Why Do the Democrats Always Lose?


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
It is fascinating to see the Democrats self-immolate yet again. During the Obama years the Democrats lost control of the Senate, the House, over 1,000 State House seats, about a dozen Governor's seats including Blue States like Maryland.....and still they keep losing. Now, they have lost the Supreme Court for probably a generation or more.

It begs the question: Why to do Dems keep losing when over 90% of the media is blatantly on their side? How could this keep happening?

I am truly interested in folk's opinion on this because the main stream media will never discuss it or admit there is a problem, although there obviously is. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
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It is fascinating to see the Democrats self-immolate yet again. During the Obama years the Democrats lost Control of the Senate, the House, over 1,000 State House seats, about a dozen Governor's seats including Blue States like Maryland.....and still they keep losing. Now, they have lost the Supreme Court for probably a generation or more.

It begs the question: Why to do Dems keep losing when over 90% of the media is blatantly on their side? How could this keep happening?

I am truly interested in folk's opinion on this because the main stream media will never discuss it or admit there is a problem, although there obviously is. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Obviously it's because many folks like a man who cheats and lies about his tax returns ,a man 18 women said he molested them,a man who cheated on 3 wives and a man who paid off a porn star not to talk We can leave his racism for another day....I hope this helped
It is fascinating to see the Democrats self-immolate yet again. During the Obama years the Democrats lost Control of the Senate, the House, over 1,000 State House seats, about a dozen Governor's seats including Blue States like Maryland.....and still they keep losing. Now, they have lost the Supreme Court for probably a generation or more.

It begs the question: Why to do Dems keep losing when over 90% of the media is blatantly on their side? How could this keep happening?

I am truly interested in folk's opinion on this because the main stream media will never discuss it or admit there is a problem, although there obviously is. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Most people aren't drones. You can only lie to some people once before they never trust you again. Some people give you a couple chances to prove your honor. With bed wetters, they believe the media without question, like the hordes of euroweenie zealots who produced socialist despots that slaughtered millions. They're like the sort of women who nag the shit out of their alcoholic abusive union laborer mate, who works just enough to keep the lights and beer flowing in the single-wide hovel, gets the shit kicked out of her and then attacks the police after they arrest him, every weekend.

They're dedicated to being stupid. They're a minority though. A loud mouth mob of malcontents. As long as the GOP keeps getting pushed in the proper direction, which is what I think Trump is doing as surprised as I still am to say it, the better the republicrats do at the ballot box.

Obviously it's because many folks like a man who cheats and lies about his tax returns ,a man 18 women said he molested them,a man who cheated on 3 wives and a man who paid off a porn star not to talk We can leave his racism for another day....I hope this helped
Or it could be that the Regressive Left has turned so many people off with its repulsive behaviors that more and more are willing to put up what you describe above.

Yeah, in fact, I'm pretty sure that's much of it.
Obviously it's because many folks like a man who cheats and lies about his tax returns ,a man 18 women said he molested them,a man who cheated on 3 wives and a man who paid off a porn star not to talk We can leave his racism for another day....I hope this helped
Or it could be that the Regressive Left has turned so many people off with its repulsive behaviors that more and more are willing to put up what you describe above.

Yeah, in fact, I'm pretty sure that's much of it.
Who's behavior is more repulsive than the POS's in our WH? He set the stage for his idiot sheep
It is fascinating to see the Democrats self-immolate yet again. During the Obama years the Democrats lost control of the Senate, the House, over 1,000 State House seats, about a dozen Governor's seats including Blue States like Maryland.....and still they keep losing. Now, they have lost the Supreme Court for probably a generation or more.

It begs the question: Why to do Dems keep losing when over 90% of the media is blatantly on their side? How could this keep happening?

I am truly interested in folk's opinion on this because the main stream media will never discuss it or admit there is a problem, although there obviously is. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

They rolled out their “WETBACKS FIRST” promise about a decade too soon. Someone within the twisted party grossly underestimated the tenacity of good, real Americans.
Or it could be that the Regressive Left has turned so many people off with its repulsive behaviors that more and more are willing to put up what you describe above. Yeah, in fact, I'm pretty sure that's much of it.
Who's behavior is more repulsive than the POS's in our WH? He set the stage for his idiot sheep
He's in the White House in the first place, in part for the reason I describe above.
It is fascinating to see the Democrats self-immolate yet again. During the Obama years the Democrats lost control of the Senate, the House, over 1,000 State House seats, about a dozen Governor's seats including Blue States like Maryland.....and still they keep losing. Now, they have lost the Supreme Court for probably a generation or more.

It begs the question: Why to do Dems keep losing when over 90% of the media is blatantly on their side? How could this keep happening?

I am truly interested in folk's opinion on this because the main stream media will never discuss it or admit there is a problem, although there obviously is. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

The Democrats have only been unmasking their true natures for less than two decades, and American skulls can be quite thick at times. We are traditionally slow to react.

But I believe that in spite of their grasp on the media and the education system, the irrationality of their positions in light of the Constitution, which has gotten more attention than usual in tandem with the Democrats' nonsense, has finally reached into the American psyche. People are actually thinking for a change. It has been a slow process.

That combined with the ill-bred, ignorant and profane behavior by the Democrats and their media as seen on TV every night, and particularly over the last three weeks, may well push the electorate to flog the crap out of them November 6th.

If it does, and that is still a big if, it may well be the story of them.
It is fascinating to see the Democrats self-immolate yet again. During the Obama years the Democrats lost control of the Senate, the House, over 1,000 State House seats, about a dozen Governor's seats including Blue States like Maryland.....and still they keep losing. Now, they have lost the Supreme Court for probably a generation or more.

It begs the question: Why to do Dems keep losing when over 90% of the media is blatantly on their side? How could this keep happening?

I am truly interested in folk's opinion on this because the main stream media will never discuss it or admit there is a problem, although there obviously is. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
They don't always lose. In Obama's 1st term they had it all, and in that short time frame they tried to RAM their true agenda to the American people. They didn't keep power for long because the American people realized their true agenda and beat them back down as a result.........Making Obama attempt to use the pen and the phone and executive branches to achieve his goals..........which were destroyed with the pen right after Trump came into office.

They think the American people are stupid..............they underestimate the American people and it bites them in the ass.........and this works both ways.

The Constitution put in the checks and balances for a reason............to make it hard to pass new laws.........so a temporary faction can't get away with forcing laws on the people they don't really want.............which is a good thing.

The Supreme court fiasco will hurt them again............as moderates will see through the BS and the Lies and make them pay for it.
It is fascinating to see the Democrats self-immolate yet again. During the Obama years the Democrats lost Control of the Senate, the House, over 1,000 State House seats, about a dozen Governor's seats including Blue States like Maryland.....and still they keep losing. Now, they have lost the Supreme Court for probably a generation or more.

It begs the question: Why to do Dems keep losing when over 90% of the media is blatantly on their side? How could this keep happening?

I am truly interested in folk's opinion on this because the main stream media will never discuss it or admit there is a problem, although there obviously is. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Obviously it's because many folks like a man who cheats and lies about his tax returns ,a man 18 women said he molested them,a man who cheated on 3 wives and a man who paid off a porn star not to talk We can leave his racism for another day....I hope this helped

After eight long years under a ghetto ass Kenyan the good people of this nation decided they wanted to hire a real leader...someone who would get shit done and do the right things for the right people. Nobody cared to elect a pastor to the office of POTUS, in fact, most were looking for a badass muthafucker with the balls to bitchslap the fuck out of wetbacks and warped minded Liberals daily.
I’m thinking we got our guy.
Or it could be that the Regressive Left has turned so many people off with its repulsive behaviors that more and more are willing to put up what you describe above.

Yeah, in fact, I'm pretty sure that's much of it.

I would be glad to see the Democrats destroyed and disbanded. Thats one thing.

On the other hand, sober men realize that the ruling party, even for the sake of the ruling party itself, needs a competent, viable opposition party very badly. Without one the winning party itself succumbs to arrogance and extremism. Where will that come from?
they keep losing because they are out of touch with the majority of americans. They align themselves with the far left fringe that hates this country and wants to destroy our constitution. its really quite simple.

they are no longer the party of Truman and Kennedy, they have become the party of Karl Marx.
Or it could be that the Regressive Left has turned so many people off with its repulsive behaviors that more and more are willing to put up what you describe above.

Yeah, in fact, I'm pretty sure that's much of it.

I would be glad to see the Democrats destroyed and disbanded. Thats one thing.

On the other hand, sober men realize that the ruling party, even for the sake of the ruling party itself, needs a competent, viable opposition party very badly. Without one the winning party itself succumbs to arrogance and extremism. Where will that come from?

there is some truth to that. we used to have that when the dems were the party of reasonable people like Kennedy, Truman, O'Neill, and even Humphrey.
The Democrats live in a bubble. They have confused winning celebrities and the elites with winning the American people. Every movie they watch, every play they attend, every newscast they turn on, every cocktail party they schmooze at reinforces their delusion that they are popular.
Maybe thats where their shock comes from every time they lose.

"But..but...Amy Schumer said her vagina smells like a barnyard and the Democrats are winning...and SNL is soooo funny when they make fun of the rubes and hicks who voted for Trump...""
Or it could be that the Regressive Left has turned so many people off with its repulsive behaviors that more and more are willing to put up what you describe above.

Yeah, in fact, I'm pretty sure that's much of it.

I would be glad to see the Democrats destroyed and disbanded. Thats one thing.

On the other hand, sober men realize that the ruling party, even for the sake of the ruling party itself, needs a competent, viable opposition party very badly. Without one the winning party itself succumbs to arrogance and extremism. Where will that come from?
The walkaway campaign.
It is fascinating to see the Democrats self-immolate yet again. During the Obama years the Democrats lost control of the Senate, the House, over 1,000 State House seats, about a dozen Governor's seats including Blue States like Maryland.....and still they keep losing. Now, they have lost the Supreme Court for probably a generation or more.

It begs the question: Why to do Dems keep losing when over 90% of the media is blatantly on their side? How could this keep happening?

I am truly interested in folk's opinion on this because the main stream media will never discuss it or admit there is a problem, although there obviously is. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Why do they lose?

Because they don't run on policies, they run on identity politics, plain and simple.

And why do they not run on policy?

Because Americans reject the policies they put forth! Therefore, the only choice they have is to make you despise Republicans for what they do, and the only way to do that is create a false narrative like they did with Judge K. BUT, with more and more people savvy about how to use the internet, the MSM can no longer run cover for Leftists, which means they are screwed!

I will tell you a dirty little secret that EVERY LEFTIST on here will deny------------> the only 2 things that hold Democrats in contention are--------> Black vote, which Trump seems to be changing, and illegal voting, which the Democrats deny. They try and use Black America as a hammer to stop voter ID. Truth be told------->If Trump was wise, he would say EVERYONE but Black Americans need a voter ID, and the Democrats would instantly lose everywhere but California, and New York!

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