Why do the God-haters persist?

They persist because the Zionist media has indoctrinated them to believe that being a scoffer is "kool" and that Secular Humanism with Judaic overtones is all the rage.

People got to be "puttin' on the style".
Psalms 1:1

Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.
I view "working within" a group of people so totally vacant of personal responsibility in seeing the simple truth to be beyond creepy.

The communication gymnastics I would have to go through would give me a permanent headache.

Yes, some people say the same about working with liberals or the Democrat Party.

To each, his own. Not everyone can work with everyone.
We do have to pick our battles or challenges we can do something about.
But overall, I find it is better to work with or within, rather than bitch back and forth from the outside which doesn't change or help anything, and just annoys both sides.

Either do something constructive to work toward change, or go focus elsewhere.

Huggy said:
Sure ... some of these organizations are capable of addressing some of the worlds problems ... especially if they can take advantage of others fears and just bad luck and recruit the needy to god as an entity that will solve all of their problems.

Maybe for some it makes more sense to at least get something to eat or a blanket after a flood or some disaster in exchange for the luxury of a free will.

We here in the USA are indeed a very special group of people that have the freedom to think and speak whatever we believe....or what we do not believe.

I find each group has weaknesses and strengths.
For example the Jehovah's Witnesses reject Govt, other Christian groups, spiritual healing, blood procedures, etc. But they are good about setting up an internal system of enforcing their own standard policies among their own members, about education on the dangers of witchcraft/occult/spiritism. So they serve as a good model on some points.

Every group is like that. Every person, also, has good points and bad points.

So why not align on the good points, and get more done that way?

If we reject everyone for our bad points, we wouldn't have anyone left to work with.

So that's why the world is in the situation we are today; we have an abundance of resources, but are divided from each other by "condition" -- people segregated mentally socially and physically by barriers based on religious or political lines we refuse to cross, so we abridge our own rights to redress grievances, solve problems, and work more efficiently with the resources we do have. The flow of resources is obstructed, where the have's and have not's are separated by a backlog of bureaucracy and unresolved issues.

We could solve our problems freely and voluntarily if we were better organized, and quit
rejecting and limiting each other based on what people or groups we refuse to work with!

As long as only the criminals are greedy enough to get what they want to "cross over" lines and conspire with others, then the evil in the world can still get done; while the good conscientious people who are "offended" at mistakes or problems with others REFUSE to forgive and find ways to achieve common goals, then these goals take longer to achieve.

I've seen this in politics and the peace and justice movement -- where people are so busy pushing for their own causes, they can't always align with others, so they stay divided fighting separate battles. In the meantime, this keeps us vulnerable to others with more resources or power getting their way while the majority of people are divided in opposition.

If "not all people can work with all groups," it is even MORE important to organize a system BY groups, so each can represent themselves, and still form coalitions and partnerships.

I can see a system similar to the "United States" under one network, but organizing people by political party, religious affiliations or other civic or professional/academic associations.

Instead of competing with each other, the point is to collaborate and bring it all together.

Allow me to back up to the OP and it's title "Why do the God-haters persist?"

It is an insult from the start and an attempt to troll and bait those that do not believe in a god.

Atheists do not threaten the believers with damnation for participating in worship of god.

Atheists simply point out #1 factual information of the evils religists have imposed on humanity over the centuries and millineum...and #2 the obvious unbelievability of the religions in the stories and myths....including the existance of a god.

Atheists do not "hate" good works done by religists per se.

Atheists have a problem with religions and the lies they are built upon.

I don't see how a persistance in seeking truth and rejecting nonsense make me at odds with doing good works. They are seperate issues.

I have volunteered many hours at one of the local food banks. I do so at this one because there is no attempt by the staff to sell religion as part of the offering of free food to the very poor. This is the exception in charity as many of the soup kitchens push prayer and preaching as a component to handing out some pretty crappy food to starving homeless people. The place I volunteer provides and excellent selection of food items. Whole turkeys..steaks..roasts...salmon ... milk... cheese ...canned foods...excellent produce.. practically anything one might want to buy at a decent grocery store.

The religists hand out a crappy cheese or peanut butter and jelly sandwich and some lame weak soup and a cup of coffee and think they have actually done something.

The food bank I am associated with gives hundreds of individuals or families under financial stress the equivalant of up to $200 worth of nutrition and even fun stuff like cakes and pies and donuts just for showing up and stuffing a car full of great balanced nutrition.

All this true charity without a scrap of literature or any members of the god squad hanging around to attempt to sell god and jesus.

Oh...we also provide toiletries tp, soaps ..detergent for laundry and an assortment of free stuff like clothing and shoes...books ..games for kids etc..

So it's not like taking a personal stand against the lying and nonsense of religion precludes anyone from seeking out ways to give back to one's community ..at least where I live.

I have also spoken on behalf of my favorite food at city and county meetings. I did so because they were considering budget details involving giving a small piece of the pie to worthy recipients such as the Ballard Food Bank.

I have also volunteered to drive trucks and assist loading and unloading food items as well as providing rides for other volunteers.

I'm not trying to toot my own horn here as much as refuting the much over used idea that without religion no one in society would ever do good works. Nonsense.

I don't need a god or jusus to be a compass in finding how or where to do good things. Nobody does. It's up to the individual.

True SOME religists try to do purely good works but the fact that they do these things built on a foundation of lies is troubling to me.

Take this wingnut GYSMO.. the dude is obviously mentally ill. He needs a mental health evaluation. He threatens damnation for all that don't believe his bullshit. MANY religists are just as bad as he in that regard. He threatens people in the name of jesus and god and how many of you all just tell him to shut the fuck up? No one. THAT is pretty fucked up. As long as there are people like him in YOUR camp I have no problem pointing out how truly evil your lies are.
I view "working within" a group of people so totally vacant of personal responsibility in seeing the simple truth to be beyond creepy.

The communication gymnastics I would have to go through would give me a permanent headache.

Yes, some people say the same about working with liberals or the Democrat Party.

To each, his own. Not everyone can work with everyone.
We do have to pick our battles or challenges we can do something about.
But overall, I find it is better to work with or within, rather than bitch back and forth from the outside which doesn't change or help anything, and just annoys both sides.

Either do something constructive to work toward change, or go focus elsewhere.

Huggy said:
Sure ... some of these organizations are capable of addressing some of the worlds problems ... especially if they can take advantage of others fears and just bad luck and recruit the needy to god as an entity that will solve all of their problems.

Maybe for some it makes more sense to at least get something to eat or a blanket after a flood or some disaster in exchange for the luxury of a free will.

We here in the USA are indeed a very special group of people that have the freedom to think and speak whatever we believe....or what we do not believe.

I find each group has weaknesses and strengths.
For example the Jehovah's Witnesses reject Govt, other Christian groups, spiritual healing, blood procedures, etc. But they are good about setting up an internal system of enforcing their own standard policies among their own members, about education on the dangers of witchcraft/occult/spiritism. So they serve as a good model on some points.

Every group is like that. Every person, also, has good points and bad points.

So why not align on the good points, and get more done that way?

If we reject everyone for our bad points, we wouldn't have anyone left to work with.

So that's why the world is in the situation we are today; we have an abundance of resources, but are divided from each other by "condition" -- people segregated mentally socially and physically by barriers based on religious or political lines we refuse to cross, so we abridge our own rights to redress grievances, solve problems, and work more efficiently with the resources we do have. The flow of resources is obstructed, where the have's and have not's are separated by a backlog of bureaucracy and unresolved issues.

We could solve our problems freely and voluntarily if we were better organized, and quit
rejecting and limiting each other based on what people or groups we refuse to work with!

As long as only the criminals are greedy enough to get what they want to "cross over" lines and conspire with others, then the evil in the world can still get done; while the good conscientious people who are "offended" at mistakes or problems with others REFUSE to forgive and find ways to achieve common goals, then these goals take longer to achieve.

I've seen this in politics and the peace and justice movement -- where people are so busy pushing for their own causes, they can't always align with others, so they stay divided fighting separate battles. In the meantime, this keeps us vulnerable to others with more resources or power getting their way while the majority of people are divided in opposition.

If "not all people can work with all groups," it is even MORE important to organize a system BY groups, so each can represent themselves, and still form coalitions and partnerships.

I can see a system similar to the "United States" under one network, but organizing people by political party, religious affiliations or other civic or professional/academic associations.

Instead of competing with each other, the point is to collaborate and bring it all together.

Allow me to back up to the OP and it's title "Why do the God-haters persist?"

It is an insult from the start and an attempt to troll and bait those that do not believe in a god.

Atheists do not threaten the believers with damnation for participating in worship of god.

Atheists simply point out #1 factual information of the evils religists have imposed on humanity over the centuries and millineum...and #2 the obvious unbelievability of the religions in the stories and myths....including the existance of a god.

Atheists do not "hate" good works done by religists per se.

Atheists have a problem with religions and the lies they are built upon.

I don't see how a persistance in seeking truth and rejecting nonsense make me at odds with doing good works. They are seperate issues.

I have volunteered many hours at one of the local food banks. I do so at this one because there is no attempt by the staff to sell religion as part of the offering of free food to the very poor. This is the exception in charity as many of the soup kitchens push prayer and preaching as a component to handing out some pretty crappy food to starving homeless people. The place I volunteer provides and excellent selection of food items. Whole turkeys..steaks..roasts...salmon ... milk... cheese ...canned foods...excellent produce.. practically anything one might want to buy at a decent grocery store.

The religists hand out a crappy cheese or peanut butter and jelly sandwich and some lame weak soup and a cup of coffee and think they have actually done something.

The food bank I am associated with gives hundreds of individuals or families under financial stress the equivalant of up to $200 worth of nutrition and even fun stuff like cakes and pies and donuts just for showing up and stuffing a car full of great balanced nutrition.

All this true charity without a scrap of literature or any members of the god squad hanging around to attempt to sell god and jesus.

Oh...we also provide toiletries tp, soaps ..detergent for laundry and an assortment of free stuff like clothing and shoes...books ..games for kids etc..

So it's not like taking a personal stand against the lying and nonsense of religion precludes anyone from seeking out ways to give back to one's community ..at least where I live.

I have also spoken on behalf of my favorite food at city and county meetings. I did so because they were considering budget details involving giving a small piece of the pie to worthy recipients such as the Ballard Food Bank.

I have also volunteered to drive trucks and assist loading and unloading food items as well as providing rides for other volunteers.

I'm not trying to toot my own horn here as much as refuting the much over used idea that without religion no one in society would ever do good works. Nonsense.

I don't need a god or jusus to be a compass in finding how or where to do good things. Nobody does. It's up to the individual.

True SOME religists try to do purely good works but the fact that they do these things built on a foundation of lies is troubling to me.

Take this wingnut GYSMO.. the dude is obviously mentally ill. He needs a mental health evaluation. He threatens damnation for all that don't believe his bullshit. MANY religists are just as bad as he in that regard. He threatens people in the name of jesus and god and how many of you all just tell him to shut the fuck up? No one. THAT is pretty fucked up. As long as there are people like him in YOUR camp I have no problem pointing out how truly evil your lies are.

MORE PERSONAL ATTACKS???? so you don't like the TRUTH I post,MY POSTING STYLE,GOD AND GOD'S Word???? ===== TOUGH!
Take this wingnut GYSMO.. the dude is obviously mentally ill. He needs a mental health evaluation. He threatens damnation for all that don't believe his bullshit. MANY religists are just as bad as he in that regard. He threatens people in the name of jesus and god and how many of you all just tell him to shut the fuck up? No one. THAT is pretty fucked up. As long as there are people like him in YOUR camp I have no problem pointing out how truly evil your lies are.

MORE PERSONAL ATTACKS???? so you don't like the TRUTH I post,MY POSTING STYLE,GOD AND GOD'S Word???? ===== TOUGH!

I don't consider my suggestion that you seek a mental health evaluation as a personal attack.

I see it as doing the right thing.

Face it dude ..you are several sandwiches short of a picnic.

You exhibit several of the symptoms of someone that has serious mental health issues.

By Mayo Clinic Staff

Signs and symptoms of mental illness can vary, depending on the particular disorder, circumstances and other factors. Mental illness symptoms can affect emotions, thoughts and behaviors.

Examples of signs and symptoms include:
•Feeling sad or down
•Confused thinking or reduced ability to concentrate
•Excessive fears or worries, or extreme feelings of guilt
•Extreme mood changes of highs and lows
•Withdrawal from friends and activities
•Significant tiredness, low energy or problems sleeping
•Detachment from reality (delusions), paranoia or hallucinations
•Inability to cope with daily problems or stress
•Trouble understanding and relating to situations and to people
•Alcohol or drug abuse
•Major changes in eating habits
•Sex drive changes
•Excessive anger, hostility or violence
•Suicidal thinking

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MORE PERSONAL ATTACKS???? so you don't like the TRUTH I post,MY POSTING STYLE,GOD AND GOD'S Word???? ===== TOUGH!

I don't consider my suggestion that you seek a mental health evaluation as a personal attack.

I see it as doing the right thing.

NO WORRIES!!! AS A son of GOD Icould not feel better,there is NO downside to living my life as a son of ALMIGHTY GOD!!!and you??
I don't consider my suggestion that you seek a mental health evaluation as a personal attack.

I see it as doing the right thing.

NO WORRIES!!! AS A son of GOD Icould not feel better,there is NO downside to living my life as a son of ALMIGHTY GOD!!!and you??

I believe you COULD feel better with medication for your *Schizophrenia.

Me? There is no reason for me to fear your make believe god.
Why do the God-haters persist?

Because some people simply can't accept a loving God who creates hell and torture.
Dear [MENTION=37754]Hollie[/MENTION]: If you object to the term "spiritual nature" what do you call this level?

In psychology the terms "superego/ego/id"
correlate to "spirit/mind/body"
or "spiritual/mental/physical"

I understand some people do not call the top level "spiritual"

Are you okay with a "collective" level of humanity?

Individual level / level of relationships with others / collective level of society

is that more how you divide the spectrum of human experience in life?

that's fine, if you call it different terms as most people do;
I find that the three levels "still align" even if we assign different values to the levels.

I am just asking to align our terms, not try to change what each other uses or thinks like.

Already agreed most people create a rationalization for their fears and to explain what they can't. The simpler the tribe the more likely it is to invent the rationalization.
Arrogance? Simply your opinion, and not supported by any data. Just a whine.
It's ok. We're used to it.

Except that you've shown no logical evidence that humans created a rationalization for spiritual nature out of fear or for any other reason. This "theory" is not supported by any data including logic and rational thought.

Your invention of something you call "spiritual nature" simply calms an emotional requirement for belief in supernaturalism.

What you consistently fail to do is make an honest acknowledgement that you have incorporated the various human assigned attributes shared by all gods into some god-amalgam you now call "spiritual nature".
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Why do the God-haters persist?

Because some people simply can't accept a loving God who creates hell and torture.

or forgive people who keep teaching God in this way.

especially people who claim NOT to believe in this God,
but insist on "teaching God this way," blaming OTHER PEOPLE for spreading this perception....

Once people are unforgiving, it is hard to forgive that.
So we end up with a bunch of people blaming and hating on each other,
due to unforgiveness going in circles.
I don't consider my suggestion that you seek a mental health evaluation as a personal attack.

I see it as doing the right thing.

NO WORRIES!!! AS A son of GOD Icould not feel better,there is NO downside to living my life as a son of ALMIGHTY GOD!!!and you??

Yes, [MENTION=42952]GISMYS[/MENTION], you could feel even better if you had even more of God's Grace
and less negative judgment filling up space in your spirit.

GISMYS any negative thought or energy at all is taking space away from God's grace and blessings that could be moving through you instead,
surrounding you, and uplifting all your relationship with others.

If you feel GREAT already, you will feel even more and more abundance of blessings
the more the negative thoughts you have toward others are replaced with positive goodness.

Philippians 4:8

8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things

GISMYS the more we love God "with ALL our heart mind and soul"
there is nothing but goodness and no room for anything negative.

You will feel better and better with the positive flow of God's will.
Thank you and God Bless you in continuing abundance and remove any things to the contrary from your path.
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???? where did you get the impression that I "judge people for their religions?"

I was saying the issue is whether people are forgiving or not.
That is independent of religion.

I would say there is a difference between nontheists (including Buddhists who are generally focused inward and not encouraged to incite others except with some "political" followers)
VS. "anti-theists" who are more against Christian or religious BELIEVERS as their focus.

To be fair, there are as many Christians who come across as "anti-Christ" for how they focus on judging and rejecting others.

I find the theists and nontheists can get along where we forgive our differences.

Anyone else who can't forgive past issues or conflicts, will project them outward and cause problems with others, regardless if they are Christian believers or secular nontheists.

I guess you and I have a different view of the world. I can and have sat with people of other faiths in fellowship, letting them discuss their religion with me, without feeling a need to judge them or their religion or their adherence to the principles they espouse.

As an example, some Muslims invited me to a dinner and we sat around for several hours discussing religion and politics. Not once did I feel a need to remind them that selling beer and cigarettes, extending credit at interest, and such at their stores might be in conflict with their faith. They are on a different path than I am- and perhaps my being there and the evening they provided furthered one or both sides on their way-I do not feel a need to try to throw them over a religious cliff which is what these wound collectors try to do IMO.


Yes, I do the same thing and work with people given their different systems.
It is like talking with people using their "native language" which is especially important for sensitive personal issues, to speak from personal experience, perception and understanding.

If there is something conflicting, it can be addressed by applying their own system to correct itself. Again, the only time things can't be resolved is where people "can't forgive" something so it gets stuck emotionally and that blocks rational steps from solving problems.
NO WORRIES!!! AS A son of GOD Icould not feel better,there is NO downside to living my life as a son of ALMIGHTY GOD!!!and you??

Yes, [MENTION=42952]GISMYS[/MENTION], you could feel even better if you had even more of God's Grace
and less negative judgment filling up space in your spirit.

GISMYS any negative thought or energy at all is taking space away from God's grace and blessings that could be moving through you instead,
surrounding you, and uplifting all your relationship with others.

If you feel GREAT already, you will feel even more and more abundance of blessings
the more the negative thoughts you have toward others are replaced with positive goodness.

Philippians 4:8

8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things

GISMYS the more we love God "with ALL our heart mind and soul"
there is nothing but goodness and no room for anything negative.

You will feel better and better with the positive flow of God's will.
Thank you and God Bless you in continuing abundance and remove any things to the contrary from your path.

YES!!! I am happy to get and have all GOD'S grace that I CAN. YES!!! HELL is very negative but know it IS JESUS that has the most to say about sin and hell as recorded in the BIBLE!!
???? where did you get the impression that I "judge people for their religions?"....

To be fair, there are as many Christians who come across as "anti-Christ" for how they focus on judging and rejecting others.

That is the basis for my belief. I don't feel a need to judge Christians, Muslims, or anybody else as being anti one of the disciplines of their faith in practice. If a Witness wants to put up a Christmas Tree, more power to them.
Here's what he said: "...my opinion the idea of a personal God is a childlike one." Not "childish" but "childlike." He does NOT state that it is "ludicrous" at all. (Neither have I.) He says: "You may call me an agnostic, but I do not share the crusading spirit of the professional atheist whose fervor is mostly due to a painful act of liberation from the fetters of religious indoctrination received in youth." Very clearly, this means he does NOT agree with YOU! Very clearly he is making the point I am making with the OP, that "god-haters" are people on a mission to destroy belief in a God they claim doesn't exist. He's not in that camp, he says: "I prefer an attitude of humility." If you need help with the word "humility" go look it up! It certainly doesn't describe what you are displaying here.

He is clearly making the case for the naiveté of the idea of a personal god.If you cited my entire post you would see that the point I made is that Einstein's faith was rooted in his humility of what he didn't know and believed couldn't been known.

Uhm... NO... he clearly is making NO such case. He does not say it is "naive" or "childish" or "ludicrous" anywhere in the quotation. You've simply not demonstrated the man said this. You continue to LIE and MISLEAD, insisting that you know what he said when the words are right there for all to read. He specifically states he does NOT share the crusading spirit of atheists who he views as people trying to liberate themselves from youthful religious indoctrination.

Yes, he says he prefers an attitude of humility, (not rejection and ridicule.) Humility is the act of being humble, not placing one's self or opinion above others. Is THAT a proper description of what you are displaying here? If so, you're doing a really piss poor job of being humble!

No it's not, it's an idiotic and nonsensical term devised by Atheists who want to bolster their numbers to include people who still have a doubt that no God exists.
This is just a continuation of your tortured relationship with English and a poor education. Nothing more. Not here to teach remedial English.

I'm not the one having a problem with English here, you are. There is no such thing as "Agnostic Atheists" you are either an Atheist or an Agnostic. You either believe God doesn't exist, or you believe God could exist and you're not certain. You can't have BOTH beliefs at the same time.

No, they mystify YOU because you can't seem to grasp that words have different contextual meaning.
The context was never in question when I used it. If anyone is too stupid to understand context you have clearly shown it is you.

Oh yes, the context of "rationalization" is very much in question when you use it, because you fail to acknowledge the word has NUMEROUS meanings. A person can rationalize bad behavior but that is not the only kind of rationalization a person can have. People make positive rationalizations all the time and I gave you several examples of that. Still, you want to stubbornly insist there is only one meaning of the word.

No, you've gone a step worse and claimed things that can't currently be explained by physical science are not "real" and cannot exist. Not only have you closed the door to any possible future knowledge being unlocked by science, you ridicule the notion that science doesn't already know everything.
you will have a very hard time showing that I have said this anywhere. Why? Because it isn't my position nor have I ever stated this.

Yes, in essence that is your entire argument. God isn't "real" because physical science can't provide evidence at this time. You continue to present this stupid argument in every way imaginable and ridicule anyone who challenges it.

Man needed a god to cope with his fears, so he made one.
But you've presented NO EVIDENCE to support this supposition, while I have dismantled it with loads of actual science in the field of animal behavior and Darwinian theory itself.
you actually have done nothing of the kind. You have tripped all over yourself making contradictory suppositions about the animal kingdom with zero support. You have made yourself into a ridiculous caricature, complete with repeatedly childish avatar illustrations.

Yet another arrogant post where you offer NO evidence to support your original supposition and continue to belittle me for challenging that fact. Making fun of my avatar is hardly support for your claim. It's just more petty and vindictive spite being spewed by an intellectual lightweight.

I'm still waiting to see your evidence to show that man created God to cope with anything. If you don't have any evidence, that's fine, just admit this is YOUR OPINION and you have no evidence to support it. I've presented MY opinion and backed it up with science, history and the study of animal behavior. I readilly admit it's MY OPINION and not an established fact, and people are free to agree or disagree. You, on the other hand, want to state your opinion as irrefutable fact without any supporting evidence, and then ridicule those who challenge it. That game plan obviously isn't working for you.
Here's what he said: "...my opinion the idea of a personal God is a childlike one." Not "childish" but "childlike." He does NOT state that it is "ludicrous" at all. (Neither have I.) He says: "You may call me an agnostic, but I do not share the crusading spirit of the professional atheist whose fervor is mostly due to a painful act of liberation from the fetters of religious indoctrination received in youth." Very clearly, this means he does NOT agree with YOU! Very clearly he is making the point I am making with the OP, that "god-haters" are people on a mission to destroy belief in a God they claim doesn't exist. He's not in that camp, he says: "I prefer an attitude of humility." If you need help with the word "humility" go look it up! It certainly doesn't describe what you are displaying here.

He is clearly making the case for the naiveté of the idea of a personal god.If you cited my entire post you would see that the point I made is that Einstein's faith was rooted in his humility of what he didn't know and believed couldn't been known.

Uhm... NO... he clearly is making NO such case. He does not say it is "naive" or "childish" or "ludicrous" anywhere in the quotation. You've simply not demonstrated the man said this. You continue to LIE and MISLEAD, insisting that you know what he said when the words are right there for all to read. He specifically states he does NOT share the crusading spirit of atheists who he views as people trying to liberate themselves from youthful religious indoctrination.

Yes, he says he prefers an attitude of humility, (not rejection and ridicule.) Humility is the act of being humble, not placing one's self or opinion above others. Is THAT a proper description of what you are displaying here? If so, you're doing a really piss poor job of being humble!

I'm not the one having a problem with English here, you are. There is no such thing as "Agnostic Atheists" you are either an Atheist or an Agnostic. You either believe God doesn't exist, or you believe God could exist and you're not certain. You can't have BOTH beliefs at the same time.

Oh yes, the context of "rationalization" is very much in question when you use it, because you fail to acknowledge the word has NUMEROUS meanings. A person can rationalize bad behavior but that is not the only kind of rationalization a person can have. People make positive rationalizations all the time and I gave you several examples of that. Still, you want to stubbornly insist there is only one meaning of the word.

Yes, in essence that is your entire argument. God isn't "real" because physical science can't provide evidence at this time. You continue to present this stupid argument in every way imaginable and ridicule anyone who challenges it.

Man needed a god to cope with his fears, so he made one.
But you've presented NO EVIDENCE to support this supposition, while I have dismantled it with loads of actual science in the field of animal behavior and Darwinian theory itself.
you actually have done nothing of the kind. You have tripped all over yourself making contradictory suppositions about the animal kingdom with zero support. You have made yourself into a ridiculous caricature, complete with repeatedly childish avatar illustrations.

Yet another arrogant post where you offer NO evidence to support your original supposition and continue to belittle me for challenging that fact. Making fun of my avatar is hardly support for your claim. It's just more petty and vindictive spite being spewed by an intellectual lightweight.

I'm still waiting to see your evidence to show that man created God to cope with anything. If you don't have any evidence, that's fine, just admit this is YOUR OPINION and you have no evidence to support it. I've presented MY opinion and backed it up with science, history and the study of animal behavior. I readilly admit it's MY OPINION and not an established fact, and people are free to agree or disagree. You, on the other hand, want to state your opinion as irrefutable fact without any supporting evidence, and then ridicule those who challenge it. That game plan obviously isn't working for you.

How can you complain in the same post about rationalization having more than one meaning yet also try to use a very narrow, specific definition of both agnostic and atheist?
Here's what he said: "...my opinion the idea of a personal God is a childlike one." Not "childish" but "childlike." He does NOT state that it is "ludicrous" at all. (Neither have I.) He says: "You may call me an agnostic, but I do not share the crusading spirit of the professional atheist whose fervor is mostly due to a painful act of liberation from the fetters of religious indoctrination received in youth." Very clearly, this means he does NOT agree with YOU! Very clearly he is making the point I am making with the OP, that "god-haters" are people on a mission to destroy belief in a God they claim doesn't exist. He's not in that camp, he says: "I prefer an attitude of humility." If you need help with the word "humility" go look it up! It certainly doesn't describe what you are displaying here.

He is clearly making the case for the naiveté of the idea of a personal god.If you cited my entire post you would see that the point I made is that Einstein's faith was rooted in his humility of what he didn't know and believed couldn't been known.

Uhm... NO... he clearly is making NO such case. He does not say it is "naive" or "childish" or "ludicrous" anywhere in the quotation. You've simply not demonstrated the man said this. You continue to LIE and MISLEAD, insisting that you know what he said when the words are right there for all to read. He specifically states he does NOT share the crusading spirit of atheists who he views as people trying to liberate themselves from youthful religious indoctrination.

Yes, he says he prefers an attitude of humility, (not rejection and ridicule.) Humility is the act of being humble, not placing one's self or opinion above others. Is THAT a proper description of what you are displaying here? If so, you're doing a really piss poor job of being humble!

this isn't about me. A personal god is the product of a childlike mind, according to Einstein. He prefers the humility of someone who knows all the answers aren't available, and likely never will be. What is your argument with this? You seem to agree.

I'm not the one having a problem with English here, you are. There is no such thing as "Agnostic Atheists" you are either an Atheist or an Agnostic. You either believe God doesn't exist, or you believe God could exist and you're not certain. You can't have BOTH beliefs at the same time.

No, it really is you.
Agnosticism isn't about what one believes, either theistic or non, but whether or not the answers can be known. A gnostic, like yourself, thinks it can be known. An agnostic may not believe, but accepts the truth can never be known. So, once again, you simply have a very limited understanding of the words, but an arrogant assurance that you do.
There are both agnostic atheists and agnostic believers.
And there are some very stupid Gnostics.

Oh yes, the context of "rationalization" is very much in question when you use it, because you fail to acknowledge the word has NUMEROUS meanings. A person can rationalize bad behavior but that is not the only kind of rationalization a person can have. People make positive rationalizations all the time and I gave you several examples of that. Still, you want to stubbornly insist there is only one meaning of the word.

The fact that there are secondary definitions are why your ignoring the very obvious context that I used the word in is so pathetic.the context I used it in was never in question by anyone reading my posts.
Except you, who had been humiliated by not understanding the context and when exposed made up the term "false rationalization" which is not to be found anywhere. It was something you tried to fool the gullible with to save face. It simply wound up humiliating you further, revealing you as a a fraud in regards to your psychology credentials.

Yes, in essence that is your entire argument. God isn't "real" because physical science can't provide evidence at this time. You continue to present this stupid argument in every way imaginable and ridicule anyone who challenges it.
Find where I made that argument and quote it. Second time you've been asked to that.
Or I will accept your apology.
Your choice.

Man needed a god to cope with his fears, so he made one.
But you've presented NO EVIDENCE to support this supposition, while I have dismantled it with loads of actual science in the field of animal behavior and Darwinian theory itself.
you actually have done nothing of the kind. You have tripped all over yourself making contradictory suppositions about the animal kingdom with zero support. You have made yourself into a ridiculous caricature, complete with repeatedly childish avatar illustrations.

Yet another arrogant post where you offer NO evidence to support your original supposition and continue to belittle me for challenging that fact. Making fun of my avatar is hardly support for your claim. It's just more petty and vindictive spite being spewed by an intellectual lightweight.

I'm still waiting to see your evidence to show that man created God to cope with anything. If you don't have any evidence, that's fine, just admit this is YOUR OPINION and you have no evidence to support it. I've presented MY opinion and backed it up with science, history and the study of animal behavior. I readilly admit it's MY OPINION and not an established fact, and people are free to agree or disagree. You, on the other hand, want to state your opinion as irrefutable fact without any supporting evidence, and then ridicule those who challenge it. That game plan obviously isn't working for you.

You have tripped over yourself repeatedly, saying a lack of spirituality in animals proves your point, and then saying maybe they do have spirituality and THAT will prove your point.
Do you think people don't notice your constant intellectual implosions?
Yes, [MENTION=42952]GISMYS[/MENTION], you could feel even better if you had even more of God's Grace
and less negative judgment filling up space in your spirit.

GISMYS any negative thought or energy at all is taking space away from God's grace and blessings that could be moving through you instead,
surrounding you, and uplifting all your relationship with others.

If you feel GREAT already, you will feel even more and more abundance of blessings
the more the negative thoughts you have toward others are replaced with positive goodness.

Philippians 4:8

8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things

GISMYS the more we love God "with ALL our heart mind and soul"
there is nothing but goodness and no room for anything negative.

You will feel better and better with the positive flow of God's will.
Thank you and God Bless you in continuing abundance and remove any things to the contrary from your path.

YES!!! I am happy to get and have all GOD'S grace that I CAN. YES!!! HELL is very negative but know it IS JESUS that has the most to say about sin and hell as recorded in the BIBLE!!
Gismys may I be so bold as to ask you a personal question, do you have a job outside your religious activities ?
YES!!! THOSE WHO CHOOSE NOT TO BELIEVE TRUTH WILL BELIEVE satan's lies!!!! Here is a link to proof of jesus outside the BIBLE===http://beginningandend.com/jesus-exist-historical-evidence-jesus-christ/

I spoke to a so called chrisian today. She like me when I was a christian, and I think most rational christians don't take the bible literally. She said to me today, "I don't understand why religion and science have to be in conflict with each other" and I said because with science most people come to understand there is a 99.999999% chance there is no god. And with science comes logic and reasoning and a thought process that doesn't allow us to believe the unbelievable. Maybe our brains have evolved because that is the direction we seem to be going. Less dumb average poor Americans believing in the churches bullshit when it doesn't make sense. Especially when their parents don't brainwash them like ours did by taking us to church from 1-17 years old. Talk about a brainwashing. If God wants to convince us, let him do something to convince us. We' re not going to believe a 2000-5000 year old lie. Like the Greek gods dies, so will the muslim and christian and jewish gods.

My friend also agrees that god would reward a person like me for being smart enough to buy into your cult. This is another christian. I know people from Iran who are free to become christians or muslims here in America and they know religion is bullshit. How many arabs would wake up if it didn't mean off with their heads. In America we want religion out of our schools and courts because its a scam.
YES!!! THOSE WHO CHOOSE NOT TO BELIEVE TRUTH WILL BELIEVE satan's lies!!!! Here is a link to proof of jesus outside the BIBLE===http://beginningandend.com/jesus-exist-historical-evidence-jesus-christ/

Except for there is no devil. What proof do you have of this creature?

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