Why do the God-haters persist?

YES!!! THOSE WHO CHOOSE NOT TO BELIEVE TRUTH WILL BELIEVE satan's lies!!!! Here is a link to proof of jesus outside the BIBLE===http://beginningandend.com/jesus-exist-historical-evidence-jesus-christ/

Except for there is no devil. What proof do you have of this creature?

YOUR UNBELIEF IS PROOF. Where do you think doubt and unbelief come from? Satan is on earth to kill and destroy,he is a liar and the father of liars!!! and you??
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YES!!! THOSE WHO CHOOSE NOT TO BELIEVE TRUTH WILL BELIEVE satan's lies!!!! Here is a link to proof of jesus outside the BIBLE===http://beginningandend.com/jesus-exist-historical-evidence-jesus-christ/

I spoke to a so called chrisian today. She like me when I was a christian, and I think most rational christians don't take the bible literally. She said to me today, "I don't understand why religion and science have to be in conflict with each other" and I said because with science most people come to understand there is a 99.999999% chance there is no god. And with science comes logic and reasoning and a thought process that doesn't allow us to believe the unbelievable. Maybe our brains have evolved because that is the direction we seem to be going. Less dumb average poor Americans believing in the churches bullshit when it doesn't make sense. Especially when their parents don't brainwash them like ours did by taking us to church from 1-17 years old. Talk about a brainwashing. If God wants to convince us, let him do something to convince us. We' re not going to believe a 2000-5000 year old lie. Like the Greek gods dies, so will the muslim and christian and jewish gods.

My friend also agrees that god would reward a person like me for being smart enough to buy into your cult. This is another christian. I know people from Iran who are free to become christians or muslims here in America and they know religion is bullshit. How many arabs would wake up if it didn't mean off with their heads. In America we want religion out of our schools and courts because its a scam.

While scientific discovery may cast doubt on certain iterations or aspects of god(s), it certainly does not disprove god, which is what your 99.9% claim is basically saying. God is generally described as being outside of current scientific endeavor; rarely is god defined in such a way as to be easily studied through any scientific branch, if such study is possible at all.

I don't believe in any god, but I'm not so arrogant as to claim that current science precludes the possibility of any god existing.
YES!!! THOSE WHO CHOOSE NOT TO BELIEVE TRUTH WILL BELIEVE satan's lies!!!! Here is a link to proof of jesus outside the BIBLE===http://beginningandend.com/jesus-exist-historical-evidence-jesus-christ/

I spoke to a so called chrisian today. She like me when I was a christian, and I think most rational christians don't take the bible literally. She said to me today, "I don't understand why religion and science have to be in conflict with each other" and I said because with science most people come to understand there is a 99.999999% chance there is no god. And with science comes logic and reasoning and a thought process that doesn't allow us to believe the unbelievable. Maybe our brains have evolved because that is the direction we seem to be going. Less dumb average poor Americans believing in the churches bullshit when it doesn't make sense. Especially when their parents don't brainwash them like ours did by taking us to church from 1-17 years old. Talk about a brainwashing. If God wants to convince us, let him do something to convince us. We' re not going to believe a 2000-5000 year old lie. Like the Greek gods dies, so will the muslim and christian and jewish gods.

My friend also agrees that god would reward a person like me for being smart enough to buy into your cult. This is another christian. I know people from Iran who are free to become christians or muslims here in America and they know religion is bullshit. How many arabs would wake up if it didn't mean off with their heads. In America we want religion out of our schools and courts because its a scam.

While scientific discovery may cast doubt on certain iterations or aspects of god(s), it certainly does not disprove god, which is what your 99.9% claim is basically saying. God is generally described as being outside of current scientific endeavor; rarely is god defined in such a way as to be easily studied through any scientific branch, if such study is possible at all.

I don't believe in any god, but I'm not so arrogant as to claim that current science precludes the possibility of any god existing.

I agree. That's why I say the most logical position is agnostic atheism.

But now think about what you are saying. This "GOD" is hiding from us? He's outside of science? Magical? Mysterious? Just silly. Not one footprint? Certainly he isn't the petty god christians jews and muslims talk about. So why is he hiding from us, right?

And I love the dope who thinks satan is real. :cuckoo:
YES!!! THOSE WHO CHOOSE NOT TO BELIEVE TRUTH WILL BELIEVE satan's lies!!!! Here is a link to proof of jesus outside the BIBLE===http://beginningandend.com/jesus-exist-historical-evidence-jesus-christ/

Except for there is no devil. What proof do you have of this creature?

YOUR UNBELIEF IS PROOF. Where do you think doubt and unbelief come from? Satan is on earth to kill and destroy,he is a liar and the father of liars!!! and you??

Where does doubt and disbelief come from? It comes from someone taking an honest look at your cult to realize nothing you say is true. It takes an evolved brain. Maybe that's why conservatives don't believe in evolution. They basically haven't for 2000 years. Still as dumb as they were when their cult was first founded. Anyone smart was burned at the stake.

I can't even take you seriously. Pray for me. Meanwhile you are probably the worst person on the planet, but yet you think you are going to heaven through jesus all mighty hallaluya, praise god, blabla. :eusa_pray:
I spoke to a so called chrisian today. She like me when I was a christian, and I think most rational christians don't take the bible literally. She said to me today, "I don't understand why religion and science have to be in conflict with each other" and I said because with science most people come to understand there is a 99.999999% chance there is no god. And with science comes logic and reasoning and a thought process that doesn't allow us to believe the unbelievable. Maybe our brains have evolved because that is the direction we seem to be going. Less dumb average poor Americans believing in the churches bullshit when it doesn't make sense. Especially when their parents don't brainwash them like ours did by taking us to church from 1-17 years old. Talk about a brainwashing. If God wants to convince us, let him do something to convince us. We' re not going to believe a 2000-5000 year old lie. Like the Greek gods dies, so will the muslim and christian and jewish gods.

My friend also agrees that god would reward a person like me for being smart enough to buy into your cult. This is another christian. I know people from Iran who are free to become christians or muslims here in America and they know religion is bullshit. How many arabs would wake up if it didn't mean off with their heads. In America we want religion out of our schools and courts because its a scam.

While scientific discovery may cast doubt on certain iterations or aspects of god(s), it certainly does not disprove god, which is what your 99.9% claim is basically saying. God is generally described as being outside of current scientific endeavor; rarely is god defined in such a way as to be easily studied through any scientific branch, if such study is possible at all.

I don't believe in any god, but I'm not so arrogant as to claim that current science precludes the possibility of any god existing.

I agree. That's why I say the most logical position is agnostic atheism.

But now think about what you are saying. This "GOD" is hiding from us? He's outside of science? Magical? Mysterious? Just silly. Not one footprint? Certainly he isn't the petty god christians jews and muslims talk about. So why is he hiding from us, right?

And I love the dope who thinks satan is real. :cuckoo:

Magical and mysterious? Sure. However, usually that is because god is described as being above or beyond the physical universe we are part of; an entity with so much power or of such a different nature than man that god can do the unexplainable.

God wouldn't need to be hiding. It would be more a matter of our not yet having the capability to see.
YES!!! THOSE WHO CHOOSE NOT TO BELIEVE TRUTH WILL BELIEVE satan's lies!!!! Here is a link to proof of jesus outside the BIBLE===http://beginningandend.com/jesus-exist-historical-evidence-jesus-christ/

I spoke to a so called chrisian today. She like me when I was a christian, and I think most rational christians don't take the bible literally. She said to me today, "I don't understand why religion and science have to be in conflict with each other" and I said because with science most people come to understand there is a 99.999999% chance there is no god. And with science comes logic and reasoning and a thought process that doesn't allow us to believe the unbelievable. Maybe our brains have evolved because that is the direction we seem to be going. Less dumb average poor Americans believing in the churches bullshit when it doesn't make sense. Especially when their parents don't brainwash them like ours did by taking us to church from 1-17 years old. Talk about a brainwashing. If God wants to convince us, let him do something to convince us. We' re not going to believe a 2000-5000 year old lie. Like the Greek gods dies, so will the muslim and christian and jewish gods.

My friend also agrees that god would reward a person like me for being smart enough to buy into your cult. This is another christian. I know people from Iran who are free to become christians or muslims here in America and they know religion is bullshit. How many arabs would wake up if it didn't mean off with their heads. In America we want religion out of our schools and courts because its a scam.

While scientific discovery may cast doubt on certain iterations or aspects of god(s), it certainly does not disprove god, which is what your 99.9% claim is basically saying. God is generally described as being outside of current scientific endeavor; rarely is god defined in such a way as to be easily studied through any scientific branch, if such study is possible at all.

I don't believe in any god, but I'm not so arrogant as to claim that current science precludes the possibility of any god existing.

And therein lies one of the biggest problems dealing with the religists. They are like cocroaches... if you leave them even the tiniest crack they find it and scrunch their bodies through with their nonsense. For the sake of a rational debate one must plug evey hole completely so to not appear to offer even the most miniscule opportunity for them to have an out. To them a .00000001% chance that god is real means GOD IS REAL !!!!
IF you were ever a real believer you would still be a real believer!!! why try to fool yourself?
I spoke to a so called chrisian today. She like me when I was a christian, and I think most rational christians don't take the bible literally. She said to me today, "I don't understand why religion and science have to be in conflict with each other" and I said because with science most people come to understand there is a 99.999999% chance there is no god. And with science comes logic and reasoning and a thought process that doesn't allow us to believe the unbelievable. Maybe our brains have evolved because that is the direction we seem to be going. Less dumb average poor Americans believing in the churches bullshit when it doesn't make sense. Especially when their parents don't brainwash them like ours did by taking us to church from 1-17 years old. Talk about a brainwashing. If God wants to convince us, let him do something to convince us. We' re not going to believe a 2000-5000 year old lie. Like the Greek gods dies, so will the muslim and christian and jewish gods.

My friend also agrees that god would reward a person like me for being smart enough to buy into your cult. This is another christian. I know people from Iran who are free to become christians or muslims here in America and they know religion is bullshit. How many arabs would wake up if it didn't mean off with their heads. In America we want religion out of our schools and courts because its a scam.

While scientific discovery may cast doubt on certain iterations or aspects of god(s), it certainly does not disprove god, which is what your 99.9% claim is basically saying. God is generally described as being outside of current scientific endeavor; rarely is god defined in such a way as to be easily studied through any scientific branch, if such study is possible at all.

I don't believe in any god, but I'm not so arrogant as to claim that current science precludes the possibility of any god existing.

And therein lies one of the biggest problems dealing with the religists. They are like cocroaches... if you leave them even the tiniest crack they find it and scrunch their bodies through with their nonsense. For the sake of a rational debate one must plug evey hole completely so to not appear to offer even the most miniscule opportunity for them to have an out. To them a .00000001% chance that god is real means GOD IS REAL !!!!

The problem is that there is no real way to quantify the chance that a god exists.

You can argue about particular religious beliefs, perhaps using that to argue against the existence of a particular version of god, but the idea of a being of vast, almost unimaginable power and knowledge that created the universe? There is no real way to put a % on the chance that is true.
there is a 99.999999% chance there is no god.
which is what your 99.9% claim is basically saying.

What is your scientific basis for these statistics?

Surely you have some, right? In order to definitively establish such a certainty, you ought to have some pretty compelling scientific evidence, correct? So where is it? Why are we not seeing it presented? Are we just supposed to accept your word for this?

I would argue the number is more like 50% at best, if we are being completely objective here. There is a 50% chance God is real, and a 50% chance God is not real. Unless there is some observable, testable and falsifiable evidence I am not aware of, that should be the odds....50/50.

You see, it would be just as easy for me to proclaim there is a 99.9999% chance God is real. As long as there is no criteria where actual evidence has to be objectively evaluated, anyone can make any claim they please with regard to the possibility. What does it mean? Isn't this just a subjective opinion?

We've had two threads going here for months, and countless other similar threads, but I have simply never seen ANY scientific evidence to suggest God doesn't exist. Now, when one has made his/her mind up to 99.9999% certainty without ANY evidence whatsoever... what pray tell is THAT called? Hmmm... seems we do have a word for it, don't we?
IF YOU REALLY WANTED TO SEEK AND FIND GOD, you would read his living eternal word ans say,"God if you are real show me,talk to me through your word,let me know if you are real,I WANT TO KNOW" GOD WOULD 100% SURE!
there is a 99.999999% chance there is no god.
which is what your 99.9% claim is basically saying.

What is your scientific basis for these statistics?

Surely you have some, right? In order to definitively establish such a certainty, you ought to have some pretty compelling scientific evidence, correct? So where is it? Why are we not seeing it presented? Are we just supposed to accept your word for this?

I would argue the number is more like 50% at best, if we are being completely objective here. There is a 50% chance God is real, and a 50% chance God is not real. Unless there is some observable, testable and falsifiable evidence I am not aware of, that should be the odds....50/50.

You see, it would be just as easy for me to proclaim there is a 99.9999% chance God is real. As long as there is no criteria where actual evidence has to be objectively evaluated, anyone can make any claim they please with regard to the possibility. What does it mean? Isn't this just a subjective opinion?

We've had two threads going here for months, and countless other similar threads, but I have simply never seen ANY scientific evidence to suggest God doesn't exist. Now, when one has made his/her mind up to 99.9999% certainty without ANY evidence whatsoever... what pray tell is THAT called? Hmmm... seems we do have a word for it, don't we?

There may have been a time in human developement many thousands of years ago when there was so little education and only the handfulls of those that had any real power compared to the average man or woman that most people believed as they were told as information was passed down explaining floods and droughts and volcanos and earthquakes that the majority of the so-callled societies conceeded gods controlled events clearly out of the control of humans and even the every day simple relationships were affected by ones favor with lesser gods that influenced human health and happiness.

It wasn't much of a leap when the failure of the multitudes of gods failed to produce event outcomes favorable to people or more specifically the leaders and those charged with fighting battles. Back then losing a war would be disasterous what with all the looting and rape and murder and slavery for the losers.

Christianity itself hung in the balance as the roman leader took it for a test drive with positive results in a few important battles.

Soon it was the flavor of the millinium and wars were persecuted just to ensure that popes maintained power.

Quickly as science was just in infantcy observations that contradicted desired outcomes or previous christian proclaimations the bright observers and mathmaticians were threatened to adjust their projections to include only conclusions favorable to the vatican's interpretations. To not comply was death. Very few people were in any position to reach independant discoveries. The telescope was invented not to find answers to the heavens mysteries.

Since the death penalty for scientific discovery contrary to christian teachings has been lifted god has batted a goose egg and science has beaten back many thousands of so called miracles into nothingness.

Science hasn't refuted EVERY christian faith based assertion. BUT science hasn't lost any arguments either.

You cannot take credit for every unsolved mystery and place it in the god wins collumn.

In fact you have the right to take credit for zero unsolved mysteries.

Science has won the argument in many THOUSANDS of questions solved.

Based on the track record of science religists have a zero % of any wins.

Based on science's track record the eventual solving of every important scientific question including the possibility of a god there is a 100 % chance science will eventually win that one too against the favor of the religists. It isn't IF..only when.

The only way to prevent that happening is to put religist's back in charge of governments and justice systems where they can murder their way to a desired outcome as they used to do.
MOST PHD,S IN SCIENCE admit (only in secrete) that there must be GOD, the universe,life are to well designed and complex to be just accidents of time and chance!!!
there is a 99.999999% chance there is no god.
which is what your 99.9% claim is basically saying.

What is your scientific basis for these statistics?

Surely you have some, right? In order to definitively establish such a certainty, you ought to have some pretty compelling scientific evidence, correct? So where is it? Why are we not seeing it presented? Are we just supposed to accept your word for this?

I would argue the number is more like 50% at best, if we are being completely objective here. There is a 50% chance God is real, and a 50% chance God is not real. Unless there is some observable, testable and falsifiable evidence I am not aware of, that should be the odds....50/50.

You see, it would be just as easy for me to proclaim there is a 99.9999% chance God is real. As long as there is no criteria where actual evidence has to be objectively evaluated, anyone can make any claim they please with regard to the possibility. What does it mean? Isn't this just a subjective opinion?

We've had two threads going here for months, and countless other similar threads, but I have simply never seen ANY scientific evidence to suggest God doesn't exist. Now, when one has made his/her mind up to 99.9999% certainty without ANY evidence whatsoever... what pray tell is THAT called? Hmmm... seems we do have a word for it, don't we?

Hey, I said the 99.9999% thing didn't make sense! :lol:
The reality of God's existence is the most important question, since it has eternal consequences. The evidence for God's existence comes primarily from the design of the universe. It is virtually impossible that all the physical laws would just happen to be tightly constrained by chance in order for stars and galaxies to exist.
Complexity of Life
Everyone has witnessed explosions. Have you ever seen one that was orderly? Or one that created a watch or a clock? Or one that produced a single thing of exquisite design—instead of the certain result of chaos and destruction? If you threw a million hand grenades, you would see them produce chaos and destruction a million times! There would never be an exception.

Consider the following quotes, involving the likelihood of an explosion creating the entire natural realm of life all around us on earth—let alone the beautiful magnificence and order seen no matter how far one looks out into space.

Dr. B. G. Ranganathan said, “…the probability of life originating from accident is comparable to the unabridged dictionary resulting from an explosion in a printing shop” (Origins?, p. 15). And this only speaks to the likelihood of any life at all, rather than the most highly complex forms such as large animals or human beings—let alone all the different kinds of life that exist today.
The reality of God's existence is the most important question, since it has eternal consequences. The evidence for God's existence comes primarily from the design of the universe. It is virtually impossible that all the physical laws would just happen to be tightly constrained by chance in order for stars and galaxies to exist.

I always thought his love and mercy was supposed to be what was important. I must have missed that in catechism before I became an atheist. :eek:

Sorry, boo boo, the universe is not finely tuned, and certainly is not here for us.
Complexity of Life
Everyone has witnessed explosions. Have you ever seen one that was orderly? Or one that created a watch or a clock? Or one that produced a single thing of exquisite design—instead of the certain result of chaos and destruction? If you threw a million hand grenades, you would see them produce chaos and destruction a million times! There would never be an exception.

Consider the following quotes, involving the likelihood of an explosion creating the entire natural realm of life all around us on earth—let alone the beautiful magnificence and order seen no matter how far one looks out into space.

Dr. B. G. Ranganathan said, “…the probability of life originating from accident is comparable to the unabridged dictionary resulting from an explosion in a printing shop” (Origins?, p. 15). And this only speaks to the likelihood of any life at all, rather than the most highly complex forms such as large animals or human beings—let alone all the different kinds of life that exist today.

The watchmaker analogy, and the finely tuned universe argument are philosophical arguments, not scientific arguments, and both have been refuted. Try to keep up.
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Yes, [MENTION=42952]GISMYS[/MENTION], you could feel even better if you had even more of God's Grace
and less negative judgment filling up space in your spirit.

GISMYS any negative thought or energy at all is taking space away from God's grace and blessings that could be moving through you instead,
surrounding you, and uplifting all your relationship with others.

If you feel GREAT already, you will feel even more and more abundance of blessings
the more the negative thoughts you have toward others are replaced with positive goodness.

Philippians 4:8

8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things

GISMYS the more we love God "with ALL our heart mind and soul"
there is nothing but goodness and no room for anything negative.

You will feel better and better with the positive flow of God's will.
Thank you and God Bless you in continuing abundance and remove any things to the contrary from your path.

YES!!! I am happy to get and have all GOD'S grace that I CAN. YES!!! HELL is very negative but know it IS JESUS that has the most to say about sin and hell as recorded in the BIBLE!!

Great! I am in full agreement with you
To receive God's grace in abundance.
I pray the voice of Jesus which is pure divine
Justice with Mercy speaks through all of us here.
That Gods perfect wisdom love and will
Guide all our thoughts words perceptions and actions
And be received in all relations lifted to the highest
Potential and purpose. Thank you GISMYS
and Jesus joining us all in prayer
That we may be perfect as our Father in heaven
Is perfect, Amen!

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