Why do some hate Trump so vociferously?

Mainly because he’s not a democrat. The rest is magnified by his NY boorish demeanor.
Any other repub President would still be hated by lefties — just not as insanely. Completely regardless of policy. Dem sheep are dem sheep.
Very true.

W was more polite than Mr Rogers, and the left hated him we with great intensity.
Nice guy but a horrible, horrible President
Because he is a fraud, business cheart, woman abuser, racist, bigot, and liar. He is trashing the Constitution and taking this country backwards.

Why do you support that?
Right on cue, as he spews out the propaganda that's been fed to him through the media.
Fraud: He had to pay millions in his university shown to be fraudulent
He short payed many contractors who did work for him (business cheat)
Over twenty women have accused Trump, he was accused of spousal rape & accused of child rape & admitted to groping women.
Shithole Countries & Muslin bans
Impeached for violating the Constitution,

And even a dumbass Trumpette like you has to admit he lies all the time.

He has allowed for dirtier air,. more polluted water, more dangerous work places. more dangerous food supply, sold off our National Monuments, pull us out of the Paris Accord allow Climate Change to go on stronger, he pulled put the TPP costing farmers & US producers export sales . he pulled lout of the Iran agreement setting Iran on a path to nuclear weapons, he has skyrocketed the deficit., He has made America the laughing stock on the world stage, his trade war has bankrupted farmers & in 2020, farmer income will drop 9%, Manufacturing is falling because Trump's trade war has hurt overseas economies & they buy fewer US products ( Brilliant thinking to try to bankrup;t your customers), ISIS is growing, Turkey & Syria at war, Trump did nothing to increase election security, All of Trump's bragging about his wall, there has been just one mile of fencing built where there were none previously, He fired the pandemic group of scientists last year, hello Corobnovirus, Trump acts like a 8 year old, His kids are grifting the US government for millions, Trumps golfing expenses are kept secret, He fucked Puerto Rico out of the money Congress allotted....,

he called NAFTA the worst agreement ever, tweaked it, renamed it & calls it the best ever..and you stupid fucking Trumpettes believe him.

Do you need more?
Oh, the University... Boo Hoo. Crying shame, but he's paid the dues and it's done.

There was no Muslim ban. If there were, you would be proving it.

If he cheated people, you would be proving it.

He never violated the constitution, If he had, you would be proving it.

Accusations aren't proof.

Your offense to hetrosexual touching is your problem, not anyone else's.

There are Shithole Countries. Trump is stopping you and other Democrats from making America a shithole country, which is why you're so angry.

All you have are a bunch of CNN talking points... That's it.

Nothing of substance, no proof, just a temper tantrum.

Meanwhile... America is much better than it was 4 years ago. You can resume kicking your feet and crying now.
You admit he was caught being a fraud.

I thought you were informed? You never read about how Trump fucked over his contractors. really? You are actually admitting how stupids you are?

Black countries were call;ed shitholes & the people there are all bad & unworthy to immigrate here. That is racist. Mayne you don't see it because your racism is so inbred in to your very being,.

Consensual touching. Not groping like Trump.

You ever run a construction company that hires sub contractors? Some of them don't deserve to be paid. And if Trump didn't pay on a fairly consistent basis, he wouldn't have had anyone working for him.

Because he is a fraud, business cheart, woman abuser, racist, bigot, and liar. He is trashing the Constitution and taking this country backwards.

Why do you support that?
Right on cue, as he spews out the propaganda that's been fed to him through the media.
Fraud: He had to pay millions in his university shown to be fraudulent
He short payed many contractors who did work for him (business cheat)
Over twenty women have accused Trump, he was accused of spousal rape & accused of child rape & admitted to groping women.
Shithole Countries & Muslin bans
Impeached for violating the Constitution,

And even a dumbass Trumpette like you has to admit he lies all the time.

He has allowed for dirtier air,. more polluted water, more dangerous work places. more dangerous food supply, sold off our National Monuments, pull us out of the Paris Accord allow Climate Change to go on stronger, he pulled put the TPP costing farmers & US producers export sales . he pulled lout of the Iran agreement setting Iran on a path to nuclear weapons, he has skyrocketed the deficit., He has made America the laughing stock on the world stage, his trade war has bankrupted farmers & in 2020, farmer income will drop 9%, Manufacturing is falling because Trump's trade war has hurt overseas economies & they buy fewer US products ( Brilliant thinking to try to bankrup;t your customers), ISIS is growing, Turkey & Syria at war, Trump did nothing to increase election security, All of Trump's bragging about his wall, there has been just one mile of fencing built where there were none previously, He fired the pandemic group of scientists last year, hello Corobnovirus, Trump acts like a 8 year old, His kids are grifting the US government for millions, Trumps golfing expenses are kept secret, He fucked Puerto Rico out of the money Congress allotted....,

he called NAFTA the worst agreement ever, tweaked it, renamed it & calls it the best ever..and you stupid fucking Trumpettes believe him.

Do you need more?
Oh, the University... Boo Hoo. Crying shame, but he's paid the dues and it's done.

There was no Muslim ban. If there were, you would be proving it.

If he cheated people, you would be proving it.

He never violated the constitution, If he had, you would be proving it.

Accusations aren't proof.

Your offense to hetrosexual touching is your problem, not anyone else's.

There are Shithole Countries. Trump is stopping you and other Democrats from making America a shithole country, which is why you're so angry.

All you have are a bunch of CNN talking points... That's it.

Nothing of substance, no proof, just a temper tantrum.

Meanwhile... America is much better than it was 4 years ago. You can resume kicking your feet and crying now.
You admit he was caught being a fraud.

I thought you were informed? You never read about how Trump fucked over his contractors. really? You are actually admitting how stupids you are?

Black countries were call;ed shitholes & the people there are all bad & unworthy to immigrate here. That is racist. Mayne you don't see it because your racism is so inbred in to your very being,.

Consensual touching. Not groping like Trump.

You ever run a construction company that hires sub contractors? Some of them don't deserve to be paid. And if Trump didn't pay on a fairly consistent basis, he wouldn't have had anyone working for him.

Oddly, everyone who does work for Trump does not deserve to be paid

I thought he hired the best people?
Because he is a fraud, business cheart, woman abuser, racist, bigot, and liar. He is trashing the Constitution and taking this country backwards.

Why do you support that?
Why Do You Want To Focus On Your Perception Of Trump's Character
But Not The Character Of Any Of Your Own Proven Liars, Cheats, And Abusers ??

I mean we elect our leaders to lead us in matters that concern us.
Things like jobs, take home pay, the unemployment rate, taxes, national security, border security.
Things I'll call kitchen table issues.
Why do libs insist on avoiding talking about any of these issues...

Because Trump Must Have Those Issues Covered To Their Satisfaction

KAG 2020.jpg
Mainly because he’s not a democrat. The rest is magnified by his NY boorish demeanor.
Any other repub President would still be hated by lefties — just not as insanely. Completely regardless of policy. Dem sheep are dem sheep.
Very true.

W was more polite than Mr Rogers, and the left hated him we with great intensity.
The Washington Nationals replaced the W logo with DC while he was president because democrats are petulant children.
Joke was on them because the DC just stood for Dick Cheney.
Right on cue, as he spews out the propaganda that's been fed to him through the media.
Fraud: He had to pay millions in his university shown to be fraudulent
He short payed many contractors who did work for him (business cheat)
Over twenty women have accused Trump, he was accused of spousal rape & accused of child rape & admitted to groping women.
Shithole Countries & Muslin bans
Impeached for violating the Constitution,

And even a dumbass Trumpette like you has to admit he lies all the time.

He has allowed for dirtier air,. more polluted water, more dangerous work places. more dangerous food supply, sold off our National Monuments, pull us out of the Paris Accord allow Climate Change to go on stronger, he pulled put the TPP costing farmers & US producers export sales . he pulled lout of the Iran agreement setting Iran on a path to nuclear weapons, he has skyrocketed the deficit., He has made America the laughing stock on the world stage, his trade war has bankrupted farmers & in 2020, farmer income will drop 9%, Manufacturing is falling because Trump's trade war has hurt overseas economies & they buy fewer US products ( Brilliant thinking to try to bankrup;t your customers), ISIS is growing, Turkey & Syria at war, Trump did nothing to increase election security, All of Trump's bragging about his wall, there has been just one mile of fencing built where there were none previously, He fired the pandemic group of scientists last year, hello Corobnovirus, Trump acts like a 8 year old, His kids are grifting the US government for millions, Trumps golfing expenses are kept secret, He fucked Puerto Rico out of the money Congress allotted....,

he called NAFTA the worst agreement ever, tweaked it, renamed it & calls it the best ever..and you stupid fucking Trumpettes believe him.

Do you need more?
Oh, the University... Boo Hoo. Crying shame, but he's paid the dues and it's done.

There was no Muslim ban. If there were, you would be proving it.

If he cheated people, you would be proving it.

He never violated the constitution, If he had, you would be proving it.

Accusations aren't proof.

Your offense to hetrosexual touching is your problem, not anyone else's.

There are Shithole Countries. Trump is stopping you and other Democrats from making America a shithole country, which is why you're so angry.

All you have are a bunch of CNN talking points... That's it.

Nothing of substance, no proof, just a temper tantrum.

Meanwhile... America is much better than it was 4 years ago. You can resume kicking your feet and crying now.
You admit he was caught being a fraud.

I thought you were informed? You never read about how Trump fucked over his contractors. really? You are actually admitting how stupids you are?

Black countries were call;ed shitholes & the people there are all bad & unworthy to immigrate here. That is racist. Mayne you don't see it because your racism is so inbred in to your very being,.

Consensual touching. Not groping like Trump.
Obama is the racist--not Mr Trump
so now, telling the truth is racist according you you!!!!! hahahhahahahhaha
So the black people working for equality are the racists.

..I've posted it numerous times how Obama is the racist.....
--went to super racist-cop and America hater Wright for years
--sent his black AG to comfort the family of a black criminal that attacked a white cop
--thought white women were not good enough for him
--nominated 2 blacks in a row for AG, even though they are less qualified
I've linked this many times before
Why do some hate Trump so vociferously?

There's far more painted haters than actually do hate

this is primarily due to pointing out policies Trump legislates that are doomed to failure , the intricacies of which they can not grasp

and so these sorts become 'haters' to the great unwashed....

expect Trump will commit offenses over and over again......if we let him
As he has just proven once again...

Trump accused of another quid pro quo, this time with New York

"President Donald Trump appeared Thursday to link his administration's policies toward New York to a demand that the state drop investigations and lawsuits related to his administration as well as his personal business and finances.

"Hours before New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo was set to meet the president at the White House, Trump tweeted that Cuomo 'must understand' that National Security far exceeds politics,' a reference to his administration’s recent decision to halt New York’s access to the Global Entry and other 'trusted traveler' programs that allow New Yorkers faster border crossings and shorter airport lines."
Trump admits he is blackmailing NY to drop its investigation of his finances
Trump admits he is blackmailing NY to drop its investigation of his finances
Obviously, he learned his lesson perfectly?

President Trump What Lesson Did You Learn From Impeachment | LYBIO.NET Discover New Reading Content.
Ralph Nader????
Good luck with that!
Nader would never have been impeached, especially during his first term, yet Trump has managed that feat with nine months to spare.

Too much winning?

Nader and Constitutional Scholars Push for 12 Articles of Impeachment | Ralph Nader
  1. SOLICITING A FOREIGN CONTRIBUTION FOR THE 202O PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN AND BRIBERY. President Trump has endeavored to corrupt the 2020 presidential campaign by soliciting the President of Ukraine to contribute something of value to diminish the popularity of potential rival Joe Biden, i.e., a Ukrainian investigation of Mr. Biden and his son Hunter relating to potential corrupt practices of Burisma, which compensated Hunter handsomely ($50,000 per month). In so doing, Mr. Trump violated the criminal campaign finance prohibition set forth in 52 U.S.C. 30121.
"President Trump solicited a bribe for himself in violation of 18 U.S.C. 201 in seeking something of personal value, i.e., discrediting Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign with the help of the President of Ukraine to influence Mr. Trump’s official decision to release approximately $400 million in military and related assistance."
Ralph Nader????
Good luck with that!
Nader would never have been impeached, especially during his first term, yet Trump has managed that feat with nine months to spare.

Too much winning?

Nader and Constitutional Scholars Push for 12 Articles of Impeachment | Ralph Nader
  1. SOLICITING A FOREIGN CONTRIBUTION FOR THE 202O PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN AND BRIBERY. President Trump has endeavored to corrupt the 2020 presidential campaign by soliciting the President of Ukraine to contribute something of value to diminish the popularity of potential rival Joe Biden, i.e., a Ukrainian investigation of Mr. Biden and his son Hunter relating to potential corrupt practices of Burisma, which compensated Hunter handsomely ($50,000 per month). In so doing, Mr. Trump violated the criminal campaign finance prohibition set forth in 52 U.S.C. 30121.
"President Trump solicited a bribe for himself in violation of 18 U.S.C. 201 in seeking something of personal value, i.e., discrediting Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign with the help of the President of Ukraine to influence Mr. Trump’s official decision to release approximately $400 million in military and related assistance."
Give it up dude. If he had bribed him it would have been one of the articles of impeachment. The only real evidence, which was the phone transcripts, did not show any bribery. You're just engaging in wishful thinking. Pelosi and Schiff failed, get over it.
Other than emotional baseless opinions, just why do they hate the President?
Emotional and baseless? It seems to me that it is an opinion you yourself have. I base my opinion on Trump on what he tweets, says in interviews, yells on the White House lawn or is said by the people who represent him. The thing about him is that the quiet part is said out loud. When you say baseless I would like to know what you base your opinion on?

My opinion and why I hate him is because he routinely violates the norms of conduct that Presidents held themself or congress held them throughout history. Things like a president does NOT comment on ongoing trails this to preserve judicial neutrality. A president does NOT ask a foreign government to investigate political rivals. A president does NOT punish individual States because they are investigating him. A president does not retaliate against people who honor a subpoena issued by the House.

At the moment the White House counsel is literally arguing before actual judges that a president is absolutely immune from being investigated for anything even stuff before he became president.

This is not baseless it's not even close to a complete list, it is actually on record and my question to you is why does it not bother you?
Last edited:
taking this country backwards.

Back from the brink?

Bush & the Republicans took us to the bring. Obama brought us back. Trump is taking us back down.

As bad as Trump is, he hasn’t done the damage that Bush did

So I have to ask....

I believe Bush did in fact do some damage. But I wager that the things I see as damaging, are not the things you see as damage.

So out of curiosity, what damage did Bush do, according to you?

I think Bush was a nice guy but a horrible President

Allowed 9-11
Started two unnecessary wars
Authorized torture
Presided over the worst recession in 75 years

First, I can't blame Bush for something he had little to do with. The sub-prime housing bubble was started in 1997, due to bad government policy. This is a fact, and I can walk you through all the documented evidence for this, if you wish.

So lets talk about the two unnecessary wars, and allowed 9/11.

Do you not see the contradiction in your position?

The evidence that terrorist supplied by the middle east, were going fly a planes into buildings, was extremely small relative to the evidence we had that Saddam was working on WMDs, and trying to have working connections with terrorist groups.

Again, this isn't my conclusion, or the conclusion of some right-wing pundit. This is the conclusion by the Rockefeller congressional investigation into the statements made justifying war, compared to the intelligence information we had at that time.

What they found was, all the statements made justifying military action, were all...... *ALL* supported by the intelligence information we had at that time.

So here is my problem with your position.... on the one hand you are complaining that Bush did not take pre-emptive action in regards to extremely scant evidence on an impending terrorist attack. Yet you are also complaining that Bush did take pre-emptive action on a vast amount of intelligence information for the middle east.

This is ridiculous, is it not? How can you complain they did not search the entire apartment complex over a single bread crumb, and then at the same time, complain they did search the entire apartment complex, when they saw an empty pizza box, a trail of tomato sauce, and a flier for a local pizzeria?

As for enhanced interrogation.....

I'm still up in the air on this. To me there is a massive difference between interrogation, and torture.

Torture is subjective. People have claimed that prisons that serve only bread and water is torture. By that logic, the only way to not torture anyone, is to simply not have prisons, or investigators. Just let people go and have them murder again, because anything you do could be "torture".

Real torture, is the causing of pain and suffering just to cause pain and suffering.

Khashoggi was tortured. They were not trying to get information from him. They simply wanted to cause him to suffer horrendously until he died.

Interrogation, is just that. You are trying to coerce someone into telling you information that will save lives. And this is exactly what happened. We knew that those people did in fact have useful information about impending terrorist attempts, and we wanted to stop those attacks. They gave us valuable information, that did in fact lead to the thwarting of terrorist attacks. We were not trying to harm people, and all those that cooperated, were not subjected to any water boarding or anything.

So.... I don't know. I can see the case against enhanced interrogation. But I can also see the case for it.
Other than emotional baseless opinions, just why do they hate the President?
Because Trump is a pathological liar, emotional cripple, intellectual dwarf, and inveterate con man who should never have been allowed to run for "public service."

Nader and Constitutional Scholars Push for 12 Articles of Impeachment | Ralph Nader

"Among other things, you correctly underscored the danger of a Chief Executive who boasts, 'Then I have Article II, where I have the right to do whatever I want as president...'"

"Uniquely among wayward presidents, Mr. Trump is shattering our entire constitutional order as our proposed twelve (12) count Article of Impeachment documents . (See enclosure).

"Several of the counts are per se impeachable and need no more fact-finding: defiance of congressional subpoenas and oversight; spending billions of dollars on a southern border wall not appropriated for that purpose; continuing or expanding presidential wars not declared by Congress; exercising line-item veto power; flouting the Emoluments Clause; and, playing prosecutor, judge, jury, and executioner to kill any person on the planet based on secret, unsubstantiated information. "
Ralph Nader????
Good luck with that!

I expect Trump will be impeached over and over again if we give you clowns the House in 2020.

For that reason, we wont.

You will be completely powerless in less than a year and all you'll have is screaming at the sky, and lefty VIOLENCE

I expect Trump will commit offenses over and over again......if we let him

It will be your fault though. You fabricated false charges. Now you have zero credibility. So it is now possible Trump could do something egregious, and no one will care. Your fault.
This is normal for the left. They have always been the party of hate. Always. They said Mitt Romney was going to put people back in chains. The left-wing is the party of hate and evil. They always have been, and always will be.
It was people on the left who fought, bled, and died to end the racist scourges of Jim Crow domestically and the US invasion of South Vietnam while right-wingers swallowed every for-profit lie and told critics to "love it or leave it," Conservatives have blindly supported every political tyrant who ever ruled, and their US descendants are proudly upholding that slave mentality today.

Trump accused of another quid pro quo, this time with New York

South Vietnam....

BBC World Service - Witness History, Vietnamese Boat People Arrive in Britain


Thousands on thousands of Vietnamese died because you left-wingers, and those that survived testify that you are wrong about that.
expect Trump will commit offenses over and over again......if we let him
As he has just proven once again...

Trump accused of another quid pro quo, this time with New York

"President Donald Trump appeared Thursday to link his administration's policies toward New York to a demand that the state drop investigations and lawsuits related to his administration as well as his personal business and finances.

"Hours before New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo was set to meet the president at the White House, Trump tweeted that Cuomo 'must understand' that National Security far exceeds politics,' a reference to his administration’s recent decision to halt New York’s access to the Global Entry and other 'trusted traveler' programs that allow New Yorkers faster border crossings and shorter airport lines."
Trump admits he is blackmailing NY to drop its investigation of his finances
Trump admits he is blackmailing NY to drop its investigation of his finances
Obviously, he learned his lesson perfectly?

President Trump What Lesson Did You Learn From Impeachment | LYBIO.NET Discover New Reading Content.

So Trump said something dead on right.... and you are asking if he learned his lesson? All Republicans learned the lesson. Democrats are evil, and they will even make up false charges.

We all learned this. You guys will fabricate, lie, deceive, and toss away all ethics and morality, to get to power. You are literally evil people.

We all learned this. Trump is right.

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