Why do the God-haters persist?

THIS post has the answer to ALL your problems!!!====HOW TO BE SAVED(BORN AGAIN) AND JOIN THE FAMILY OF GOD!!! Romans: Chapter 10 verse 9-10-13 GOD SAYS=
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus,
and shalt believe in your heart that God hath raised him
from the dead, thou shalt be Saved. For with the heart man
believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession
is made unto Salvation. For whosoever shall call upon the
name of the Lord shall be Saved....................

---------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------

Heavenly Father:........................................... ...............................
I come to you in prayer asking for the forgiveness of
my Sins. I confess with my mouth and believe with my
heart that Jesus is your Son, And that he died on the
Cross at Calvary that I might be forgiven and have
Eternal Life in the Kingdom of Heaven. Father, I believe
that Jesus rose from the dead and I ask you right now
to come in to my life and be my personal Lord and
Savior. I repent of my Sins and will Worship you all the
day's of my Life!. Because your word is truth, I confess
with my mouth that I am Born Again and Cleansed
by the Blood of Jesus! In Jesus Name, Amen

It is sad to see evidense of someone who's mind is so far gone that I can't think of anything usefull to recommend.

You have so very much personal baggage that at the very least I can offer you less involvement with my life and direction.

You need to understand that my decision upon much deliberation that no god exists is steadfast.

I see that for you to come to the same place would crush your psych so I will not say it would be beneficial in your case.

You need not display prayer primers for my use as I would hope any of my real friends would put a bullet in my skull if they ever caught me reading that tripe.
Time to smoke a bowl huggster.

Why do you think they call it dope?

Pot just makes me dumber than I already am... no thanks.


Snoop's getting used to his little bro.

The dog with the sweater in your avie has creepy alien glowing eyes

Just sayin... :eek:
You are certifiable, man. It sometimes aggrivates me when I think lefties are playing dumb, then I realize they really are that stupid. I just can't dumb it down enough for you people.

Explain it to me from the beginning. Why are you right and what is your position.

I have been feeling Brucie out because he says he went to seminary and was once a minister. He doesn't know squat about doctrine and all he does is mouh left wing talking points. He's a fraud.
You must have been a Baptist, they are the ones with the megachurches.

Most of our guys are retired. The ones who are still working serve the church and work at their day jobs, too. I paid for my own education, my own books, and my own vestments and if I have to go to an out of town clericus I pay for it. If anybody is taking a salary I don't know about it.

After all that we still have to pay the rent or mortgage on the buildings, keep the lights on, obtain office supplies, and still support whatever charities we are involved in. This truly is a labor of love because there isn't any mammon to be had, which is why I have never been able to understand why people talk about the "religion business", outside of the TV preachers that Gizmo probably listens to and the RCC.

What I do have is the best bunch of friends in the world, and that is worth more than gold.

a. Notice just like a cult everyone works for free and no one knows exactly where all the money goes.
b. I love the point someone made where religion decided to take a tax break over getting political so it needs to shut the fuck up. Great point whoever made it.
c. If you don't have enough members to fund your cult then let the free market decide it's fate.
d. Atheists are going to start a tax exempt church for non believers. Like the word marriage you don't own the word church. We want the tax breaks too. We want to meet with like minded people who agree there is no god, most likely. And we are 100% sure we won't burn in hell for not believing christians or muslims. In return for the tax break we won't lobby our government or get involved in politics and like the current churches we will occasionally help someone but not nearly enough.
e. Start companies and force catholics to have abortions because pregnant women hurt the bottom line. Either get the abortion or you are fired. But its covered under Obamacare. :badgrin:

What an asshole.

I know "where the money goes". I was in the financial meeting not long ago.

But it's funny, Brucie thinks we are only in it for the money, you whine about us working for free. This is why talking to assholes is a waste of time.
Explain it to me from the beginning. Why are you right and what is your position.

I have been feeling Brucie out because he says he went to seminary and was once a minister. He doesn't know squat about doctrine and all he does is mouh left wing talking points. He's a fraud.

I would love to see a pic of your godsquad decoder ring.

You have wicked awesome skills.

I would never have broken the code to make Bruce as an entrenched agent for the hated "liberals".

Good work! You do god proud.
You are certifiable, man. It sometimes aggrivates me when I think lefties are playing dumb, then I realize they really are that stupid. I just can't dumb it down enough for you people.
You aren't hiding your inability to argue very well.
You aren't responding to the argument, because there is no response to the argument that has you coming out well.
My little Runaway.
Run, run, run, run Runaway!
(Thanks Del Shannon!)

Whatever, go argue with Gizmo, he's your intellectual equal.
Again, we could see evidence of all those things long before they were described in the literature. We could see Jupiter in the night sky. We could see lightning and felt a shock when touching doorknobs. Occasionally fishermen would bring up something strange. There was the evidence of something in front of us.

There is zero evidence for the supernatural or spiritual realm. There is literally nothing for us to examine, even if it does exist because it doesn't intersect with whatever naturalistic plane of existence the universe is a part of.

Sorry, but all you could see in the sky were random stars. Little twinkly lights in the sky weren't evidence of anything but spiritual creation. Yep, lighting shocked people and we interpreted it as a powerful spiritual force.

Humans DO obtain something real from spiritual connection. We even came up with a specific word to describe it... Blessings. Billions and billions of humans from now back to the beginning of human history... all professing spiritual connection to something greater than self.

Now... It is true that we can "see" Jupiter (now)... but what if humans lacked the sense of sight? Would Jupiter still exist? It's kind of like the tree falling in the forest analogy. And let me ask you this... Is dark energy and dark matter "supernatural" or "real?" It exists, it makes up about 96% of the universe, as a matter of fact. But we can't "see" it and we can't really determine what it is. It defies all properties of physics which has caused us to have to rethink everything and come up with a completely new calculus in an attempt to explain it. It occupies space and has gravity but it's not physical matter in an atomic sense.

Maybe science is making spiritual connection and we should simply dismiss the phenomenon as impossible and not real? ...I'm being sarcastic, of course.

The point is, there is a LOT of shit that we simply do not KNOW about our own universe... and not to mention, OTHER universes and dimensions yet to be discovered. You and I have five very limited senses, other creatures on our own planet have better senses than ours... dogs see, hear and smell better... ants communicate through telepathic electric impulses... crabs can detect the slightest change in gravitational forces from the moon... bees know which flowers need pollinating... birds can navigate thousands of miles and return to the exact place they were born... on and on and on. But we rely on five limited senses to evaluate the physical universe around us, and that's great... BUT... who is to say there may not be HUNDREDS of various "senses" in the cosmos that humans simply aren't aware of? And IF we had them, maybe we would clearly realize spiritual nature? To just naively presume your five limited sense are ALL there is and nothing more can exist, is pure arrogance and ignorance.
Because what is "real" isn't a choice.
It simply is.

Hi Bruce: Thanks for your thoughtful replies.
1. Do you also understand that for people who experience spiritual insights in terms of a "personal God" who speaks to them in this way
is also "not a choice" but their reality.

I cannot choose to be anyone other than Emily Nghiem.
That is not a choice I can change.
And neither is someone who relates to life through a personal connection
which is expressed through God or Jesus. If that is the manner in which
their understanding and perception is shaped and manifested, that is "simply how it is."

2. As for your perception of my approach:
tbb said:
The goal isn't universality for its own sake. That is philosophical, not investigative.

2. Yes and yes, it is both, not either/or.
I have investigated how people operate, and what makes communications/relations
work and what makes them fail.

I always find it best to accept each person's own perspective/perception and path/process which is unique to that person. Where this fails is where people cannot forgive and work with each other's differences. where it succeeds is where we embrace where we are coming from, what we are given, and find where we agree in common as workable.

We don't have to agree, in face, none of us agree 100%; the point is to deal with how we see and say things, and include that in the equations when we address and solve problems.

So yes, I am operating out of my own philosophy of equal concern for all people.

And yes, I am seeking a universal approach that allows equal inclusion of all views,
given the uniqueness and diversity of each person in the mix.

tbb said:
Your goal is to find a way to bring all people together and not to find an objective reality.
Again yes, and yes.

By including all people and working out our differences,
then we can distinguish what is objective reality from what is subjective or projected.

One is the means and the other is the end result. I trust in the process to get us there,
similar to trusting in the scientific method or the elimination process of trial and error.

tbb said:
Einstein found the proposition of a personal god silly, and so do I.
... If that investigation causes friction you are philosophically against it, because you, too, have a goal, and that is to calm the beast.

No, I am not conflict or friction in itself as a bad thing to be "suppressed/avoided/squashed" -- but it is part of the process to find out where our differences are, and either resolve what can be, or accept and work around differences that are NATURAL (ie NOT caused by misinformation, unforgiven/unresolved projection etc)

There is a DIFFERENCE between naturally occurring differences in healthy relationships,
and abuse of conflicts to stir up ill will and destroy relationships.

Your statement underlined above is an example of a misperception of my intent
that WOULD cause unnecessary conflict.

Your nontheistic viewpoint is NOT a problem that necessarily needs correction.

Do you see the difference? Between unnatural conflicts that need correction so they don't cause unnecessary clashing; versus differences that are natural to people, and if they cause some miscommunication issues, that is to be expected and can be worked with.

3. As for your points about Einstein:

tbb said:
Einstein found the proposition of a personal god silly, and so do I.
In my opinion, and Einstein's, the proposition of a personal god and the possibility of something undetermined and unknowable are not equal in the least. That may be neutral, but it isn't accurate.

As a scientist, that had primacy for Einstein.

Einstein found the evidence for a personal god childish and untenable. He replaces it with no system of his own, but an acknowledgment that some things are beyond knowing, and accepting the humility of that position. He makes peace with what he is ignorant of, but doesn't invent a solution for his ignorance, which is how he sees the idea of a personal god. And so do I.

3. To each his own. It's all "relative" isn't it?

When I want to study science and laws that Einstein specialized in, I would of course ask him or other students of his work and research. I would not ask Bible scholars who study Hebrew history, culture, and language (or Buddhist scholars who study ancient scriptures 11 times the volume of the Bible) who might think the work of scientists like Einstein is "meaningless" compared with what they see going on with spiritual laws of humanity.

When I want to study art, I would not ask Einstein -- I would study the work of Masters and people who love each of those particular genres and can express the full meaning that each art piece represents, in terms of the historic movements in society.

Otherwise, any of the abstract art in history books looks "silly" like a child's fingerpainting
and the meaning is completely lost of events going on in society that gave it lasting impact!

It may seem "silly" to pay millions of dollars for a painting or sculpture that looks like trash you couldn't sell at a garage sale.

But to someone else, that is serious art! It can mean something world shaking to them!

As Einstein and his followers made the theory of relativity a mainstream term,
I would say that concept of "relativity" applies to a lot more in life.

God may be "silly" to one person, but prayer to God and Jesus has saved lives and minds of people
who believe they owe their lives and their children, their sanity, and everything they have to God,
so that doesn't seem 'silly' to them when they could have been dead and never enjoyed anything in life.
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Again, we could see evidence of all those things long before they were described in the literature. We could see Jupiter in the night sky. We could see lightning and felt a shock when touching doorknobs. Occasionally fishermen would bring up something strange. There was the evidence of something in front of us.

There is zero evidence for the supernatural or spiritual realm. There is literally nothing for us to examine, even if it does exist because it doesn't intersect with whatever naturalistic plane of existence the universe is a part of.

I disagree.

I believe we can prove scientifically that there are CHANGES in the brain and body
that correlate with "spiritual changes" reported by patients and/or observed by attending physicians.

If you look up Scott Peck's books on "Glimpses of the Devil" and "People of the Lie" -- after he studied the mindsets and patterns of people with 'evil' thinking, he found certain steps that went into the problem and also stages to solving the problem and restoring the person's mind back to normal.

The sickness in some of the schizophrenic patients was exhibited visibly as "demonic" personality, voices, verbal and physical attacks on people; so that the curing of the cause of the mental sickness correlated with the removal of these symptoms and the return of the patient back to a normal mindset.

This process of diagnosis, treatment, management of therapy and cure
CAN be documented and repeat studies done to show correlation statistically.

We may not be able to prove the SOURCE of the demonic/spiritual process of phenomena,
but we can show the process follows predictable stages, by applying the scientific method,
as Dr. Peck recommended to future medical professionals in formal research in this field.
Why would atheists not have any interest in religion? Just because they don't believe in something doesn't mean they shouldn't question why others do, or worry about possible repercussions of people believing (think radical Islamic terrorism).

Your sports analogy is actually pretty funny to me, because it is, like religion and politics, a subject that many people actually do get aggressive and rude about when talking of sports they don't like. There's been more than one thread on this board in that vein. ;)

Because there is a difference between someone who is an atheist and someone who uses that as a curtain to hide behind in their compulsion to be hateful and obnoxious to others.


I would say there is a difference between nontheists (including Buddhists who are generally focused inward and not encouraged to incite others except with some "political" followers)
VS. "anti-theists" who are more against Christian or religious BELIEVERS as their focus.

To be fair, there are as many Christians who come across as "anti-Christ" for how they focus on judging and rejecting others.

I find the theists and nontheists can get along where we forgive our differences.

Anyone else who can't forgive past issues or conflicts, will project them outward and cause problems with others, regardless if they are Christian believers or secular nontheists.
I have been feeling Brucie out because he says he went to seminary and was once a minister. He doesn't know squat about doctrine and all he does is mouh left wing talking points. He's a fraud.

I would love to see a pic of your godsquad decoder ring.

You have wicked awesome skills.

I would never have broken the code to make Bruce as an entrenched agent for the hated "liberals".

Good work! You do god proud.

Except for I didn't write that. Even though it is quoted under my name, I didn't write that.
Could it be you choose to not believe in GOD because you love living in your sinful lifestyle and fear that when you find that GOD is real you know you will face judgment???????????===================BELIEVERS! know and expect to be attacked if you post GOD'S WORD=ETERNAL TRUTH. Unbelievers and false religious minions of satan hate GOD and GOD'S WORD = ETERNAL TRUTH. Against JESUS They screamed and gnashed their teeth crying ban him from the temple,then CRUCIFY HIM!!! CRUCIFY HIM!! Pilate knew JESUS was inocent but he wanted to please the people,so he washed his hands and said ," you crucify him but I find him inocent"!!! ==The world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you. 19"If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you.. John 15:18

You are delusional. If you look you will see prisons are filled with god fearing people. Atheists are generally good liberal progressive thinking people. For years I associated atheism with the devil but it has nothing to do with the devil, because there isn't one. We don't rape and murder and steal because there is no god. Maybe that is what you would do if you one day realized god is made up, but not us.

We don't hate gods word. We hate it that the people who ruled 2000-7000 years ago made all that shit up to control the masses and people are still clinging to this cult mentality still even though science has basically killed god. At least the idea. It is completely unnecessary. In fact most of you god lovers are the biggest assholes on the planet so I don't see the point. In fact you guys use god to be assholes. You think you can do every sin in the book *(except gay sex) and you will still go to heaven because you believe a story your corrupt church told you. How stupid are you? This is why I don't debate Republicans anymore. They believe things that couldn't possibly be true but does that stop them? Of course fucking not.
Could it be you choose to not believe in GOD because you love living in your sinful lifestyle and fear that when you find that GOD is real you know you will face judgment???????????===================BELIEVERS! know and expect to be attacked if you post GOD'S WORD=ETERNAL TRUTH. Unbelievers and false religious minions of satan hate GOD and GOD'S WORD = ETERNAL TRUTH. Against JESUS They screamed and gnashed their teeth crying ban him from the temple,then CRUCIFY HIM!!! CRUCIFY HIM!! Pilate knew JESUS was inocent but he wanted to please the people,so he washed his hands and said ," you crucify him but I find him inocent"!!! ==The world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you. 19"If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you.. John 15:18

You are delusional. If you look you will see prisons are filled with god fearing people. Atheists are generally good liberal progressive thinking people. For years I associated atheism with the devil but it has nothing to do with the devil, because there isn't one. We don't rape and murder and steal because there is no god. Maybe that is what you would do if you one day realized god is made up, but not us.

We don't hate gods word. We hate it that the people who ruled 2000-7000 years ago made all that shit up to control the masses and people are still clinging to this cult mentality still even though science has basically killed god. At least the idea. It is completely unnecessary. In fact most of you god lovers are the biggest assholes on the planet so I don't see the point. In fact you guys use god to be assholes. You think you can do every sin in the book *(except gay sex) and you will still go to heaven because you believe a story your corrupt church told you. How stupid are you? This is why I don't debate Republicans anymore. They believe things that couldn't possibly be true but does that stop them? Of course fucking not.

WOW!!! Satan got you cheap! huh?? take another look at the real GOD==== God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son so that anyone who believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 God did not send his Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it.

18 “There is no eternal doom awaiting those who trust him to save them. But those who don’t trust him have already been tried and condemned for not believing in the only Son of God. 19 Their sentence is based on this fact: that the Light from heaven came into the world, but they loved the darkness more than the Light, for their deeds were evil. 20 They hated the heavenly Light because they wanted to sin in the darkness. They stayed away from that Light for fear their sins would be exposed and they would be punished. 21 But those doing right come gladly to the Light to let everyone see that they are doing what God wants them to.”
JOHN 3:16-21
I would say there is a difference between nontheists (including Buddhists who are generally focused inward and not encouraged to incite others except with some "political" followers)
VS. "anti-theists" who are more against Christian or religious BELIEVERS as their focus.

To be fair, there are as many Christians who come across as "anti-Christ" for how they focus on judging and rejecting others.

I find the theists and nontheists can get along where we forgive our differences.

Anyone else who can't forgive past issues or conflicts, will project them outward and cause problems with others, regardless if they are Christian believers or secular nontheists.

I guess you and I have a different view of the world. I can and have sat with people of other faiths in fellowship, letting them discuss their religion with me, without feeling a need to judge them or their religion or their adherence to the principles they espouse.

As an example, some Muslims invited me to a dinner and we sat around for several hours discussing religion and politics. Not once did I feel a need to remind them that selling beer and cigarettes, extending credit at interest, and such at their stores might be in conflict with their faith. They are on a different path than I am- and perhaps my being there and the evening they provided furthered one or both sides on their way-I do not feel a need to try to throw them over a religious cliff which is what these wound collectors try to do IMO.

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Could it be you choose to not believe in GOD because you love living in your sinful lifestyle and fear that when you find that GOD is real you know you will face judgment???????????===================BELIEVERS! know and expect to be attacked if you post GOD'S WORD=ETERNAL TRUTH. Unbelievers and false religious minions of satan hate GOD and GOD'S WORD = ETERNAL TRUTH. Against JESUS They screamed and gnashed their teeth crying ban him from the temple,then CRUCIFY HIM!!! CRUCIFY HIM!! Pilate knew JESUS was inocent but he wanted to please the people,so he washed his hands and said ," you crucify him but I find him inocent"!!! ==The world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you. 19"If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you.. John 15:18

You are delusional. If you look you will see prisons are filled with god fearing people. Atheists are generally good liberal progressive thinking people. For years I associated atheism with the devil but it has nothing to do with the devil, because there isn't one. We don't rape and murder and steal because there is no god. Maybe that is what you would do if you one day realized god is made up, but not us.

We don't hate gods word. We hate it that the people who ruled 2000-7000 years ago made all that shit up to control the masses and people are still clinging to this cult mentality still even though science has basically killed god. At least the idea. It is completely unnecessary. In fact most of you god lovers are the biggest assholes on the planet so I don't see the point. In fact you guys use god to be assholes. You think you can do every sin in the book *(except gay sex) and you will still go to heaven because you believe a story your corrupt church told you. How stupid are you? This is why I don't debate Republicans anymore. They believe things that couldn't possibly be true but does that stop them? Of course fucking not.

WOW!!! Satan got you cheap! huh?? take another look at the real GOD==== God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son so that anyone who believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 God did not send his Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it.

18 “There is no eternal doom awaiting those who trust him to save them. But those who don’t trust him have already been tried and condemned for not believing in the only Son of God. 19 Their sentence is based on this fact: that the Light from heaven came into the world, but they loved the darkness more than the Light, for their deeds were evil. 20 They hated the heavenly Light because they wanted to sin in the darkness. They stayed away from that Light for fear their sins would be exposed and they would be punished. 21 But those doing right come gladly to the Light to let everyone see that they are doing what God wants them to.”
JOHN 3:16-21

That is not a fact. Do you know what a fact is? You are fucking crazy. :cuckoo:
You are delusional. If you look you will see prisons are filled with god fearing people. Atheists are generally good liberal progressive thinking people. For years I associated atheism with the devil but it has nothing to do with the devil, because there isn't one. We don't rape and murder and steal because there is no god. Maybe that is what you would do if you one day realized god is made up, but not us.

We don't hate gods word. We hate it that the people who ruled 2000-7000 years ago made all that shit up to control the masses and people are still clinging to this cult mentality still even though science has basically killed god. At least the idea. It is completely unnecessary. In fact most of you god lovers are the biggest assholes on the planet so I don't see the point. In fact you guys use god to be assholes. You think you can do every sin in the book *(except gay sex) and you will still go to heaven because you believe a story your corrupt church told you. How stupid are you? This is why I don't debate Republicans anymore. They believe things that couldn't possibly be true but does that stop them? Of course fucking not.

WOW!!! Satan got you cheap! huh?? take another look at the real GOD==== God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son so that anyone who believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 God did not send his Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it.

18 “There is no eternal doom awaiting those who trust him to save them. But those who don’t trust him have already been tried and condemned for not believing in the only Son of God. 19 Their sentence is based on this fact: that the Light from heaven came into the world, but they loved the darkness more than the Light, for their deeds were evil. 20 They hated the heavenly Light because they wanted to sin in the darkness. They stayed away from that Light for fear their sins would be exposed and they would be punished. 21 But those doing right come gladly to the Light to let everyone see that they are doing what God wants them to.”
JOHN 3:16-21

That is not a fact. Do you know what a fact is? You are fucking crazy. :cuckoo:

Now THAT is a fact Jack ! :lol:
Could it be you choose to not believe in GOD because you love living in your sinful lifestyle and fear that when you find that GOD is real you know you will face judgment???????????===================BELIEVERS! know and expect to be attacked if you post GOD'S WORD=ETERNAL TRUTH. Unbelievers and false religious minions of satan hate GOD and GOD'S WORD = ETERNAL TRUTH. Against JESUS They screamed and gnashed their teeth crying ban him from the temple,then CRUCIFY HIM!!! CRUCIFY HIM!! Pilate knew JESUS was inocent but he wanted to please the people,so he washed his hands and said ," you crucify him but I find him inocent"!!! ==The world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you. 19"If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you.. John 15:18

You are delusional. If you look you will see prisons are filled with god fearing people. Atheists are generally good liberal progressive thinking people. For years I associated atheism with the devil but it has nothing to do with the devil, because there isn't one. We don't rape and murder and steal because there is no god. Maybe that is what you would do if you one day realized god is made up, but not us.

We don't hate gods word. We hate it that the people who ruled 2000-7000 years ago made all that shit up to control the masses and people are still clinging to this cult mentality still even though science has basically killed god. At least the idea. It is completely unnecessary. In fact most of you god lovers are the biggest assholes on the planet so I don't see the point. In fact you guys use god to be assholes. You think you can do every sin in the book *(except gay sex) and you will still go to heaven because you believe a story your corrupt church told you. How stupid are you? This is why I don't debate Republicans anymore. They believe things that couldn't possibly be true but does that stop them? Of course fucking not.

WOW!!! Satan got you cheap! huh?? take another look at the real GOD==== God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son so that anyone who believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 God did not send his Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it.

18 “There is no eternal doom awaiting those who trust him to save them. But those who don’t trust him have already been tried and condemned for not believing in the only Son of God. 19 Their sentence is based on this fact: that the Light from heaven came into the world, but they loved the darkness more than the Light, for their deeds were evil. 20 They hated the heavenly Light because they wanted to sin in the darkness. They stayed away from that Light for fear their sins would be exposed and they would be punished. 21 But those doing right come gladly to the Light to let everyone see that they are doing what God wants them to.”
JOHN 3:16-21

There is no evidence to support any of the claims made in the Bible concerning the existence of a god. Any ‘evidence’ proposed by theists to support the Bible’s various historical and supernatural claims is non-existent at best, manufactured at worst.

The Bible is not self-authenticating; it is simply one of many religious texts. Like those others, it itself constitutes no evidence for the existence of a god. Its florid prose and fanciful content do not legitimize it nor distinguish it from other ancient works of literature.

The Bible is historically inaccurate, factually incorrect, inconsistent and contradictory. It was artificially constructed by a group of men in antiquity and is poorly translated, heavily altered and selectively interpreted. Entire sections of the text have been redacted over time.

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