Why do you consider Obama a successful president?

But he didn't stick us in any wars...

Well, he overthrew Qaddafi and today Libya is worse than ever and now they have open-air slave markets. He also tried to overthrow Assad, which resulted in the biggest humanitarian crisis the world has seen in many, many years with millions of Syrians fleeing to neighboring countries, Europe and the U.S. I'd say that Libya and Syria were two huge fuckups for Obama.
Libya is not on Obama. Obama's insticts were to do nothing.

And yes, I've said he didn't stem the migrant crisis. But W caused it.
Libya. It is cool Obama invaded that sovereign nation and the slave markets are operating once again.
Libya is not on Obama. Obama's insticts were to do nothing. And yes, I've said he didn't stem the migrant crisis. But W caused it.

That's bullshit. It's Bush's fault that Obama funded and armed the insurgency in Syria? LOL. And Libya isn't on Obama? Then who the fuck is it on?
1. The ACA was an accomplishment only for the Insurance industry but is a burden on the individual and small business.

2. How many of those 13 million jobs were full time jobs versus part time jobs with no benefits?

3. The Bank Bailout was signed by George W. Bush in 2008 and not by Obama.

Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 - Wikipedia

4. Democrats were in control of the House and Senate the last two years of George W. Bush final term as President, so Pelosi, Reid and Bush failed this nation and not just Bush.

5. Iran is still a Nuclear threat in the near future.


So the only thing I agree with you on is he did open the door for Cuba which I did agree with and order the killing of Bin-Ladien and bailed out the car industry but the rest is just Progressive Talking Points which one he was still a Senator when Bush bailed the Banks out with Pelosi and Reid help.

So no Obama was not as great as some believe and was just another Jimmy Carter that won a second term on accusing those that voted against him as being racist...

Oh and Bush was no better!

Last decent President was Ike!

Was The Great Obama successful?

Stopped a Depression
Saved the Banks and Auto Companies
Cut the deficit in half
Added 13 million jobs
Passed Obamacare
Got Iran to abandon its nukes
Killed bin Laden
Recognized Cuba

Not too shabby for a community organizer
Daffy Duck could have done half of them and most of the rest have been or are being reversed since they were huge mistakes.
Republicans didn’t

Took the Great Obama to come in and rescue America from the Bush disaster
Libya is not on Obama. Obama's insticts were to do nothing. And yes, I've said he didn't stem the migrant crisis. But W caused it.

That's bullshit. It's Bush's fault that Obama funded and armed the insurgency in Syria? LOL. And Libya isn't on Obama? Then who the fuck is it on?
You have to understand the desperation in salvaging Obama's legacy I suppose.
The country is still here and was still the most powerful, influential country after he left office; he was president for 2 full terms; he wasn't targeted by any assassination attempts that I know of. :dunno: :p
Libya is not on Obama. Obama's insticts were to do nothing. And yes, I've said he didn't stem the migrant crisis. But W caused it.

That's bullshit. It's Bush's fault that Obama funded and armed the insurgency in Syria? LOL. And Libya isn't on Obama? Then who the fuck is it on?
Libya was a euro deal. But W destabilized the ME.

I know you guys have to hate. And I voted for W and more or less was just sad. Trump's a whole other animal.

But both W and Obama will go down in history as middle of the pack. The OP is nice, but success is pretty much not causing a civil war in America. Anything above that pretty much gets you off the bottom. LOL
Was The Great Obama successful?

Stopped a Depression
Saved the Banks and Auto Companies
Cut the deficit in half
Added 13 million jobs
Passed Obamacare
Got Iran to abandon its nukes
Killed bin Laden
Recognized Cuba

Not too shabby for a community organizer
Daffy Duck could have done half of them and most of the rest have been or are being reversed since they were huge mistakes.
Republicans didn’t

Took the Great Obama to come in and rescue America from the Bush disaster
Sorry but it was Ben Bernanke and the Fed creating a near zero interest rate environment which provided the stimulus the banks needed to stop the bleeding. Obama was far too busy pushing government healthcare down our throats to be concerned about anything else.
The Great Obama will be known for eight years of steady, calm leadership between the catastrophes of the Bush and Trump presidencies. (The two worst modern presidents)
Was The Great Obama successful?

Stopped a Depression
Saved the Banks and Auto Companies
Cut the deficit in half
Added 13 million jobs
Passed Obamacare
Got Iran to abandon its nukes
Killed bin Laden
Recognized Cuba

Not too shabby for a community organizer
Daffy Duck could have done half of them and most of the rest have been or are being reversed since they were huge mistakes.
Republicans didn’t

Took the Great Obama to come in and rescue America from the Bush disaster
Sorry but it was Ben Bernanke and the Fed creating a near zero interest rate environment which provided the stimulus the banks needed to stop the bleeding. Obama was far too busy pushing government healthcare down our throats to be concerned about anything else.
The Great Obama propped up the failing banks that were falling like dominos. He ended the panic that was causing the collapse of the stock market. He also saved the auto companies that Republicans were urging to fail
He brought prestige, more business and more attention to bath houses everywhere.
Presidential historians currently rank President Obama 11 out of 45 presidents. Trump is ranked 44...so far.

Historical rankings of presidents of the United States - Wikipedia
Ask a historian where they rank Churchill for 20th century leaders. If he’s not in their top 3 then they are leftist moonbats.

Many of your historians are leftist moonbats.
The same poll that ranked Trump at 44 ranked Obama at 8. That's what you get when you poll liberal arts "professors".

The Great Obama will always be known for his advocacy of Gay Rights and fighting for their acceptance in the military and same sex marriage
Presidential historians currently rank President Obama 11 out of 45 presidents. Trump is ranked 44...so far.

Historical rankings of presidents of the United States - Wikipedia
Ask a historian where they rank Churchill for 20th century leaders. If he’s not in their top 3 then they are leftist moonbats.

Many of your historians are leftist moonbats.
The same poll that ranked Trump at 44 ranked Obama at 8. That's what you get when you poll liberal arts "professors".


Then how do you account for Reagan and Eisenhower being in the top ten?

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