Why do some hate Trump so vociferously?

I mean you are so stupid, you run in circles screaming about this great economy yet this economy is driving up the deficit. An oxymoron.
But, didn't you say this was Obama's economy?

Obama borrowed money in 2009 to fight the Bush recession. There was no recession when Trump borrowed the money.

Obama was lowering the deficit & having economic gains

Trump couldn't do it without running up the debt.

Its the growing deficit, fed bailouts that are the earning sign.
Employment, wages, stock market were growing long before Trump.

Trump borrowed 1.5 trillion dollar to pump up the economy & the stock market. Those chickens will come home to roost.

Poverty levels were dropping before Trump took office.

White Supremacy is growing with Trump's support.

No one was funding terrorism.
Your post was spot on before you started typing.

Trump can't borrow money, only Congress can. Too bad we don't have a Democrat House to stop all that spending, isn't it? The debt doubled under Obama, so if you're into trends, you have to blame Obama.

Poverty did start dropping after the Democrats lost the House to Republicans, but it's much better now that Trump is in office. That fact is unquestionable.

White Supremacist, mostly Democrat, aren't significant. If they were, you'd be busy proving it.

Even Ears admits that Iran is the leading state sponsor of terrorism worldwide. In case you forgot, Obama sent a plane load of cash and dropped sanctions for the tune of over $150Billion in funds to help Iran build more IEDs to blow up American soldiers with.
because he has sexy hair and big crowds and is an outsider, and because of his tough guy swagger!
You admit he was caught being a fraud.

I thought you were informed? You never read about how Trump fucked over his contractors. really? You are actually admitting how stupids you are?

Black countries were call;ed shitholes & the people there are all bad & unworthy to immigrate here. That is racist. Mayne you don't see it because your racism is so inbred in to your very being,.

Consensual touching. Not groping like Trump.

I admit Trump screwed up when he put the person in charge of the failed school. It was a mistake, but put next to Democrats, it was laughably small.

4 out of the 150+/- businesses, some gigantic that Trump owned bankrupted. Yeah.. Woopty. Start a 100 companies and tell me your record.

Some Black majority countries are shitholes... That's a fact.. Calling a turd "shit" isn't racist just because it's black. Perhaps you can't understand language because of your racism and self-inflicted victimhood..

There's no indication of non-consensual touching.

You're not failing here because you're stupid. You're failing because Hate is emotion. Winners use facts, not emotion.

Progs don't hate Trump because of what he did wrong.

They hate Trump because of what he's done right.
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Democrats don't hate Trump because of his lies or mistakes.

Democrats hate Trump because of his truth telling and successes.
Because he is a fraud, business cheart, woman abuser, racist, bigot, and liar. He is trashing the Constitution and taking this country backwards.

Why do you support that?
The heart of a Democrat he has!
You deny what I wrote about Trump? Which part?
If any of it is true, then why are you complaining? There are endless Progs who have done those things and worse. If true. Trump was vetted by the voters BEFORE THE 2016 ELECTION! For the first time in my life I have seen someone in the Republican Party with a verbal spine. There have been a couple of others. But this guy controls the whole stage. He is the emcee now. The rest of the media/entertainers/opposing politicians/others are the bit players who attack him and he attacks back. You see, the attacks worked before. But not now. Anyway the Prog movement is still there.
Other than emotional baseless opinions, just why do they hate the President?

Hilary was supposed to be one of the last steps to their power take over.......she would be placing over 100 federal judges on the court...to pass their agenda they couldn't get past voters, and she would have appointed the last 2 and likely next two Supreme Court justices..........again, to make their agenda Constitutional no matter what the voters wanted.......

They saw their chance at total control slip away from them.....and he did it for less money than she spent....
Because he is a fraud, business cheart, woman abuser, racist, bigot, and liar. He is trashing the Constitution and taking this country backwards.

Why do you support that?
So far, the only ones "trashing" the Constitution are the so-called, Democrats and their political reps.
They're the ones that insisted that Brett Kavanaugh's accuser of attempted sexual assault, be believed, even though she claimed that the event occurred decades ago, couldn't remember where and when specifically it occurred, named a witness and the witness recalled no such event ever occurring. But, just because she is a woman, all women who claim assault, "are to be believed," and due process eliminated.
They're the ones that insisted that speech you don't like to hear (topic not important) is offensive and a form of micro-aggression, thus there must be legislation to ban so-called hate speech (for the Democrats to decide which is hate speech). Thus, there goes the Freedom of Speech, out the window. There are things I don't like said, but wouldn't want it legislated by some over-reaching big government.
Our founders created the Second Amendment for the express purpose that this nation's citizens be allowed to bear (possess and carry) firearms, as well as other weapons, for the common defense of their states, should a tyrannical government, whether foreign, or domestic, try to impose its will on the populace. The fake Democrat party has made it clear they want to disarm the public and eliminate the Second Amendment.
So, the real threat to our Constitution and our freedoms listed in it, is most clearly the left.
The president did say some un-gentlemanly things in a conversation that was taped, before he ran for office, however, that is locker-room talk. I served a career in the military and that which he said (and frankly in paraphrasing his comment that, "if you were rich or famous you could get away with grabbing women by the p^ssy, NOT that he actually did that. You go listen to enlisted personnel in the military and his comment will seem positively civilized. So, there's no evidence that he actually assaulted any woman. It's just a claim that you leftists like to keep pushing. As for your claimed racism...I haven't seen it. Don't bother with that nonsense about those coming illegally over our southern border. He literally said..."SOME of those people crossing our with Mexico are: Rapists, Murderers, Thieves, Drug-Cartel and Gang Members and Sex-traffickers. That statement has been proven absolutely TRUE. He also said that some of them coming over the border are also, good people that just want to improve their lives, to which he said they needed to go to our border check-in locations, not cross illegally.
One other thing about racism...take a look in the mirror. When blacks say they prefer the Republican party, you claim they are traitors, racists, white supremacists (???), and must stay with your party (that's like staying, "stay on our plantation." They are free and independent thinkers that have a right to go with any party they choose.
The only true crap is what is coming out of the left. The left's clear tactic is that if they say negative BS often enough and long enough, people will believe the BS.
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Hillary ( the most corrupt candidate ever) cheated and had the election sown up. Even the FBI did all they could to help assure her victory.

He has ruined the whole idea that the democrats can use the White House and congress to push through the further agendas to fundamentally change the country and society. To see what they have planed look at the current crop of campaign promises. Raise taxes until everyone is equally poor. Create dependence on government until you can't do anything without them. Open the borders so we have no control.
Confiscate any money they feel you are not completely entitled to. Crash the economy so that everyone that has a job must vow support to the party or suffer removal from any job.
Wow, Trumpettes are really this fucking stupid.

Lying about open borders.

Not wanting to support his own country through taxation.

Who is best at crashing the economy? Republicans. Just ask George W Bush.

Raise taxes on the wealthy & well off corporations so you Republicans don't saddle our children with more debt. t

I mean you are so stupid, you run in circles screaming about this great economy yet this economy is driving up the deficit. An oxymoron.
You really have no clue but I can understand you being a 44 apologist.
So you are claiming that the black guy that wanted to tear down all the fences was lying? AOC and the rest want to do away with is and border patrol or are they lying?
Weren't you one of the ones crying that the average American did not get a big enough tax break? You can be sure if there is a single cent left in someone's pocket California and New York will fiqure out a way to get it.

I have no doubt that you really think that American history started with Bush others actually know better.
Lol the rich and corporations are already paying 35% percent sure beats the 0% you probably pay.
You might actually want to learn that Republican congresses spend less the democrat controlled congresses.

Lol learn the diffrence between deficit and economy before you go calling someone your family name.
Because he is a fraud, business cheart, woman abuser, racist, bigot, and liar. He is trashing the Constitution and taking this country backwards.

Why do you support that?
By "backward" you mean:
More employment.
More wage growth.
More 401k growth.
More confidence.
Less racial anxiety.
Less Food Stamps.
Less Poverty.
Stopped funding Terrorism.

Yeah... For Democrats that is backward, and that is why you hate him.

Wow you must be on some powerful shit MAWA Man.
It's called reality. I note you can;'t refute any of the truths I posted.

Sux for you that you hate anything that's good for America.

Can easily refute all that bullshit, why waste the time trying to change the mind of a Trump Humper.
Why do the left hate so vociferously? People have to be taught to hate and I'd blame the schools, "journalists" and pop culture who all pump out the same message.....right, bad. Left, good!

As we see though that message can be overridden when a sufficient amount of people wake up and see they've been
like programmed zombies.
Other than emotional baseless opinions, just why do they hate the President?

Simply because he is non status quo, not a politician and is attempting to effect real change so of course all of the professional politicians and leeches are going to try to set everyone and everything against him. He's breaking their rice bowls and they don't like that one little bit.
Donald Trump is the best thing that has come along FOR this nation in a long long while.
Well dick, thanks for your thoughts. You must hate America.

No, you hate it and you're so dammed stupid you don't even know when you're being taken for a ride. Do you know you have very strong democommie leanings and you're almost as stupid.
Because he is a fraud, business cheart, woman abuser, racist, bigot, and liar. He is trashing the Constitution and taking this country backwards.

Why do you support that?
that's all bullshit
anyway, that sounds like most politicians .

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