Why do the Christian Right believe their party is the most Holiest ? Ted is building his foundation~

I actually saw it coming back in 1992 when Pat Robertson stirred the pot with abortion and the right became the christian way to vote for many people.

But come on these candidates running for president tape themselves praying, and are such Godly men ~

People fall for it every time.

Every single one of these candidates on both sides will do anything to get your vote. Perhaps some are true christians. But Why does Ted Cruz make a point for his first political commercial show him to be such a Godly man ....The rest of the candidates will follow I am sure.
He is building his platform with the people who follow him because its the christian way to vote.

I find it disturbing and nauseating ~

Ted Cruz touts religion in first TV ad of 2016 presidential campaign Dallas Morning News

WASHINGTON — Ted Cruz deepened his courtship of evangelicals by unveiling a targeted TV ad.

Titled “Blessing,” the 30-second spot — the first TV ad from any declared presidential candidate for 2016 — features images of the Cruz family saying grace before a meal and of others clasping hands in prayer. "

Ted Cruz touts religion in first TV ad of 2016 presidential campaign | @dallasnews Ted Cruz touts religion in first TV ad of 2016 presidential campaign Dallas Morning News

Sorry,..... this is so pathetic.
Every Democrat tries to act all holy.....then they shake the dust of their church experience from their feet once the campaign is over.

“Now then, you Pharisees clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside you are full of greed and wickedness. Did not the one who made the outside make the inside also? But now as for what is inside you—be generous to the poor, and everything will be clean for you."

“Woe to you Pharisees, because you love the most important seats in the synagogues and respectful greetings in the marketplaces."
"Woe to you, because you are like unmarked graves, which people walk over without knowing it.”
“And you experts in the law, woe to you, because you load people down with burdens they can hardly carry, and you yourselves will not lift one finger to help them."
"Why do the Christian Right believe their party is the most Holiest ?"

Fear, ignorance, and arrogance.
Why does the left think this?

Hate, bigotry, envy, malice, resentment animosity, animus, antagonism, antipathy, aversion, bête noire, detestation, disgust, enmity, execration, grievance, hostility, ill will, loathing, malevolence, malignity, nuisance, objection, rancor, rankling, repugnance, repulsion, resentment, revenge, revulsion, scorn, spite, venom....did I say hate?
The evangelical rubes of the bible belt will fall for it every single time. What did Bush do for all you fuckers? Did he end gay marriage? Stop abortion? No but you fell for it. All he did was put your kids in caskets.

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag, carrying a cross."
It has been apparent for many years on the christian forums I belong to, as well as running the sites that the far rights or tea party claim to be the group that walk with the attitude of their party is the way to vote if your a christian. The same people who said that your not a christian if you don't support our troops , the president or the war are now the ones with such hatred towards a black man as our president. If you don't see it then you are in denial.

Bible Belt - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Political and cultural context[edit]
The term Bible belt is used informally by journalists and by its detractors, who suggest that religious conservatives allow their religion to influence politics, science, and education. There has been research that links evangelical Protestantism with social conservatism.[10] In 1950, President Harry Truman told Catholic leaders he wanted to send an ambassador to the Vatican. Truman said the leading Democrats in Congress approved, but they warned him, "it would defeat Democratic Senators and Congressmen in the Bible belt."[11]

In presidential elections, the Bible belt states of Alabama, Mississippi, Kansas, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Texas have voted for the Republican candidate in all elections since 1980. Other Bible belt states have voted for the Republican presidential candidate in the majority of elections since 1980, but have gone to the Democratic candidate either once or twice since then. However, with the exception of Mississippi, historical geographer Barry Vann shows that counties in the upland areas of the Appalachians and the Ozarks have a more conservative voting pattern than the counties located in the coastal plains (Vann, 2008; 2014).[12]

A separate nation entitled the "The Bible belt" is also mentioned in Robert Ferrigno's Assassin novels and comprises roughly the same area.[13]
oh for crying loud, quit being a follower and start thinking for yourself.

good grief, you people are hateful

Yes! That's it! Stop following and think for yourself, and you can start by following a book that's 2000 years old, and by hating gay people.

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