Why do you consider Obama a successful president?

The only success he had was in firing up the race war.

His election certainly enraged the White Nationalist and brought out many closet racist across the nation.

His biggest success, pardon me if I steal this from another poster, Obamagas. It was some awesome stuff.
The Great Obama will always be known for his advocacy of Gay Rights and fighting for their acceptance in the military and same sex marriage

Yeah, what a legacy.... forcing bakers to bake cakes for gays has been at the forefront for centuries.

Gays have been persecuted for centuries
Bakers? Not so much

Nobody is persecuting gays.

At least not in America
Was The Great Obama successful?

Stopped a Depression
Saved the Banks and Auto Companies
Cut the deficit in half
Added 13 million jobs
Passed Obamacare
Got Iran to abandon its nukes
Killed bin Laden
Recognized Cuba

Not too shabby for a community organizer
the "great obama"?....is that a magic act?...
In this Trumpian age....we come up with simplistic nicknames for our politicians based on a predominant character trait

Hence we get...
Lil Marco
Lying Ted
Crooked Hillary
Rocket Man
Fat Donnie
And of course......The Great Obama
nicknames are a baseball tradition....
The only success he had was in firing up the race war.

His election certainly enraged the White Nationalist and brought out many closet racist across the nation.

His biggest success, pardon me if I steal this from another poster, Obamagas. It was some awesome stuff.
he bought out the jerks on both sides....i was called a racist just for saying i didnt agree with one of his policies by one of the bigger jerks here.....
Presidential historians currently rank President Obama 11 out of 45 presidents. Trump is ranked 44...so far.

Historical rankings of presidents of the United States - Wikipedia
Ask a historian where they rank Churchill for 20th century leaders. If he’s not in their top 3 then they are leftist moonbats.

Many of your historians are leftist moonbats.
The same poll that ranked Trump at 44 ranked Obama at 8. That's what you get when you poll liberal arts "professors".


Then how do you account for Reagan and Eisenhower being in the top ten?
How could Reagan and Eisenhower not be in the top ten?
How could Obama be in the top ten?
How could liberal arts "professors historically rate a president 12 months into his administration?

The answer to the latter two is clear. They might as well have asked Waters and the Black Congressional Caucus.
Show us the evidence via a link that the survey was conducted by liberal arts professors. You usually lie and make stuff up so why should anyone believe the garbage you spew in this thread.
The Great Obama will always be known for his advocacy of Gay Rights and fighting for their acceptance in the military and same sex marriage

Yeah, what a legacy.... forcing bakers to bake cakes for gays has been at the forefront for centuries.

Gays have been persecuted for centuries
Bakers? Not so much
Are you saying gays and bakers are mutually exclusive? You bigot
No, I am saying that bakers who refuse to sell to same sex marriages are a bunch of pussies
The only success he had was in firing up the race war.

His election certainly enraged the White Nationalist and brought out many closet racist across the nation.

His biggest success, pardon me if I steal this from another poster, Obamagas. It was some awesome stuff.
he bought out the jerks on both sides....i was called a racist just for saying i didnt agree with one of his policies by one of the bigger jerks here.....
Show us
The Great Obama will always be known for his advocacy of Gay Rights and fighting for their acceptance in the military and same sex marriage

Yeah, what a legacy.... forcing bakers to bake cakes for gays has been at the forefront for centuries.

Gays have been persecuted for centuries
Bakers? Not so much
Are you saying gays and bakers are mutually exclusive? You bigot
No, I am saying that bakers who refuse to sell to same sex marriages are a bunch of pussies

I know what you were saying. I made a joke that you said bakers can’t be gay
Presidential historians currently rank President Obama 11 out of 45 presidents. Trump is ranked 44...so far.

Historical rankings of presidents of the United States - Wikipedia
Ask a historian where they rank Churchill for 20th century leaders. If he’s not in their top 3 then they are leftist moonbats.

Many of your historians are leftist moonbats.
The same poll that ranked Trump at 44 ranked Obama at 8. That's what you get when you poll liberal arts "professors".


Then how do you account for Reagan and Eisenhower being in the top ten?
How could Reagan and Eisenhower not be in the top ten?
How could Obama be in the top ten?
How could liberal arts "professors historically rate a president 12 months into his administration?

The answer to the latter two is clear. They might as well have asked Waters and the Black Congressional Caucus.
Show us the evidence via a link that the survey was conducted by liberal arts professors. You usually lie and make stuff up so why should anyone believe the garbage you spew in this thread.
You're such an asshole Camp: American Political Science Association > Home
The Great Obama will always be known for his advocacy of Gay Rights and fighting for their acceptance in the military and same sex marriage

Yeah, what a legacy.... forcing bakers to bake cakes for gays has been at the forefront for centuries.

Gays have been persecuted for centuries
Bakers? Not so much

Nobody is persecuting gays.

At least not in America
Just the GOP Base...
The only success he had was in firing up the race war.

His election certainly enraged the White Nationalist and brought out many closet racist across the nation.

His biggest success, pardon me if I steal this from another poster, Obamagas. It was some awesome stuff.
With the election of a black president, we thought it signaled an end to America’s racist past

Instead, the racists came out of the woodwork
Success is a relative term. If success is measured as achievement, Obama was pretty successful for his first couple years, and then he limped for the next six.

At this point in his Presidency, Obama managed to pass a comprehensive health care reform in the face of extremely strong opposition, and he was well on his way to passing financial reforms in the face of strong opposition from the banking industry.
Ask a historian where they rank Churchill for 20th century leaders. If he’s not in their top 3 then they are leftist moonbats.

Many of your historians are leftist moonbats.
The same poll that ranked Trump at 44 ranked Obama at 8. That's what you get when you poll liberal arts "professors".


Then how do you account for Reagan and Eisenhower being in the top ten?
How could Reagan and Eisenhower not be in the top ten?
How could Obama be in the top ten?
How could liberal arts "professors historically rate a president 12 months into his administration?

The answer to the latter two is clear. They might as well have asked Waters and the Black Congressional Caucus.
Show us the evidence via a link that the survey was conducted by liberal arts professors. You usually lie and make stuff up so why should anyone believe the garbage you spew in this thread.
You're such an asshole Camp: American Political Science Association > Home
Your link has nothing to do with the surveys and polls being discussed here. As usual, you are full of crap.
The only success he had was in firing up the race war.

His election certainly enraged the White Nationalist and brought out many closet racist across the nation.

His biggest success, pardon me if I steal this from another poster, Obamagas. It was some awesome stuff.
he bought out the jerks on both sides....i was called a racist just for saying i didnt agree with one of his policies by one of the bigger jerks here.....

True, I can't disagree. I've been called a lot of things for defending Obama against some of the wacky claims made. But it's politics so, meh.
The same poll that ranked Trump at 44 ranked Obama at 8. That's what you get when you poll liberal arts "professors".


Then how do you account for Reagan and Eisenhower being in the top ten?
How could Reagan and Eisenhower not be in the top ten?
How could Obama be in the top ten?
How could liberal arts "professors historically rate a president 12 months into his administration?

The answer to the latter two is clear. They might as well have asked Waters and the Black Congressional Caucus.
Show us the evidence via a link that the survey was conducted by liberal arts professors. You usually lie and make stuff up so why should anyone believe the garbage you spew in this thread.
You're such an asshole Camp: American Political Science Association > Home
Your link has nothing to do with the surveys and polls being discussed here. As usual, you are full of crap.
Camp, look at RWers link asshole. The same institution which rated Obama at 8 rated was the only one that rated Trump...at 44 - APSA.

You're out of you league sister!

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