Why Do Trumpers Want Martial Law So Bad??

No he cannot. He has no such authority.

He lost and that is fact. Your claim it was tolen is a baseless accusaqtion with no evidence hwich means you are a liar. You are bearing false witness.
I have no need to waste my time talking to a brainwashed idiot, who gets refuted 100%, and then comes back asking to be refuted again. Not my problem.

Go back to school, and read your history book, ignoramus. Read about the 1844 Congressional declaration of Andrew Jackson's fine being invalid, and his declaration of martial law being valid. And the 63 other cases. You know nothing.
Your post is the kind of stupidity we need to be on guard against. With the exception of the Civil War and Lincoln's suspension of habeas corpus, martial law has been a rarity in this nation and has been localized on a state, and usually, a city level.

For example, Before Hawaii was a state, there was martial law imposed after Pearl Harbor, to much controversy.

We can not normalize talk of martial law as though it is routine in this country. It is not.

Nothing in our history would indicate that it is in anyway normal for a president of the United States to declare martial law, nationwide or in parts of the country, because he lost an election.

They only do that in third world shitholes.
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"An 1807 law invoked only in the most violent circumstances is now a rallying cry for the MAGA-ites most committed to the fantasy that Donald Trump will never leave office. The law, the Insurrection Act, allows the president to deploy troops to suppress domestic uprisings — not to overturn elections. Only once, however, has it been used in the wake of an election — and that was to stop a literal militia from seizing the Louisiana government on behalf of John McEnery, a former Confederate officer who had lost the 1872 governor’s race."

For the longest time, we have heard constant fearmongering by the reactionary right about their fantasy world of black helicopters circling around to round up people and put em in FEMA camps and how Obama and operation Jade-Helm were gonna launch martial law on Texas; but in real life -- we keep seeing top people in right wing leadership (including the White House) openly calling for martial law....including just this week, from Trump's former national security advisor and Trump's present election fraud super lawyer Lin Wood....who most recently made this dumb ass Fruedian slip of a filing...
View attachment 431150

For a group of people who claims to love America -- they sure do find themselves on the same side of the most un-American causes in US history -- it isn't unironic that the side who cosplays as patriots fighting tyranny are always the ones cheerleading for tyranny, sedition, authoritarianism and all out secession...all because of their hurt feels over a lost election.....but since they have no sense of shame -- they project all of their bullshit onto the other side and claim they are the ones who are in favor of all of these things.....pathetic....
Look at their recent history: They absolutely adore an aggressive, pugilistic, nationalist, authoritarian autocrat. Trump didn't change these people. They were like this all along. He just brought it out of them. All along, we thought they were regular conservatives.

Who knew.

I never saw Cult45 as conservative nor Republican.
Yeah, Trump knew he wouldn't have a chance to win if he had to start a party from scratch, so (a) went with the GOP and (b) targeted talk radio listeners like a laser beam. He needed the party's infrastructure. It worked. Well, once, anyway.

"An 1807 law invoked only in the most violent circumstances is now a rallying cry for the MAGA-ites most committed to the fantasy that Donald Trump will never leave office. The law, the Insurrection Act, allows the president to deploy troops to suppress domestic uprisings — not to overturn elections. Only once, however, has it been used in the wake of an election — and that was to stop a literal militia from seizing the Louisiana government on behalf of John McEnery, a former Confederate officer who had lost the 1872 governor’s race."

For the longest time, we have heard constant fearmongering by the reactionary right about their fantasy world of black helicopters circling around to round up people and put em in FEMA camps and how Obama and operation Jade-Helm were gonna launch martial law on Texas; but in real life -- we keep seeing top people in right wing leadership (including the White House) openly calling for martial law....including just this week, from Trump's former national security advisor and Trump's present election fraud super lawyer Lin Wood....who most recently made this dumb ass Fruedian slip of a filing...
View attachment 431150

For a group of people who claims to love America -- they sure do find themselves on the same side of the most un-American causes in US history -- it isn't unironic that the side who cosplays as patriots fighting tyranny are always the ones cheerleading for tyranny, sedition, authoritarianism and all out secession...all because of their hurt feels over a lost election.....but since they have no sense of shame -- they project all of their bullshit onto the other side and claim they are the ones who are in favor of all of these things.....pathetic....
Look at their recent history: They absolutely adore an aggressive, pugilistic, nationalist, authoritarian autocrat. Trump didn't change these people. They were like this all along. He just brought it out of them. All along, we thought they were regular conservatives.

Who knew.

I never saw Cult45 as conservative nor Republican.
Yeah, Trump knew he wouldn't have a chance to win if he had to start a party from scratch, so (a) went with the GOP and (b) targeted talk radio listeners like a laser beam. He needed the party's infrastructure. It worked. Well, once, anyway.

He led his ignorant, entitled flock to treat life like it's a reality show. Remember 'facts aren't facts'? That was the moment the con took hold over Cult45. They have been living up to their deplorable moniker ever since.

To hell with them.
No he cannot. He has no such authority.

He lost and that is fact. Your claim it was tolen is a baseless accusaqtion with no evidence hwich means you are a liar. You are bearing false witness.
I have no need to waste my time talking to a brainwashed idiot, who gets refuted 100%, and then comes back asking to be refuted again. Not my problem.

Go back to school, and read your history book, ignoramus. Read about the 1844 Congressional declaration of Andrew Jackson's fine being invalid, and his declaration of martial law being valid. And the 63 other cases. You know nothing.
Your post is the kind of stupidity we need to be on guard against. With the exception of the Civil War and Lincoln's suspension of habeas corpus, martial law has been a rarity in this nation and has been localized on a state, and usually, a city level.

For example, Before Hawaii was a state, there was martial law imposed after Pearl Harbor, to much controversy.

We can not normalize talk of martial law as though it is routine in this country. It is not.

Nothing in our history would indicate that it is in anyway normal for a president of the United States to declare martial law, nationwide or in parts of the country, because he lost an election.

They only do that in third world shitholes.

Donald has an affinity for murderous, autocratic, strong arm dictators in third world shitholes. He admires them bigly!
President Donald Trump convened a heated meeting in the Oval Office on Friday, including lawyer Sidney Powell and her client, former national security adviser Michael Flynn, two people familiar with the matter said, describing a session that began as an impromptu gathering but devolved and eventually broke out into screaming matches at certain points as some of Trump's aides pushed back on Powell and Flynn's more outrageous suggestions about overturning the election.

Now this is truly treasonous. Russian stooge Michael Flynn was apparently the one encouraging this.

it aI the time for all true American patriots to reject this garbage.

Either you love the constitution or hate it.

Only haters of freedom would ever support martial law.
It certainly wouldn't be a surprise.

Trump is the aggressive nationalist authoritarian the Trumpsters have been dreaming of for a long time. Shades of Europe 90 years ago.

That IS the playbook after all.

I wonder if this is/was a conscious decision or just a subconscious influence. I don't think he has the intellectual capacity to plan something like that out.

He dumbs himself down for his cult of personality. If you see video of his from decades ago, he sounds like a fancy dandy dude.

President Donald Trump convened a heated meeting in the Oval Office on Friday, including lawyer Sidney Powell and her client, former national security adviser Michael Flynn, two people familiar with the matter said, describing a session that began as an impromptu gathering but devolved and eventually broke out into screaming matches at certain points as some of Trump's aides pushed back on Powell and Flynn's more outrageous suggestions about overturning the election.

Now this is truly treasonous. Russian stooge Michael Flynn was apparently the one encouraging this.

it aI the time for all true American patriots to reject this garbage.

Either you love the constitution or hate it.

Only haters of freedom would ever support martial law.
It certainly wouldn't be a surprise.

Trump is the aggressive nationalist authoritarian the Trumpsters have been dreaming of for a long time. Shades of Europe 90 years ago.

That IS the playbook after all.

I wonder if this is/was a conscious decision or just a subconscious influence. I don't think he has the intellectual capacity to plan something like that out.

He dumbs himself down for his cult of personality. If you see video of his from decades ago, he sounds like a fancy dandy dude.

That's even more disturbing.

I keep asking how they can fall for something this obvious, but that's just the nature of cults. It just captures some people.

"An 1807 law invoked only in the most violent circumstances is now a rallying cry for the MAGA-ites most committed to the fantasy that Donald Trump will never leave office. The law, the Insurrection Act, allows the president to deploy troops to suppress domestic uprisings — not to overturn elections. Only once, however, has it been used in the wake of an election — and that was to stop a literal militia from seizing the Louisiana government on behalf of John McEnery, a former Confederate officer who had lost the 1872 governor’s race."

For the longest time, we have heard constant fearmongering by the reactionary right about their fantasy world of black helicopters circling around to round up people and put em in FEMA camps and how Obama and operation Jade-Helm were gonna launch martial law on Texas; but in real life -- we keep seeing top people in right wing leadership (including the White House) openly calling for martial law....including just this week, from Trump's former national security advisor and Trump's present election fraud super lawyer Lin Wood....who most recently made this dumb ass Fruedian slip of a filing...
View attachment 431150

For a group of people who claims to love America -- they sure do find themselves on the same side of the most un-American causes in US history -- it isn't unironic that the side who cosplays as patriots fighting tyranny are always the ones cheerleading for tyranny, sedition, authoritarianism and all out secession...all because of their hurt feels over a lost election.....but since they have no sense of shame -- they project all of their bullshit onto the other side and claim they are the ones who are in favor of all of these things.....pathetic....

As the evidence of an election steal pours in it is obvious to them that their elected politicians are in on it.....your claims of conspiracy and fantasy and imagination are falling on dear ears...it is neither a fantasy nor is it imagined that massive voter fraud most likely tipped a legitimate election the other way. The question is whether or not they truly understand that once you call for Martial law there's actually no going back. It's not something that comes and then goes away.....once it is imposed it will be permanent and I'm not sure they're ready for that either. Trump won't do it.... he'd rather go back to his billionaire empire and resume where he left off....even if he gets another four years he still has to go back to the private sector and I'm pretty sure he want's it to be there when he gets there.

There is no such evidence. it is fantasy that there is evidence pouring in
President Donald Trump convened a heated meeting in the Oval Office on Friday, including lawyer Sidney Powell and her client, former national security adviser Michael Flynn, two people familiar with the matter said, describing a session that began as an impromptu gathering but devolved and eventually broke out into screaming matches at certain points as some of Trump's aides pushed back on Powell and Flynn's more outrageous suggestions about overturning the election.

Now this is truly treasonous. Russian stooge Michael Flynn was apparently the one encouraging this.

it aI the time for all true American patriots to reject this garbage.

Either you love the constitution or hate it.

Only haters of freedom would ever support martial law.

Stay scared sugar.
Nah. Trumpers like yourself hate our democracy just admit it.

The U. S. of A. is not a democracy honey.

I bet you went to public school.

Now try and keep up and ask again when you need more help understanding life.

We are a constitutional democratic republic.

A republic is a government that has people representing them. Those people aren't elected by the people who they represent. They are elected by party bosses in back rooms.

A democratic republic is a representative government elected by the people.

Which is what we are.

We have a constitution that all of our laws are supposed to be based on.

So we are a constitutional democratic republic.
Your post is the kind of stupidity we need to be on guard against. With the exception of the Civil War and Lincoln's suspension of habeas corpus, martial law has been a rarity in this nation and has been localized on a state, and usually, a city level.

For example, Before Hawaii was a state, there was martial law imposed after Pearl Harbor, to much controversy.

We can not normalize talk of martial law as though it is routine in this country. It is not.

Nothing in our history would indicate that it is in anyway normal for a president of the United States to declare martial law, nationwide or in parts of the country, because he lost an election.

They only do that in third world shitholes.
FALSE! Martial law has been imposed 64 times in America, so it is neither a rarity nor a common event. It is incorrect to say that it's not normal for a president of the United States to declare martial law, nationwide or in parts of the country, and if Trump were to declare it, it wouldn't be from him losing an election, because he has not done that.

He actually WON the election, and the martial law would be to ensure that a new election was being conducted legally and properly, without manipulation favoring one candidate or the other, as has occured. Martial law isn't something one does on a whim, but it does have it's proper place to be used when/where the situation warrants it, and no situation has ever warranted it more than in the 6 swing states, right now, or next month.

Hope this has fixed your perception imbalance on martial law. :biggrin:
Yeah, Trump knew he wouldn't have a chance to win if he had to start a party from scratch, so (a) went with the GOP and (b) targeted talk radio listeners like a laser beam. He needed the party's infrastructure. It worked. Well, once, anyway.
It worked twice.
He led his ignorant, entitled flock to treat life like it's a reality show. Remember 'facts aren't facts'? That was the moment the con took hold over Cult45. They have been living up to their deplorable moniker ever since.

To hell with them.
Sad that you are so detached.
Donald has an affinity for murderous, autocratic, strong arm dictators in third world shitholes. He admires them bigly!
This is the latest in CNN, MSNBC, PBS outlandish, preposterous, bizzare indoctrination ?
They've been really stretching things lately.
"we may define a republic to be, or at least may bestow that name on, a government which derives all its powers directly or indirectly from the great body of the people... It is ESSENTIAL to such a government that it be derived from the great body of the society, not from an inconsiderable proportion, or a favored class of it; otherwise a handful of tyrannical nobles, exercising their oppressions by a delegation of their powers, might aspire to the rank of republicans, and claim for their government the honorable title of republic"
-- Federalist #39
He dumbs himself down for his cult of personality. If you see video of his from decades ago, he sounds like a fancy dandy dude.
The handful of tyrannical (not so noble) nobles trying to subvert our electoral system with fraud.
That's even more disturbing.

I keep asking how they can fall for something this obvious, but that's just the nature of cults. It just captures some people.
But electing a China spy traitor isn't "disturbing" ? A defunder of police ? A gun-grabber ? A child molester ?


"An 1807 law invoked only in the most violent circumstances is now a rallying cry for the MAGA-ites most committed to the fantasy that Donald Trump will never leave office. The law, the Insurrection Act, allows the president to deploy troops to suppress domestic uprisings — not to overturn elections. Only once, however, has it been used in the wake of an election — and that was to stop a literal militia from seizing the Louisiana government on behalf of John McEnery, a former Confederate officer who had lost the 1872 governor’s race."

For the longest time, we have heard constant fearmongering by the reactionary right about their fantasy world of black helicopters circling around to round up people and put em in FEMA camps and how Obama and operation Jade-Helm were gonna launch martial law on Texas; but in real life -- we keep seeing top people in right wing leadership (including the White House) openly calling for martial law....including just this week, from Trump's former national security advisor and Trump's present election fraud super lawyer Lin Wood....who most recently made this dumb ass Fruedian slip of a filing...
View attachment 431150

For a group of people who claims to love America -- they sure do find themselves on the same side of the most un-American causes in US history -- it isn't unironic that the side who cosplays as patriots fighting tyranny are always the ones cheerleading for tyranny, sedition, authoritarianism and all out secession...all because of their hurt feels over a lost election.....but since they have no sense of shame -- they project all of their bullshit onto the other side and claim they are the ones who are in favor of all of these things.....pathetic....


Simple, the ones calling for this are a bunch of sore losers that can not come to grips that Trump lost the damn election and now want to overthrow the Constitution and Federal Government and replace it with a Dictatorship with Trump family ruling us.

These idiots fear that they are losing their America which is a twisted and distorted reality of what never happened in the past and they believe Trump is their last Great Hope but instead Trump is their demise and downfall...

These people have lost their damn mind but this is not new and these freaks have been calling for Civil War since Bill Clinton day but with Trump their voice is louder and more angrier than usual...

In the end if Trump and his minions attempt this it will be the end of our Republic and when it is all over and when they fail I want Trump voting base to remember they are the reason why we lost our Constitution and they are the ones that should be shun and be held fully accountable for their treasonous actions just because they could not accept reality!

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