Why Do Whites Believe African...

Apparently you are an idiot then. You pay Native Americans reparations every year for shit that happened in the 17-1800's. So you have no argument against reparations.
I don’t pay Native Americans shit, nor would I. Stop being a fuck’n parasite, stop feeling sorry for yourself, and be thankful for the sacrifices of so many (both black and white) to give you the life you don’t appreciate.
White people are not the only demographic in the US. Taxes are paid by everyone. Again you need to concentrate on my point. Why do whites deflect instead of talking about the point?

Ok, make your argument for reparations. Why should there be reparations for Black Americans?

Why would I do that if thats not what I am discussing?

I am asking why do whites do all the deflecting as a default response to discussion of reparations like you did for a couple of posts.

What you call deflection is what others refer to as reasons against reparations. You don’t have the onions to come out and say you want to get paid for being black (assuming you’re black). I have never heard a compelling argument for reparations, and you’re clearly not ready to make one.

No its deflection. You pay Native Americans reparations every year for shit that happened in the 17-1800's. So you have no argument against it.

Where my reparations be at?

Apparently you are an idiot then. You pay Native Americans reparations every year for shit that happened in the 17-1800's. So you have no argument against reparations.
I don’t pay Native Americans shit, nor would I. Stop being a fuck’n parasite, stop feeling sorry for yourself, and be thankful for the sacrifices of so many (both black and white) to give you the life you don’t appreciate.

Yes you do every year. Right out of your taxes.
If blacks are the superior race many claim, where is their space program, where are their computer labs, where are their physicists? Where is anything other than what we see everywhere?
Yes you do every year. Right out of your taxes.
Again...I don’t pay Native Americans shit, nor would I. Once the government takes my money by force (a practice you support), it is no longer my money and I can’t control where it goes.
So you want to redistribute money from white people who had nothing to do with slavery to black people who were never enslaved. That makes perfect “liberal” sense.
White people are not the only demographic in the US. Taxes are paid by everyone. Again you need to concentrate on my point. Why do whites deflect instead of talking about the point?

Ok, make your argument for reparations. Why should there be reparations for Black Americans?

Why would I do that if thats not what I am discussing?

I am asking why do whites do all the deflecting as a default response to discussion of reparations like you did for a couple of posts.

What you call deflection is what others refer to as reasons against reparations. You don’t have the onions to come out and say you want to get paid for being black (assuming you’re black). I have never heard a compelling argument for reparations, and you’re clearly not ready to make one.

No its deflection. You pay Native Americans reparations every year for shit that happened in the 17-1800's. So you have no argument against it.

Actually I disagree with the way Native Americans have been handled including the reparations. Native Americans have in large part been left behind the rest of the country. Those who still live on reservations (20-30%, I believe) live in third world conditions. Those who have left the reservations struggle with lack of education in low paying jobs.

Reparations have not helped native Americans, it’s crippled them. That is not a good argument for reparations for black Americans, and so I have still yet to hear a good argument for reparations.
Modern social statistics of Native Americans - Wikipedia
Health standards for Native Americans have notable disparities from that of all United States racial and ethnic groups. They have higher rates of disease, higher death rates, and a lack of medical coverage.[1]

These health issues are matched by illegal drug abuse; abuse levels are higher than any other demographic group in the United States. Methamphetamine abuse on reservations is a particular area of concern for tribal and federal governments.[2] Concerning their land, Native Americans lost more than 97.7 percent of land over the course of the American conquest.
Ok, make your argument for reparations. Why should there be reparations for Black Americans?

Why would I do that if thats not what I am discussing?

I am asking why do whites do all the deflecting as a default response to discussion of reparations like you did for a couple of posts.

What you call deflection is what others refer to as reasons against reparations. You don’t have the onions to come out and say you want to get paid for being black (assuming you’re black). I have never heard a compelling argument for reparations, and you’re clearly not ready to make one.

No its deflection. You pay Native Americans reparations every year for shit that happened in the 17-1800's. So you have no argument against it.

Where my reparations be at?


I agree, asking for reparations is stupid.
I want whites to stop deflecting. What Africa did or did not do has no bearing on what the US did for centuries.

I dont care about racists. I dont care how pissed off they get. I deal with them very well on a daily basis. The value of the reparations can be used to close the economic gap. I dont expect it to cure racists.

So you want to redistribute money from white people who had nothing to do with slavery to black people who were never enslaved. That makes perfect “liberal” sense.
White people are not the only demographic in the US. Taxes are paid by everyone. Again you need to concentrate on my point. Why do whites deflect instead of talking about the point?

Ok, make your argument for reparations. Why should there be reparations for Black Americans?

Why would I do that if thats not what I am discussing?

I am asking why do whites do all the deflecting as a default response to discussion of reparations like you did for a couple of posts.

What you call deflection is what others refer to as reasons against reparations. You don’t have the onions to come out and say you want to get paid for being black (assuming you’re black). I have never heard a compelling argument for reparations, and you’re clearly not ready to make one.
Saying what another country or continent did isnt a reason to deflect from the discussion about reparations here in this country. They have nothing to do with each other.
countries had a policy of selling servants to white slave traders as a way of trying to deflect on any talk of reparations from the US? I always wondered about this and I think I have it figured out. Its got to be some sort of cognitive dissonance at play. Whites make up and made up a lot of stories to justify all the criminal things they have and still do. I guess they think having some traitors help them procure slaves means the practice was one that Africans practiced as a national policy. Its a good thing having access to research from Black authors that tell the truth.

Reparations :21:

Take your 40 acres and a team of mules........ er wait

You ain't getting that either

We gave you welfare instead


See what I mean? white boys cant even stay with the OP.

So, what amount do you believe that you are personally owed? Do you have a dollar amount in mind?
The amount is not the issue. I am asking why do whites avoid the point like you are doing now?
So you want to redistribute money from white people who had nothing to do with slavery to black people who were never enslaved. That makes perfect “liberal” sense.
White people are not the only demographic in the US. Taxes are paid by everyone. Again you need to concentrate on my point. Why do whites deflect instead of talking about the point?

Ok, make your argument for reparations. Why should there be reparations for Black Americans?

Why would I do that if thats not what I am discussing?

I am asking why do whites do all the deflecting as a default response to discussion of reparations like you did for a couple of posts.

What you call deflection is what others refer to as reasons against reparations. You don’t have the onions to come out and say you want to get paid for being black (assuming you’re black). I have never heard a compelling argument for reparations, and you’re clearly not ready to make one.
Saying another country or continent did isnt a reason to be against reparations here. They have nothing to do with each other.
Rant all you want.

You ain't getting no free money like the Native American kids get.
White people are not the only demographic in the US. Taxes are paid by everyone. Again you need to concentrate on my point. Why do whites deflect instead of talking about the point?

Ok, make your argument for reparations. Why should there be reparations for Black Americans?

Why would I do that if thats not what I am discussing?

I am asking why do whites do all the deflecting as a default response to discussion of reparations like you did for a couple of posts.

What you call deflection is what others refer to as reasons against reparations. You don’t have the onions to come out and say you want to get paid for being black (assuming you’re black). I have never heard a compelling argument for reparations, and you’re clearly not ready to make one.

No its deflection. You pay Native Americans reparations every year for shit that happened in the 17-1800's. So you have no argument against it.

Actually I disagree with the way Native Americans have been handled including the reparations. Native Americans have in large part been left behind the rest of the country. Those who still live on reservations (20-30%, I believe) live in third world conditions. Those who have left the reservations struggle with lack of education in low paying jobs.

Reparations have not helped native Americans, it’s crippled them. That is not a good argument for reparations for black Americans, and so I have still yet to hear a good argument for reparations.
Modern social statistics of Native Americans - Wikipedia
Health standards for Native Americans have notable disparities from that of all United States racial and ethnic groups. They have higher rates of disease, higher death rates, and a lack of medical coverage.[1]

These health issues are matched by illegal drug abuse; abuse levels are higher than any other demographic group in the United States. Methamphetamine abuse on reservations is a particular area of concern for tribal and federal governments.[2] Concerning their land, Native Americans lost more than 97.7 percent of land over the course of the American conquest.
Anytime you have a bunch of lazy people, when you give them free money they just get lazier.

Imagine how lazy the American blacks would become if they too got free money. It would truly be a nightmare.
impuretrash said:
What a ridiculous thread topic. Ascepias and IM2 are the worst posters on this forum. Both of you low IQ retards are doing a great disservice to black americans so why don't you just give it up already and go eat crayons?
HA-HAA !! How True !!
The OP Is A Veiled Denial Posing As A Question
Of African Slavery By Africans In Africa

Yet Asclepias Keeps Deflecting To Slavery In N. America !!

Asclepias Seeks An African History
That Has Magical Cities, Streets Of Gold, And The Ability To Fly

IM2 Is An Overt Racial Bigot
That Wants Us To Help Him Pretend American Greatness
Could Never Have Happened Without Enslaved Illiterates Picking Cotton Bolls

Slavery Happened In America In A Bubble All By Itself....Yessir !!

I Can't Help But Wonder
How Prevalent Are These Thoughts In The Black Community ??

Asclepias comes from a culturally superior African country. One where knowledge and technology are far superior to anything in the West, in fact everything the West has accomplished is thanks to his culture teaching us everything we know.

He comes from Wakanda.
So Asclepias can swim back there too.
countries had a policy of selling servants to white slave traders as a way of trying to deflect on any talk of reparations from the US? I always wondered about this and I think I have it figured out. Its got to be some sort of cognitive dissonance at play. Whites make up and made up a lot of stories to justify all the criminal things they have and still do. I guess they think having some traitors help them procure slaves means the practice was one that Africans practiced as a national policy. Its a good thing having access to research from Black authors that tell the truth.
Slavery in the US wasn't practised as a national policy either.

And you need to go get your reparations from Africa. The sooner, the better. :biggrin:
countries had a policy of selling servants to white slave traders as a way of trying to deflect on any talk of reparations from the US? I always wondered about this and I think I have it figured out. Its got to be some sort of cognitive dissonance at play. Whites make up and made up a lot of stories to justify all the criminal things they have and still do. I guess they think having some traitors help them procure slaves means the practice was one that Africans practiced as a national policy. Its a good thing having access to research from Black authors that tell the truth.
Slavery in the US wasn't practised as a national policy either.

And you need to go get your reparations from Africa. The sooner, the better. :biggrin:
Youre another monkey that always proves to be a useful idiot. Thanks

Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 - Wikipedia

"The Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 was an Act of the United States Congress to give effect to the Fugitive Slave Clause of the U.S. Constitution (Article 4, Section 2, Clause 3 Note: Superseded by the Thirteenth Amendment)[1] which guaranteed a right of a slaveholder to recover an escaped slave. "
countries had a policy of selling servants to white slave traders as a way of trying to deflect on any talk of reparations from the US? I always wondered about this and I think I have it figured out. Its got to be some sort of cognitive dissonance at play. Whites make up and made up a lot of stories to justify all the criminal things they have and still do. I guess they think having some traitors help them procure slaves means the practice was one that Africans practiced as a national policy. Its a good thing having access to research from Black authors that tell the truth.
Slavery in the US wasn't practised as a national policy either.

And you need to go get your reparations from Africa. The sooner, the better. :biggrin:
Youre another monkey that always proves to be a useful idiot. Thanks

Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 - Wikipedia

"The Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 was an Act of the United States Congress to give effect to the Fugitive Slave Clause of the U.S. Constitution (Article 4, Section 2, Clause 3 Note: Superseded by the Thirteenth Amendment)[1] which guaranteed a right of a slaveholder to recover an escaped slave. "
So what? Doesn't mean everybody practised slavery. Fool.
countries had a policy of selling servants to white slave traders as a way of trying to deflect on any talk of reparations from the US? I always wondered about this and I think I have it figured out. Its got to be some sort of cognitive dissonance at play. Whites make up and made up a lot of stories to justify all the criminal things they have and still do. I guess they think having some traitors help them procure slaves means the practice was one that Africans practiced as a national policy. Its a good thing having access to research from Black authors that tell the truth.
Slavery in the US wasn't practised as a national policy either.

And you need to go get your reparations from Africa. The sooner, the better. :biggrin:
Youre another monkey that always proves to be a useful idiot. Thanks

Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 - Wikipedia

"The Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 was an Act of the United States Congress to give effect to the Fugitive Slave Clause of the U.S. Constitution (Article 4, Section 2, Clause 3 Note: Superseded by the Thirteenth Amendment)[1] which guaranteed a right of a slaveholder to recover an escaped slave. "
So what? Doesn't mean everybody practised slavery. Fool.
Thats why I never said everybody practiced slavery you idiot.
countries had a policy of selling servants to white slave traders as a way of trying to deflect on any talk of reparations from the US? I always wondered about this and I think I have it figured out. Its got to be some sort of cognitive dissonance at play. Whites make up and made up a lot of stories to justify all the criminal things they have and still do. I guess they think having some traitors help them procure slaves means the practice was one that Africans practiced as a national policy. Its a good thing having access to research from Black authors that tell the truth.
Slavery in the US wasn't practised as a national policy either.

And you need to go get your reparations from Africa. The sooner, the better. :biggrin:
Youre another monkey that always proves to be a useful idiot. Thanks

Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 - Wikipedia

"The Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 was an Act of the United States Congress to give effect to the Fugitive Slave Clause of the U.S. Constitution (Article 4, Section 2, Clause 3 Note: Superseded by the Thirteenth Amendment)[1] which guaranteed a right of a slaveholder to recover an escaped slave. "
So what? Doesn't mean everybody practised slavery. Fool.
Thats why I never said everybody practiced slavery you idiot.
So are you mad at blacks for selling you into slavery? Or you only hate white people?
hunarcy said:
The Story of Africa| BBC World Service

I think that anyone who was a slave deserves reparations.
And Here Is Where They Forfeit Their Claims In The US:
"King Gezo said in the 1840's he would do anything the British wanted him to do apart from giving up slave trade

Here In The United States
Every Accommodation Has Been Made To Help Blacks Better Themselves
And Yet, Blacks Insist On Remaining
At The Bottom Of The Socio-Economic Ladder
Burning And Looting Their Neighborhoods And Driving Off Businesses
While Other Demographics Move Up Into Society

Blacks Have Not Taken Advantage Of The Reparations
Available Since The Late 60's

No, What Blacks Want Is Cash Money To Squander
Along With Everything Else Blacks Have Destroyed
And Want Whites To Agree It Can Never Be Repaid !!

Well, Blacks Ain't Gonna Getting DIDDLY !!
Go To Any Black-Run Nation On Earth
And Live The Dream
Because I'm Not Responsible
For Black's Ongoing Fail As A Collective Group

All The Cash 'Reparations' Will Never Help Blacks
Because Blacks As A Collective Group
Refuse To Help Each Other Or Themselves

Blacks Owe Our Society Reparations !!
By Being The Most Glaring Anchor And Hindrance To Progress
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countries had a policy of selling servants to white slave traders as a way of trying to deflect on any talk of reparations from the US? I always wondered about this and I think I have it figured out. Its got to be some sort of cognitive dissonance at play. Whites make up and made up a lot of stories to justify all the criminal things they have and still do. I guess they think having some traitors help them procure slaves means the practice was one that Africans practiced as a national policy. Its a good thing having access to research from Black authors that tell the truth.
Your racist slant on the situation betrays you. Try being honest with the truth.

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