Why do some take belief in Global Warming as a political issue?

Well, at page 50, what is the census? Are in the midst of Global Warming by man, or, are we seeing one many many warming periods over the last 30,000 years. How are we looking?

Fun thread.

Wow, you slogged through 100 posts of back and forth provoked idiocy from the Little Frog?

you are a tough cookie! Kudos!
Oh, I posted the truth of matter back on page 48 or 49 so, no, i did not wade through it all. Man's effect on the biome for warming over all is .7%.........

Not even 1% but it sells a lot of green shit.

Oh well....

Oh, I posted the truth of matter back on page 48 or 49 so, no, i did not wade through it all. Man's effect on the biome for warming over all is .7%.........

Not even 1% but it sells a lot of green shit.

Oh well....

yeah, but the ecofascisti won't believe it. Nothing can change their minds... hence this is a religious issue, not even political. That's just the means to an end, and the green agenda is the delivery system/fake crisis to get past people's rationality.
What monumental efforts have we made to preserve polar bears and their habitat?

And no, fear-mongering blog posts and documentaries aren't actually an effort.

Dave... you are barely worth the keystrokes, as you appear to be at least the assistant to the head dumb ass and probably in training to take the job.


In 1973 or 74 there was a maritime law passed that outlawed the taking of polar bears from the water. You could no longer shoot polar bears while they were trapped out in the open on the sea ice. It was kind of like shooting fish in a barrel. Also, there were treaties on bag limits and seasons between the US and Russia and Canada.... I mean shit man... this is all a matter of record. At the time, Alaska and much of Canada were still "wild west" type places where big game hunters showed up and slaughtered animals just for the hell of it, and as many as they could.... just like still happens just about anywhere they can get away with it. It was early 70's in Alaska when we put a stop to "safari" style hunting up there where polar bears were taken in unlimited numbers by unlimited means.

Look it up dumb ass. I'm not doing your home work and I have ceased to give a rat's ass about you or any of these other knuckle dragging idiots on this forum. If I did look it up you'd try to tell me that ice will burn me or bears have feathers or some other stupid shit. YOu dumb asses spent days trying to tell me that the sun was cold and you think I'm going to present you with facts now?

I'm going to just do like you guys and sling mud and call names now. Facts are rare animals in this joint and you've got no respect for them anyway.... the sun is cold.... yeah right, dumb ass. Go play in the street or something.
You answered half my question, kid. Now for the other half:

What monumental efforts have we made to preserve polar bears' habitat, as you claimed? Remember, he who makes a claim is responsible for backing it up. Yes, that even applies to you.

I suspect you have no answer to this, and will again respond with more unmerited arrogant buffoonery.

We protect critical habitat Dave. We do it for all sorts of wild life.
Oh, I posted the truth of matter back on page 48 or 49 so, no, i did not wade through it all. Man's effect on the biome for warming over all is .7%.........

Not even 1% but it sells a lot of green shit.

Oh well....


You don't know.

That is the only truth of the matter. No one does.
Dave... you are barely worth the keystrokes, as you appear to be at least the assistant to the head dumb ass and probably in training to take the job.


In 1973 or 74 there was a maritime law passed that outlawed the taking of polar bears from the water. You could no longer shoot polar bears while they were trapped out in the open on the sea ice. It was kind of like shooting fish in a barrel. Also, there were treaties on bag limits and seasons between the US and Russia and Canada.... I mean shit man... this is all a matter of record. At the time, Alaska and much of Canada were still "wild west" type places where big game hunters showed up and slaughtered animals just for the hell of it, and as many as they could.... just like still happens just about anywhere they can get away with it. It was early 70's in Alaska when we put a stop to "safari" style hunting up there where polar bears were taken in unlimited numbers by unlimited means.

Look it up dumb ass. I'm not doing your home work and I have ceased to give a rat's ass about you or any of these other knuckle dragging idiots on this forum. If I did look it up you'd try to tell me that ice will burn me or bears have feathers or some other stupid shit. YOu dumb asses spent days trying to tell me that the sun was cold and you think I'm going to present you with facts now?

I'm going to just do like you guys and sling mud and call names now. Facts are rare animals in this joint and you've got no respect for them anyway.... the sun is cold.... yeah right, dumb ass. Go play in the street or something.
You answered half my question, kid. Now for the other half:

What monumental efforts have we made to preserve polar bears' habitat, as you claimed? Remember, he who makes a claim is responsible for backing it up. Yes, that even applies to you.

I suspect you have no answer to this, and will again respond with more unmerited arrogant buffoonery.

We protect critical habitat Dave. We do it for all sorts of wild life.
Boy, your say-so is totally insufficient.

What have we done to protect Arctic ice -- the polar bear's natural habitat?

Links. Provide them.
Oh, I posted the truth of matter back on page 48 or 49 so, no, i did not wade through it all. Man's effect on the biome for warming over all is .7%.........

Not even 1% but it sells a lot of green shit.

Oh well....


Really? Is that why all the Scientific Societies, all the National Academies of Science, and all the major Universities say otherwise?

We have increased the CO2 in the atmosphere by 40% and are allready seeing the consequences of that. Denying reality for reason of politics is indictates a pretty substandard mind.
Oh, I posted the truth of matter back on page 48 or 49 so, no, i did not wade through it all. Man's effect on the biome for warming over all is .7%.........

Not even 1% but it sells a lot of green shit.

Oh well....

yeah, but the ecofascisti won't believe it. Nothing can change their minds... hence this is a religious issue, not even political. That's just the means to an end, and the green agenda is the delivery system/fake crisis to get past people's rationality.

Sure Fritzy, and 97% of the scientists that study and publish on this subject are the high priests, right? You wingnuts are pathetics assholes.
Oh, I posted the truth of matter back on page 48 or 49 so, no, i did not wade through it all. Man's effect on the biome for warming over all is .7%.........

Not even 1% but it sells a lot of green shit.

Oh well....

yeah, but the ecofascisti won't believe it. Nothing can change their minds... hence this is a religious issue, not even political. That's just the means to an end, and the green agenda is the delivery system/fake crisis to get past people's rationality.

Sure Fritzy, and 97% of the scientists that study and publish on this subject are the high priests, right? You wingnuts are pathetics assholes.

Your religion is sinking fast, roxie. That's gotta suck for you. :D
yeah, but the ecofascisti won't believe it. Nothing can change their minds... hence this is a religious issue, not even political. That's just the means to an end, and the green agenda is the delivery system/fake crisis to get past people's rationality.

Sure Fritzy, and 97% of the scientists that study and publish on this subject are the high priests, right? You wingnuts are pathetics assholes.

Your religion is sinking fast, roxie. That's gotta suck for you. :D
The Chicken Littles are rapidly becoming flat-earthers. Maybe they can start sacrificing people to make the sun warm up or cool down as they desire! Or maybe because man controls the weather, we can start throwing virgins into volcanoes again to prevent eruptions! THAT'LL do it!
Oh, I posted the truth of matter back on page 48 or 49 so, no, i did not wade through it all. Man's effect on the biome for warming over all is .7%.........

Not even 1% but it sells a lot of green shit.

Oh well....


You don't know.

That is the only truth of the matter. No one does.

You're in error. They actually do.

A cabal of science folks worldwide have been matrixing this for some time now and it is the overall consensus it is normal and one of many warming periods over the last 30,000+ years. This might be a good read for you and others.

Global warming? It's natural, say experts | Mail Online

This is only one but there are hundreds of links to the same effect. It is natural with man's influence being quite small.

Hope that is helpful.

Oh, I posted the truth of matter back on page 48 or 49 so, no, i did not wade through it all. Man's effect on the biome for warming over all is .7%.........

Not even 1% but it sells a lot of green shit.

Oh well....


Really? Is that why all the Scientific Societies, all the National Academies of Science, and all the major Universities say otherwise?

We have increased the CO2 in the atmosphere by 40% and are allready seeing the consequences of that. Denying reality for reason of politics is indictates a pretty substandard mind.

What consequences doofus? Show me any disaster or "weather event" you wish and I'll show the same or worse from before man could have done anything at all.

Dave... you are barely worth the keystrokes, as you appear to be at least the assistant to the head dumb ass and probably in training to take the job.


In 1973 or 74 there was a maritime law passed that outlawed the taking of polar bears from the water. You could no longer shoot polar bears while they were trapped out in the open on the sea ice. It was kind of like shooting fish in a barrel. Also, there were treaties on bag limits and seasons between the US and Russia and Canada.... I mean shit man... this is all a matter of record. At the time, Alaska and much of Canada were still "wild west" type places where big game hunters showed up and slaughtered animals just for the hell of it, and as many as they could.... just like still happens just about anywhere they can get away with it. It was early 70's in Alaska when we put a stop to "safari" style hunting up there where polar bears were taken in unlimited numbers by unlimited means.

Look it up dumb ass. I'm not doing your home work and I have ceased to give a rat's ass about you or any of these other knuckle dragging idiots on this forum. If I did look it up you'd try to tell me that ice will burn me or bears have feathers or some other stupid shit. YOu dumb asses spent days trying to tell me that the sun was cold and you think I'm going to present you with facts now?

I'm going to just do like you guys and sling mud and call names now. Facts are rare animals in this joint and you've got no respect for them anyway.... the sun is cold.... yeah right, dumb ass. Go play in the street or something.
You answered half my question, kid. Now for the other half:

What monumental efforts have we made to preserve polar bears' habitat, as you claimed? Remember, he who makes a claim is responsible for backing it up. Yes, that even applies to you.

I suspect you have no answer to this, and will again respond with more unmerited arrogant buffoonery.

We protect critical habitat Dave. We do it for all sorts of wild life.

Still waiting for your retort to the polar bear hunting there froggy.
Oh, I posted the truth of matter back on page 48 or 49 so, no, i did not wade through it all. Man's effect on the biome for warming over all is .7%.........

Not even 1% but it sells a lot of green shit.

Oh well....


You don't know.

That is the only truth of the matter. No one does.

You're in error. They actually do.

A cabal of science folks worldwide have been matrixing this for some time now and it is the overall consensus it is normal and one of many warming periods over the last 30,000+ years. This might be a good read for you and others.

Global warming? It's natural, say experts | Mail Online

This is only one but there are hundreds of links to the same effect. It is natural with man's influence being quite small.

Hope that is helpful.


Robert, for every report you can cite there are ten others that say something different. You don't know, you CHOOSE. There is a difference in choosing what to believe and knowing.

You have a choice of many "facts" and lots of "science". Because you chose one, does not mean you know. You don't know.

Hope that helps you understand the difference.

I don't know.

You don't know.

In any case, if you are convinced that 1% or 0.7% is an insignificant amount ..... I'll make you a deal: I will prepare you a glass of lemonade. I promise that 99.3% of it will be actual lemonade. The remaining 0.7% will be of my choosing. Insignificant and harmless amount... right?
You answered half my question, kid. Now for the other half:

What monumental efforts have we made to preserve polar bears' habitat, as you claimed? Remember, he who makes a claim is responsible for backing it up. Yes, that even applies to you.

I suspect you have no answer to this, and will again respond with more unmerited arrogant buffoonery.

We protect critical habitat Dave. We do it for all sorts of wild life.
Boy, your say-so is totally insufficient.

What have we done to protect Arctic ice -- the polar bear's natural habitat?

Links. Provide them.

You are claiming arctic ice to be the bears "natural habitat"?

Prove it.
Still waiting for your retort to the polar bear hunting there froggy.

I must have missed something. What bear hunting retort are you waiting for?

You claimed that we halted polar bear hunting way back in 1973 and I pointed out your information was flat wrong. You can book a polar bear hunt today and I posted a link to a guide for you.
We protect critical habitat Dave. We do it for all sorts of wild life.
Boy, your say-so is totally insufficient.

What have we done to protect Arctic ice -- the polar bear's natural habitat?

Links. Provide them.

You are claiming arctic ice to be the bears "natural habitat"?

Prove it.

Gosh you are ignorant.

This is one of many sources that will tell you the exact same thing. Polar Bears in general stay with the Arctic ice. There were a few that remained on land. Most of those were killed off.

"Early Eurasian explorers viewed polar bears as fearless marauders (Larsen 1978). They killed polar bears in self-defense, before they could become a threat, or just because they could. For centuries, Arctic travelers killed as many polar bears as possible (Seton 1929). In Alaska, explorers of the late 1800s and local residents both affected polar bears. Historically, polar bears occupied St. Matthew Island, which lies over 350 km south of the Bering Strait. Unlike polar bears of the Beaufort Sea and other parts of the polar basin, many of these individuals spent the summer on land instead of remaining with the sea-ice as it retreated to the north. Commercial hunters eliminated polar bears from St. Matthew Island by the early 1900s (Hanna 1920). Likewise, overwintering commercial whalers, along with local residents, may have nearly eliminated the bears that once denned along the north coast of Alaska (Leffingwell 1919)."

Hunting - Polar Bears International

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