Why do we still support Ukrainian government?


VIP Member
Nov 25, 2014
Ukraine army began new attacks on Donetsk using 500kg air bombs against the citizen of Gorlovka.
Ukraine army began new attacks on Donetsk using 500kg air bombs against the citizen of Gorlovka - CNN iReport

It seems to me that our friends in Ukraine are going to destroy the whole region and kill every Russian-speaking person in the East of the Ukraine just to look 'democratic' in our eyes. Do we really need allies like this who ready to kill people and destroy cities for money? Is it enough democratic?
Ukraine army began new attacks on Donetsk using 500kg air bombs against the citizen of Gorlovka.
Ukraine army began new attacks on Donetsk using 500kg air bombs against the citizen of Gorlovka - CNN iReport

It seems to me that our friends in Ukraine are going to destroy the whole region and kill every Russian-speaking person in the East of the Ukraine just to look 'democratic' in our eyes. Do we really need allies like this who ready to kill people and destroy cities for money? Is it enough democratic?

Because Putin sucks. And lies.
Associated Press has published a few recent pictures of civilian victims of Ukrainian Army, shelling residential areas of Donetsk, SE Ukraine from Grads, Uragans, ballistic rockets etc .
EVERY DAY (!) Ukrainian Army kills several civilians and wounds even more. There are many people, victims of Ukrainian shelling, in the hospitals without hands, legs, eyes, including the children. Last week during Ukrainian shelling a boy Vanya Voronov, 9 y.o., lost both his feet and one arm, one eye doesn’t see anything and the other can see only bright light and his little brother and step father were killed. And Poroshenko, the president, which gives the orders to exterminate his own civilians, was marching in Paris against terrorism... NONSENSE!!!!

Except for Russian journalists who take risk of their lives to present the true picture from Donbass (rebellious SE Ukraine) , there are basically NO OTHERS! (Last June-July six journalists were killed in Donbass: four Russians, one Italian with his interpreter). All the West receives the “information” (technically: disinformation) from official Kiev, who is obviously not interested to look bad and tell the world what it’s doing to its own people. My question is: how the Western world can even buy that information without any confirmation (videos, pictures and their independent interpretation) from the scene of the actual events? If anybody from the Western world bothered to come to Donbass, make videos of thousands of ruined houses and just ask civilians (women, seniors and even children know!!) one simple question: who keeps ruining your houses and killing your people, everybody would answer as one voice: “Ukrainian army does!”, however the world stays uninformed... I am (as well as millions of ethnic Russians, trapped in Ukraine) very thankful to journalists of AP, who have reported about some crimes, committed by official Kiev on its own civilians. But they only are showing a little tip of a huge and ugly iceberg...

Mourners gather around a coffin bearing Artiam, 4, who was killed in a Ukrainian army artillery strike, during his funeral in Kuivisevsky district on the outskirts of Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2015. At least three civilians were killed in shelling Tuesday in eastern Ukraine as fighting continued between government and rebel forces in the separatist-held city of Donetsk. (AP Photo/Manu Brabo)

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A person walk near the remains of a man lying near a bus stop that was damaged in shelling by the Ukrainian army in Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2015. At least three civilians were killed in shelling Tuesday in eastern Ukraine as fighting continued between government and rebel forces in the separatist-held city of Donetsk. (AP Photo/Manu Brabo)

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An elderly Ukrainian man lies on a bed, in the basement of a hospital hit by the Ukrainian Army Artillery, at the Hospital Nº 3 for elder people and children in Donetsk, Ukraine. Monday, Jan. 19, 2015. The separatist stronghold, Donetsk, was shaken by intense outgoing and incoming artillery fire on Sunday as a bitter battle raged for control over the city's airport. Streets in the city, which was home to 1 million people before unrest erupted in spring, were completely deserted and the windows of apartments in the center rattled from incessant rocket and mortar fire. (AP Photo/Manu Brabo)

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A view of the damaged Hospital Nº 3, after it was hit by Ukrainian Army artillery in Kalininsky district, in Donetsk, Ukraine. Monday, Jan. 19, 2015. The separatist stronghold, Donetsk, was shaken by intense outgoing and incoming artillery fire on Sunday as a bitter battle raged for control over the city's airport. Streets in the city, which was home to 1 million people before unrest erupted in spring, were completely deserted and the windows of apartments in the center rattled from incessant rocket and mortar fire. (AP Photo/Manu Brabo)

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A Ukrainian woman looks through a broken window at their flat after it was hit by Ukrainian Artillery in the Voroshilovsky area, center of Donetsk, Ukraine. Sunday, Jan. 18, 2015. The separatist stronghold, Donetsk, was shaken by intense outgoing and incoming artillery fire as a bitter battle raged for control over the city's airport. Streets in the city, which was home to 1 million people before unrest erupted in spring, were completely deserted and the windows of apartments in the center rattled from incessant rocket and mortar fire. (AP Photo/Manu Brabo)

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We support Ukraine because when we asked them to give up their Nukes both Russia and US guaranteed that Russia would not
Putin simply thinks Obama is a ballless wonder he seems to be right.

Have you checked out of reality?

Obama is winning.

Russia is deserted in the bond market...

Now we just wait.

Obama Win.
Suck it, Putin
1)Putin? what kind of blinders do you use?
2)Who do you believe? Tell me their names please and maybe our conversation will finish successfully.

If Putin had been a liar Russians would have overthrown him ten years ago. They did it twice in the 20th century. It's not a problem for them.
Suck it, Putin
1)Putin? what kind of blinders do you use?
2)Who do you believe? Tell me their names please and maybe our conversation will finish successfully.

If Putin had been a liar Russians would have overthrown him ten years ago. They did it twice in the 20th century. It's not a problem for them.

Hey Ivan, has Putin blown up any apartment buildings lately?
U.S. Taking a Fresh Look at Arming Ukraine’s Forces, Officials Say

New York Times ^
WASHINGTON — With Russian-backed separatists pressing their attacks in Ukraine, NATO’s military commander, Gen. Philip M. Breedlove, now supports providing defensive weapons and equipment to Kiev’s beleaguered forces, and an array of administration and military officials appear to be edging toward that position, American officials said Sunday. President Obama has made no decisions on providing such lethal assistance. But after a series of striking reversals that Ukraine’s forces have suffered in recent weeks, the Obama administration is taking a fresh look at the question of military assistance. Secretary of State John Kerry, who plans to visit Kiev on Thursday, is...
I'd like some answers on why we backed this coup and gave the Ukraine to these bastards in Kiev. Now we have another ruined country.

Let's see.

Egypt was taken over by the MB that the west supported but thankfully the country came to their senses and threw Morsi out.

Libya is a dog's breakfast.

Yemen. Well that just went down the tubes.

Syria. Obama is still trying to overthrow Assad and give the country to the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood.

Iraq. Mosul is still in the clutches of ISIS.

We backed the coup in the Ukraine and now we have civil war.

Am I missing any? Oh and Obama is trying to unseat Bibi in Israel.
I'd like some answers on why we backed this coup and gave the Ukraine to these bastards in Kiev. Now we have another ruined country.

Let's see.

Egypt was taken over by the MB that the west supported but thankfully the country came to their senses and threw Morsi out.

Libya is a dog's breakfast.

Yemen. Well that just went down the tubes.

Syria. Obama is still trying to overthrow Assad and give the country to the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood.

Iraq. Mosul is still in the clutches of ISIS.

We backed the coup in the Ukraine and now we have civil war.

Am I missing any? Oh and Obama is trying to unseat Bibi in Israel.

I'd like some answers on why we backed this coup and gave the Ukraine to these bastards in Kiev.

We didn't give it to anyone. They've had an election since Putin's puppet fled.

We backed the coup in the Ukraine and now we have civil war.

Just because the Russian invaders say it's a civil war doesn't make it the truth.
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I'd like some answers on why we backed this coup and gave the Ukraine to these bastards in Kiev. Now we have another ruined country.

Let's see.

Egypt was taken over by the MB that the west supported but thankfully the country came to their senses and threw Morsi out.

Libya is a dog's breakfast.

Yemen. Well that just went down the tubes.

Syria. Obama is still trying to overthrow Assad and give the country to the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood.

Iraq. Mosul is still in the clutches of ISIS.

We backed the coup in the Ukraine and now we have civil war.

Am I missing any? Oh and Obama is trying to unseat Bibi in Israel.

I'd like some answers on why we backed this coup and gave the Ukraine to these bastards in Kiev.

We didn't give it to anyone. They've had an election since Putin's puppet fled.

We backed the coup in the Ukraine and now we have civil war.

Just because the Russian invaders say it's a coup doesn't make it the truth.

He wasn't Putin's puppet. He and his party were duly elected in 2012. Fair and square.

I'm a Uk third generation btw living in the country with the third largest Uk population outside of the Ukraine and Russia.

I was following this before it became a blip on our media's radar screen.

Knowing Svoboda and Right Sector were taking over the protests were all I needed to know about where this was heading. It was a violent overthrow.

The President ran for his life and I don't blame him. Some one would have assassinated him for certain.

And his impeachment was completely and utterly unconstitutional. I'm not just slagging Obama over this.

I'm up my own party's ass up here big time over this. It's not over. I want to know why we backed this overthrow.

Oh and the last elections. Most of the east was denied the chance to vote.

The country has been split in two for a long time. Check out the electoral maps.

The divisions are perfectly clear.
Ukraine army began new attacks on Donetsk using 500kg air bombs against the citizen of Gorlovka.
Ukraine army began new attacks on Donetsk using 500kg air bombs against the citizen of Gorlovka - CNN iReport

It seems to me that our friends in Ukraine are going to destroy the whole region and kill every Russian-speaking person in the East of the Ukraine just to look 'democratic' in our eyes. Do we really need allies like this who ready to kill people and destroy cities for money? Is it enough democratic?

Because Putin sucks. And lies.
And that makes him different from Obama or any other person in any government how?
There is no doubt that the impeachment was entirely unconstitutional. Therefore the current government of the Ukraine is illegal.
I'd like some answers on why we backed this coup and gave the Ukraine to these bastards in Kiev. Now we have another ruined country.

Let's see.

Egypt was taken over by the MB that the west supported but thankfully the country came to their senses and threw Morsi out.

Libya is a dog's breakfast.

Yemen. Well that just went down the tubes.

Syria. Obama is still trying to overthrow Assad and give the country to the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood.

Iraq. Mosul is still in the clutches of ISIS.

We backed the coup in the Ukraine and now we have civil war.

Am I missing any? Oh and Obama is trying to unseat Bibi in Israel.

I'd like some answers on why we backed this coup and gave the Ukraine to these bastards in Kiev.

We didn't give it to anyone. They've had an election since Putin's puppet fled.

We backed the coup in the Ukraine and now we have civil war.

Just because the Russian invaders say it's a coup doesn't make it the truth.

He wasn't Putin's puppet. He and his party were duly elected in 2012. Fair and square.

I'm a Uk third generation btw living in the country with the third largest Uk population outside of the Ukraine and Russia.

I was following this before it became a blip on our media's radar screen.

Knowing Svoboda and Right Sector were taking over the protests were all I needed to know about where this was heading. It was a violent overthrow.

The President ran for his life and I don't blame him. Some one would have assassinated him for certain.

And his impeachment was completely and utterly unconstitutional. I'm not just slagging Obama over this.

I'm up my own party's ass up here big time over this. It's not over. I want to know why we backed this overthrow.

Oh and the last elections. Most of the east was denied the chance to vote.

The country has been split in two for a long time. Check out the electoral maps.

The divisions are perfectly clear.

He wasn't Putin's puppet. He and his party were duly elected in 2012. Fair and square.

Yes, Putin's puppet was elected, fair and square.

And his impeachment was completely and utterly unconstitutional.

Boohoo. There is a duly elected government now. Putin needs to get his troops out now.

The President ran for his life and I don't blame him.

Yeah, after shooting all those protestors, he's lucky he survived.
Ukraine army began new attacks on Donetsk using 500kg air bombs against the citizen of Gorlovka.
Ukraine army began new attacks on Donetsk using 500kg air bombs against the citizen of Gorlovka - CNN iReport

It seems to me that our friends in Ukraine are going to destroy the whole region and kill every Russian-speaking person in the East of the Ukraine just to look 'democratic' in our eyes. Do we really need allies like this who ready to kill people and destroy cities for money? Is it enough democratic?

Because Putin sucks. And lies.
And that makes him different from Obama or any other person in any government how?

I agree, Obama sucks.

Putin still needs to get his troops out of Ukraine.
Suck it, Putin
1)Putin? what kind of blinders do you use?
2)Who do you believe? Tell me their names please and maybe our conversation will finish successfully.

If Putin had been a liar Russians would have overthrown him ten years ago. They did it twice in the 20th century. It's not a problem for them.

We support the Ukraine because they're being invaded. The seizure of Crimea was done via deception, with Putin insisting that he had no troops in the area and the armed uprising was only native Crimeans. Later, Putin admitted that it had been Russian troops, after annexing the land.

Then an armed uprising begins in Ukraine. And Putin uses the same 'its only the natives' line. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Worse, Russia will only allow for a peace treaty if the Ukraine agrees not to join NATO. So we have a Russia invading Ukrainian territory. Twice. Russia lying about its actions. Twice. Russia trying to prevent the Ukraine from joining an alliance that would protect it from future attacks from Russia.

Seems pretty clear who we should be supporting.
I'd like some answers on why we backed this coup and gave the Ukraine to these bastards in Kiev. Now we have another ruined country.

Let's see.

Egypt was taken over by the MB that the west supported but thankfully the country came to their senses and threw Morsi out.

Libya is a dog's breakfast.

Yemen. Well that just went down the tubes.

Syria. Obama is still trying to overthrow Assad and give the country to the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood.

Iraq. Mosul is still in the clutches of ISIS.

We backed the coup in the Ukraine and now we have civil war.

Am I missing any? Oh and Obama is trying to unseat Bibi in Israel.

I'd like some answers on why we backed this coup and gave the Ukraine to these bastards in Kiev.

We didn't give it to anyone. They've had an election since Putin's puppet fled.

We backed the coup in the Ukraine and now we have civil war.

Just because the Russian invaders say it's a coup doesn't make it the truth.

He wasn't Putin's puppet. He and his party were duly elected in 2012. Fair and square.

I'm a Uk third generation btw living in the country with the third largest Uk population outside of the Ukraine and Russia.

I was following this before it became a blip on our media's radar screen.

Knowing Svoboda and Right Sector were taking over the protests were all I needed to know about where this was heading. It was a violent overthrow.

The President ran for his life and I don't blame him. Some one would have assassinated him for certain.

And his impeachment was completely and utterly unconstitutional. I'm not just slagging Obama over this.

I'm up my own party's ass up here big time over this. It's not over. I want to know why we backed this overthrow.

Oh and the last elections. Most of the east was denied the chance to vote.

The country has been split in two for a long time. Check out the electoral maps.

The divisions are perfectly clear.

He wasn't Putin's puppet. He and his party were duly elected in 2012. Fair and square.

Yes, Putin's puppet was elected, fair and square.

And his impeachment was completely and utterly unconstitutional.

Boohoo. There is a duly elected government now. Putin needs to get his troops out now.

The President ran for his life and I don't blame him.

Yeah, after shooting all those protestors, he's lucky he survived.

He was elected fair and square in two back to back elections. Just as his party was in the parliamentary elections.

Yanukovych's electoral stronghold was in the east. These are the pro Russian areas of the Ukraine that want nothing to do with the sons of bitches in Kiev.

They want to separate. I don't blame them. I don't blame them at all.

As far as Putin supplying the rebels? I'm at the point of "why not"? We do it all the time. Who the fuck are we to demand that Putin can't offer aid to pro Russian rebels?

We've been fucking up the middle east royally by supplying weapons to terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr "rebels" in Libya and Syria.

What the heck. Russia gives pro Russians weapons. Obama arms Kiev and we'll just have another freaking mega mess on our hands because we've interfered AGAIN.

As it is by backing this coup we have already ignited a civil war.

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