Why do we still support Ukrainian government?

Suck it, Putin
1)Putin? what kind of blinders do you use?
2)Who do you believe? Tell me their names please and maybe our conversation will finish successfully.

If Putin had been a liar Russians would have overthrown him ten years ago. They did it twice in the 20th century. It's not a problem for them.

We support the Ukraine because they're being invaded. The seizure of Crimea was done via deception, with Putin insisting that he had no troops in the area and the armed uprising was only native Crimeans. Later, Putin admitted that it had been Russian troops, after annexing the land.

Then an armed uprising begins in Ukraine. And Putin uses the same 'its only the natives' line. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Worse, Russia will only allow for a peace treaty if the Ukraine agrees not to join NATO. So we have a Russia invading Ukrainian territory. Twice. Russia lying about its actions. Twice. Russia trying to prevent the Ukraine from joining an alliance that would protect it from future attacks from Russia.

Seems pretty clear who we should be supporting.

Hey we helped with the overthrow. The die was cast from that point forward.
Oh and Crimea was Russian until old Nikita one day just gave her to the Ukraine. Of course they voted to rejoin Russia.

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