Why Do Trumpers Want Martial Law So Bad??

“Why Do Trumpers Want Martial Law So Bad??”

They’re fundamentally authoritarians who have nothing but contempt for the rule of law, our democratic institutions, and the Constitution.

It’s consistent with their desire to establish a totalitarian dictatorship (see Russia/Putin).

It exhibits their ignorance of the fact that ‘marital law’ is un-Constitutional unless a jurisdiction is subject to actual military war and the courts in that jurisdiction have ceased to function.

And it’s an example of Trump supporters being all talk and no action.
all talk and no action?....sounds like a poster we have here named clayton jones....
No one in his/her right mind wants martial law because of possible election fraud.

After all, many members of the armed forces nowadays are Dems.

So many would disobey the generals.

And as we discovered this summer, some generals would disobey President Trump.

There will be NO martial law; President-elect Biden WILL take office on January 20; hopefully some patriotic Dems and Pubs and Independents will continue to prove election fraud before the 2022 Congressional elections; and 99% of Americans will get on with their personal lives.
No one in his/her right mind wants martial law because of possible election fraud.

After all, many members of the armed forces nowadays are Dems.

So many would disobey the generals.

And as we discovered this summer, some generals would disobey President Trump.

There will be NO martial law; President-elect Biden WILL take office on January 20; hopefully some patriotic Dems and Pubs and Independents will continue to prove election fraud before the 2022 Congressional elections; and 99% of Americans will get on with their personal lives.
If anything, it will be the National Guard just helping state police to keep things calm. The Dems are bluffing- the last thing they want is a war here, even if it means 4 more years of trying to impeach Trump.

"An 1807 law invoked only in the most violent circumstances is now a rallying cry for the MAGA-ites most committed to the fantasy that Donald Trump will never leave office. The law, the Insurrection Act, allows the president to deploy troops to suppress domestic uprisings — not to overturn elections. Only once, however, has it been used in the wake of an election — and that was to stop a literal militia from seizing the Louisiana government on behalf of John McEnery, a former Confederate officer who had lost the 1872 governor’s race."

For the longest time, we have heard constant fearmongering by the reactionary right about their fantasy world of black helicopters circling around to round up people and put em in FEMA camps and how Obama and operation Jade-Helm were gonna launch martial law on Texas; but in real life -- we keep seeing top people in right wing leadership (including the White House) openly calling for martial law....including just this week, from Trump's former national security advisor and Trump's present election fraud super lawyer Lin Wood....who most recently made this dumb ass Fruedian slip of a filing...
View attachment 431150

For a group of people who claims to love America -- they sure do find themselves on the same side of the most un-American causes in US history -- it isn't unironic that the side who cosplays as patriots fighting tyranny are always the ones cheerleading for tyranny, sedition, authoritarianism and all out secession...all because of their hurt feels over a lost election.....but since they have no sense of shame -- they project all of their bullshit onto the other side and claim they are the ones who are in favor of all of these things.....pathetic....
Patriotic Americans who no longer trust the media, and are calling for a fair and honest, unrigged election.
Count me in.

Biden and the Democrats should want the same thing.
The Dems are bluffing- the last thing they want is a war here, even if it means 4 more years of
Don't be stupider than you have to be.

It's not the Democrats threatening war.
Oh. The spin master has to resort to syi's.
I expect betta from you, creepy.
Use your imagination- c'mon....or are you another robot like candycorn and soupnazi ?

"An 1807 law invoked only in the most violent circumstances is now a rallying cry for the MAGA-ites most committed to the fantasy that Donald Trump will never leave office. The law, the Insurrection Act, allows the president to deploy troops to suppress domestic uprisings — not to overturn elections. Only once, however, has it been used in the wake of an election — and that was to stop a literal militia from seizing the Louisiana government on behalf of John McEnery, a former Confederate officer who had lost the 1872 governor’s race."

For the longest time, we have heard constant fearmongering by the reactionary right about their fantasy world of black helicopters circling around to round up people and put em in FEMA camps and how Obama and operation Jade-Helm were gonna launch martial law on Texas; but in real life -- we keep seeing top people in right wing leadership (including the White House) openly calling for martial law....including just this week, from Trump's former national security advisor and Trump's present election fraud super lawyer Lin Wood....who most recently made this dumb ass Fruedian slip of a filing...
View attachment 431150For a group of people who claims to love America -- they sure do find themselves on the same side of the most un-American causes in US history -- it isn't unironic that the side who cosplays as patriots fighting tyranny are always the ones cheerleading for tyranny, sedition, authoritarianism and all out secession...all because of their hurt feels over a lost election.....but since they have no sense of shame -- they project all of their bullshit onto the other side and claim they are the ones who are in favor of all of these things.....pathetic.
To exterminate the coming riots after Trump is re-elected.
Well, then they have four years to prepare.
The Dems are bluffing- the last thing they want is a war here, even if it means 4 more years of
Don't be stupider than you have to be.

It's not the Democrats threatening war.
Oh. The spin master has to resort to syi's.
I expect betta from you, creepy. View attachment 431196Use your imagination- c'mon....or are you another robot like candycorn and soupnazi ?View attachment 431197
Your accusing me, but not addressing my comment. It's not the Democrats threatening war.
The Dems are bluffing- the last thing they want is a war here, even if it means 4 more years of
Don't be stupider than you have to be.

It's not the Democrats threatening war.
Oh. The spin master has to resort to syi's.
I expect betta from you, creepy. View attachment 431196Use your imagination- c'mon....or are you another robot like candycorn and soupnazi ?View attachment 431197
Your accusing me, but not addressing my comment. It's not the Democrats threatening war.
No. It's the globalists whose assholes your heads are firmly implanted up inside.

"An 1807 law invoked only in the most violent circumstances is now a rallying cry for the MAGA-ites most committed to the fantasy that Donald Trump will never leave office. The law, the Insurrection Act, allows the president to deploy troops to suppress domestic uprisings — not to overturn elections. Only once, however, has it been used in the wake of an election — and that was to stop a literal militia from seizing the Louisiana government on behalf of John McEnery, a former Confederate officer who had lost the 1872 governor’s race."

For the longest time, we have heard constant fearmongering by the reactionary right about their fantasy world of black helicopters circling around to round up people and put em in FEMA camps and how Obama and operation Jade-Helm were gonna launch martial law on Texas; but in real life -- we keep seeing top people in right wing leadership (including the White House) openly calling for martial law....including just this week, from Trump's former national security advisor and Trump's present election fraud super lawyer Lin Wood....who most recently made this dumb ass Fruedian slip of a filing...
View attachment 431150

For a group of people who claims to love America -- they sure do find themselves on the same side of the most un-American causes in US history -- it isn't unironic that the side who cosplays as patriots fighting tyranny are always the ones cheerleading for tyranny, sedition, authoritarianism and all out secession...all because of their hurt feels over a lost election.....but since they have no sense of shame -- they project all of their bullshit onto the other side and claim they are the ones who are in favor of all of these things.....pathetic....
trumptards are anti-american scumbags.
The Dems are bluffing- the last thing they want is a war here, even if it means 4 more years of
Don't be stupider than you have to be.

It's not the Democrats threatening war.
Oh. The spin master has to resort to syi's.
I expect betta from you, creepy. View attachment 431196Use your imagination- c'mon....or are you another robot like candycorn and soupnazi ?View attachment 431197
Your accusing me, but not addressing my comment. It's not the Democrats threatening war.
No. It's the globalists whose assholes your heads are firmly implanted up inside.
Where have you seen Democrats threatening war?

On the other hand you can find morons... Sorry, I mean conservatives, doing so right here on the site.
They desperately need someone to tell them what to do and say, who to hate, who to love, and generally how to live their lives.
They desperately need someone to tell them what to do and say, who to hate, who to love, and generally how to live their lives.
lol....and democrats are different?.....
boy they sure stuck a flag in your ass....
Where have you seen Democrats threatening war?
Pay attention from now on, kids. Pop quiz

They desperately need someone to tell them what to do and say, who to hate, who to love, and generally how to live their lives.
They desperately need someone to tell them what to do and say, who to hate, who to love, and generally how to live their lives.
lol....and democrats are different?.....
boy they sure stuck a flag in your ass....
to say what you said.....yes they have....
Look at their recent history: They absolutely adore an aggressive, pugilistic, nationalist, authoritarian autocrat. Trump didn't change these people. They were like this all along. He just brought it out of them. All along, we thought they were regular conservatives.

Who knew.
I knew.

Anyone paying attention knew this already.
Where have you seen Democrats threatening war?
Pay attention from now on, kids. Pop quiz
Monday.View attachment 431205

Opinion pieces cannot make your point. Try again. Show me Democrats calling for civil war.
They desperately need someone to tell them what to do and say, who to hate, who to love, and generally how to live their lives.
They desperately need someone to tell them what to do and say, who to hate, who to love, and generally how to live their lives.
lol....and democrats are different?.....
boy they sure stuck a flag in your ass....
to say what you said.....yes they have....
Your delusions are not my problem.

Give me a shout when you return to reality.

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