Why do some hate Trump so vociferously?

Other than emotional baseless opinions, just why do they hate the President?

This is normal for the left. They have always been the party of hate. Always. They said Mitt Romney was going to put people back in chains. The left-wing is the party of hate and evil. They always have been, and always will be.

And if you really want to understand why, you need to look at a toddler.

When you see kids in some of the rural african nations, you see them playing with sticks, and trash.

Go to a store, and see how kids act. They scream. They yell. They demand "I want it", and then they say "I hate you! This is not fair!" when they don't get what they want. They don't understand adult things like the limits of money, that you have to have a budget... or even the most simple concepts like eating ice cream for breakfast lunch and dinner, is bad for your health, and will make you sick.

All they understand is, they want something, and the only reason they can't have what they want, is because you are a bad adult.

And that describes perfectly the entire Democrap left-wing. They don't care about a things like national debt to pay for education, or even things like Socialized health care resulted in hundreds of VA veterans dying on waiting lists.
40 U.S. veterans die while on Phoenix VA hospital's cost-cutting secret wait list: report

All they care about, is "I want it!" and "you are a bad person for not giving it to me!"
Like any toddler, they are incapable of understanding adult fact of life.

And by the way, this is exactly why they have to engage I hate. They have no adult solution. There is no appeal to "Let's take people's hard work and labor from them". There is no effective stump speech that involves "I'll raise everyone's taxes, and take over half the economy in the foot steps of the Soviets!"

So what they have to engage in, is an emotional appeal, devoid of reason or logic.

This is why you hear about the CEO of Walmart earns X amount, and the employees earn Y amount. That's not an argument based on reason, but rather an argument based on emotional greed and envy.

And you know this, because the moment you do the math, and realize that if you confiscated all the compensation of the CEO, and gave it to the employees, it would barely be $1 per employee per year.

Again, the left-wing simply can't make logical arguments. So they must engage in hate based emotional arguments.

It simply is all the toddlers have to offer.
taking this country backwards.

Back from the brink?

Bush & the Republicans took us to the bring. Obama brought us back. Trump is taking us back down.

As bad as Trump is, he hasn’t done the damage that Bush did
taking this country backwards.

Back from the brink?

Bush & the Republicans took us to the bring. Obama brought us back. Trump is taking us back down.

As bad as Trump is, he hasn’t done the damage that Bush did

So I have to ask....

I believe Bush did in fact do some damage. But I wager that the things I see as damaging, are not the things you see as damage.

So out of curiosity, what damage did Bush do, according to you?
taking this country backwards.

Back from the brink?

Bush & the Republicans took us to the bring. Obama brought us back. Trump is taking us back down.

As bad as Trump is, he hasn’t done the damage that Bush did

So I have to ask....

I believe Bush did in fact do some damage. But I wager that the things I see as damaging, are not the things you see as damage.

So out of curiosity, what damage did Bush do, according to you?

I think Bush was a nice guy but a horrible President

Allowed 9-11
Started two unnecessary wars
Authorized torture
Presided over the worst recession in 75 years
Other than emotional baseless opinions, just why do they hate the President?
Because Trump is a pathological liar, emotional cripple, intellectual dwarf, and inveterate con man who should never have been allowed to run for "public service."

Nader and Constitutional Scholars Push for 12 Articles of Impeachment | Ralph Nader

"Among other things, you correctly underscored the danger of a Chief Executive who boasts, 'Then I have Article II, where I have the right to do whatever I want as president...'"

"Uniquely among wayward presidents, Mr. Trump is shattering our entire constitutional order as our proposed twelve (12) count Article of Impeachment documents . (See enclosure).

"Several of the counts are per se impeachable and need no more fact-finding: defiance of congressional subpoenas and oversight; spending billions of dollars on a southern border wall not appropriated for that purpose; continuing or expanding presidential wars not declared by Congress; exercising line-item veto power; flouting the Emoluments Clause; and, playing prosecutor, judge, jury, and executioner to kill any person on the planet based on secret, unsubstantiated information. "
Other than emotional baseless opinions, just why do they hate the President?

He made fun of a person with birth defects and has always denied he did. Any argument that the lying whoremonger was anything but garbage after that point had no traction
Other than emotional baseless opinions, just why do they hate the President?
Because Trump is a pathological liar, emotional cripple, intellectual dwarf, and inveterate con man who should never have been allowed to run for "public service."

Nader and Constitutional Scholars Push for 12 Articles of Impeachment | Ralph Nader

"Among other things, you correctly underscored the danger of a Chief Executive who boasts, 'Then I have Article II, where I have the right to do whatever I want as president...'"

"Uniquely among wayward presidents, Mr. Trump is shattering our entire constitutional order as our proposed twelve (12) count Article of Impeachment documents . (See enclosure).

"Several of the counts are per se impeachable and need no more fact-finding: defiance of congressional subpoenas and oversight; spending billions of dollars on a southern border wall not appropriated for that purpose; continuing or expanding presidential wars not declared by Congress; exercising line-item veto power; flouting the Emoluments Clause; and, playing prosecutor, judge, jury, and executioner to kill any person on the planet based on secret, unsubstantiated information. "
Ralph Nader????
Good luck with that!

I expect Trump will be impeached over and over again if we give you clowns the House in 2020.

For that reason, we wont.

You will be completely powerless in less than a year and all you'll have is screaming at the sky, and lefty VIOLENCE
Other than emotional baseless opinions, just why do they hate the President?
Because Trump is a pathological liar, emotional cripple, intellectual dwarf, and inveterate con man who should never have been allowed to run for "public service."

Nader and Constitutional Scholars Push for 12 Articles of Impeachment | Ralph Nader

"Among other things, you correctly underscored the danger of a Chief Executive who boasts, 'Then I have Article II, where I have the right to do whatever I want as president...'"

"Uniquely among wayward presidents, Mr. Trump is shattering our entire constitutional order as our proposed twelve (12) count Article of Impeachment documents . (See enclosure).

"Several of the counts are per se impeachable and need no more fact-finding: defiance of congressional subpoenas and oversight; spending billions of dollars on a southern border wall not appropriated for that purpose; continuing or expanding presidential wars not declared by Congress; exercising line-item veto power; flouting the Emoluments Clause; and, playing prosecutor, judge, jury, and executioner to kill any person on the planet based on secret, unsubstantiated information. "
Ralph Nader????
Good luck with that!

I expect Trump will be impeached over and over again if we give you clowns the House in 2020.

For that reason, we wont.

You will be completely powerless in less than a year and all you'll have is screaming at the sky, and lefty VIOLENCE

I expect Trump will commit offenses over and over again......if we let him
This is normal for the left. They have always been the party of hate. Always. They said Mitt Romney was going to put people back in chains. The left-wing is the party of hate and evil. They always have been, and always will be.
It was people on the left who fought, bled, and died to end the racist scourges of Jim Crow domestically and the US invasion of South Vietnam while right-wingers swallowed every for-profit lie and told critics to "love it or leave it," Conservatives have blindly supported every political tyrant who ever ruled, and their US descendants are proudly upholding that slave mentality today.

Trump accused of another quid pro quo, this time with New York
expect Trump will commit offenses over and over again......if we let him
As he has just proven once again...

Trump accused of another quid pro quo, this time with New York

"President Donald Trump appeared Thursday to link his administration's policies toward New York to a demand that the state drop investigations and lawsuits related to his administration as well as his personal business and finances.

"Hours before New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo was set to meet the president at the White House, Trump tweeted that Cuomo 'must understand' that National Security far exceeds politics,' a reference to his administration’s recent decision to halt New York’s access to the Global Entry and other 'trusted traveler' programs that allow New Yorkers faster border crossings and shorter airport lines."
Hillary ( the most corrupt candidate ever) cheated and had the election sown up. Even the FBI did all they could to help assure her victory.

He has ruined the whole idea that the democrats can use the White House and congress to push through the further agendas to fundamentally change the country and society. To see what they have planed look at the current crop of campaign promises. Raise taxes until everyone is equally poor. Create dependence on government until you can't do anything without them. Open the borders so we have no control.
Confiscate any money they feel you are not completely entitled to. Crash the economy so that everyone that has a job must vow support to the party or suffer removal from any job.
Wow, Trumpettes are really this fucking stupid.

Lying about open borders.

Not wanting to support his own country through taxation.

Who is best at crashing the economy? Republicans. Just ask George W Bush.

Raise taxes on the wealthy & well off corporations so you Republicans don't saddle our children with more debt. t

I mean you are so stupid, you run in circles screaming about this great economy yet this economy is driving up the deficit. An oxymoron.
You really have no clue but I can understand you being a 44 apologist.
So you are claiming that the black guy that wanted to tear down all the fences was lying? AOC and the rest want to do away with is and border patrol or are they lying?
Weren't you one of the ones crying that the average American did not get a big enough tax break? You can be sure if there is a single cent left in someone's pocket California and New York will fiqure out a way to get it.

I have no doubt that you really think that American history started with Bush others actually know better.
Lol the rich and corporations are already paying 35% percent sure beats the 0% you probably pay.
You might actually want to learn that Republican congresses spend less the democrat controlled congresses.

Lol learn the diffrence between deficit and economy before you go calling someone your family name.

If the economy is fire, why are deficits skyrocketing?
The economy is fire??? Is that some screwed up lefty way of saying that it's doing better then it has?
So you don't like deficits. Fine do you want the Dems in the house to cut welfare? How about end ACA? You do realize that if congress actually paid themselves what they are worth it would cut a lot.
The funniest part of your whole uneducated rant is congress actually controls the purse which means explain why congress is spending too much. In particular the democrats since they are in charge at the monment.
Mainly because he’s not a democrat. The rest is magnified by his NY boorish demeanor.
Any other repub President would still be hated by lefties — just not as insanely. Completely regardless of policy. Dem sheep are dem sheep.
Very true.

W was more polite than Mr Rogers, and the left hated him we with great intensity.
I expect Trump will commit offenses over and over again......if we let him

He might lower unemployment even more. Raise wages higher. Make Americans even more confident. Contine denying terrorists plane loads of cash. Keep the Caliphate from reforming. Make even better trade deals.

We can't have that.
expect Trump will commit offenses over and over again......if we let him
As he has just proven once again...

Trump accused of another quid pro quo, this time with New York

"President Donald Trump appeared Thursday to link his administration's policies toward New York to a demand that the state drop investigations and lawsuits related to his administration as well as his personal business and finances.

"Hours before New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo was set to meet the president at the White House, Trump tweeted that Cuomo 'must understand' that National Security far exceeds politics,' a reference to his administration’s recent decision to halt New York’s access to the Global Entry and other 'trusted traveler' programs that allow New Yorkers faster border crossings and shorter airport lines."
Trump admits he is blackmailing NY to drop its investigation of his finances
I expect Trump will commit offenses over and over again......if we let him

He might lower unemployment even more. Raise wages higher. Make Americans even more confident. Contine denying terrorists plane loads of cash. Keep the Caliphate from reforming. Make even better trade deals.

We can't have that.
Which has nothing to do with his criminal acts
Other than emotional baseless opinions, just why do they hate the President?

It's the ailment they suffer, Terence Millar, its this terrible syndrome they have ...it's called Trump Derangement Syndrome.,,,it's a sickness that attacks the deepests parts of the brain....it wears away all the brain tissue, Terence Millar.....it's a very sad thing to observe:dunno:

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