a shithole country, which is why you're so angry.

All you have are a bunch of CNN talking points... That's it.

Nothing of substance, no proof, just a temper tantrum.

Meanwhile... America is much better than it was 4 years ago. You can resume kicking your feet and crying now.
You admit he was caught being a fraud.

I thought you were informed? You never read about how Trump fucked over his contractors. really? You are actually admitting how stupids you are?

Black countries were call;ed shitholes & the people there are all bad & unworthy to immigrate here. That is racist. Mayne you don't see it because your racism is so inbred in to your very being,.

Consensual touching. Not groping like Trump.

You ever run a construction company that hires sub contractors? Some of them don't deserve to be paid. And if Trump didn't pay on a fairly consistent basis, he wouldn't have had anyone working for him.

So thety all did bad & yet nothing was done to fix this so called horrible work.

Trump is a fucking crook. Everyone knows it.

DO you have any links to back up your claims? Look, Trump has most likely worked with hundreds of contractors, and some most likely did not produce to the agreed upon specifications. If my own experience is any indication, Trump not paying a sub contractor would be completely ordinary.

As to Trump being a crook, I will say that he has been the most investigated person in American history. If he was as dirty as you claim, he would be in jail. That he isn't tells me what the reality is.


If you have not reads about this, you really need to be better informed.

Trump is a crook. He is good at hiding it. No investigations have access to the needed documents.

His tactic is always the same, threaten & bully to get what he wants.

He will get caught & I hope you choke on it when it happens.
Oh, the University... Boo Hoo. Crying shame, but he's paid the dues and it's done.

There was no Muslim ban. If there were, you would be proving it.

If he cheated people, you would be proving it.

He never violated the constitution, If he had, you would be proving it.

Accusations aren't proof.

Your offense to hetrosexual touching is your problem, not anyone else's.

There are Shithole Countries. Trump is stopping you and other Democrats from making America a shithole country, which is why you're so angry.

All you have are a bunch of CNN talking points... That's it.

Nothing of substance, no proof, just a temper tantrum.

Meanwhile... America is much better than it was 4 years ago. You can resume kicking your feet and crying now.
You admit he was caught being a fraud.

I thought you were informed? You never read about how Trump fucked over his contractors. really? You are actually admitting how stupids you are?

Black countries were call;ed shitholes & the people there are all bad & unworthy to immigrate here. That is racist. Mayne you don't see it because your racism is so inbred in to your very being,.

Consensual touching. Not groping like Trump.

You ever run a construction company that hires sub contractors? Some of them don't deserve to be paid. And if Trump didn't pay on a fairly consistent basis, he wouldn't have had anyone working for him.

So thety all did bad & yet nothing was done to fix this so called horrible work.

Trump is a fucking crook. Everyone knows it.

DO you have any links to back up your claims? Look, Trump has most likely worked with hundreds of contractors, and some most likely did not produce to the agreed upon specifications. If my own experience is any indication, Trump not paying a sub contractor would be completely ordinary.

As to Trump being a crook, I will say that he has been the most investigated person in American history. If he was as dirty as you claim, he would be in jail. That he isn't tells me what the reality is.


If you have not reads about this, you really need to be better informed.

Trump is a crook. He is good at hiding it. No investigations have access to the needed documents.

His tactic is always the same, threaten & bully to get what he wants.

He will get caught & I hope you choke on it when it happens.

Yes. I have "read" about this. There is no proof. Just because "everybody knows" that Trump is a crook doesn't make it so. As a rational, logical, sane adult, I would be ashamed to charge someone as being something with no proof.


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